NON PROFIT RATE U.S. Postage PAID FLAGLER COLLEGE St. Augustine, FL Permit No. 64 VOL. XXV, NO. .1 S A I N T A U G U S T I N E , F L O R I D A September 7, 1995 INSIDE Library reaches toward M ay finish opinion........ _ ....... ............p. 2 "When we left, there was four feet out of the ground. Now it's three stories up." That was the comment of one returning Sea Turtles .......................p. 5 student upon seeing the progress over the summer of the William L. Proctor Library. The Campus aose-up ..............p. 6 building site is impressive, particularly if you haven't been on campus recently. In an interview with the Gargayle, William The .Arts ..........................p. 8 T. Abare, Jr., executive vice president of the· college, spoke about the library and how the space in Kenan Hall will be used once the Sparts ............................p. 10 library is moved. Gargoyle: What is the status of the Proctor library? Registrar deadlines set Abare: "The library is on schedule, and T he last day to add a course to your the completion date is May 1996." schedule is Tuesday, Sept. 12. The final day Gargoyle: When wi ll tl1e collection be to drop a class without penalty is Friday, moved from Kenan Hall ? Sept. 22. Abare: "That decision will be made this CLAST exam on horizon fall. Moving the library is no small task. An­ The College Level Academic Skills Test other consideration will be the closing of tl1e will be held Saturday, Oct. 7. The last day to spring term and the beginning of the summer register is Friday, Sept. 8. The exam is re­ session. Continuity of service is one of the quired of all students during the semester in primary considerations." which they will reach 56 to 60 credit hours of Gargoyle: What new resources will the new Photo by Paul Cate study. Sl:lldents who have questions or wish library have? "On schedule" to sign up should see Pat Blair in Markland. See Library, page 3 By Aug. 31 construction had begun on the roof of the William L. Proctor Library. Offices have changed The offices of the dean of Student Ser­ vi~es, Daniel Stewart, and the assistant dean Flagler hires of Student Services are now both located on the second fl oor ofPonce H all. College coun­ Farrell wins aw ard selor Pat Blair has moved to the first floor of new faculty Education professor, Dr. Fran Farrell, Markland House. Flagler College hired three professors, recently won the Bill Crutchfield award for Memorial Service planned and two visiting full-time instructors over tl1 e the Special Olympics of Florida. The award, A memorial service for the late Lawrence summer.The staff changes reflect various re­ named for the· Florida Special Olympics Lewis, Jr., is set for Thursday. Sept. 28, at 5 placements and a growing communications founder, is the highest award give n to an p.m., in the Flagler College Auditorium. department. individual in-the state. Farrell has been the Lewis, the fow1der of Flagler College and Dr. Mary Hart has been appointed as asso­ local Special Olympics coordinator since chairman emeritus of the college board of ciate professor and chair of the communica­ 1979. For the past five years, she has been the trustees, died in April. The service is being tions departmen t. Former chair, Dr. J ay coordinator of the games in the five-county held in conjunction with fall convocation. Mesbahee, left Flagler to pursue a consulting northeast Florida area. Recycling is here practice. Farrell became involved with the annual Hart was previously an assistant professor even as a young teacher, when Daniel Stewart, The college has begun a campus-wide of journalism and mass communication at now dean ofStudentSen,ices, was involved in recycling effort this fall. Kimmins Recycling Creighton University in Omaha, Neb. Hart has the program and approached her and her has placed bins in strategic locations for also taught at St. Olaf College and Regis Uni­ students for help with the activities. After paper. More information will be published versity. Prior to teaching, Hart was a news receiving marginal srudent response, Farrell in the Gargoyle's next issue. director of KSPN FM radio in Aspen, Colo. saw the need for student education in the Yearbook nears delivery Hart has had further experience in public area. The 1994-95 college yearbook, The Tow­ relations, advertising and reporting. "Everyone was afraid of what we call the ers, is a fall delivery book expected to arrive in Hart earned her B.A. in philosophy at mentally retarded," she recalls. late September. It currently is being printed Manhattanville College, her M.A. in mass com­ She then went to the international games and will ·be shipped directly to home ad­ munication from the UniversityofDenver, and and realized, "We have many more things