January 19, 2014 Archdiocesan Shrine of The Divine Mercy Baltimore, MD Mass Intentions We were January 18 - Saturday (sobota) - Weekday saddend to hear 8:30 am O błogosławieństwo Boże i opiekę dla Andrzeja Dybały of the passing of (Bogusława Szymańska) Msgr. Chester 5:00 pm +Zygmunt Paciorkiewicz (Szymański family) Mieczkowski, January 19 - SUNDAY (NIEDZIELA) - SECOND SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME a long time 8:30 am +Bolesława, Franciszek, Apolonia ,Wiktor pastor of Holy 10:30 am 1. +Zofia i Michał Kozera (córka Anna Potonec) Rosary Church (1968-1991). We will celebrate Mass for the soul of Msgr. 2. +Stefan Gęgala (Rodzina Jasiński) Mieczkowski on Sunday, February 2, 12:30 pm For needed blessings for Mariusz on his Name Day (wife & children) 2014 at 12:30 pm. January 20 - Monday (pon.) - Weekday 6:30 pm Holy Rosary Parishioners Bóg zapłać ! Pragnę członkom Organizacji Polskiej Kultury January 21 - Tuesday (wtorek) - St. Agnes, Virgin & Martyr za przygotowanie tegorocznego Opłatka 6:30 pm +Anna Mycka (Szymanski Family) parafialnego. Dochód przeznaczony na dokończenie remontu witraży wyniósł 1,105. January 22 - Wednesday (środa) - Day of Prayer for the Legal Protection of Dziękuję również nauczycielom, rodzicom i Unborn Children dzieciom z polskiej szkoły za piękne jasełka wystawione w ostatnią niedzielę.I would like to 6:30 pm Thankgiving for successful heart surgery for Bernadine Cartwright thank the Organization of Polish Cultures, for (Theresa Auggie Resch) the preparation of this year's Opłatek dinner January 23 - Thursday (czwartek) - Weekday party. Proceeds for the renovation of stained glass from the Opłatek dinner was $ 1,105. 6:30 pm Holy Rosary Parishioners Also thank you for the gift basket for the raffle January 24 - Friday (piątek) - St. Francis de Sales, Bishop & Doctor of the donated by Aldona Warenda. Church God’s Blessing to all. 6:30 pm +Raymond Rasinski (Regina Rasinski) Fr. Andrzej Totzke, SChr. Pastor 7:30 pm Dzękczynna za uratowania życia Roksny (Rodzina Rak) January 25 - Saturday (sobota) - The conversion of St. Paul the Apostle Mass Attendance Jan 12th - 411 8:30 am +Maria, Wiktor Mackiewicz i Marianna, Jacek Sawera (Maria Sawera) 5:00 pm +John Blaskis (Ron & Jean Gutowski) Last Week’s Offering Jan 12th January 26 - SUNDAY (NIEDZIELA) - THIRD SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME I Collection $ 3,477 8:30 am +Matilda Blażucki (Albin J Błażucki) II Collection (Cemetery Chapel) 894 Candles 99 10:30 am +Zofia i Paweł Mika (rodzina Krasel) Poor Box $ 21 12:30 pm +Jennie M Baranowski (Mary & John McGlasson) WEEKLY OFFERINGS TOTAL $ 4,491 January 19, 2014 Archdiocesan Shrine of The Divine Mercy Baltimore, MD This week’s Second Collection, after Holy Communion, ANNUAL MARCH FOR LIFE is for the Special Care Diocesan Priests. As always, (January 22, 2014) we thank you for your generosity. The MARCH FOR LIFE in Washington, D.C., began as a small demonstration and rapidly grew to be the largest pro-life event in the world. The peaceful demonstration that has followed on this somber anniversary every year since 1973 is a witness to the truth concerning the greatest human rights violation POLISH MASS of our time, legalized abortion on demand. Be sure and join us again for our next march. The annual March for Life Rally is from noon - 1pm on January 01/19 10:30 am Beata Fital & Grzegorz Jamroz 22, 2014 and as customary, will be on the National Mall, Washington, DC. The March will begin immediately after the Rally and follow its route up Constitution Avenue to the Supreme Court Building on Capitol Hill. 01/26 10:30 am Juliette Sardin & Piotr Ryzner Marsz dla życia i wieczorna Msza w przeddzień ENGLISH MASS Zapraszamy wszystkich chętnych, aby dołączyli do tysięcy osób którzy 5:30 pm Luisa Di lorio zamanifestują swój sprzeciw przeciw prawu aborcyjnemu w tym kraju. W sposób szczególny zapraszamy do udziału we Mszy świętej w Bazylice Narodowej w Waszyngtonie 21 stycznia o 6.30 PM. 8:30 am Maryann Chorabik & Gregory Fudge 12:30 pm Kathleen Jamitis & Jeannette Krol Upcoming Events Valentine Dance will be held on Saturday, February 15th from 8:00 pm to 1:00 am. For tickets call The large Votive Lamps on the Main Altar or in Alina Cymek @ 443- 540-4954 the Divine Mercy Shrine are for those desiring to Anna Chojnowska @ 410-961 - 3353 have a Votive Lamp burning for their Pączki Dinner will be held on Sunday, March 2nd from 12-4pm special intentions day and with a DJ Joseph Narodowski. For information and tickets call night. Votive Lamp envelopes are Christine Grabowski @ 410-207-4502 placed in the pews or on the table in back of the church. Candles are burning for: If you wish to request your CONTRIBUTION STATEMENT for 2013, please fill out the form below, detach it, and put it in an envelope 1. To St. Jude (Catherine Gietka) markerd „STATEMENT” and drop it in a collection basket or drop it off at 2. Kathy Butler for all her Intentions the office. 