1378 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS, Vol. 157, Pt. 1 February 8, 2011 National Social Action Co-Chair. Very active in eral Vang Pao. General Pao served in the gional Medical Center in Portsmouth, Virginia, ‘‘giving back’’ and helping promote an agenda Royal Lao Army and fought alongside the the Veterans’ Administration Medical Center in for the positive growth and development of our United States Armed Forces during the Viet- Atlanta, Georgia and at Emory University. youth, Ms. Boyd uses her many talents and nam war. He passed away Thursday, January Dr. Gary Jeffers was a member of the skills to the benefit of the community. This in- 6th, 2011. United States Navy Dental Corps from 1972 cludes freely sharing her time while she en- General Pao was born December 8, 1929 in until 1979. He was employed as a Resident courages their interests in careers in math, the Xiangkhuang Province of northeastern Instructor at Emory University and then as a science and engineering and in their overall Laos. He worked as a farmer in Laos until Clinical Instructor at the University of Pitts- success. Japanese forces occupied the region as part burgh’s School of Dental Medicine. Dr. Jeffers It is my honor to recognize this accom- of the French Indo-China War. During the con- built a private practice of Oral and Maxillo- plished woman and commend her many flict he fought alongside fellow Laotians to pro- facial Surgery in North Canton, Ohio before achievements. tect his country against the Japanese inva- joining the staff of the University of Detroit f sion. Following the war, Vang Pao continued Mercy School of Dentistry in July 1985 where to serve in the army of the Kingdom of Laos he continues to be a Tenured Associate Pro- DANIEL JOHN DENNEHY TRIBUTE under the King of Laos. General Pao received fessor. the honored title of Phagna Norapramok, Prior to being elected as President of the HON. SCOTT R. TIPTON roughly translated as ‘‘Lord Protector of the Michigan Dental Association, Dr. Jeffers OF COLORADO Country’’ from the last King of Laos, King served on the MDA Board of Trustees as the IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Savang Vatthana. trustee of the 18th district before serving as Tuesday, February 8, 2011 During the 1960s and 1970s, General Pao MDA president-elect and as vice president. led the Secret Army, during the Secret War, Having completed his term as President, he Mr. TIPTON. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to where they fought against the Pathlet Lao and will continue to serve the MDA Board as past honor the life of Daniel John Dennehy, of Del the People’s Army of Vietnam to prevent the president. Norte, Colorado, who recently passed away. spread of communism into Southeast Asia. Dr. Jeffers’ extensive involvement with the Daniel was a career sailor in the U.S. Navy, General Pao commanded the Military Region MDA and organized dentistry is evident in the an avid outdoorsman and expert knife maker. A distinguished member of the United Two where he successfully fought to prevent numerous committees and task forces on States armed forces, he joined the Navy at a the capture of this region by the communist which he has served. These include the Ref- young age and served in World War II, the forces of the North Vietnamese Army. Addi- erence Committee on Membership, Bylaws Korean War, and Vietnam. He retired from ac- tionally, he was an ally of the Central Intel- and Dental Practice; Board Committee on Fi- tive duty in 1970 as a chief petty officer. ligence Agency and organized 39,000 guerrilla nance, Board Planning Work Group for Stra- Daniel was known worldwide for his expert warriors to aid downed American pilots and tegic Planning, and the Washington VIsitation knowledge in the art of knife-making, and for defend American outposts from the enemy. team. In addition, Dr. Jeffers chaired the Com- his highly coveted ‘‘Dan-D’’ knives. During After the war, General Pao emigrated to the mittee on Governmental Affairs; MDA Insur- World War II, he crafted and sold knives to United States in May of 1975. He actively ance & Financial Group Endorsed Services Marines as they went into battle. Later in life worked to ensure the resettlement of hundreds Committee; and the MDA/MDAA and the he started his own knife-making company, of thousands of Hmong and Lao immigrants in MDA/MDHA task forces. He is also a past Dan-D knives. Dennehy’s knives are recog- America and to ensure equal rights for them. president of the Detroit District Dental Society nized globally as top of the line outdoor and Additionally he worked to help facilitate U.S.