PATRIOT S VS . COLT S SERIES HISTORY TALE OF THE TAPE The Patriots and Colts will face of f for the 10th tim e since 2003 an d 200 9 Re gular Seas on New E nng land In dianapolis for the 73rd tim e in the history of the Reco rd 6- 2 8-0 franchises. The clubs have clas hed in Divisi onal Standin gs 1s t 1st each of the las t six re gular s easons Tota l Yards Gained 3,2 74 3,203 (2003-07) and al so faced each ot her in Total Offense (Ran k) 409. 3 (2) 4 00.4 (4) the playoffs foll owin g the 2003, 2004 Ru sh Offense 114.3 (16) 85.4(29) and 2006 seas ons. The two teams Pa ss Offense 295. 0 (2) 3 15.0 (1) share a long-time rivalry, as the P atriots Poi nts Per Game 28.1 (3) 2 7.1 (5T) and the Baltim ore/Indianapolis Colts Touchdowns Score d 2 5 26 played twice ea ch year from 1 970 to Third Down Conve rsion Pct. 45. 0 51.0 2001 as member s of the AFC Ea st, with the exce ption of the 198 2 Tota l Yards Allowe d 2,3 34 2,427 strike season. Ne w En gland has h ad more success against the Colt s Total Defense (Ra nk) 291. 8 (7) 3 03.4 (8) than any other t eam in the AFC , with the Patri ots’ .611 winnin g Ru sh Defense 112.4 (20) 10 8.1 (T-14) percenta ge ranki nng as their hi ghhest a gainst an y AFC team the y Pa ss Defense 179. 4 (4) 1 95.3 (9) have played mo re than 10 tim es. New En gland is 18-9 a gains t Poi nts Allowed/Ga me 14.4 (3) 13.5 (1) Indian apolis since 1993 , and has won 1 4 Touchdowns Allow ed 1 3 10 of the series’ last 20 gaames. The game s Third Down Defen se (Pct.) 39. 0 44.1 have t ended to be hi gh-scorin g affairs , Field Goals Made/Att empted 17/ 20 12/14 as the Patriots have s cored 20 or mor e Poss ession Av g. 33: 41 29:05 points against the Col ts in 18 of thei r Sack s Allowed/Yards Lost 10/ 56 7/47 last 20 meetin gs. New England holds a n Sack s Made/Yards 15/ 118 22/152 overall record of 14-8 in games playe d Inter ceptions For/A gaainst 7/ 5 9/6 in In dianapolis. The Colts beat th e Penal ties A gainst/Yar ds 49/ 396 43/331 Patriot s, 18-15 last sea son on Novembe r Punt s/Av g. 27/3 8.9 29/43.7 2, 200 8 in their first me etin g at Lucas Ol i Turn over Differential +8 +7 Stadium. A com plete listin g of all games in t he series can b e LAST MEET ING found on pa ge 288 of the 200 9 Patriots Med ia Guide. CO LTS 18, PAT RIOTS 15 SERIES TRENDS November 2, 2 008 ¹ Lucas Oil Stadium (Att: 6 6,508) Overall Record (including 2-1 i n playoffs) ....... ................ 44-2 8 1 2 3 4 Final Overall at Hom e ....................... ........................ ................ 24-1 2 New En gland Patri ots 0 6 6 3 — 15 in Foxborough ..... ......................... ......................... ................. 24-1 1 Indi anapolis Colts 7 0 8 3 — 18 in Boston ............ ......................... ......................... ..................... 0- 1 The Patriots dropped a ti ght game on the road to the Indianapolis Overall on Road ........................ ........................ ................ 20-1 6 in Indianapolis .... ......................... ......................... ................... 14- 8 Colts , fallin g 18-15 after a game-wi nnin g 52-yard f ield goal by in Baltimore ....... ......................... ......................... ..................... 6- 8 India napolis in the f ourth quarter t hat broke a 15 -15 tie. The Largest Victory .... ......................... .....................39 points (10/06/74 ) Patri ots came from behind to tie or take the lead twice in the Largest Defeat ..... ......................... ................... -31 points (11/26/72 ) gam e. After fallin g b ehind 7-0, the P atriots rallied to take a 12-7 Highest Combined Point Total ........ ..72 points (11/3 0/03 and 1/21/07 ) lead i n the third quar ter. The Colts th en re gained the lead (15-12) Lowest Combined Point Total ......... ...................... 6 points (12/06/92 ) with a touchdown, b efore New En gla nd tied the gam e at 15 early Longest Winning Streak ................ ......................... .........7 (1996-99 ) in th e final quarter. Despite the loss , the Patriots o utgained the Longest Losing St reak ................... ....................3 ( 1970-71, 2005-07 ) Colts 342-301 and outrushed India napolis 140-47. Matt Cassel Seasonal Sweeps of 2 or more win s ...................... Patriots 12, Colts 5 comp leted 73.5 perc ent of his passes (25-for-34) and the Patriots rushi nng attack, led by Kevin Faulk and BenJarvus Green-Ellis, PA TRIOTS – CO LTS QUICK H ITS avera ged 4.4 yards p er carry (140 ya rds on 32 rushes ). ¾ Since the be ginnin g of the 20 03 season, the Patriots and Colt s CONNECTI ONS are tied with t he NFL’s best re cord (83-21) ¾ Pa triots head coa ch Bill Belichi ck be gan his N FL coachin g ¾ In the last six seasons, the Pa triots and Colts have met twice i n ca reer as a speci al assistant for the Baltimore C olts in 1975 the AFC Cha mpionship Game, with the Patrio ts claimin g a 24 - un der head coach Ted Marchibrod a. 14 win in 200 3 and the Colts winnin g 38-34 in 2006. ¾ Pa triots assistant head coach/o ff ensive line c oach Dante ¾ Patriots Head Coach Bill Belich ick is 8-5 agains t the Colts as th e Sc arnecchia was the offensive li ne coach for th e Colts from head coach of the Patriots and is 10-7 a gainst Indianapolis as a 19 89-90. Outside of those two se asons, Scarnecc hia has been head coach ov erall. on the Patriots sid elines for each y ear since 1982. ¾ This week’s game will mark the fifth strai ghht year that th e ¾ Co lts kicker Ada m Vinatieri pla yed for the Pa triots for 10 Patriots and Colts will play durin g the firs t two weeks o f se asons from 199 6-2005 and is N ew En gland’s all- time leadin g November. T he Patriots face d the Colts in t he first week o f sc orer with 1,158 points and also holds the team record with November for the last four sea sons. 26 3 successful fiel d goals. ¾ Despite not b ein g in the sam e division, the P atriots and Colt s ¾ Pa triots tackle Matt Li ght ear ned four letters at Purdue will play each other for the se venth strai ght se ason. Un iversity (1996, 1998-2000), ear nin g All-Bi g Te n conference PATRIOTS A ND COLTS H AVE SUSTAIN ED SUCCESS fir sst -team honors i n 2000. Both clubs are m ovin g near the t op regular-seaso n victory total ¾ Co lts defensive en d Dwi ght Fre eney was born in Hartford, for any team in a ny NFL decade. San Francisco w on 113 re gular- Co nn., and attend ed Bloomfield H iig h School, whe re he was a season games d urin g the 1990s. The Indianapolis Colts (109) and Su perPre p, Prep Football Repor t, USA Today , New Haven New En gland Pat riots (109) are both within striki nng distance of Reg ister , Hartfor d Couran t and Blue Chip Ill ustrated All- the all-time win mark for a decad e held by the 49 ers of the American selection . 1990s. ¾ Pa triots DL Ty Warren and Col ts DB Melvin Bullitt were bo th born in Brya n, Texas. Both players also att ended Texas A&M. PATRIOT S VS . COLT S CONNECTION S (continued ) PA TRIOTS IN S UNDAY NIGH T GAMES (co ntinued) ¾ Patriots WR Wes Welker a nd Colts DT K eyunta Dawso n DAT E OPPONENT SCORE were teamm ates at Texas Te ch in 2003. 9/26/ 99 v NYG 16-14 W ¾ Colts WR Pierre Garcon played one y ear at Norwic h 12/0 5/99 v DAL 13-6 W 11/1 8/01 v STL 17-24 L Academy (Vt. ) before transfe rrin g to Mount U nion. 11/1 7/02 a t OA K 20-27 L ¾ Colts Assista nt Head Coac h/Wide Receive rs Coach Clyd e 12/2 2/02 v NYJ 17-30 L Christense n was receivers and ti ght ends coach/offensiv e 11/1 6/03 v DAL 12-0 W coordinator a t Holy Cross fro m 1989-90. 11/1 4/04 v BUF 29-6 W ¾ Indianapolis Linebackers Coach Mike Murphy was a 10/3 0/05 v BUF 21-16 W defensive lin e coach at the University of Ver mont from 1970 - TNT (2-3 ) 73. DAT E OPPONENT SCORE 10/0 4/92 a t NYJ 21-30 L ¾ Colts Special Teams Coordi nator Ray Ryc hleski served a s 9/26/ 93 a t NYJ 7-45 L Northeastern ’s defensive coo rdinator/inside li nebackers coac h 10/1 8/95 v DEN 3-37 L from 1989-9 0.
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