in Farrell is well known for her work with dresses unless tl1e purchaser specified other­ her doctorate in speech communication from common than different. I had a good time­ the Special Olympics as nominations for this wise when ordering. The 1995-96 yearbook the University of Denver. it was fun." award came from colleagues throughout the staff has selected the theme "Flagler Col­ Also joining the communications depart­ In addition to working with tl)e Special state. Other honors went to Special Olympics lage" which will produce an interactive type ment as a full-time assistant professor is W.Jack Olympics, Farrell is the Flagler sponsor of' athletes and Walt Disney World which re­ of scrapbook this year. Anyone interested in Buckley. Buckley will teach broadcast commu­ Best Buddies, a service organization for stu­ ceived the corpc;>rate honor for its participa­ staffpositions should contact Barbara Kremer nications and television production. · dents interested in friendship and commit­ tion and support of the Special Olympics in Markland, ext. 304. See Faculty, page 3 ment to the mentally challenged. program. Page 2 Gargoyle September 7, 1995 E-d Learning to take the training wheels off the bike Everything else is perfect, but I just can't hire you because of Dodgers. Part of the reason was he was an incredibly talented By W. Derek Parker your race. Thanks for coming in, though. Ireallyamsorry. Um­ and exciting player, and part ofthe reason was he was black and Gqrgoy/e Senior Writer would you have my assistant send in the next applicant?" therefore a novelty. Recognizing the financial benefits of Disgusting scenarios like the one above happe~ all the time ignoring the tradition of all-white major and minor league Picture if you will ... in America, although the interviewer is rarely so frank. Many baseball ( the Negro Leagues notwithstanding), owners across You hav.e .rec;ently graduated highly-qualified candidates are not hired because of their race the country rushed to hire the most-qualified black players. At from Flagler College with a degree in or ethnic background. There can be no doubt that prejudice first, the only requirement was that the player in question be · business. Youareapplyingforaman­ still exists ·in America, It is a vulgar, disgusting and evil practice black, but owners quickly realized that rans didn '.t necessarily agement position with .a major cor- that our country 1;1.eeds to put in the past. Minority activists·have caretoseeablackplayerifhewasonalosingteam.Beforelong, poration. You are seated in the lobby for decades called for a· "colorblind America"-au America teams totally ignored a player's color and based hiring an of the.office of the hum.i.n resources where people are "not judged by the color of their skin but by .: athlete solely on his ability to play baseball. Baseball teams director for Acme ·eorporation with the content of their character." __ realized that to hire an inferior ballplayei:: because of the color about half a ·dozen or so other applicants. You feel confident. Why then have minority activists such asJessejackson (who of his skin (white or black) would put the team at a competitive You feel relaxed. You look dapper. was a friend of Martin Luther King, Jr.) rushed to defend a disadvantage. The goal of the team is to win games. No:ne of these clowns stands a chance, you think to yourself as system that is not colorblind and does not judge people by the In American business, the competition is every bit as fierce you scan the room. You can see a sheen of perspiration on the· content of their character? Jackson and the others insist that as in American ballparks. Businesses cannot afford to hire a brows of two applicants. Never kt them see you sweat, you remem­ they support affirmative action in the name of justice and less-qualified white applicant for a job because the most­ ber the words of advice from the television. rationality. Fine, then-let's look at the issue coldly and ratio­ qualified candidate is black. Likewise, businesses cannot afford "Next." nally with justice as our goal. to hire a less-qualified minority applicant because the most­ The moment of truth has arrived. Sayonara, turkeys, you Affirmative action is a system of racial quotas based on a qualified candidate is white and they have a quota to meeL The think. minority's percentage of the population as a whole. In theory, goal <if the business is to make money. To do so, businesses You handle the interview like Pete Sampras at Wimbledon. it prevents the majority race (Caucasians) from discriminating nee<l to field the most competitive team possible, regardless of Every question served to you is effortlessly returned.
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