- and has served the American Dental Associa- tactical knives. They have been included in Lao relationships and helped the Hmong com- tion in various capacities. national outdoor and sporting publications and munity embrace their new identity as Hmong- Dr. Jeffers’ work outside the MDA bears ac- notable public figures such as Clint Eastwood, Americans. knowledgement. He is a licensing examiner for Barry Goldwater and Steve Miller count them- General Vang Pao dedicated his life to fight the North East Regional Board and spent four selves as Dan-D knife owners. Most impor- for freedom and democratic rights for all years serving on the Michigan Board of Den- tantly, his knives have been at the front lines Southeast Asians. He relentlessly worked to tistry. He also served as assistant to the Dean of every conflict since World War II. Elite units improve the Hmong community and the world of Legislative Affairs at UDM and instigated to include Navy SEALS, Marine Force Recon around him. General Vang Pao’s legacy will the dental school’s legislative activity on both and Army Special Forces rely on Dan-D not only be his leadership and accomplish- the state and national level. During his tenure knives for their durability and high quality con- ments, but first and foremost, his service to at UDM, Dr. Jeffers spearheaded a proposal struction. his country and community. resulting in an important $2 million HUD con- Daniel was an accomplished writer, an avid Mr. Speaker, I rise today to honor General struction grant that was used to help relocate reader, hunter, fisher and competitive marks- Vang Pao for his service and dedication to the the dental school to its current facility. man. He was a regular contributor to numer- United States and the Hmong community. I in- Mr. Speaker, as Dr. Gary Jeffers concludes ous publications, writing editorials about var- vite my colleagues to join me in honoring his term as President of the MDA I am re- ious topics including politics and government. Major General Vang Pao. minded of the words he spoke to first year He was a lifelong learner and obsessive read- f dental students. These words bear remem- bering; ‘‘Ethics is not something that is easily er. Daniel was an accomplished marksman, TRIBUTE TO DR. GARY JEFFERS and in the 1970’s lent his time as a volunteer taught or learned. It comes from within your deputy sheriff for the Rio Grande Sheriff’s Of- heart and your soul.’’ Today, I ask my col- fice. HON. THADDEUS G. McCOTTER leagues to join me in honoring Dr. Gary Jef- Mr. Speaker, I am honored to recognize OF MICHIGAN fers and in recognizing his years of loyal serv- Daniel’s significant contributions to his com- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ice to our community and country. munity and his trade, and thank him and his Tuesday, February 8, 2011 f family for his military service. Mr. MCCOTTER. Mr. Speaker, today I rise RECOGNITION OF MR. JOEL f to honor and acknowledge Dr. Gary Jeffers as ALLISON HONORING MAJOR GENERAL VANG he concludes his term of service as President PAO of the Michigan Dental Association. HON. EDDIE BERNICE JOHNSON After receiving an Artium Baccalaureatus OF TEXAS HON. JEFF DENHAM degree from Malone College in 1969, Gary IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES OF CALIFORNIA Jeffers went on, in 1971, to earn a Master of Science degree in Physiology and Pharma- Tuesday, February 8, 2011 IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES cology at Ohio University. He earned a Doctor Ms. EDDIE BERNICE JOHNSON of Texas. Tuesday, February 8, 2011 of Dental Medicine degree at the University of Mr. Speaker, February 17, 2011 marks the 9th Mr. DENHAM. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to Pittsburgh in 1975. Dr. Jeffers pursued grad- Annual Virginia Chandler Dykes Leadership honor the life and achievements of Major Gen- uate training at the United States Navy Re- Award luncheon. On this day, the award will VerDate Mar 15 2010 12:32 Jan 09, 2014 Jkt 099102 PO 00000 Frm 00025 Fmt 0689 Sfmt 9920 J:\BR_BACKUP\E08FE1.001 E08FE1 WREIER-AVILES on DSK5TPTVN1PROD with BOUND RECORD February 8, 2011 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS, Vol. 157, Pt. 1 1379 be bestowed upon a dedicated leader in the National Association of Black Journalists in with the budgetary levels set forth in the budg- Dallas community, Mr. Joel Allison. Mr. Allison 1975, and was honored by the San Francisco et resolution and the accompanying report. will be presented the award by Dr. Ann Stuart, Black Chamber of Commerce in 1994 with the For the Committee on Appropriations, the Chancellor and President of Texas Woman’s Black Chamber Life Award. Additionally, due allocation for fiscal year 2011 is set at $1,055 University and the Bank of Texas. to his tremendous efforts to help raise money billion in discretionary budget authority. In 2002, the award was established in honor for leukemia research, Mr.
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