Photo PERSONAL PROFILE PERSONAL INFORMATION: 1 Name : Katkar Gautam Ganpati 2 Educational Qualification : M.A.NET,B.J. 3 Subject : History 4 Area of specialization : History 5 Designation : Assistant Professor 6 Date of Birth : 07/05/1973 7Gender: Male 8 Date of Appointment : 05/10/2009 9Date of Retirement: Radha Nivas,Killa Bhag ,Miraj, Tal –Miraj Dist.Sangli 10 Address : (MS) Office Address 117 Shukrwar Peth, Satara : Residential Address : Radha Nivas,Killa Bhag ,Miraj, Tal –Miraj Dist.Sangli (MS) 11. Phone Number Mobile : 9881550706 Resi.: : Office : 02162-280235 12. E-mail : [email protected] 13. Aadhaar No. (UIA) : 297867196436 14. Religion - Caste : Hindu- Mahar 15. Nationality: Indian 16. Teaching Experience : 9 Years A) EDUCATIONAL QUALIFICATION: Board/ Percentage Sr.No. Exam. Passed Year University / Grade NET 1 UGC NEW DELHI 2005 Master of Arts 2 Shivaji University, Kolhapur 2003 B+ Bachelor of Arts 3 Shivaji University, Kolhapur 1995 B Bachelor of Journalism 4 YCMOU, Nashik 2008 B+ 5 HSC Kolhapur 1992 B 6 SSLC Karnataka 1990 B Page 1 of 10 B) RESEARCH EXPERIENCE & TRAINING: Research University where the Completed Title of work/Theses Stage work was carried out, Year & Grade M.Phil. lkaxyh ftYg;krhy fuoMd eafnjkapk Tilak Maharashtra Ph.D. LFkkiR;]f’kYidyk o lkaLd`frd In Process University, Pune vH;kl ¼b-l-10 os rs 17 os ‘krd) C) RESEARCH PROJECTS CARRIED OUT (MAJOR/MINOR) FUNDED BY GOVT./NGO/INDUSTRY Name of the Funds Academic Title of the Project funding Received Remarks Year Agency In Rs. Sardar Parshurambhau 90000 Patwardhan’s Policy 1 Towards Karnataka 1557- UGC 2011 -2015 1799 D) DETAILS OF THE REFRESHER/ORIENTATION/SHORT TERM COURSES ATTENDED Orientation/ Refresher Course Name of ASC / University Date Academic Staff College,Goa 21/03/2017 to 1 Orientation Course University Goa 17/04/2017 2 Refresher course Page 2 of 10 RESEARCH PUBLICATIONS IN THE JOURNALS AND PROCEEDING WITH ISSN/ISBN NUMBERS SR.NO. AUTHOR TITLE OF PAPER NAME OF JOURNAL ISSN/ISBN NO. National : Satara Itihas fejtsrhy rarqokn; Issn: 23 21-7588 1. fufeZrhpk bfrgkl Historical Sanshodhan Research in Mandal,Satara 2013 Deccan fuoMd 2 Shivaji University ;’koarjko pOgku Isbn: 978-81- History Conference ;kaps bfrgkl 909294-4-1 ‘kks/kfuca/k laxzg 2014 fo”k;d fopkj vkf.k dk;Z 3 Mahatma Phule fdYys vftD;arkjk Mharashtra Issn: 2278-5914 Arts, Commerce, egknjokT;kP;k :Past,Present and Science tksR;kojhy Future College,Panvel,Dist f’kYikrwu fnl.kkjs Raigad 2014 yksdthou 4 Miraj fonzksgh lkaLd¥frd Contemporary Isbn: 978-81- Mahavidyalaya, pGoG% ,d Maharashtra 925854-4-4 Miraj 2014 vH;kl (1960-Onwards) Movements and Approaches [kaMkGk ;sFkhy Satara Itihas SANSHODHAN Issn: 2278-5914 Sanshodhan is’kosdkyhu ckjo Mandal, Conference o R;kojhy 2017 vizdkf’kr f’kykys[k twuk iUgkGk ¼fxfjfyax R.R. Patil College, Farmers, Workers ISBN-978-82451- Mksaxj ;sFkhy vizfl?n Savalaj, 2017 ) and Tribal 65-5 ys.kh leqg Movement in India STATE jko pOgku 1. Hon.Shri.Annasaheb ;’koar New Trends in Isbn: 854-53- Dange Arts, ;kuph lkekftd Historigraphy : 80315-05-7 Commerce & U;k;kph