I • - -. I J J 8 I .... - •• -- I •••• I I -- I --- • I ••• - ~ I • I - '' J I , ~ .J ........ - / a ' .,.. ~ ' ,_ -INS IB E- ... ' I 1 1 I ' 1 1 1 • ~ • .,_-: ; ~ ' ~ "• " I I : If ' ' I I .I j I • C..redcec 1'4ewark1 s hun1etown Newspaper Since 1910 •:• ---------- -- . 88th Year, Issue 27 © 1998 July 31, 1998 Newark, Del. • 50¢ THis WEEK Miracle IN SPORTS on NEWARK Chapel ~~~(at ~ liurch, ' NATIONAL ( lhi leftadere . ·~··':'·•1:ii; 1 :· anta . to N"'ark, held a Street MAJORS grOIP;tijbrl~lklng · at thtfr new hind GlaSgow High · By MARY E. PETZAK · SchoOl on July 18. According WIN TITLE. NEWARK POST STAFF WRITER 19 til Putor Darrell y. Freeman . Sr., the church was IRACLES never .fi!'lft'F'.. '·~·,. t$fabllshed In 1914 and. with cease to happen. IN LIFESTYLE News has come that ·over 40 mlnls1rles, It has the former Continental outgrOWII U. present location. Fibre/Budd property at 70 South · · The new 11.8-acra site at Old Chapel Street owned by LoCAL DelChapel Associates is being CoCK\I)'s Bridge Road and sold. .Eggerts Lane will be built in Patterson Schwartz rea I tor (SWIMMER E\ES· two phases culminating in a Bob Cronin aid Ambling A. so- , ciates of Valdosta, Ga., are the worship .centar with a 3,000· buyer . 'Tm really ~xcited about THE seat ·sanctuary. Also planned this," aid Cronin. ·•can you tell? are a food and clothing I grew up here and I wanted thi as much as anybody." OL\MPICS. 8 assistance center, daycare According to information pro­ center, and g mnasium as well vided by Ambling, the $30-mil­ as space for the Joshua lion deal includes purchase of all . IN THE NEWS· ... - remaining property owned at the Counseling Center and the locatioh by DelChapel, .demoli­ Truth Bible Institute tion and deanup at the site, and construction of a premier student housing complex. CAsHO MILL Approximately 300 one-, two, UNDERPASS See DELCHAPEL, 4 .... NOW This st~dent has many 'Friends' OVER By MEGHAN AFTOSMIS Exceeding its $50,000 goal "We got a lot of support," was crumbling- where, rust had ............................................. by $3,000 as of the end of June, Neal said. "We found that locally, eaten away the left foot and the NEWARK POST CONTRIBUTING WRITER the Friends are not stopping people really re ponded to aving finger of the.right hand.Park is THE HUMP. 3 there, but hope to raise more the statue." u ing the original tatue to make EWARK'S most famil­ money in order to enhance the Stili expecting more pledge a new mold and recast it in iar student is one step grounds surn;mnding the statue, to come in, Neal said, "We're bronze. closer to coming home the brick pedestal it its on, and clearly on our way and Charles The life-size culpture is INDEX with more money than expected to maintain the statue once the Parks is weB on his way to turn- based on a smaller bronze sculp­ in his pocket. restoration project is completed, ing the statue into a bronze sculp- ture of Parks' nephew, Floyd NEWS 1-5 "The Student" statue that once said Friends president James ture." Kemske, that sits inside the POLICE BLOTTER 2 tood outside the entrance to the Neal. The statue was removed from Newark library. Newark Free Library, is expected With most of the 135. dona- its location in April and tran - Kemske, now a novelist and OPINION 6 to return to its highly visible tions coming from the Newark ported to culptor Parks' tudio, freelance writer living in Massa­ home in October, thanks to the community, almost half has come where it was created 23 years ear- chu ett , modeled for the small- LIFESTYLE 8 hard work of the Friends of the from individuals and the rest Jier. er culpture in 1969 when he wa THE ARTS 9 Newark Library and the generous from foundations and businesse , "The Student," created in a student at the Univer ity of spirit of the Newark community. Neal said. CorTen steel by Parks in 1975, Delaware. DIVERSIONS 10 CROSSWORD PUZZLE 11 SPORTS 19-22 PEOPLENEWS 14 OBITUARIES 18 EWARK City Council gave its 'Restraints' which will require the commit-/ tions without prior consultation with the blessing to renewal of the 2-year­ tee to report to the Mayor and council to Mayor or council. "I believe we get better CLASSIFIEDS 24-32 old Western Newark Traffic allow (those persons) the opportunity to results and get them quicker if we act Relief Committee but not without some make requests of other agencies and con­ through council," said Godwin. changes. sultants in an official capacity." Councilmember Gerald Grant aareed· Mayor Hal Godwin said he agreed with