THIS CIRCULAR IS IMPORTANT AND REQUIRES YOUR IMMEDIATE ATTENTION. THIS CIRCULAR IS IMPORTANT AND REQUIRES YOUR IMMEDIATE ATTENTION. THISTHIS CIRCULARCIRCULAR ISIS IMPORTANTIMPORTANT ANDAND REQUIRESREQUIRES YOURYOUR IMMEDIATEIMMEDIATE ATTENTION.ATTENTION. If you are in any doubt as to the course of action to be taken, you should consult your stockbroker, bank manager, solicitor, If you are in any doubt as to the course of action to be taken, you should consult your stockbroker, bank manager, solicitor, accountant or other professional adviser immediately. accountantIfIf youyou areare ininor anyanyother doubtdoubt professional asas toto thethe adviser coursecourse immediately. ofof actionaction toto bebe taken,taken, youyou shouldshould consultconsult youryour stockbroker,stockbroker, bankbank manager,manager, solicitor,solicitor, THISaccountantaccountant CIRCULAR oror otherother IS professionalIMPORTANTprofessional adviseradviser AND REQUIRES immediately.immediately. YOUR IMMEDIATE ATTENTION. Bursa Malaysia Securities Berhad takes no responsibility for the contents of this Circular, makes no representation as to its Bursa Malaysia Securities Berhad takes no responsibility for the contents of this Circular, makes no representation as to its Ifaccuracy you are orin completenessany doubt as andto the expressly course disclaimsof action anyto be liability taken, whatsoever you should for consultany loss your howsoever stockbroker, arising bank from manager, or in reliance solicitor, upon accuracyBursaBursa MalaysiaMalaysia or completeness SecuritiesSecurities and BerhadBerhad expressly takestakes disclaims nono responsibilityresponsibility any liability forfor whatsoever thethe contentscontents for ofanyof thisthis loss CircularCircular howsoever,, makesmakes arising nono fromrepresentationrepresentation or in reliance asas upontoto itsits accountantthe whole or or any other part professional of the contents adviser of this immediately. Circular. theaccuracyaccuracy whole oror anycompletenesscompleteness part of the andcontentsand expresslyexpressly of this disclaimsdisclaims Circular. anyany liabilityliability whatsoeverwhatsoever forfor anyany lossloss howsoeverhowsoever arisingarising fromfrom oror inin reliancereliance uponupon thethe wholewhole oror anyany partpart ofof thethe contentscontents ofof thisthis Circular.Circular. Bursa Malaysia Securities Berhad takes no responsibility for the contents of this Circular, makes no representation as to its accuracy or completeness and expressly disclaims any liability whatsoever for any loss howsoever arising from or in reliance upon the whole or any part of the contents of this Circular. DAMANSARA REALTY BERHAD DAMANSARA(Company REALTY No. 4030-D) BERHAD DAMANSARADAMANSARA(Company REALTYREALTY No. 4030-D) BERHAD BERHAD (Incorporated in Malaysia) (Incorporated(Company(Company No. No.in Malaysia) 40304030-D)-D) DAMANSARA(Incorporated(Incorporated REALTY inin Malaysia)Malaysia) BERHAD CIRCULARCIRCULAR(Company TOTO SHAREHOLDERSSHAREHOLDERS No. 4030-D) CIRCULARCIRCULAR(Incorporated TOTO SHAREHOLDERSSHAREHOLDERS in Malaysia) ININ RELATIONRELATION TOTO THETHE CIRCULARININ RELATIONRELATION TO SHAREHOLDERS TOTO THETHE (I)(I) PROPOSEDPROPOSED BONUSBONUS ISSUEISSUE OFOF UPUP TOTO 154,685,630154,685,630 FREEFREE WARRANTSWARRANTS ININ DAMANSARADAMANSARA (I)(I) REALTYPROPOSEDREALTYPROPOSED BERHADBERHAD BONUSBONUS (“WARRANTS”)(“WARRANTS”) ISSUEISSUE OFOFIN RELATIONUPUP ONTOONTO THE154,685,630THE154,685,630 TO BASISBASIS THE OFOFFREEFREE ONEONE WARRANTSWARRANTS (1)(1) WARRANTWARRANT ININ DAMANSARADAMANSARA FORFOR EVERYEVERY TWOREALTYTWOREALTY (2)(2) EXISTINGEXISTINGBERHADBERHAD (“WARRANTS”) (“WARRANTS”)ORDINARYORDINARY SHARESSHARES ONON THETHE ININ DAMANSARABASISDAMANSARABASIS OFOF ONEONE REALTYREALTY (1)(1) WARRANTWARRANT BERHADBERHAD FORFOR HELDHELD EVERYEVERY ONON (I) PROPOSEDANTWOANTWO ENTITLEMENTENTITLEMENT (2)(2) EXISTINGEXISTING BONUS DATE DATE ORDINARY ORDINARYISSUE TOTO OF BEBE UP SHARESDETERMINEDSHARESDETERMINED TO 154,685,630 ININ DAMANSARADAMANSARA ANDAND FREE ANNOUNCEDANNOUNCED WARRANTS REALTYREALTY LATER;LATER; BERHADBERHAD IN DAMANSARA HELDHELD ONON REALTYANAN ENTITLEMENTENTITLEMENT BERHAD (“WARRANTS”) DATEDATE TOTO BEBE DETERMINEDDETERMINED ON THE BASIS ANDAND OF ANNOUNCEDANNOUNCED ONE (1) WARRANT LATER;LATER; FOR EVERY (II)(II) TWOPROPOSEDPROPOSED (2) EXISTING ISSUANCEISSUANCE ORDINARY OFOF SHARESREDEEMABLEREDEEMABLE IN DAMANSARA CONVERTIBLECONVERTIBLE REALTY NOTESNOTESBERHAD WITH WITHHELD ONANAN (II)(II) ANAGGREGATEPROPOSEDAGGREGATEPROPOSED ENTITLEMENT PRINCIPALISSUANCEPRINCIPALISSUANCE DATE TO AMOUNTAMOUNTOFOF BE DETERMINEDREDEEMABLEREDEEMABLE OFOF UPUP TOTO AND RM150.0 RM150.0CONVERTIBLECONVERTIBLE ANNOUNCED MILLIONMILLION LATER; CONVERTIBLECONVERTIBLENOTESNOTES WITHWITH INTO INTOANAN AAGGREGATEAAGGREGATE MAXIMUMMAXIMUM OF OF PRINCIPALPRINCIPAL 300,000,000300,000,000 AMOUNTAMOUNT CONVERSIONCONVERSION OFOF UPUP TOTOSHARESSHARES RM150.0RM150.0 ATAT MILLION MILLIONTHETHE MINIMUMMINIMUM CONVERTIBLECONVERTIBLE CONVERSIONCONVERSION INTOINTO (II) PROPOSEDPRICEAPRICEA MAXIMUMMAXIMUM OFOF RM0.50 RM0.50 OFOFISSUANCE 300,000,000300,000,000 PERPER SHARESHAREOF CONVERSION CONVERSIONREDEEMABLE REPRESENTINGREPRESENTING SHARESSHARES CONVERTIBLE APPROXIMATELYAPPROXIMATELY ATAT THETHE MINIMUMMINIMUM NOTES 39.26%39.26% CONVERSIONCONVERSION WITH OFOF THETHEAN AGGREGATEENLARGEDPRICEENLARGEDPRICE OFOF RM0.50 RM0.50ISSUEDISSUED PRINCIPAL PER PERSHARESHARE SHARESHAREAMOUNT CAPITAL;CAPITAL; REPRESENTINGREPRESENTING OF UP TO RM150.0 APPROXIMATELYAPPROXIMATELY MILLION CONVERTIBLE 39.26%39.26% OFOF INTO THETHE AENLARGEDENLARGED MAXIMUM ISSUEDISSUEDOF 300,000,000 SHARESHARE CAPITAL;CAPITAL;CONVERSION SHARES AT THE MINIMUM CONVERSION PRICE OF RM0.50 PER SHARE REPRESENTINGANDAND APPROXIMATELY 39.26% OF THE ENLARGED ISSUED SHARE CAPITAL;ANDAND NOTICENOTICE OFOF EXTRAORDINARYEXTRAORDINARY GENERALGENERAL MEETINGMEETING NOTICENOTICE OFOF EXTRAORDINARYEXTRAORDINARYAND GENERALGENERAL MEETINGMEETING Principal Adviser Principal Adviser NOTICE OF EXTRAORDINARYPrincipalPrincipal AdviserAdviser GENERAL MEETING Principal Adviser (A Participating Organisation of Bursa Malaysia Securities Berhad) (A Participating Organisation of Bursa Malaysia Securities Berhad) (A(A ParticipatingParticipating OrganisationOrganisation ofof BursaBursa MalaysiaMalaysia SecuritiesSecurities Berhad)Berhad) The Notice of Extraordinary General