VÝZKUMNÉ ČLÁNKY Effect of heat treatment on microstructure, microhardness and corrosion resistance of ZE41 Mg alloy Syam Prasad U.1, Kondaiah V. V.2, Akhil K.3, Vijay Kumar V.1, Nagamani B.1, Jhansi K.3, Ravikumar Dumpala4, Venkateswarlu B.3, Ratna Sunil B.5 1 Department of Mechanical Engineering, Rajiv Gandhi University of Knowledge Technologies, Nuzvid, India 2 Center for Design and Analysis, Department of Mechanical Engineering, CMR College of Engineering and Technology, Hyderabad, India 3 Department of Metallurgical and Materials Engineering, Rajiv Gandhi University of Knowledge Technologies, Nuzvid, India 4 Department of Mechanical Engineering, Visvesvaraya National Institute of Technology, Nagpur, India 5 Department of Mechanical Engineering, Bapatla Engineering College, Bapatla, India E-mail: [email protected] Magnesium and its alloys are now attracting a great atten- developed for structural and biomedical applications. tion as promising materials for several light weight engineering Mg–Zn group is one among the alloy family, which applications. ZE41 is a new Mg alloy contains Zinc, Zirconium is widely being investigated for various strategic and and Rare Earth elements as the important alloying elements and is widely used in aerospace applications. In the present study, critical applications. ZE41 Mg alloy is a new class of Mg heat treatment has been carried out at two different temperatu- alloy belongs to Mg-Zn group which contains Zn, Zr and res (300 and 335 °C) to assess the effect of heat treatment on rare earth (RE) elements as the alloying elements. ZE41 microstructure and corrosion behavior of ZE41 Mg alloy. The Mg alloy is used in aircraft and automobile industry grain size was observed as almost similar for the unprocessed [4]. If the solubility of the added alloying element in and heat treated samples. Decreased amount of secondary pha- Mg is lower, then a secondary phase is formed which is se (MgZn ) was observed after heat treating at 300 °C and in- 2 usually observed at the grain boundaries. Additionally, creased intermetallic phase (Mg7Zn3) and higher number of twins appeared for the samples heat treated at 335 °C. Microhardness the presence of Zr can form precipitates within the α-Mg measurements showed increased hardness after heat treating at dendrites along with intermetallics of Mg–Zn. [5]. 300 °C and decreased hardness after heat treating at 335 °C The volume fraction and distribution of the secon- which can be attributed to the presence of higher supersaturated dary phase are the two important key factors which grains after heat treating at 300 °C. The samples heat treated at influence the bulk properties of the alloy. Surya Kiran et 335 °C exhibited better corrosion resistance compared to those of base materials and samples heat treated at 300 °C. From the al., [6] altered the microstructure of AZ91 Mg alloy by results, it can be understood that the selection of heat treatment friction stir processing (FSP) and decreased secondary temperature is crucial that depends on the requirement i.e. to im- phase was observed. Due to the fine grain size and prove the microhardness or at the loss of microhardness to impro- decreased intermetallic phase, improved machinability ve the corrosion resistance of ZE41 Mg alloy. and lower edge damage was noticed during drilling operations. Recently, Venkataiah et al., [7] processed INTRODUCTION ZE41 Mg alloy by FSP and the effect of decreased grain size was found to be prominent on increasing the yield Magnesium (Mg) and its alloys are light-weight strength without decreasing ductility. On the other hand, nonferrous metals, now gaining importance in the mate- heat treatment is a process, which combines systematic rials engineering as promising alternative materials for heating and cooling to alter the microstructure [8]. many structural applications in the automobile, aerospace Swetha et al., [9] demonstrated the prominent effect of and electronic goods industries [1]. The density of Mg is heat treatment on altering the distribution of secondary 1.74 g cm-3, which is nearly 30% lower compared with phase in AZ91 Mg alloy and further on increasing the aluminium. Additionally, high specific strength with machinability during turning. However, corrosion resis- good machinability made Mg as the prime choice to tance was observed as decreased after the heat treatment develop the structures for energy efficient applications due to the development of supersaturated grains. Zaho [2]. It has been well understood that the microstructure et al., [10] heat treated AZ80 Mg alloy and after solution of material influences the structure sensitive proper- treatment, dissolution of intermetallic phase (Mg17Al12) ties [3]. Recently, several new Mg alloys have been was observed with grain coarsening effect. Further, Koroze a ochrana materiálu 63(2) 79-85 (2019) DOI: 10.2478/kom-2019-0010 79 Effect of heat treatment on microstructure, microhardness and corrosion resistance of... Syam Prasad U. et al. increased strength and ductility was also achieved out. Average grain size of the specimens was measured after solution and aging treatment. In Mg-Zn alloy by linear intercept method by using Image J software system, the maximum solubility of Zn in Mg at room (USA). In linear intercept method, a set of straight lines temperature is limited to < 0.5 wt.