Substitution Effect through Fiscal Transfers?! Incidence of the Peruvian Property Tax Markus Rühling 1 Substitution Effect through Fiscal Transfers?! Incidence of the Peruvian Property Tax University of Potsdam, Germany Markus Rühling Dissertation zur Verleihung des Doktorgrades der Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaften (doctor rerum politicarum; Dr. rer. pol.) an der Universität Potsdam Thesis advisor: Prof. Dr. Harald Fuhr Co-advisor: Prof. Dr. Christoph Reichard Co-advisor: Prof. Dr. Paul Bernd Spahn February 2008 2 Published online at the Institutional Repository of the University of Potsdam: URL http://opus.kobv.de/ubp/volltexte/2010/4210/ URN urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus-42100 http://nbn-resolving.org/urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-opus-42100 Contents 1. Introduction ..................................... .......... 11 1.1 General Introduction into the Research Subject . .......... 11 1.2 Elaboration of the Research Design . ......... 17 1.3 Methodology ...................................... ..... 20 2. Theoretical Context .............................. ........... 24 2.1 Theoretical Background of Fiscal Decentralization and Local Public Finances ............................ ........ 24 2.2 Substitution of Municipal Revenues Through Intergovernmental Transfers ...................... ....... 44 2.3 Theories on Decision Making .. ........... 50 3. Economic Framework Conditions and Analysis of the Peruvian Budget .................................. ......... 59 3.1 Revenues of the Central State . ............. 61 3.2 Public Expenditure ........................... ........... 63 3.3 Debt ........................................ ........ 65 4. The Decentralization Process in Peru .. ............. 68 4.1 Historical Development of the Decentralization Process . 72 4.2 Functions and Structures of Peruvian Local Governments . 79 4.3 Typology of Local Government in Peru . ........... 84 5. The Intergovernmental Fiscal Transfer System .. ............. 90 6. Analysis of the Financial System at the Local Government Level . 104 6.1 Property Tax Evaluation ...................... ........... 105 6.2 Substitution Effect .......................... ............ 112 6.3 Conclusions .................................. .......... 128 7. Quantitative and Qualitative Analysis of a Set of Peruvian Municipalities Concerning their Fiscal Effort . ............... 132 7.1 Classification of Municipalities regarding Fiscal Revenues . 135 7.1.1 Type 1: Well Advanced, Consolidated Metropolitan Municipalities ................................... 139 7.1.2 Type 2: Metropolitan Municipalities in Process of Consolidation .................................... 143 7.1.3 Type 3: Regional Centre, Modern Management Structures ....................................... 146 7.1.4 Type 4: Municipalities with Adverse Identity Incentives which Result in Little or no Important Tax Pressure .. ....... 151 3 7.1.5 Type 5: Municipalities with High Response Costs or Low Response Efficacy ............................ 154 7.1.6 Type 6: Big Fiscal Transfers . ........... 156 7.1.7 Type 7: Rural Municipalities . .......... 160 7.1.8 Type 8: Contested Municipalities . .......... 162 7.1.9 Lima and Callao as Separate Cases . .......... 165 7.1.10 Election Results and its Implication on Property Tax Management ...................................... 168 7.1.11 Conclusion ................................ ........ 170 7.2 Innovative Strategies ........................ ............ 178 7.2.1 Semi-Autonomous Municipal Tax Agency as a Best Practice in Peruvian Municipalities . ..... 179 7.2.2 Performance orientated Management Contracts ........ 185 8. Synthesis ........................................ .......... 190 8.1 Examination/Comparison of the Main Research Hypothesis with Empirical Results ........................... ........ 190 8.2 Results and Perspectives ..................... ............ 198 9. Bibliography ..................................... .......... 214 10. Question Guide concerning Qualitative Interviews . ............. 224 11. Annex: Tables, Figures and Graphs . ........... 231 4 I am grateful to Harald Fuhr, professor at the University of Potsdam, Germany for his valuable comments and guidance concerning this investigation. To friends and colleagues, who in one way or another were supportive to this research work, is dedicated a special thanks. 