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This document is archival in nature and is intended Le présent document a une valeur archivistique et for those who wish to consult archival documents fait partie des documents d’archives rendus made available from the collection of Public Safety disponibles par Sécurité publique Canada à ceux Canada. qui souhaitent consulter ces documents issus de sa collection. Some of these documents are available in only one official language. Translation, to be provided Certains de ces documents ne sont disponibles by Public Safety Canada, is available upon que dans une langue officielle. Sécurité publique request. Canada fournira une traduction sur demande. CANADA ANNUAL REPORT of the COMMISSIONER OF PENITENTIARIES • For the Fiscal Year Ended MARCH 31, 1957 EDMOND CLOUTIER, C.M.C., 0.A., D.S.P. QUEEN'S PRINTER AND CONTROLLER OF STATIONERY OTTAWA, 1958 CANADA ANNUAL REPORT of the COMMISSIONER OF PENITENTIARIES • For the Fiscal Year Ended MARCH 31, 1957 96082-1 To His Excellency the Right Honourable Vincent Massey, C.H., Governor General of Canada. MAY IT PLEASE Yo on EXCELLENCY: I have the honour to lay before Your Excellency the Annual Report of the Commissioner of Penitentiaries for the .fiscal year ended March 31, 1957, made by him in pursuance of the provisions of Section 15 of the Penitentiary Act. I have the honour to be, Sir, Your Excellency's most obedient servant, • E. D. FULTON, • •' • - Minister of Justice. 96082-11 To the Honourable D. Fulton, P.C., M.P., , Minister of Justice'. Sm,—In accordance with Section 15 of the Penitentiary Act, I have the honour to submit herewith the following report for the fiscal year ended March 31, 1957, together with excerpts from. Wardens' Reports and appropriate statistics dealing with the penitentiaries. I have the honour to be, Sir, Your obedient servant, • R. B. GIBSON, Commissioner. OTTAWA, Septembei• 3, 1957. TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE I—INTRODUCTORY 7 Joyceville Institution 7 II—ADMINISTRATION AND PERSONNEL 9 Wardens' Conference 9 Joyceville Institution 10 Appointments 10 Wardens' Appointments 11 Retirements 0 11 .Retirement of .Warden A.. H. Campbell 12 Retirement of Warden G. T. Goad 12 Retirement of Deputy Warden West 12 New Positions 12 Promotions 13 Canada Savings Bonds Campaign (11th series) 13 Suggestions Award Board 14 III—STATISTICS OF THE INMATE POPULATION 15 General Data 15 First Offenders 15 General RecidiVism 15 Penitentiary Recidivism 16 Nationality of Inmates 17 Young Inmates in Penitentiaries 17 Releases 1956-57 18 Admissions 18 • Penal Record of Inmates Admitted 18 Young Inmates Admitted 18 Pénal Record ef Young Innaates Admitted 1956-57 19 'Nature of Offences (Young Inmates admitted) 19 IV—CLASSIFICATION 19 V-7EDUÇATIONAL FACILITIES 21 VI—PHYSICAL TRAINING AND RECREATIONAL ACTIVITIES 22 VII—CELLULAR ACTIVITIES AND HOBBIES 22 0 •• • Inmate•Publications 22 VIII—RELIGIOUS ACTIVITIES 23 IX—TRAINING OF OFFICERS 23 X—AFTER-CARE OF PRISONERS 24 XI—PENITENTIARY' FARMS 25 XII—STEWARDS' DEPARTMENT 32 Stewards' Conference 32 Inmate Training 32 Preventive Maintenance 32 Kitchen Sanitation and Personal Hygiene 33 Kitchen Equipment Purchased 33 Penitentiary Farm Produce Purchased by Steward 33 Processed Meats 34 Processed Farm Production 34 Bakery Production 34 Inmate Rations 35 Officers' Mess 35 5 TABLE OF CONTENTS—Concluded PAGE XIII-:-ACCOUNTS STORES AND PURCHASING SERVICES 36 XIV—CONSTRUCTION AND MAINTENANCE 37 I XV—VOCATIONAL TRAINING 40 XVI—INDUSTRIAL DIVISION • 43 • • • - - Safety • • • 47 XVII-MEDICAL AND •PSYCHIATRIC SERVICES 47 XVIII-CONCLUSION • 49 TABLES RESPECTING .INMATES--. • . Table . F.-7Movement of Population 50 . Table. II=Nationality 51 , Table , 51 • ' Table IV—D.uration of Sentence 52 Table V—Ages 52 .Table , VI-7Creeds . 53 .Table VII--Previous Convictions 53 • . Table .VIII-7Employment of Inmates 54 , Table IX7—Comparative.Statement of Revenue 55 Table X—Comparative Statement of Disbursements 56 . 'Table. • XI—Comparative. Statement . of Disbursements (by Penitentiary).. 