Hkwfedk& With Specail Science College, Reference to Hatkanangale 2013 dkgh vizdkf’kr Deccan iÌs fuoMd 2. Shivaji University ;’koarjko pOgku Isbn: 978-81- ;kaps bfrgkl History Conference ‘kks/kfuca/k laxzg 909294-4-1 2014 fo”k;d fopkj vkf.k dk;Z Page 3 of 10 3. Arts And Commerce fyac ;sfFky ‘kjHk Geo-Historical Issn: 2278-5914 College, Satara Approach of f’kYikaph ckjk 2016 eksVsph foghj% ,d Tourism Potential ,sfrgklhd i;ZVu In Maharashtra LFkG 4. Arts And Commerce fdYys vftaD;rkjk Vidyamrit Isbn:978-93- egknjoktkP;k College, Satara 84659-37-0S 2016 f’kYikrwu fnl.kkjs izk.kh&i{kh thou RESEARCH PUBLICATIONS IN THE JOURNALS NOTIFIED BY UGC WITH ISSN/ISBN NUMBERS International : 1. HISTORICITY RESEARCH JOURNAL ISSN 2393-8900 VOLUME-4 /ISSUE-8/APRIL 2018 fdYYks olarxMkojhy vizdkf’kr f’kykys[k 2 3 4 NATIONAL : 1. 2. 3. 4. BOOKS PUBLISHED/ EDITED / CHAPTER WRITING : 1 Co- Edtior : Geo Historical Approach of Tourism Potential In Maharashtra (Workshop Proceeding Book . ISSN 2278-5914 2 Chapter Writing : SOCIAL AND CULTURAL REFORMS IN COMPANY RULE IN INDIA Name of Book : History of Social Reforms in India (ISBN – 978-1-81-8486-558-5) 3 Page 4 of 10 3 E) PAPERS / POSTERS PRESENTED IN CONFERENCES, SEMINARS, SYMPOSIA,WORKSHOPS Sr. Title of Paper/ Name of the Conference/ Name of the Place and No. Poster Presented Symposia/ Seminar/ Sponsoring Agency Date Workshop, vftaD;rkjk fdYY;kP;k 1. Satara Itihas Sanshodhan Satara Itihas Umbraj egknjoktkojhy Onkjf’kYis Mandal, Conference Sanshodhan 17/10/2013 Mandal,Satara & Smt.Mangalatai Jagtap College, Umbraj vftaD;rkjk fdYY;kP;k 2. Mharashtra :Past,Present Mahatma Phule Panvel tksR;kojhy f’kYIkkrwu and Future Arts, Commerce, 04/01/2014 fnl.kkjs yksdthou Science College,Panvel,Dist Raigad fyac ;sFkhy ckjk eksVsP;k 3. Shivaji University History Chh.Shivaji College, Satara 15- foghjhojhy ‘kjHk f’kYis Conference Satara 16/02/2014 fonzksgh lkaLd`frd pGoG 4 % ,d vH;kl Contemporary Miraj Miraj 15-16 Maharashtra (1960- Mahavidyalaya, March 2014 Onwards) Movements Miraj and Approaches fdYYks olarxMkojhy 5 Satara Itihas Sanshodhan Satara Itihas Satara vizdkf’kr f’kykys[k Mandal, Conference Sanshodhan 12/10/2014 Manda,Satara & Chh.Shivaji College, Satara fyac ;sFkhy ‘kjHk f’kYikaph 6 ckjk eksVsph foghj ,d Geo-Historical Approach Arts And Commerce Satara i;ZVu LFkG of Tourism Potential In College, Satara 28/09/2015 Maharashtra 7 [kaMkGk ;sFkhy is’kosdkyhu Art, Structure in Medieval Satara Itihas Nagthane ckjo o vizdkf’kr India Sanshodhn 13/09/2015 f’kykys[k Mandal,Satara and Arts and Commerce College Nagthane twuk iUgkGk ¼fxfjfyax 8 Farmers, Workers and R.R. Patil College, Savlaj, 07- Mksaxj ;sFkhy vizfl?n ) Tribal Movement in India Savalaj, 08/03/2017 ys.kh leqg F) SEMINARS, CONFERENCES, SYMPOSIA,WORKSHOPS ETC. ATTENDED : Page 5 of 10 Sr. Name of the Seminar/ Name of the Sponsoring Place and Date No. Conference/ Symposia Agency Workshop, etc. HkVD;k foeqDr lektkph fLFkrh & 1. Shivaji University Shivaji Univeristy tkriapk;r Kolhapur Kolhapur 26/09/2013 2. Satara Itihas Sanshodhan Satara Itihas Sanshodhan