APPENDIX I The Carlton Club Meeting, 19 October 1922 This appendix lists the vote at the Carlton Club Meeting of all Conservative M.P.s It is based on a list in the Austen Chamber­ lain Papers (AC/33/2/92), and has been checked against public statements by the M.P.s of their votes at the meeting. In two cases the public statements disagreed with Chamberlain's list. They were Sir R. Greene (Hackney North) and C. Erskine-Bolst (Hackney South). Chamberlaine's list said that Greene supported the Coalition, while Erskine-Bolst opposed it. The two men indicated that they had the opposite opinion, and their votes may have been transposed in Chamberlain's list. The appendix gives information on the attitude of Conserva­ tive M.P.s towards the Coalition before the Carlton Club Meet­ ing, and it also lists some M.P.s who were present but who according to Chamberlain did not vote. R. R. James, using a different source, published a list of the M.P.s voting at the Carlton Club (Memoirs Of A Conservative, 130-3). He gave the total vote as 185 opponents of the Coalition, and 88 supporters, and he lists 184 opponents of the Coalition. M.P.s who were listed differently from Chamberlain's accounting were: H. C. Brown (Chamberlain, anti; James, absent) C. Carew (Chamberlain, absent; James, pro) G. L. Palmer (Chamberlain, absent; James, anti) H. Ratcliffe (Chamberlain, absent; James, pro) 222 THE FALL OF LLOYD GEORGE N. Raw (Chamberlain, absent; James, anti) R. G. Sharman-Crawford (Chamberlain, anti; James, absent) R. Terrell (Chamberlain, anti; James, absent) T. G. Tickler (Chamberlain, anti; James, absent) C. Yate (Chamberlain, anti; James, absent) The following abbreviations have been used : Pro voted for continuance of the Coalition. Anti voted against continuance of the Coalition. Diehard: longtime opponent of the Coalition who signed one or both of the Diehard manifestos. Unless otherwise stated, the reference is to Gleanings and M em.oranda (July 1922) 98. At Chamberlain's dinner: listed in The Times (24 October 1922) as having attended the dinner for Chamber­ lain after the Carlton Club Meeting. 1 Adair, T. B. S. (Glasgow-Shettleston). Anti. Diehard. 2 Agg-Gardener, J. T. (Cheltenham). Pro. 3 Ainsworth, C. (Bury). Absent on government business. Bury Guardian (28 October 1922). 4 Allen, W. J. (Armagh North). Anti. 5 Amery, L. C. M. S. (Birmingham-Sparbrook). Anti. Anti before meeting. Amery, My Political Life, II 237. 6 Archer-Shee, M. (Finsbury). Anti. Diehard. 7 Armstrong, H. B. (Mid-Armagh). Absent. 8 Ashley, W. (Lancs-Fylde). Anti. Diehard. 9 Astbury, F. W. (Salford West). Absent. 10 Astor, Lady (Plymouth-Sutton). Supported Coalition, but did not attend meeting. Western Evening Herald (19 October 1922). 11 Atkey, A. R. (Nottingham Central). Pro. 12 Austin, H. (Birmingham-King's Norton). Absent. 13 Bagley, E. A. (Lancs.-Famworth). Pro. 14 Baird, J. L. (Warwick-Rugby). Anti. 15 Baldwin, S. (Worcs.-Bewdley). Anti. Anti before meeting. Harris, Forty Years in and out of Parliament, 93; Amery, My Political Life, II 236. 16 Balfour, G. (Hampstead). Anti. Diehard. Cf. Morning Post (13 October 1922). APPENDIX I 223 17 Banbury, F. (City of London). Anti. Diehard. 18 Banner, J. S. Harmood- (Liverpool-Everton). Pro. At Chamberlain's dinner. 