Current WNTRC president Jack "To be candid, I think some of their tbinp renewing and broadening the scope of the Billingsley took exception to Godwin's are obstructionist," he said "I mean, committee, but expressed reservations characterization of the group's actions in you send a letter with 10 or 12 about tbe up' activities. "In the past, this regard. However, Godwin submitted can be a killer amendmeat." fll~:aiili quettion of who was copies of letters which fonner WNTRC Under the PIVJliOIIII _.ljMP& w•·IIMt :QaiPtJIUee communicat­ president Nancy Turner and Billint~sle:y members, abo .tlld.,~., ._.,. _.,_,, ~Jict.Dil1Wl~ ...My aent to the Department of TniDSI.artatic• traffic and councu ,..,.. 1 f .... Visit us on the World Wide Web PAGE 2 • NEWARK PI)Sl' • jULY !1, 1998 • Police Beat is compiled each car was being broken into unknown suspect entered the Jeep Can we help? week from the }ites of the Newark parked on Peach Road in Newark by pulling the soft cover a\Vay 'from sometime between Friday, 1uly 24, the frame and pried the vehicle's A 44-year-old Newark man Olllcis: The paper's offices are Police Department by staff writer Mary Petzalc. at 11 p.m. and Saturday, July 25, at console from the frame, according reported his car stolen during the located conveniently in the Rob­ 11 :50 a.m. The unknown suspect to the Newark Police. The suspect night between Tuesday, July 21 at 7 Building, 153 E. Chestnut • scott broke into the car by cutting a hole removed a bag of 12 golf clubs, a p.m. and Wednesday, July 22 at 7 Hill Rd., Newark, DE 19713. Attempted robbery · through the roof. According to the pager, a cell phone, the car stereo Office hours are 8:30 a.m. to a.m. 5 at Suburban Plaza Newark Police, the suspect caused and five compact discs from the car p.m. weekdays. damage valued at $1 ,350 to the valued at $1,140. PlloH: (302) 737-0724 Newark Police are requesting inside of the car and stole money Facsimile: (302) 737 ·9019 infonnation about an attempted and audio cassettes from the car val­ e-mail: [email protected] strong-ann robbery at Suburban ued at $67. On the Internet: Plaza around 9 p.m. on Sunday, July Arrest made in hate crime · http://www.ncbl.com/post/ 26. A 28-year-old female told police Newark Police have ·suspects also threatened the she was approached in front of the Newark home robbed To subscribe: Call737-0724 or 1· arrested Elva L. Bingham victims, threw a bottle, and 800-220-3311. Cost is $15.95 Acme by a white female suspect On May 29 between 2 and 7 a.m. described as 17-19 years old, Jr., 36, of Newark, in con­ spat on the female p~ssen­ per year to New Castle County · a house on Madison Drive was bro­ ger. approximately ~ foot, 4 inches tall, ken into and robbed. However the junction with a racially­ addresses. To begin a subscrip­ ·motivated July 12 incident Bingham was charged tion, simply call. skinny, with auburn hair pulled back incident was not reported to the in a bun and wearing blue jeans and Newark Police until July 13 by a that occurred on the Christi­ with a class G felony hate To place a classified: Call1-800- a T-shirt. The suspect asked for na Parkway. crime, a class A felony hate 220-1230 Newark woman. The suspect, money and as the victim was giving whose identity has not been deter­ According to police, the crime, harrassment, con­ To place a display ad: Call 737- her coins, the woman grabbed the 0724. mined, stole the woman's leather incident around 8:40 p.m. spiracy 2nd, offensive purse in an attempt to take it from purse and its contents including her ·on that Sun ay involved touching and disorderly her. The suspect fled the area in a HE STAFF of the Newark Post is anx­ ID and credit cards, valued at $560, conduct. Charges are also red four-door vehicle operated by a four white males in a pick­ Tious to assist readers and advertis­ according to the Newark Police. up truck who shouted racial pending against another ers. Reporters, writers, editors and white male after the victim refused salespeople can be contacted as listed: to release. the purse. Anyone with epithets and taunted an male suspect who is infonnation is asked to call police at Newark man assaulted African-American couple in believed to have been James B. Streit, Jr. is the publisher of 366-7111. an adjacent vehicle. The involved in the incident. the Newark Post. He sets policies and A 19-year-old Newark man manages all departments in the Newark reported being assaulted on July 27 office.
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