sAma3-0lrnaaina Past &besent;3 A 'cAFdklumd National A WOO' A tad8 of the lato *asthrough the early found in amateur stereo slid~s bgm~illlre I This slide is labeled. "Car and Ifail- of the sign says), but it may have Vacationing in Canada er at Eisenhower kct ti on, Canada, consisted of only the small gas sta- ur first view this time was Wednesday, August 15,1956." tion visible in the background! The taken by a Portland, Oregon- Since this same wonderful trailer film chips of this image were area stereographer who appar- and car appear in several of his attached to one of the early Realist 0 shots, I beliwe are what he using ently made numerous road trips, they paper masks the Realist heat- which he documented in stereo. was traveling in at the time. seal mounting kit, and then sand- (My collection of slides by this My atlas does not show an wiched and taped in glass. man includes some wonderful Eisenhower Junction in this area, The second view was made by a stereo views made with a pair of so it may not wen exist any more. different (and unknown) photogra- standard 35mm cameras and It is clear from the sign that it was pher, and is unfortunately unla- Kodachrome film in the late 1930s, on Highway 1, and it was in or beled. However, I think I recognize but he later adopted the Realist near Banff National Park (that's these falls as Athabasca Falls from format once it was introduced.) what the beprint at the bottom my own journey to Canada years ago. They are located between the two destinations listed on the sign in the first view: Lake Louise and Jasper. The man in the middle is hold- ing a wind-up movie camera, and both women have still cameras in leather cases, but apparently only their companion who shot this view chose to capture their trip in stereo. (Note the non-child-proof fence-now where did Junior go?) This slide is in an older-style (gray with red edges) Kodachrome cardboard mount. ma Volume 28, Number 2 -WCIRID CONTENTS Volume 28, Number 2 ZOO1 NU bard of Dinctws Bill C. Watton, Uloinron Andycrircom MaerLomu Rurxll Norton I", . ,' 7 T.K. Ttdwell Richard Twichell Helena L Vlhight NU Mcm Mary Ann Sdl, PmMl Buffalo Briefing UlabLevy, ViPmidMt by john Dennis Dean Win, Vice Pmknf, Mivities (with he@ from Bob &omberg, Gabrieljacd, & Diune Rulien) LMlV b,sway David Whcekr, Tnowm 2 Editor's View Comments and Stereo World Stoff Observations Charles A. Piper john Dennis, Editor by lohn Dennis obituary by Ray Zone Lwence Kaufman, Conttihting Editor M& Mllke, M Dimtor Sylvia Dennis, Suhrcripb;on Manager 3 Letters A Souvenir of Don R Cibbs, Bod lsrua Manager Readers' Comments 20th Century New York and Questions review by Mary Ann Sell How to Reach Us: NSA Membership 21 NeHNiews A Goudi Reel from View* (~or-mmob6&dmga) Current Information P.O. Box 8670l3, Portland, OR 97286 on Stereo Today review by john Dennis by Dovidstcr* Questions Concerning &/Chlknnis Stereo World SuMptions Polarizing 3-0 Viewers P.O. Box 86708, Portland, OR 97286 Born in the Clare of Headlights email: com 22 View-Master oc larrVh$om Information on by William H. €bum the Reel World Stmo World Back Issue Service (Wtirrbm6prim 34%2! Researching a Rare Film in Depth NU, 23575 C.R 77, Calhan, CO 80808 review by john Dennis Stereo Wodd Editorial Office 28 The Society ~lofk~.wl&kj6&r1k~U~th~~) ski o SE 71 fi A&., ~~rtbnd,OR 97i& News from the Diableries Live On in (503) 771 4440 Stereoxo ic e-mail: sbwld@t~com kiety JAnerica Haunted Castle DVD byNorman8 review by jim Krisvoy Stereo World Advertising Pottm KI&W6-&) 561o SE 7i st AW., P&tdnd,.OR 97206 Traveling the World in (503) 7714440 34 Classified e-mail: strwld8tdeport.com Buy, Sell, or View-Master Reels and Packets (rMn-6-&) Trade It Here reviavbySheMon~ jeff~eyKRUS PO Box 99, Modma, NY 125484099 (y5) 2.55-791 3 e-mal: j*.nct Oliver Wendell Hdmes I Fmt Cover: Stmoscopk Research Ubnry This scene is from View-Master's 1971 packet The Little Yellow Dinosaur, Reel 2 ' Scene 3, featuring the day xulpture of ~atyLewis and the stmogmphy of Hank ' 3665 Erk Ave., Cincinnati, bH 45208- email: MnmaKmkinti.net Cavlonl. Mne about this dassic oacket amears in our 'Wcw-Mastec ldwmation on I tk eel Wotfd" Cdumn by Wohi&ng ad~aty ~nn Sell. 02001 Mat&/, 11nc Back Cover: What looks like a lone@ and not tembly big sWrein this opening shot from the /MAX 3-0 film Haunted Castle must have multiple kvdJ gdng dccp into the head- land to ~ccommudatethe extensive CGI oction taking phxe in wrioUs massive nmms. Despite