Umbraj 17/10/2013 Mandal, Conference Manda,Satara & Smt.Mangalatai Jagtap College, Umbraj 3. Mharashtra :Past,Present and Mahatma Phule Arts, Panvel 04/01/2014 Future Commerce, Science College,Panvel,Dist Raigad 4 Shivaji University History Chh.Shivaji College, Satara Satara 15-16/02/2014 Conference 5 Contemporary Maharashtra Miraj Mahavidyalaya, Miraj Miraj 15-16 March (1960-Onwards) Movements 2014 and Approaches 6 Revised Syllabus Arts and Commerce Nagthane 13/08/2014 College Nagthane 7 Timirbhed Jidnysa Itihas Sansoshdhn Satara 19/08/2014 Mandal & Sanvardhan Sanstha, Satara And Yashavantrao Chavan Instistute of Science, Satara 8 Satara Itihas Sanshodhan Satara Itihas Sanshodhan Satara 12/10/2014 Mandal, Conference Manda,Satara & Chh.Shivaji College, Satara 9 Rural Health Services in Arts And Commerce Satara 08/01/2015 Maharashtra Problems and College, Satara Prospects 10 The Place of Dalit Women in Arts And Commerce Satara 10/08/2015 Hindi or Marathi Literature College, Satara 11 Revised Syllabus Workshop Arts and Commerce Nagthane 12/08/2015 College Nagthane 12 Art, Structure in Medieval India Satara Itihas Sanshodhn Nagthane 13/09/2015 Mandal,Satara and Arts and Commerce College Nagthane 13 Geo-Historical Approach of Arts And Commerce Satara 28/09/2015 Tourism Potential In College, Satara Maharashtra 14 Disaster Management Lead College Scheme, Arts 09/02/2016 & Commerce College.Satara Page 6 of 10 15 Women’s Contribution in D.P.Bhosale College, Koregaon 12/02/2016 Indian Freedom Movement Koregaon 16 Shivaji University History R.R.Patil College, Savalaj, Savalaj, 13-14 Feb.2016 Conference Dist Sangli 17 Satara Itihas Sanshodhan L.B.S. College, Satara Satara 09/02/2016 Mandal Satara Annual Conference 18 Indian Languages : Literature Arts And Commerce Satara 10/02/2017 and Writers College, Satara 19 Geographical Historical D.P.Bhosale College, Koregaon 13- perspectives of Global Koregaon 14/02/2017 Problems 20 Farmers, Workers and Tribal R.R. Patil College, Savalaj, Savlaj, 07-08/03/2017 Movement in India 21 Defined Contributory Pension Shivaji Unversity Teachers Satara 13/08/2017 Scheme Association 22 Timirbhed Jidnysa Itihas Sansoshdhn Satara 19/08/2017 Mandal & Sanvardhan Sanstha, Satara And Yashavantrao Chavan Instistute of Science, Satara 23 History of Maratha Arts and Commerce Satara 15/02/2018 College, Satara G) ROLE AS RESOURCE PERSON : 1. 2. H) ROLE AS CHAIR PERSON : 1. 2. Page 7 of 10 ACADEMIC & SOCIAL LECTURES SR. DATE SUBJECT PLACE 01/02/2017 BUDDHIST CAVES IN SANGALI DISTRICT SALGAR 13/01/2018 HOW TO READ THE HISTORY OF VILLAGE AT AVAKALI MAHABALESHWAR 03/03/2017 VARIOUS INSCRIPTIONS IN MARATHI LANGUAGE ARTS AND COMMERCE COLLEGE,SATARA 28/11/2017 IMPORTANCE OF EDUCATION SAVITRIBAI PHULE PUNE UNIVERSITY, PUNE 27/02/2018 ORIGIN OF MARATHI LANGUAGE AJINKYTARA DIST SATARA 24/12/2017 PRESENT MEDIA AND DEMOCRACY SHAHADA DIST NANDURBAR A) AWARDS RECEIVED : 1. 2. B) ANY OTHER / SPECIAL FEATURES : 1. 2. Page 8 of 10 DATE: SIGNATURE NAME: Page 9 of 10 Page 10 of 10 .
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