56 Table XII—Comparative Statement of Operating Costs for Services Rendered and Goods Consumed 56 • Table XIII-Statement of 'Operating Costs for Services Rendered and Goods Consumed in the Fiscal Year Ended March 31 1957 57 Table XIV—Comparative Statement of Capital and Operating Costs for •Services •Rendered and Goods Consumed 58 • Table XV—Expenditures on Medical and Allied Services 1956-57 58 Table XVI—Activities of Welfare Organizations during Fiscal Year 59 ANNUAL REPORTS OF THE WARDENS- . KingSton Penitentiary • 61 « 1 St. Vinèent de Paul Penitentiary 75 Dorchester Penitentiary 84 • Manitoba Penitentiary 96 British Columbia Penitentiary 102 Saskatchewan' Penitentiary 112 . Collin's... Bay. Penitentiary. • 122 Federal . Training. Centre • 132 Penitentiary Staff College , 147 STATISTICAL DATA BY THE DOMINION BUREAU OF STATISTICS ON IN- MATES RECEIVED AND DISCHARGED DURING THE YEAR ' (Table of Contents) • 149 ANNUAL REPORT • • OF THE COMMISSIONER OF PENITENTIARIES FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDED MARCH 31, 1957 I—INTRODUCTORY 1. One of the notable developments of the fiscal year,1956-57, insofar as the Penitentiary Service is concerned, was the preparation of facilities for the opening of a new penitentiary institution at Joyceville, Ontario. Details may be found elsewhere in this report. 2. The year was marked by quiet and steady progress, unmarred by any serious disturbances such as those which occurred in the mid-summer months of 1954 and 1955. Important changes were made in the , incumbency of senior positions which became vacant through retirement. Greater flexibility of staff organization was achieved as outlined in the last Annual Report. Additional progress has been made in staff training, and in the provision of better faCilities for the treatment of inmates. 3. Consequent upon publication of the Report of the Special Comreittee Appointed to Inquire Into The Principles and Procedures Followed in the Remission Service, we participated in study of the problems that might be involved in implementation of some of its recommendations. Further con- sideration on a dominion-provincial basis will be necessary before a course of future action can be determined. The Penitentiary Service is particularly concerned with those recommendations which advocate federal responsibility for prisoners serving • sentences shorter than two years. Our national growth, coupled with other factors which undoubtedly include the improved facilities for diagnosis and treatment which are gradually being developed in our institutions, has inevitably led to sustained high levels of inmate population in those peniten- tiaries which serve the urban areas of British Columbia, Ontario and Quebec. Long range planning must take such matters into account; no truly compre- hensive plan is possible until present uncertainty as to division of responsibilit3i has been removed. JOYCEVILLE INSTITUTION 4. A primary consideration in arriving at the decision to open a new penitentiary in Eastern Ontario was the fact that the inmate population of Kingston Penitentiary had reached and remained at a level which Seriously over-taxed its facilities. Although additional accommodation was provided at Collin's Bay Penitentiary to provide some relief from this condition, it waS obvious that the permanent solution of the problem must be found in another manner. A fundamental principle of our policy is that, where possible, no Canadian penitentiary should Ultimately have a population materially in excess of 600 inmates. 7 8 DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE 5. The search for a suitable site went on for many months before the final selection was made. Due consideration was given to such factors as: (a) Proximity to existing institutions to and from which transfers of inmates would have to be made. (b) Proximity to hospital and other facilities related to the well-being, care and treatment of inmates. (c) Prœdmity to educational, commercial and other community facilities essential to staff-members and their families. (d) Proximity to rail, road and other transportation facilities for delivery and shipping of supplies, produce and personnel. (e) Suitability of land as to size, soil-type, etc., for carrying out of the institutional programme. (f) Remoteness from urban areas, sufficient to ensure against "swallowing- up" in the foreseeable future by rapid expansion of a neighboring city, as has occurred in the cases of• Kingston and British Columbia Penitentiaries. (g) Availability of adjacent land for future expansion if necessary, and/or for the establishment of homes in the area by staff-members who desire to live close to their work. (h) Existence on the chosen property of buildings and other facilities that would prove useful for institutional purposes. (i) Willingness of the
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