SCHUMAN CARRIAGE CO., LTD. "ESTABLISHED 1893" DAVIDSON MEAT COMPANY, INC. HONOLULU • LOS ANGELES • KANSAS CITY • CHICAGO Purveyors To HOTELS - CLUBS - RESTAURANTS - INSTITUTIONS Corn-Fed Beef — Lamb — Fotted Poultry — Provisions "Among the good things which the Islands have in com­ mon with the Mainland are the delicious Eastern corn-fed meats served in the better class hotels, clubs and res­ taurants as provided by the — Davidson Meat Co., Inc." Honolulu Representative HARRY M. RAY H. S. BOURELL Vice President - General Manager DAVIDSON MEAT CO., INC. 1831 E. Olympic Blvd. Aloha Tower LOS ANGELES, CALIF. Keiki’s Christmas Party Friday, December 21 DI W E R : at 6:00 P.M. and a program featuring fine entertainment and th arrival of Santa Claus. all young children to bring a small, inexpensive gift MAKE RESERVATIONS NOW! CHILDREN (Under 12) $1.00 - ADULTS $1.50 DECEMBER PROGRAM F l F r 91 O UTRIGGER KEIKI CHRISTMAS PARTY FK1DAY DINNER 6:00 P.M. DEC. 25 OPEN HOUSE TUESDAY 4:00-5:30 p .m . D Fr 31 ANNUAL GALA ' 4 ^ NEW YEAR'S EVE MONDAY FORMAL PARTY Dinner, 7:00-9:00 Dancing, 9:00-1:00 Music by DAVID KAIWI, featuring RENNY BROOKS $5.00 per Person Form your party and make reservations now! [2] 4.-00 lo 5 :3 0 ^trigger's forty-fourth Christmas By Edwin North McClellan W aikiki, Dec. 25, 1951 (AUI-Prew) —W aikiki exploded with the greatest Christmas- Eve Party ever seen in H aw aii, last night, in com m em oration of the Forty-Fourth Christmas of the Outrigger Canoe C lu b —the first was in 1908. It could be called a luau, a hula-hula affair, or a ball, but whatever you call the fete it was tremendous. T he festivities continued through today an d are not yet ended. Present was every m ember—past, present, and future—so you can imagine how the club-house bulged. Yesterday morn, the Club Directors pule of Oahu somewhat hotly. “My made all Kings and Queen of the King­ father, King Kahekili of Oahu and Maui, dom of Hawaii and all the Island did. He lived at Waikiki long before Sovereigns, Honorary-Members of the you arrived on Oahu. He welcomed Outrigger Canoe Club. All of them, to­ Portlock and Dixon to this Glorious; gether with some invited guests (of past, Island just before those two Discovered present, and future) attended. of-Waikiki sailed over to the Garden The most amazing personages celebrat­ Island and commemorated, in 1786, the ing this 44th-Xmas were members of first haole Xmas of Hawaii. Kam, you Outrigger-Canoe-Clubs (affiliated with should read the Forecast of December, the Waikiki Mother Club) from other 1919.” (Kahekili, the Tattooed, was pres­ planets and other inhabited terrestrial ent but remained silent.) Kamehameha bodies far beyond the Earth. They ar­ rose to his majestic bronzed height and rived in Space-Ships now parked at K api­ ended the conversation with— olani Park. Naturally, some of the guests “ W hat are you doing around here, and members were there in Spirit only anyhow, Kalanikuoule. I liquidated you and threw an unearthly ghostly glow in 1795 when I conquered Oahu. How­ over the area. M illions and m illions were ever, neither of us believe in Christmas, there. so what’s the difference (at this Xmas Celebration) who started the first Club A TOAST TO MEMBERS— PAST, PRESENT, FUTURE at Waikiki. Let the haoles of May 1, 1908 have all the glory.” T he Great- Past-President of the Club — Sanford First then joined his ancestors and de­ Ballard Dole — called the historic gather­ scendants, some of whom did not know, ing to attention about none o’clock, to they are his kin. ( drink a toast in distilled juice of the f/-plant. Among the millions of distinguished* members who enjoyed this view of “To all members—past, present, future Royalty in action was E. A. Mott-Smith —to our Honorary-Members, and to our who, in April of 1908, had presided over Guests from beyond earth,” proposed the first meeting of haole surf-enthusiasts the President and it was oltule maluna convened to consider the organization of (bottoms up) . Yes, we drank to our­ the Outrigger Canoe Club. Others in selves. Shortly after this, I was attracted the group around Kamehameha, Kahe­ to the liau-lanai where a spirited argu­ ment was going on. kili and Kalanikupule were: Harry Mac­ farlane, Charles R. Frazier, A. L. C. W HO STARTED FIRST OUTRIGGER Atkinson, James F. Morgan, H. P. W ood, CANOE CLUB? E. H. Hand, Wallace Farrington, J. R. “I started the first Outrigger Canoe Galt, H. L. Herbert, C. F. Chillingworth, Club at Waikiki!” exclaimed Kameha- James W . Harvey, J. P. Cooke, Fred meha-the-Great. " It