Any EXCUM You BACK UP Can Fmd For Not YOUR BOY lipping Your Bond Buying W! Please Hitler Snbepenbent - ieaber -No. 29. F.nlnri.l i nfl rla*A mutter Pulillshtd Every Krl.lny WOODBRIDGK, N. J., FRIDAY. 27 !!>• PRICE FIVE CENTO tile 1'nm WoodbrKire, N. at 11 (irnen SI.. Wnoi|lirlil(t», N. .!. Sweetness Schools Put Scrap OPA Bows To Ration Board; AND To Reopen On Curb Light E. Gregory — Servicemen To Get Gasoline Hv Sept. 8th Tomorrow ;.,.. I mi'Ull to belittle " Muiphy and Edg« Beginners May Be En- Prepared Tin Cans To VurUm lhrV ,,ia,v plan t° lil Be Collected Start- ;hi||. nW11 stuff in the roiled During 1st 10 As Local Blood Started Off To War" ^ '',,!_-hin>r campaign for Days Of Next Month ing At 7 A. M. 1 |,,,i [ might BB well WounHRIIMiK — A rnllcctiui WOOniBKHHi'K - Woodbrid-e atirc Fight ', ,l,al precious few "f |n-i inired tin cans will be madi Towimhip Public Schools will re- hen1 tomorrow, Mrs, Chester (! ,ri |or high places open their doors on -September i>, IVrk, rhiiiriuan of the Salvagi A(,r K,t'l ns much an a Supervising Principitl Victor V. ('"iiimitlee of the Defonsp Coun Victorious b .,t the bottom of Nidtlas announced today. Ele- oil, reminded Township resident ..ir.,.,1 ads if they -had mcntiiryy schoolcolss will .dismis.dismiss their ;K — Culminatinr i today. : b;ittli- by the local War ,11(| upon their own classes at H):3(l A. M., the openpen- ing (lay, but the high school will Housewives are requested t .iti.l llnliointii; Board, ah- 1;i|,.nt in putting to- have the cans at the curt) no lute 1 speechew conduct regular sessions. rniinl was itiatii yentenl»>' than 7:00 A. M., and they will he •t.irtmir SVntember 1 fur- % Buses Tor the school your l!M:i- i • nu nts. collected through the co-opotution iniii'iii- for nice nnd women ,omo exceptions i!ll4 will run on the ..same sehed- Lt. Henrietta M. Shohfi of ,Iohn Alnitt»i, local garbage con- si'rvii-e will he sanctioned ulu as last yc»iir. Pupils rosidins; 1SEL1N—Lt. Shohfi, daugh- 'fi'iir al rule. The tractor. iMlicc nf Price AdmiltU- in Colnnia who arc in (trades 'five ter of ,Mri. Salwa Shohfi, of Dwight Whit- In some sections of the Town- to eight inclusive will be tram- Green Street, hai completed her nbip, block leaders have been ap- ,i,,w wouldn't have a liortfd to Wofldbridge. Pupils count of training with the Ko.n I Ii' ir uas made .', loim pointed and it will be their func- llti.|- UII the premises. living in Kcatibi'v who arc in WAC at Fort Da* Moin«., low*, n-i-ii'iii light to win this tion to collect all tin cans in the , ..indent and a bril- grades seven and eight will be and KM been aiiigned to duty ml and iiuifned the deep di»- block that are left at the. curb and •;iiii, of ili,- OPA when it pufe- .,'. and he had a (lair transported to Kmds School No. 7 it Camp Rucker, Alabama. put them in one spot so that the ]•-. .!•!•,I'liiirnl M-vrrul week* ago 1 while pupils residing in Avc.nel who Hi. Shohfi »tt«nd«d Wood. • lijiijr ,'lcai , homely collectors will not have to make l he in f>null's seven and eight bVidge ichooli and Coleman'i i! it would no longer obay tha too many stops, thus isuvinu gaao •.hich will bt Iransrtortcjk to- Schrrol No. Buitneit College, H«r brother, iiiliiin .mains! allowing, tuck. line. ' ft % naiii' content; and 11 in. Woodbridgp. Richard, ii a ttaff lerfrant in !!. This a(lion was takes In those sections where block HIil<-is were received to pet- lascs would • have - Heninneis who will be fivo the Army Air 'Force and it it«- leaders have not been appointed nvilian- the u-e of 24 gallons .,, up in the air like a yearn old or older |>rior to Novem- tioned at Kintai City, Kap. as yet, housewives arc asked to Moliii- to travel lo und from ,'M,n. IT you ever want ber 1. l!li;«, may he admitted t.n take it upon themselves to pick a v:i. ;'.:,inils. ,. serious reading, school the first tor, days in Sep- lim spot in their block for a "commu- r;i iicrmission. the Board fell, hat speech he made tember. 