Kata-^aa Joint Free Public LI jraa 1V 1 6 5 Main St INDEPENDENT ☆ Vv m yh© Weekly Newspaper County orders repayment of grant, claiming nepotism MATAWAN BOROUGH and the money returned came last week after responsibility for hiring McGowan, the program was initiated, the borough received applications for the three positions then Charging nepotism, the county Manpower months of com munication between the county selection was cleared w ith a CETA official, 20 available. When the borough later received Dept, has declared that the borough m ust fire and the borough. Edward Morris, in an oral agreement. additional CETA funds, he said, it was Kenneth McGowan, a civilian police dispatch­ Thomas A. Pagdon, county manpower Morris has reportedly denied giving his possible to create a fourth position. Young er, and return his salary, which was paid w ith director, said that it was “ abundantly clear a p p r o v a l. McGowan was recommended for the fourth V federal Comprehensive Em ploym ent Train­ that Kenneth McGoan is the son of the deputy Robert Collins, clerk of the Board of position by Police Chief John E. M elna, Dolan ing Act grant. chief and that he learned about his job Freeholders, said that he talked to federal through his father and that the chief said that CETA officials yesterday and was told that said. Acting on the chief’s recommendation, The dispatcher is the son of Deputy Police when he is on vacation, the deputy chief takes the violation appears to be so “ obvious” that he added, he hired McGowan. Chief Robert McGowan. o v e r . ” if the county hadn’t tried to recapture the “ I personally feel very bad about dropping Councilman Ralph Dolan, who is police The borough had contended that the deputy funds from the borough, the federal agency Kenny from the program,” Dolan said. “ 1 commissioner, declared last night that he chief had no influence in the selection of his would have required the county to pay the think he has been an outstanding em ployee.” believes “ Kenny’s rights have been violated” son as a dispatcher. It also contended that m o n e y . The Policeman’s Benevolent Assn. has and that he w ill appeal the decision. Kenneth McGowan would never have to “ I think what really bothered the federal w ritten a letter to the county urging officials McGowan has worked as a dispatcher since report to this father because the deputy chief representative,” Collins said, “ is that only to rescind the decision and claiming that M ay 1975. It is estim ated that the borough w ill does not have the authority to assume the one applicant was considered (for the firing McGowan would have a "detrim ental be required to repay $7,000. responsibilities of the chief. dispatcher’s job).” effect on the department. AFTER The decision that McGowan must be fired According to Dolan, who has taken Dolan said that when the dispatcher “ I don’t have any objection to his staying on (and being paid by the borough),” Collins Denise Poretti of Matawan, who recently had jejuno-ileal by-pass surgery in hopes of commented, “ but they are still going to owe solving her weight problem, has agreed to allow The Independent to report her progress “in New plant won't solve problem, Birmingham claims us the money.” tfie hope of helping others in my situation.” (Photo by A. Herman) McGowan will be retained as a special policeman, Dolan said, but must be ter­ m inated as a dispatcher, because dispatchers are hired only through the CETA program. By-pass surgery used Federal authorities, Collins said, w ill make W ater debate continues a routine investigation of the case. He said, By Judith Anne Lewis however, that federal representatives have should consider regionalizing as a long-term the numbers” but agreed that no written indicated that “the county made the right KEYPORT solution to the problem. report has been issued. to curb weight problem Councilman J a m e s Birmingham has Birm ingham said that based on the reports d e c is io n .” When Birm ingham asked for another study, charged that “ the people of Keyport are being he believes “the best alternative to a “ I think the decision to hire (M cGowan),” Councilman Richard Volpe countered, “ We By Judith Anne Lewi* The excess weight not only was causing hoodwinked over our water problems” tem porary plant would be to purchase our Collins added, “ was made in good faith but have got to stop m aking reports and make a ATAWAN extreme depression but was creating and because the Borough Council m ajority has w a t e r . ” with poor judgement.” d e c is io n * ” tDenise Poretti is overweight—-almost 200 aggravating several health problems, she discounted the possibility of purchasing w ater The borough, he said, is spending approxi­ pounds overweight. s a id . instead of building a new plant. m ately $13,000 a month to purchase water or Geologist Joseph W. M iller Jr. of the state I But she has taken a drastic step which she During the consultation, she learned that In an interview yesterday, Birmingham $156,000 a year. Last year, he said, the Dept, of Environm ental Control has said that Smith to quit believes w ill rid her of the fat and stop the the operation would be expensive (the said that the Independent party m ajority has borough collected $215,000 in water fees—“ a he believes that drilling a well at the Cass ridicule she has suffered. Ms. P oretti has had doctor’s fee alone was nearly $1,000), that she erroneously claimed that reports from two lot more than what we need to buy water.” Street area w ill be a long-term solution to the jijunc-ileal by-pass surgery. would require a lengthy recuperation period independent consulting engineers are con­ At the council meeting last week, Council­ borough’s water problems. as president Several feet of her small intestine were in which she would have to be away from her sistent w ith plans to construct a new plant as man Harold Stout said that the borough Borough Engineer Howard Schoor said that removed so that instead of food being job, that she would have to adhere to a strict a long-term solution to the borough’s water auditor, Herbert Carusoe, did a cost analysis he has based his plans for drilling the well at absorbed into her system, it passed through. diet, and that there could be complications. p r o b le m s . of purchasing water as opposed to building a Cass Street on M iller’s recommendation. of school board Sbe is, therefore, virtually living off her fat. A. by-pass operation is not a substitute for A report from Frederick^! Kurt?., a plant, y ... ■ ■ i Schoor also ha$; saidi that he agrees HOLMDEL ) > .• . , " 'The operation is considered a last resort will-power, as some people believe. Patients Sayreville engineer, dated Api’j 20, s a y s th a t I A fter be nig questioned b y Richard BerJen, i^glOnalUatiOti is p tobahijj the most cosi W e n d e i l o m i t f i will Step depxil i on: r- j.. ajid is not for those who need to lose only a few m ay eat only bland foods for several months as a long-term solution to the borough’s a Democratic candidate for council, Stout fective solution to tHe borough’s problem s but president of thef Board of Education. pounds. The patient should be at least 100 and may drink no alcohol for at least two problem , officials should meet w ith “ adjacent said the report was an oral one. expressed doubts that ptens for a regional Elected board president in M ay, 1974, Sm ith pounds overweight and threatened with a years. They can add foods to their diet only a communities which face sim ilar difficulties Business Administrator Edward McLane plant could be accomplished in tim e to satisfy announced at a meeting last Wednesday that shortened lifespan because of the excess little at a tim e to determine which types of w ith ground water supply....and the feasibili­ said that he and the auditor had “ run through the borough’s needs. he was resigning from the post. He will W e ig h t. food their newly designed digestive system ty of obtaining water supply from the continue to serve as a board m em ber, he said, iDenise explained that she had tried every can tolerate. Monmouth Consolidated W ater Co. should be and w ill seek re-election in February. conceivable diet and method of losing weight. If a patient does not stick to the diet, he not thoroughly investigated.” Sm ith, a law yer, cited increased profession­ “ I don’t want to be this way,” she said. “ I only w ill not lose the expected am ount, but he Kurtz adds, “We recommend that this Board pleased by decision al responsibilities as the reason for resigning tified everything. I went to W eight W atchers, may suffer ill effects. proposal be investigated as soon as possible, as president. He stepped down before the doctors, and I tried all the diets. B ut I always Some patients lose too much weight and and before any substantial capital investm ent February election, he said, to assure pbt the weight back on.” require a second operation to put the intestine is made in upgrading the existing treatm ent continuity of leadership.
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