was in 1795. Read Bailey, W. H. Mclnerny, Alexander the Forecast of June, 1950.” Hume Ford, W. R. Castle, Henry P. “You did not,” answered Kalaniku­ (Continued to Page 29) ALOHA! GENERAL-COMMANDANT SHEPHERD OF MARINES (•eneral Lemuel Shepherd, member of Outrigger (anoe Club, promoted to four-star general and Commandant of the Marine Corps. Oiriria] M.iriiw' ( l<u |»> I’ltoto Aloha! Lieutenant-General and I'el- von and vour wonderful family. low-Club-Mcmber, Lemuel Comic k Shep­ General Shepherd will he the I wen- herd, Jr., oil vour nom ination l>v the tieth C o m m an d a n t ol the Corps (which President to snared General Glilion lisl includes M ajor .Samuel Nicholas, Bledsoe Cates as C om m andant ol the Senior Marine ol the American Revolu­ Marine Corps on January I, 1952. tion, 1775-1783 and W illia m W a rd Kur- Merrie Xmas anil Happv New Year to lows, Major-Commandant ol the New Corps, starting July 11, 1798). Since the They were on the beach on Sunday, first M arine (C aptain Jo h n M arshall November 25, 1951. We name the Gen­ Gamble) arrived in Hawaii (in 1814), eral Honorary Kam aaina of the Club. there have been thousands of Leather­ Arriving at Pearl Harbor in the sum­ necks who have enjoyed the glory of our mer of 1950 just after the War in Korea Paradise-of-the-Pacific but not one of started, General Shepherd was soon in them was more like a kam aaina than Korea to see his Leathernecks. Many Lem Shepherd, Jr. General Shepherd more trips to the Far East followed and probably is the most-travelled, most- on all of them he talked with Marines- decorated Marine General and probably from-Hawaii, in Korea, Japan, Philip­ the youngest officer to become Comman­ pines, Guam and Kwajalein. He brought dant. He is the first Commanding- home news of them to their families in General, Fleet-Marine-Force, Pacific, to Hawaii. Both the General and Mrs. be nominated Commandant. Shepherd make regular visits to Tripler Hospital to see wounded, injured and AQUATIC SPORTS sick Leathernecks. In October, 1950, General Shepherd is a Pacific-Man General Shepherd unveiled a plaque who know the Pacific-Sphere thoroughly, commemorating the Fourth Marine Divi­ but Hawaii is his favorite Pacific-Spot, sion (“Maui’s Own”) of General Clif and his C harm ing Lady have inti- Cates, on Maui. On May 4, 1951 he .'tely identified themselves with Hawaii opened the 49th State Fair by cutting and particularly the Beach at Waikiki. the ribbon at the entrance to the grounds T he General takes part in the fund a­ —the old Camp Catlin of the Leather­ mental sports of the Club—surfboarding necks. In the follow ing m onth the M a­ and outriggering—as well as swimming rines opened their first permanent and underwater spear-fishing. D ad Cen­ recruiting station in Hawaii. General ter and Duke Kahanamoku are his Shepherd backs the Kaneohe Marine friends and instructors while everybody Base project strongly. likes the General and Mrs. Shepherd. (Continued to Page 25) [ 7 ] TEN YEARS AGO Forces has been m aintained throughout these years and we hope it ever will. T en years ago on a bright, sunny Sun­ We number many fine members of the day morning, December 7, 1941, Hono­ C lu b w ithin the Arm ed Forces and many lulu was awakened by the explosion of retired officers on our roster. bombs, anti-aircraft fire and the radio Should w'ar ever strike again the C lub voice announcing, “This is the real will be found ready and willing to do thing.” It was our fellow member Web- its share toward the recreation and ley Edwards announcing the sneak at­ morale of our Arm ed Forces personnel. tack by the air force of the Imperial Japanese Army on Pearl Harbor, Kane­ ohe Naval A ir Base, H ickam Field and THE EDITOR SAYS: other military installations and civilian objectives. Editing the Forecast is a labor of love —but it is labor. Gathering news, cover­ For a short few' hours all was chaos- ing events, w riting articles, assembling civil and military personnel caught pictures, reading proofs, making up the unaw'ares and unprepared lacked coordi­ publication each month is like "the old nated leadership. But soon order pre­ vailed and in a matter of hours, Hawaii m an of the sea,” always on one’s shoul­ was under M ilitary Government. De­ ders. f fense organizations were at work and Each month the publication is a must Civilian Defense planned in advance on —each m onth to get all the news to con­ paper fell into organized pattern and tact committeemen and others is a task.
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