
WILL RICE COLLEGE PRESENTS DOJO-WEEK 2011 奉迎 Welcome! The Coordinators Dear new Will Ricers, Welcome to the best residential college ever founded. Affectionately known as the college of gods and goddesses, Will Rice is a wonderful place where each of you can grow, learn from and enjoy your entire Rice experience. Within the walls of our buildings and common areas, you will have the remarkable opportunity to befriend all of the current and even a few previous Will Ricers, whether it be at meals, while studying in our lounges or commons, or on the patio eating delicious grilled foods. *HWSXPSHGEHFDXVH\RX¶UHDERXWWRIXO¿OOWKHGUHDPWKDWLVFROOHJHKDYLQJWKHEHVWIRXU\HDUV RU however long we have the pleasure of knowing you) of your life! We are convinced it’s no coincidence you were placed in Will Rice because we’ve read your forms and you are all ridiculously amazing. You’ll soon discover that Will Rice is just as awesome as you are. 6XUH:LOO5LFHPD\EHNQRZQIRUWKLQJVOLNHVZHHSLQJ%HHU%LNH LIWKDWGRHVQ¶WPDNHVHQVHWR\RX now, don’t worry, it soon will) and dominating at college sports, but we also put on excellent college plays and enjoy hanging out in our quad on sunny days. No matter what your interests are, there is surely a place for you within our community. To help prepare you for your time at Rice, we’ve created a book consisting of articles written by cur rent and former Rice students, many of them Will Ricers. The articles range from information about academics and important resources to interesting facts about the social scene at Rice. It’s important that, while reading this book, you keep an open mind and realize that you are still free to form your RZQRSLQLRQV:HXQGHUVWDQGWKHUHLVGH¿QLWHO\DSOHWKRUDRILQIRUPDWLRQFRQWDLQHGZLWKLQWKHVH SDJHVDQGLWPD\VHHPDELWRYHUZKHOPLQJEXWGRQ¶WZRUU\WKHJRDORI2:HHNLVWRJXLGH\RXLQ better understanding all of these things. Finally, before we let you immerse yourself into the complexities of this book, remember that if you have any question, any at all, please do not hesitate to contact us. We have spent our entire sum mer dedicated to making your transition into college as seamless as possible, so we would be more WKDQKDSS\WRDGGUHVVDQ\FRQFHUQV\RXPD\KDYH2XUHPDLODGGUHVVLVZUFRZHHN#JPDLOFRP RXU)DFHERRNSDJHLVWLWOHG³:LOO5LFH'RM2:HHN´DQGRXUZHEVLWHLVKWWSZUFGRMRZHHN wordpress.com. *(7(;&,7('EHFDXVHZHGH¿QLWHO\DUH6HH\RXLQ$XJXVW Ninja love, Sensei Kylee Sensei Valerie Sensei Shan 1 米ウィル WILL RICE COLLEGE 目次 table of contents WELCOME WILL RICE STUDENT SERVICES :5&2:HHN&RRUGLQDWRUV :LOO5LFH3UHVLGHQW¶V:HOFRPH +HDOWKDQG:HOOQHVV :KDWLV2:HHN" 5RRPPDWHV 5HFUHDWLRQ&HQWHU How to Get Here! 7 :KHUHDP,/LYLQJ" )RQGUHQ/LEUDU\ 0RYH,Q'D\ 7KH0DVWHUV 50& 6WXGHQW&HQWHU What to Bring 9 &ROOHJH&RRUGLQDWRU :LOO\¶V3XE &RPPRQ5HDGLQJ $VVRFLDWHV 9DOKDOOD 5HVLGHQW$VVRFLDWHV &DPSXV)RRG :LOO5LFH'LHW 6WXGHQW$VVRFLDWLRQ ADVISORS &KLHI-XVWLFH 5LFH3URJUDP&RXQFLO 605 Rice Standard 91 :KDWLVDQ$GYLVRU" $3& Thresher 91 'RM2:HHN*URXSV 9ROXQWHHULQJ :KR&DQ,$VN" ,7&RPSXWHU6HUYLFHV RICE 583' &DPSXV3ROLFH ACADEMICS $%ULHI+LVWRU\RI5LFH Rice EMS 93 5LFH0\WK 8QLYHUVLW\&RXUW $FDGHPLF$GYLVLQJ 3UHVLGHQW'DYLG/HHEURQ 8VHIXO3KRQH1XPEHUV 3HHU$FDGHPLF$GYLVRUV 'HDQRI8QGHUJUDGXDWHV &ODVVHV&RXUVH5HJLVWUDWLRQ 7KH&ROOHJH6\VWHP %X\LQJ%RRNV STUDENT LIFE %DNHU $FDGHPLF)HOORZV +DQV]HQ :RUGVRI:LVGRP &DUHHU$GYLVRUV Wiess 71 6RFLDO6FHQH &HQWHUIRU&DUHHU'HYHORSPHQW Jones 71 $OFRKRO3ROLF\ 'LYHUVLW\)DFLOLWDWRUV %URZQ 'DWLQJ6KH6D\V 6(¶VRQ$FDGHPV /RYHWW 'DWLQJ+H6D\V $FDGHPVRQ6(¶V Sid Richardson 73 6H[XDO'LYHUVLW\ $UFKLV Martel 73 6FUHZ<HU5RRPPDWH 0XVLV 0F0XUWU\ /RQJ'LVWDQFH5HODWLRQVKLSV 6WXG\$EURDG 'XQFDQ 6SLULWXDOLW\DW5LFH +RQRU&RGH+RQRU&RXQFLO *6$ 'DQFLQJ 5LFH$QQXDO)XQG 7KHDWHU %DNHU 2Q&DPSXV-REV SPORTS &OXEVDQG2UJDQL]DWLRQV 9DUVLW\$WKOHWLFV 2II&DPSXV/LYLQJ Club Sports 79 5HVWDXUDQWVLQ+RXVWRQ College and IM Sports 79 5RDGWULSV 3RZGHUSXII)ODJ)RRWEDOO 5LFH6SHDN %HHU%LNH /DVW0LQXWH$GYLFH 3 の 週 幹事 WRC O-WeEK Coordinators Valerie embodies the best of what being at Rice entails. She’s absolutely GHGLFDWHGWR:LOO5LFH1RRQHSOD\V3RZGHUSXII¿HUFHUDQGPRUHSDVVLRQ ately than Val does, and as an advisor, secretary, and now coordinator, she LVD:LOO5LFHUH[WUDRUGLQDLUH,QDGGLWLRQVKH¶VRQHRIWKH¿QHVW5LFHVWX dents you’ll meet. Someday she’ll be in medical school, but for now, she’s leaving her mark on the Rice community. Ask her about a host of different organizations on campus and she’ll not only be able to tell you what it is, but she’s probably got a few stories from her involvement and leadership in it. Most importantly, she’s a wonderful friend. Having scores of new students WELCOME to meet, befriend, and care for is a daunting task, but there’s no one better suited than Valerie. Whether you intend on spending the majority of your time at Rice in Fondren, in the Will Rice gameroom, or in front of the televi sion, she’ll make sure to keep up with you and watch out for you, too. Keep an eye out for her baked goods and be ready for a big smile and a hug from the girl who will soon be your favorite sensei. She’s a shoulder to cry on, a VRXOWRODXJKZLWKDQHDUWRFRQ¿GHLQDWHDPPDWHWRFKHHUZLWKDQGD dear friend you’ll never forget. A few leave an impact on the university, and then there’s a select group of people who not only have a major effect on Valerie Le the people at Rice but far beyond as well. Those individuals are few and far WRC ‘12 between, but count yourself fortunate – Valerie Le is one of them. -RQ(QGHDQ:LHVVµ /LNH KLV KLJK VFKRRO PDVFRW 7KH 1HZ %UDXQIHOV 8QLFRUQV«" 6KDQ LV D true, mythical beast. He does it all and he does it well. For Will Rice alone, he KDVVHUYHGDVDEDOOLQ¶VHFUHWDU\FRDFKHGRXUIUHVKPDQÀDJWHDPWRYLFWRU\ separated your whites from colors as Laundry Committee head, chugged for the Beer Bike team, and now serves as both your Spirits Committee head DQG2:HHN&RRUGLQDWRU+HDOVR¿QGVWLPHWRWXWRUPLGGOHVFKRRONLGVHDUQ his Biochemistry degree, and dedicate his heart and soul to eventually rid the world of brain cancer in his neurology lab. Be impressed. I can’t think of anyone else who better embodies the power and spirit of the Phoenix, but GRQ¶WEHLQWLPLGDWHG6KDQLVRQHJHQXLQHGRZQWRHDUWKJX\+H¶VDOZD\V willing to listen to your problems or to just chill and enjoy life. Now, before you all start scheming on how you can befriend this demigod, here are some WKLQJV\RXVKRXOGNQRZ+HKDVDQXQQDWXUDOORYHIRU:HH]HUDQG%OLQN +HFDQNLFNDQ\RQH¶VEXWWDWJROI \HDK«JROI +H¶VVHFUHWO\JRRGDWSOD\LQJ WKHJXLWDUEXWSXEOLFO\DZIXODWVLQJLQJDORQJ2QWKHZHHNHQGVKH¶VFRP PRQO\VHHQLQDSDLURIKLVÀDPER\DQWNLFNVSDUW\LQJLWXSZLWKKLVEURV%XW most importantly, he has an undeniable ability to affect people wherever he is. Three summers ago, he did a tour of South America, and the entire Shan McDonell FRQWLQHQWLVVWLOOJULHYLQJWKHORVVRIWKHLUIDYRULWH7H[DVUDLVHG,ULVKPDQ6R WRC ‘12 JHWSXPSHG6KDQKDVEHHQZRUNLQJKDUGDOOVXPPHUWREULQJ\RXWKHEHVW 2:HHNHYHU $QJHOD&KXQ:5&µ の 週 幹事 WRC O-WeEK Coordinators This girl has got it all. I am proud to call this animal loving, art history study LQJHQYLURQPHQWFRQVHUYLQJTXDUWHU,QGLDQP\URRPPDWH6KHFXUUHQWO\ W hails from Jacksonville, Florida but has lived all over the country. At Rice she ELCOME RFFXSLHVKHU YHU\OLPLWHG VSDUHWLPHMXPSLQJRQEXEEOHZUDSFRORULQJ SUHWW\SLFWXUHVDQGHDWLQJREVFHQHDPRXQWVRI<RJXUWODQG+PP«GRHVWKLV VRXQGDOLWWOHELWOLNH\RXU\HDUROGJUDQGPD"+DYHQRIHDU.\OHHLVDFWX ally an amazingly fun person with an unbelievable love for life and people. There’s nothing this girl doesn’t love to do and nothing she won’t do to help out a friend. Kylee is the most devoted Will Ricer I have ever met! She’ll be WKHRQHOLQJHULQJDIWHUHYHU\PHDOMXVWWRJHWDFRXSOHRIH[WUDPLQXWHV RU hours) of conversation with her fellow Will Ricers. She brought us delectable WUHDWVDW'LHWDV$W/DUJH5HSODVW\HDUVWUHQJWKHQHGVWXGHQWDGXOWUHODWLRQ ships on the Associates Committee, beasted on the bike to help bring in last year’s Beer Bike victory, coordinated the most ballin’ Beer Bike ever, and is your current Legacy Director. She’s even a Will Rice legacy with a mom who ELNHGRQWKH¿UVWHYHUVZHHSWHDPEDFNLQ.\OHH¶VORYHLVFRQWDJLRXV DQGZLWKKHUDV\RXU2:HHNFRRUGLQDWRU\RXZLOOQRGRXEW¿QGDSODFHIRU Will Rice in your heart. Kylee Talwar $OH[DQGUD(UQVW:5&µ WRC ‘13 何がの 週 What is O-week? The Coordinators <RXDUHSUREDEO\ZRQGHULQJZKDW2:HHNHYHQLVRWKHUWKDQRQHRIWKHJUHDWHVWZHHNVRI\RXUOLIH 2:HHNZKLFKVWDQGVIRU2ULHQWDWLRQ:HHNLVVHYHQGD\VGHGLFDWHGWRLQVLPSOHWHUPV<28<RX which include the incoming freshmen, transfers, and exchanges, are the next class of new students DW5LFH/HWXVEHWKH¿UVWWRVD\FRQJUDWXODWLRQVDQGZHOFRPH RUZHOFRPHEDFN WRFROOHJH7KLQNRI 2:HHNDVDWLPHRIWUDQVLWLRQ±\RXJHWWRPHHWDQGEHIULHQGDOORIWKHQHZVWXGHQWVLQ\RXUKRPH college as well as a select number of upperclassmen; you get to live with an actual roommate; and you become accustomed to the atmosphere that is college life. Through presentations from university faculty and staff to talks with your college leader WELCOME ship to group time with your fellow new students DQGVSHFL¿FDGYLVRUV2:HHNZLOODOORZ\RXWRJDLQ some vital information about Rice and to form your RZQSHUVSHFWLYH2UJDQL]HGE\WKH2I¿FHRI)LUVW <HDU 3URJUDPV 2:HHN DFWXDOO\ LQYROYHV WKH FR ordinated efforts of hundreds of students, faculty members, and staff all across campus, including XV\RXUYHU\RZQ2:HHN&RRUGLQDWRUVDVZHOODV a group of upperclassmen you are about to meet. $V\RXPD\DOUHDG\NQRZ\RXDUHDVVLJQHGWRDVSHFL¿FJURXSRIQHZVWXGHQWVZLWKWKUHHVSHFLI LF³DGYLVRUV´7KHVHVSHFLDOO\VHOHFWHGDQGWKXVREYLRXVO\DZHVRPHSHRSOHDUH5LFHXSSHUFODVVPHQ ZKRKDYHYROXQWHHUHGWKHLUWLPHHQHUJ\DQGHQWKXVLDVPWRPDNLQJ2:HHNDVHQMR\DEOHHQWHUWDLQ
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