3. Sister Kay for her good health & intentions 5. +Olga & Esther Castro (Delia Lambert) CONTRIBUTION STATEMENT FOR 2013 Name: Msza święta w intencji rodzin przyjmujących księdza po kolędzie. Envelope No.: Zapraszamy wszystkich, szczególnie członków rodzin, których ksiądz odwiedził po Address: kolędzie w tym roku, na Mszę św. w ich intencji w piątek, 14 lutego na godz. 7.30PM. January 19, 2014 Archdiocesan Shrine of The Divine Mercy Baltimore, Obituary Którędy do Chrystusa? Monsignor Chester John Mieczkowski July 31, 1918 – January 12, 2014 Spotkania katechetyczne dla dorosłych mają miejsce w sali pod kościołem w drugi i czwarty piątek każdego miesiąca Monsignor Chester John Mieczkowski was born on July 31, 1918 in New (o ile nie zaznaczono inaczej) po wieczornej Mszy św. York, New York to Anthony Mieczkowski and the former Stefania Prowadzone przez ks. Tomasza Sielickiego SChr, są w tym Adamkowska. He was raised as an only child. Father Mieczkowski was roku poświęcone rozważaniu Drogowskazów Nowego baptized at St. Adalbert’s Parish in Staten Island, New York on August 18, 1918. He attended St. Charles College in Catonsville for two years of Człowieka - pięknej syntezie życia chrześcijańskiego college before enrolling at St. Mary’s Seminary on Paca Street where he wypracowanej w Ruchu Światło-Życie. completed his college studies in June 1941. He then entered St. Mary’s Oto terminarz spotkań na najbliższe miesiące: Seminary in Roland Park where he completed his education in May of 1945. He was ordained to the transitional deaconate on September 8, 1944. After 24 stycznia; 14 lutego (tylko jeden termin); 14 i 28 marca; completion of his theological studies he was ordained to the priesthood on 11 i 25 kwietnia, 9 i 23 maja, 13 i 27 czerwca. March 17, 1945 at the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary by Archbishop Michael Joseph Curley. Podczas spotkań można zadawać pytania, zwłaszcza dotyczące bieżących wydarzeń w Kościele oraz kwestii After his ordination he was assigned to Holy Rosary Parish in Baltimore as nurtujących uczestnikówi, oraz dzielić się swoimi an associate. He served there in that capacity until he was transferred to St. doświadczeniami. Pytania można zadawać już wcześniej Mary’s Parish in Pylesville in June 1967. He was pastor at St. Mary’s until June of 1968 when he was reassigned to Holy Rosary Parish but this time drogą internetową na adres [email protected] lub as pastor. He remained the pastor of the parish until January 8, 1991 when telefoniczną (410-732-3960 wewn. 119) he retired. He was in residence at Holy Rosary until September 30, 1993. He Prowadzący: ks. Tomasz Sielicki SChr then moved to the rectory at St. Augustine Parish in Elkridge. Later on he moved to reside with his niece which is where he was living at the time of his death. He was created a Prelate of Honor to His Holiness by Blessed Pope John Bible Study for All Paul II on July 23, 1982. He also served as the Archdiocesan Moderator for the Catholic League and as the Chaplain for the Maryland State Council of Experience the Gospel the Knights of Columbus. He had a longtime association with the Knights of in a new and powerful way Columbus. through Matthew: The King and His Kingdom. According to Dottie Neubauer, a longtime friend, Monsignor Mieczkowski For more information call Jeannette Krol at 410 always told the story that he was recruited to be a seminarian for the -342-4937 or email: [email protected] Archdiocese of Baltimore while on the beach in Staten Island one summer. While there one day, he met several Baltimore seminarians and they invited 2014 Schedule him to consider the priesthood. He was readily accepted for studies for the Archdiocese of Baltimore because of his proficiency in Polish since there January 22, 29 was a large Polish community in Baltimore City at that time. During his long career as a priest, Monsignor Mieczkowski was committed to working in the February 5, 12, 19, 26 Polish community. He spoke Polish and understood this culture from his upbringing in New York. March 12, 19, 26 Father Gerald Bowen noted that Monsignor “Chet” was Irish by ordination since he had been ordained a priest on St. Patrick’s Day. Monsignor also April 2, 9, 30 had a real devotion to the people of the parishes where he served and they were his real family in so many ways. He always had time to listen to people Bible Study meets for an hour each Wednesday and help them make sense of their situations. He was a “real gentlemen” following the 6:30 pm Mass in the church and always positive. He was enthusiastic about parish activities whether it undercroft.
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