a @Ma& story and some brief b;t.exmbk musk scenes, the detailed settina and neadv fhmkss 3-0 animcltlon make the film (now avllikrMc on a 3-0 DVD) dl worth a k&. See the review by jim Khuy on pige 26. Comments and Observations john Dennis aybe the dead guy should have brought him to such a lonely instance, this issue's coverage of have been a hint we were in end lasted-well into the remain& the Buffalo convention was pieced Mfor a rough ride or a bad of the trip. The Meside Mted's together with valuable help from ' year or century or something like arrival in Buffalo was greeted by an Bob Bloomberg, Gabriel Jacob, and that. But at the time, the body on impressive, punctuating thunder- Diane Rulien. It's delay in appear- the porch of Chicago's Union Sta- storm followed by quickly clearing ing is due less to the above than to tion struck me more as material for skies for the opening days of the the sheer volume of material that a slightly more bizarre than usual convention, which were delightful had accumulated for the previous convention travel story than any- in nearly every regard. issue (Vol. 28 No. I), our first color thing else. And anyway, I haven't Returning to our room Friday issue in some years. paid much attention to omens evening, we discovered several With the recent switch to a since about the third grade. phone messages waiting for us more well equipped printer being Amtrack's Empire Builder had from family members at home in combined with desk top scanning, delivered my wife Sylvia and Portland. Our other daughter had more color issues and/or sections daughter Aisha and I to Chicago lost the child that was due to be are in the works. The big difference from Portland on the hot after- born within a few days. Everything between color issues of the '90s noon of July 16. We had ample had been going so well that the and today is the fact that it's now time to wander around while wait- baby had been named and we had up to me and the computer system ing for the Lakeside Limited to felt relatively few qualms about on my desk to try and match the shuffle us the rest of the way off to leaving town and returning close work of an entire department of Buffalo, and the street in front of to the expected birth. (The cause professional color separation the station was no hotter than the of the sudden "fetal demise" was a experts that was donated for all spacious and ornate but not air knot in the cord-one tighter than the earlier color SW issues. So far, conditioned main waiting room. the doctor had ever seen.) the results look surprisingly accept- He had a pleased smile on his We spent much of that night able even if not always quite what gray but uninjured face, as if to arrangingforaquidrretumflight we were aiming at. A primary dif- assure any by passers that the sev- home on Saturday aft-. Sat- ference between professional work eral empty wine bottles standing urday morning was a murky night- and desk top color imaging is time. in a careful row beside him had mare of telling people why we had Professionals have better scanners accomplished their intended pur- to leave early, grabbing a few quick and computers as well as tight pose. We had walked to the far end shots of the lfade Fair, and wish- schedules and the skills to (gener- of the station's block long, ingwecoddgetbacktoout ally) meet them. Desk top workers columned porch before noticing daughter soonet. Missing half of a generally need--and tak+more anything unusual. Inside a small conventfon is bad enough, but time regardless of the quality of area outlined in yellow tape were missing it for such a heart-wrench- their results. After a few years of four Chicago policemen standing ing can bring guilt pangs preparing digital images for half- near what at htappeared to be for even- thinking about the con- tone black & white reproduction, someone asleep in an old bedroll vention. the sudden jump into color has in a less than legal place. A closer In addition to their Chair and both required and invited the look revealed why the police were 'Ifeasurer duties, Marty and Mary- expenditure of far more time on so casually waiting (probably for a beth Abramson had already gone images than I found with black coroner) instead of rousing the several extra miles with efforts like and white or than an experienced sleeper with orders to move on. arranging an attention catching professional would devote to color.
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