19 Barlow, C. A. M. (Salford South). Absent on government business. South Wales Argus (20 October 1922). 20 Barnett, R. W. (St Pancras South-west). Anti. Said before the meeting that he would stand as a non-coalition Conservative. West London News (18 October 1922); St Pancras Guardian (27 October 1922). 21 Barnston, H. (Cheshire-Eddisbury). Pro, but did not sign the ministerial letters of support for Chamberlain. Liverpool Post (30 October 1922). 22 Beckett, G. (Yorks-Scarborough and Whitby). Anti before meeting and present at it, but according to Chamberlain's list did not vote. Yorkshire Post (2 September and 27 October 1922). 23 Bell, W. C. H. (Wilts.-Devizes). Anti. Anti since late 1921. Swindon Evening Advertiser (26 October 1922). 24 Bellairs, C. W. (Kent-Maidstone). Pro. At Chamberlain's dinner. Implied to his constituents that he had been against the Coalition. Southeastern Gazette (27 October 1922). 25 Benn, A. S. (Plymouth-Drake). Anti. 26 Benn, I. H. (Greenwich). Absent. 27 Bennett, T. J. (Kent-Sevenoaks). Anti. Anti before meeting. Southeastern Gazette (11 April 1922); Morning Post (13 and 14 October 1922). 28 Bentinck, Lord H. Cavendish- (Nottingham South). Absent. 29 Betterton, H. B. (Notts.-Rushcliffe). Anti. Later implied that he had supported the Coalition, and defended it strongly. Bulwell Local News (11 November 1922). 80 Bigland, A. (Birkenhead East). Anti. 31 Birchall, ]. D. (Leeds North-east). Anti. Anti before meet- ing. Yorkshire Post (11 October 1922). 82 Bird, R. (W olverhampton West). Pro. 83 Bird, W. (Sussex-Chichester). Anti. 34 Blades, G. R. (Surrey-Epsom). Anti. 85 Blair, R. (Poplar-Bow and Bromley). Anti. 86 Blane, T. A. (Leicester South). Anti. 37 Borwick, G. 0. (Croydon North). Pro. At Chamberlain's dinner. 224 THE FALL OF LLOYD GEORGE 38 Boscawen, A. S. T. Griffith- (Somerset-Taunton). Anti. Anti shortly before meeting. Griffith-Boscawen, Memories, 252. 39 Bowles, H. F. (Middlesex-Enfield). Anti. In 1918 ha:d been connected with the National Party. Wargrave Papers, undated letter on the 1918 election by Sir Henry Page Croft. 40 Bowyer, G. E. W. (Bucks.-Buckingham). Anti. Anti before meeting. 41 Boyd-Carpenter, A. B. (Bradford North). Anti. Longtime opponent of the Coalition. The Times (27 March, 1 June and 3 November 1922). 42 Brassey, H. L. C. (Northants-Peterborough). Pro. At Cham­ berlain's dinner. 43 Bridgeman, W. C. (Salop-Oswestry). Anti. Anti before meeting. Wellington journal and Shrewsbury News (4 November 1922). 44 Briggs, W. J. H. (Manchester-Blackley). Pro. 45 Brittain, H. (Middlesex-Acton). Present at Meeting, but not listed by Chamberlain as having voted. Pall Mall Gazette (19 October 1922). 46 Brotherton, E. A. (Wakefield). Pro. At Chamberlain's dinner. 47 Brown, D. C. (Northumberland-Hexham). Anti. Anti for a year before meeting. Hex ham Herald (28 October 1922). 48 Brown, H. C. (Berks.-Newbury). Anti. Anti before meeting. Berkshire Chronicle (27 October 1922). 49 Bruton, J. (Gloucester). Anti. According to Liberal accusa­ tions, Bruton did not make up his mind until the meeting. Bruton neither confirmed nor denied this. Gloucester journal (28 Octo­ ber 1922). 50 Buchanan, A. L. H. (Lanark-Coatbridge). Pro. 51 Buckley, A. (Lancs.