5 6 Acronyms and Abbreviations AFPs Private Pension Funds ( Administradoras de Fondos de Pensiones ) APRA Alianza Popular Revolucionaria Americana BCRP Central Reserve Bank of Peru ( Banco Central de Reserva del Perú ) CAMA Computer assisted mass appraisal CANON A territorial fiscal tax in Peru CAP Organigram for Assignment of personnel ( Cuadro de Asignacion de Personal ) CAR Performance based Management Contracts ( Convenios de Administracion por Resultados ) CCL Local Coordination Council ( Consejo de Coordinación Local ) CMACs Local Saving Banks ( Cajas Municipales de Ahorro y Credito ) CND National Decentralization Council ( Consejo Nacional de Descentralización ) COFOPRI State entity for the Formalization of Informal Property ( Organismo de Formalización de la Propiedad Informal ) CONATA National Agency for Property Valuation ( Consejo Nacional de Tasaciones ) CPI Corruption Perceptions Index CTARs Transitory Council for Regional Administration ( Consejos Transitorios de Administración Regional ) DECSAL Decentralization and Competitiveness Structural Adjustment Loan DNPP National Office of Public Budgeting ( Dirección Nacional de Presupuesto Público ) DNTDT National Technical Office for Territory Limitations ( Dirección Nacional Técnica de Demarcación Territorial) EMUSAP Municipality owned Water and Sewage Enterprise ( Empresa Municipal de Servicios de Agua Potable y Alcantarillado ) EPS Municipality owned Sanitation Enterprise ( Empresa Prestadora de Servicios de Saneamiento ) ESSALUD Social Health Security ( Seguro Social de Salud ) FAISM Fund for Municipal Social Infrastructure (Fondo de Aportaciones para la Infraestructura Social Municipal ) FIDE Intergovernmental Fund for Decentralization (Fondo Intergubernamental para la Descentralización ) FOCAM Development Fund for Camisea ( Fondo de Desarrollo de Camisea ) FONCODES National Compensation and Development Fund ( Fondo Nacional de Compensación y Desarrollo Social ) FONCOMUN Municipal Compensation Fund ( Fondo de Compensación Municipal ) FONCOR Regional Compensation Fund ( Fondo de Compensación Regional ) FONIPREL Regional and Local Public Investment Fund ( Fondo de Promoción a la Inversión Pública Regional y Local ) FTA Free Trade Agreement GDP Gross Domestic Product IADB Inter-American Development Bank IBRD International Bank for Reconstruction and Development IMF International Monetary Fund 7 INADE National Development Institute ( Instituto Nacional de Desarrollo ) INEI National Institute of Statistics ( Instituto Nacional de Estadística e Informática ) ISC Excise tax ( Impuesto Selectivo al Consumo ) KfW German Development Bank ( Kreditanstalt für Wiederaufbau ) LAC Latin American Countries LBD Decentralization Framework Law ( Ley de Bases de la Descentralización ) LDF Fiscal Decentralization Law ( Ley de Descentralización Fiscal ) LIICR Regional Integration Incentive Law ( Ley de Incentivos a la Integración y Conformación de Regiones ) LOM Constitutional Law of Municipalities ( Ley Orgánica de Municipalidades) LPSA Local Public Service Agreements LRTF Law of Fiscal Responsibility and Transparency ( Ley de Responsabilidad y Transparencia Fiscal ) MEF Ministry of Economy and Finance ( Ministerio de Economía y Finanzas ) MMM Multiannual Macroeconomic Framework ( Marco Macroeconómico Multianua l) MOF Manual of Organization and Functions ( Manual de Organización y Funciones ) NIE New Institutional Economics ONP State Pension System ( Oficina de Normalización Previsional ) PCM Council of Minister ( Presidencia del Consejo de Ministros) PETT Special Project of Land Titleing and Rural Cadastre ( Proyecto Especial de Titulación de Tierras y Catastro Rural ) PMT Protection Motivation Theory PPP Public-private partnership PREBAM Program of Basic Local Equipment ( Programa de Equipamiento Básico Municipal ) PROVIAS Special Transport Infrastructure Project (Proyecto Especial de Infraestructura de Transporte Nacional ) PRONAA National Programm of Basic Nutrition Asistance ( Programa Nacional de Asistencia Alimentaria ) ROF Regulation concerning Organization and Function ( Reglamento de Organizacion y Funciones ) RUS Simplified Tax Regime ( Régimen Único Simplificado ) SIAF Integrated Financial Management System ( Sistema Integral de Administración Financiera ) SIAF GL Integrated Financial Management System for Local Governments (Sistema Integral de Administración Financiera Gobierno Local ) SNIP National Public Investment System ( Sistema Nacional de Inversión Pública ) SUNAT National Tax Agency ( Superintendencia Nacional de Administración Tributaria ) SUNARP National Agency of the Property Register ( Superintendencia Nacional de los Registros Públicos ) UIT Tax Unit Measure (Unidad Impositiva Tributaria) VAT Valued-added Tax 8 Summary Whether the results of fiscal transfers have positive or negative implications depends upon the incentives that transfer systems create for both central and local governments. The complexity and ambiguity of the relationship between fiscal transfers and tax revenues of local governments is one of the main causes why research projects, even in the same country, come to dif- ferent results. This investigation is seriously questioning the often stated substitution
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