'Parents are requested to 2 Railroad Laborers nity pile" if possible. lii-'i immatoiy when it failed , iiiitorium of a'New- present .birth and vaccination ccr- tilieates. Fined $50 For Brawl. Need Papert, Too iiifhi'le si'rvice men and wo- ,iv in which he gave Mrs. Peck also announced that men. Tbi' Ol'A 'ook no action on New pupils may he enrolled us \V OODBRIDGE—G e o r g e A. ml respectability to there was a shortage in paper and plea of the Board to end this follows; On September 7 between Day, VI, of 116 French Street, : against prohibition, she requested residents to start II 'equity, ami until yesterday its the hours of il:;!0 mid 11 A. M. Westmount and Andrew J. Hod- VII M'V what I mean. saving newspapers and magazines. In Ill' : • i•:•I inanni'i persons the Township. Ii 1 i-i'in i nly reply wus to the effect th*t Pupils for entrance in grades iiiR, 'M\. of !i43l Thomson Street, WllillU'.v I'. l,ee;nn. rh;iiriii.in n 'odlindu:,' i, ar friend Doc Katon "When you have a pile of pa- donated their M"-"i 1.1 iln- I s Mobih ;my local board member who di»- one to four in Woodbridge proper Philadelphia, laborers employed Township t' h: i 11 i i • I •. Aiuerir.ni I! 'l >ii-s ami pers about five feet high," Mrs. Wood Hank Monday win |. •'.11 tl• tl) I 111 i usscd OPA policies publicly munt ,,.i-. Doc is just about may register in 'School No. 1. by the Port Rending Railroad, dnml slandnn_,r iievl ." tui, [""Liiii;" -It i al "lie "f Peck said, "send me a card at 517 ('ral'NmanV (liih. here. Tl Will l« irMfrii. The lioanl here arlvjwd ... articulate man in Pupils for entrance in prudes were lined $!)0 eath in police court colLycrted inln lifi- LViviny lilnud plasma and the donors v- .Mi., .l.'lni Knzii '. ebaninali Tisdale Place or to the Junior ith.. OPA Hint it had no intention .|V today and he does- live to eight in Weodbridgo prop- as the result of a drunken brawl wilf lie sent to the Ii;iltli'l'u Ids overseas. of ihe hlooil hank tMiinniillee \ '• I'j dni a Red Cross at Woodbridge High of resiKiiini; and, -furthermore, er may be. enrolled in .School 'No in the railroad bunkhouse in which Shown above in the forejrriiiiiid is Mrs. I'ercy splendid job in organization an leciirtnji the that it had nn intention o( retreat- (I anyone's help in School and we will see to it that lilood donors. i nothchcr laborerlaber, William 0. Dan- II. Locker, chairman of the Nurses' Aides in :ii;a his: case either to it is collected." inir from its policy of (fiving a Pupils for entrance in Straw- 'ID, of West Philadelphia, •jnsoliiu' ralioli to any meml er »if_ — or the electorate, ter Mrs. Peck said that newspapers berry Hill school will report HI. , , the armed forci-i Vime 1M1 (ut slightly aller- that >chool. badly beaten/ and magazines should be kept it According to the police the fight separate piles and tied with strong Wounded Servicemen To Benefit Listen! " -pi'i'ches, but never to mils for Entrance in Colonia began after the m«n had consumed cord or rope so that the packages The Board* Position • '.vhicb — and this is School •will report at that school. New pupils, who are to attend a large quantity of wine. Hoding will not Tall apart when thrown And If Weather Is Yesterday's announcement did ihiiu even Mr. Morrow schools outside of Woodbridge was arrested shortly after tho onto the trucks making the col Through Township's Patriotism not indicate the maximum fur- I .].i he delivers cxtern- proper will enroll at the various %ht Saturday morning by Patrol- lection. Bad You May Hear i'uigh ration contemplated, but the They were then turned over to n I:I•niisly. When he's fin- schools on September 8 between men Joseph Dalton and Joseph 265 Gii* Pint 0/ Blood local Board ha.« taken the attitude Griuly, Day was picked up later .echuician who ty,pcil them, took' These Signals that allowance equal to that pro- I tlicfe isn't a conjunc- H::iO uiiil 11 A. M. in the morning by Lieutenant De- heir blood pressure and count,. If vided for civilians should be per- Tranf«ree Rulci To Be Made Into Plas- 'iiii of place, so the tective George Balint in front of he donor .proved to be • physically WOODBlUiDC-E —When in- mitted. Port Reading tavern. Both Whodunit? ••;..i|'i:ii :ecui(l shows, nnd Students transferring from higli ma For Red Cross Bank perfect he or she was given a cnni. clement weather comes and il Isv medimil It also was stated that ponding ,-..,< .•nautili to make you thinkrchools outside ththee .di^icti.to t.hnn i lll^ jd ^mj^ ^^y The donors were then given ftnii inadvisable to let. Johnnie ami T I) i Hllirmatioii of its policy on Sep- :,'•• you're ill the iVi>>o;l or Hijrh School in Woodbridge, in«y |iittenfion when arrested.
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