-Waterloo). Anti. Anti before meeting. Bootle Herald (28 October 1922); Liverpool Post (26 October 1922). 52 Bull, W. (Hammersmith South). Pro. At Chamberlain's dinner. 53 Burdon, R. (Durham-Sedgefield). Anti. 54 Burgoyne, A. (Kensington South). Absent. Had been a member of the National Party in 1918, according to a pamphlet in the W argrave Papers. 55 Bum, C. R. (Devon-Torquay). Anti. Diehard. APPENDIX I 225 56 Bum, T. H. (Belfast-St Anne's). Absent. Morning Post (23 October 1922). 57 Butcher, J. G. (York). Anti. Diehard. Gleanings and Memoranda (April 1922) 402. 58 Campbell, J. G. D. (Kingston-on-Thames). Pro. 59 Campion, W. R. (Sussex-Lewes). Anti. 6° Carew, C. (Devon-Tiverton). Absent. 61 Carter, R. A. (Manchester-Withington). Pro. 62 Cautley, H. S. (Sussex-East Grinstead). Anti. 63 Cayzer, H. R. (Portsmouth South). Absent because of illness. Morning Post (4 November 1922). 64 Cecil, E. (Birmingham-Aston). Anti. Cecil told Bonar Law on 18 October, 'I contemplate standing myself as a Conservative in the broadest sense at the election'. Bonar Law Papers, 107/2/69. 65 Cecil, Lord H. (Oxford University). Anti. Diehard. Glean­ ings and Memoranda (April 1922) 402. 66 Cecil, Lord R. (Herts-Hitchin). Anti before meeting, but not invited to it, as he ha:d ceased to be a Coalitionist. Asquith Papers, Box 34, f. 7 [Cecil to Asquith, 1 July 1921]. 67 Chadwick, R. B. (Barrow). Anti for over a year before meet­ ing, but attended Chamberlain's dinner. Liverpool Post (25 October 1922). 68 Chamberlain, A. Neville (Birmingham-Ladywood). In Canada for meeting. Feiling, Neville Chamberlain, 100. 69 Chamberlain, J. Austen (Birmingham West). Pro. 7° Cheyne, W. (Scottish Universities). Absent. 71 Chilcott, H. W. S. (Liverpool-Walton). Pro. At Chamber- lain's dinner. 72 Child, H. (Staffs.-Stone). Anti. 73 Churchman, A. (Suffolk-Woodbridge). Anti. 74 Clarry, R. (Newport). Elected as a Diehard on 18 October, and unable to be present at meeting. 75 Clay, H. H. Spender- (Kent-Tonbridge). Anti. Had sup­ ported a coalition election early in 1922, but later turned against the Lloyd George regime. Austen Chamberlain Papers, AC/33/2 [Clay to Chamberlain, 11 January 1922]; Sevenoaks Chronicle (3 November 1922). 76 Clough, R. (Yorks.-Keighley). Pro before meeting, but abstained at it. Yorkshire Post (16 October 1922); Memoirs of a Conservative, ed. R. R. James, 133. 226 THE FALL OF LLOYD GEORGE 77 Coats, S. (Surrey East). Pro. At Chamberlain's dinner. 78 Cobb, C. (Fulham West). Anti. 79 Cockerill, G. K. (Surrey-Reigate). Anti. Plans to oppose Cockerill because of his support for the Coalition fell through. In July 1922, Cockerill assured his constituents that the Coalition would end. He broke with Chamberlain because he felt that Chamberlain had misled him. W andsworth Borough News (14 July 1922); Austen Chamberlain Papers, ACj33j2j76 [Cockerill to Chamberlain, 17 October 1922]; Morning Post (30 October 1922). 8° Cohen, J. B. B. (Liverpool-Fairfield). Anti before meeting, but was in the U.S.A. for it. Liverpool Post (31 October and 9 November 1922). 81 Colfox, W. P. (Dorset North). Anti. Anti for a year before meeting. Dorset County Chronicle (8 June 1922). 82 Colvin, R. (Essex-Epping). Anti. 83 Conway, W.
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