Meeting (“EGM”) of Damansara Realty Berhad (“DBhd”) to be held at The Notice of Extraordinary General Meeting (“EGM”) of Damansara Realty Berhad (“DBhd”) to be held at Crystal Hall, Level 7, Holiday(A ParticipatingVilla Johor BahruOrganisation City Centre, of Bursa 260 Malaysia Jalan Securities Dato’ Sulaiman, Berhad) Taman Abad, 80250 Johor CrystalTheThe NoticeNoticeHall, Levelofof ExtraordinaryExtraordinary 7, Holiday Villa GeneralGeneral Johor MeetingMeeting Bahru City (“(“EGMEGM Centre,”)”) ofof 260 DamansaraDamansara Jalan Dato’ RealtyRealty Sulaiman,BerhadBerhad Taman (“(“DBhdDBhd Abad”)”) ,toto80250 bebe heldheld Johoratat Bahru, Johor on 8 November 2017 at 11.00 a.m. or at any adjournment thereof, together with the Form of Proxy Bahru,CrystalCrystal JohorHallHall,, LevelLevelon 8 November7,7, HolidayHoliday Villa2017Villa JohorJohorat 11.00 BahruBahru a.m CityCity. or Centre,Centre,at any adjournment 260260 JalanJalan Dato’Dato’ thereof Sulaiman,Sulaiman,, together TamanTaman with AbadAbadthe Form,, 8025080250 of Proxy JohorJohor are enclosed with this Circular. TheareBahru,Bahru, enclosedNotice JohorJohor of withon onExtraordinary 8 8this NovemberNovember Circular General .20172017 atat 11.00Meeting11.00 aa.. mm(“..EGMoror atat”)anyany of adjournmentadjournmentDamansara Realtythereofthereof,,Berhad ttogetherogether (“ DBhdwithwith thethe”) toFormForm be ofofheld ProxyProxyat areare enclosedenclosed withwith thisthis CircularCircular.. CrystalYou areHall entitled, Level to 7, attend Holiday and Villa vote Johor at the Bahru EGM Cityor appoint Centre, a260 proxy Jalan or proxiesDato’ Sulaiman, to attend Taman and vote Abad on ,your80250behalf. Johor If You are entitled to attend and vote at the EGM or appoint a proxy or proxies to attend and vote on your behalf. If Bahru,you wish Johor to doon 8so November, you may 2017depositat 11.00the Form a.m. ofor Proxyat any atadjournment DBhd’s Share thereof Registrar’s, together O withffice the at FormTricor ofInvestor Proxy youYouYou wish areare entitled entitledto do so toto , attendattendyou may andand deposit votevote atat thethe EGMEGMFormor orof appoint appointProxy ataa proxyproxyDBhd oror’s proxiesShareproxies Registrar’s toto attendattend andand Office votevote at onon Tricor youryour behalf.behalf.Investor IfIf areServices enclosed Sdn with Bhd this of CircularUnit 32.-01, Level 32, Tower A, Vertical Business Suite, Avenue 3, Bangsar South, No.8 Servicesyouyou wishwish Sdn toto do doBhd soso ,of, youyou Unit maymay 32- 01,depositdeposit Level thethe 32, FormForm Tower ofof A,ProxyProxy Vertical atat DBhdDBhd Business’s’s ShareShare Suite, Registrar’sRegistrar’s Avenue 3OO, fficefficeBangsar atat TricorTricor South, InvestorInvestor No.8 Jalan Kerinchi, 59200 Kuala Lumpur in not less than 48 hours before the time and date stipulated for the EGM. YouJalanServicesServices are Kerinchi, entitled SdnSdn Bhd Bhd59200 to attend ofof UnitKualaUnit and 3232 Lumpur --vote01,01, LevelLevelat inthe not 32,32,EGM less TowerToweror than appoint A,A, 48 VerticalVertical hours a proxy beforeBusinessBusiness or proxies the Suite, Suite,time to attend andAvenueAvenue
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