%. The amount of are randomly drawn on the micrograph which has been Zn in solid solution is progressively increased up to obtained at a known magnification. Then the average 2.4 wt.% at 325 °C and stable till 340 °C [11, 12]. The grain size can be obtained by dividing the total length of amount of intermetallic phase that is formed between the line by total number of grains intercepted by the line Mg–Zn is altered at these temperatures. If the alloy is as per ASTM standard E112-12 [15, 16]. The specimens heated above 340 °C, the material reaches to a two phase were characterized by X-ray diffraction method (XRD, region (liquid + solid solution of Mg–Zn). The influence D8 Advanced, Bruker, USA) with CuKα radiation ((λ = of heat treatment on altering the microstructure of ZE41 = 1.54 Å) between 20 and 80 deg. and further on its corrosion behavior is not sufficiently Microhardness (Omnitech, India) measurements explored yet. It is a common practice that the material were done for all the specimens by applying 100 g load is heated to a phase transformation region and is rapidly for 15 sec. A total of ten measurements were done on quenched to retain the corresponding microstructure each sample by maintaining 1 mm distance between [13]. In the present study, ZE41 Mg alloy has been heat two consecutive indents. Electrochemical studies were treated at two different temperatures (300 and 335 °C) carried out using 3.5 wt.% NaCl solution as the electro- just above and below the isothermal transformation lyte (IVIUM Soft, Netherlands). Potentiodynamic po- temperature (325 °C) as per the Mg-Zn alloy system larization (PDP) tests were conducted to assess the [11]. The influence of heat treatment on microstructure, corrosion behavior of the specimens. During the expe- microhardness and corrosion behavior was investigated. riments, a platinum rod was used as a counter electrode and a saturated calomel electrode (SCE) was used as a reference electrode with the specimen (area of 1 cm2) EXPERIMENTAL as the working electrode. All the specimens were polished using emery papers up to 2000 grade before ZE41 Mg alloy specimens were cut from the core the experiments. Open circuit potential (OCP) was esta- of a cast billet (Exclusive Magnesium, Hyderabad, blished for 30 min and with the reference to OCP, the India) and machined to a size of 20×20×5 mm. The potential scanning range was fixed for all the specimens chemical composition of the received alloy used in the between –2.5 V to –1.0 V scan range. Potentiodyna- present study is shown in Table 1. Heat treatment was mic polarization tests were conducted at a scan rate carried out using an electric furnace with an accuracy of of 5 mV s−1. Two measurements were done for each ±1 °C (V.B. Ceramics, Chennai, India). Initially, all the sample. The corrosion current density (icorr) and corro- specimens were cleaned with ethanol and placed in the sion potential (Ecorr) values were obtained from the furnace. Heating was carried out with a rate of 5 °C per polarization plots using Tafel extrapolation method and min to a temperature of 300 °C and then the specimens average values were considered for the analysis [17]. were kept for soaking for 4, 8 and 16 h. The soaking Statistical analysis of the experimental data was done time was selected based on the earlier experiments [9]. by using Origin software (USA) considering p = 0.05 as Then the specimens were immersed in chilled water the significant level. kept at room temperature. The specimens were coded as ZE41, 4HT300, 8HT300 and 16HT300 for unprocessed and 4, 8 and 16 h heat treated at 300 °C respectively. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Similarly, heat treatment was also done at 335 °C and the specimens were coded as 4HT335, 8HT335 and 16HT335 ZE41 Mg alloy is composed of Mg, Zn, RE ele- respectively. The specimens were metallographically ments; additionally with smaller amounts of other trace polished by using different grades of emery papers elements such as Fe, Mn, Si and Zr. Figure 1 shows the followed by diamond paste polishing. Chemical etching optical microscope images of the samples. At room tem- was done using picric acid reagent [14] and optical mi- perature, ZE41 Mg alloy contains α-grains (solid solution croscope (Leica, Germany) observations were carried of Mg–Zn) and a network of intermetallic compounds Tab. 1. Chemical composition of ZE41 Mg alloy used in the present study Element (Wt.
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