Established 1872 (Cite(Cite Vol.Vol. 102109 Luz.Luz. Reg.Reg. Reports)Reports) VOL. 109102 Wilkes-Barre, Wilkes-Barre, PA,PA, Friday,Friday, NovemberFebruary 17, 15, 2012 2019 NO. NO. 467 COMMONWEALTHSABATOS v. SABATOS v. GUZMAN .............................................................. ..................................................56 1 POSTMASTER: SendSend addressaddress changeschanges to to THE THE LUZERNE LUZERNE LEGAL LEGAL REGISTER, REGISTER, 200Room N. River 23, CourtStreet, House, Room 23,Wilkes-Barre, Wilkes-Barre, PA 18711-1001 PA 18711-1001 PeriodicalPeriodical postagepostage paidpaid atat Wilkes-Barre,Wilkes-Barre, PA PA and and additional additional office. office. PricePrice $100.$40. Per Per Year Year SingleSingle Copies Copies $1.00 $2.00 Advertising MustMust BeBe ReceivedReceived ByBy 1212 O’ClockO’Clock Noon, Noon, Tuesday Tuesday In In The The Week Week of of Publication Publication (USPS 322-840) (USPS 322-840) PUBLISHED WEEKLY BY PUBLISHED WEEKLY BY The Wilkes-Barre Law and Library Association The Wilkes-Barre Law and Library Association Notice is hereby given to all persons concerned that accountants in the following es- tates have filed their accounts in the Office of the Register of Wills and Clerk of the Or- phans’ Court of Luzerne County and unless objections are filed thereto, said accounts will be audited and confirmed by the Orphans’ Court Division of the Court of Common Pleas of Luzerne County at 9:30 A.M. on December 3, 2019, in Courtroom C, Third Floor, Penn Place, 20 North Pennsylvania Avenue, Wilkes-Barre, PA. NO. NAME OF ESTATE ACCOUNTANT FIDUCIARY CAPACITY 1. Matthew Todd Herbert Joseph Schintz Administrator D.B.N.C.T.A. 2. Gertrude Schmitt a/k/a Mari P. King Executrix Trudy Schmitt a/k/a Gertrude A. Schmitt 3. Neil T. Dwyer, II a/k/a Elaine Zarosky Executrix Neil T. Dwyer, Jr. 4. Neil T. Dwyer, III Elaine Zarosky Trustee Special Needs Trust 5. Charles M. Eves a/k/a Susan Hughes Executrix Charles Munro Eves The Luzerne County Orphans’ Court, located at Penn Place, 20 North Pennsylvania Avenue, Wilkes-Barre, PA is a facility accessible to persons with disabilities. Please notify a member of the staff of the Honorable Richard M. Hughes, III, Judge at (570) 408-8190, if special accommodations are required. NOTICE It is strongly recommended that all attorneys having a matter on an Audit List of the Orphans’ Court be present at the call of the Audit List. Any attorney seeking to be excused from attending the call of the Audit List must contact the staff in Judge Hughes’ Chambers in advance of the call date in order to obtain permission from the Judge to be absent. Nov. 8, 15 18 THE LUZERNE LEGAL REGISTER DECEDENTS’ ESTATES ESTATE OF JEAN GARDECKI a/k/a Notice is hereby given that let- Jean Chodnicki Gardecki, late of ters testamentary or of adminis- Dallas (died October 28, 2019), tration have been granted in the Adam M. Coffee and Patricia R. following estates. All persons in- Coffee, Executors; Hiscox & Mus- debted to said estates are re- to, 400 Third Ave., Suite 201, quired to make payment and Kingston, PA 18704 those having claims or demands to present the same without delay ESTATE OF DOLORES GODEK, late to the administrators or executors of Plymouth (died October 20, named or their attorneys 2019), James Tompkins, Execu- FIRST PUBLICATION tor; John J. McGovern, Jr., Es- quire, 321 Spruce St., Suite 201, ESTATE OF JAMES K. BONHAM, JR. Scranton, PA 18503 a/k/a James Kenneth Bonham, Jr., late of Huntington Mills (died ESTATE OF HOWARD A. GONCHAR, September 26, 2019), Shirley A. late of Kingston (died October 30, Bonham, Executrix; Robert A. 2019), Nancy Gonchar, Executrix; Bull, Esquire, Law Offices of Bull Hourigan, Kluger & Quinn, P.C., & Bull, LLP, 106 Market St., Ber- 600 Third Ave., Kingston, PA wick, PA 18603 18704 ESTATE OF FRANCES T. CHMIELEW- ESTATE OF RICHARD K. HAAS, late SKI, late of Kingston (died Janu- ary 17, 2019), Maureen Jordan, of Wilkes-Barre (died March 2, Executrix; Joseph A. Dessoye, 2019), Lynn Banta, Esquire, Ex- Esquire, 159 S. Main St., Pittston, ecutrix; Law Offices of Bernard PA 18640 Walter, 1674 Memorial Hwy., Shavertown, PA 18708 ESTATE OF KAREN ANN COMINSKY a/k/a Karen Cominsky, late of ESTATE OF JAMES P. HANSEN, late Wilkes-Barre (died October 20, of Bear Creek, Nicholas R. Saba- 2019), Linda M. Lendacky and tine, Esquire, 16 S. Broadway, Sharon Elizabeth Ann Cominsky, Suite 1, Wind Gap, PA 18091, Executrices; Hiscox & Musto, 400 Executor Third Ave., Suite 201, Kingston, PA 18704 ESTATE OF EDWARD PAUL JAMES, late of Drums (died June 28, ESTATE OF SUZANNE N. DUNBAR 2019), Martin James, Administra- a/k/a Suzanne Dunbar a/k/a tor; Powell Law Attorneys, 527 Suzanne Noel Dunbar, late of Dal- Linden St., Scranton, PA 18503 las (died August 15, 2019), Dani- elle M. Dunbar and Michele N. ESTATE OF COLIN R. KEEFER, late Frank, Executrices; Brenda D. of Dallas (died October 15, 2019), Colbert, Esquire, Colbert & Gre- Karen W. Keefer, Executrix; Hou- bas, P.C., 210 Montage Mountain rigan, Kluger & Quinn, P.C., 600 Rd., Suite A, Moosic, PA 18507 Third Ave., Kingston, PA 18704 ESTATE OF LENNY L. FISHER a/k/a ESTATE OF HAROLD M. LAZO, late Lenny Fisher, late of Hazleton of Askam (died August 10, 2019), (died November 11, 2017), Luann John Lazo, Executor; Alexander Fisher, Administratrix; Michael R. B. Russin, Esquire, Fellerman & Sharkey, Esquire, 982 North Ciarimboli, 183 Market St., King- Sherman Ct., Hazleton, PA 18201 ston, PA 18704 19 THE LUZERNE LEGAL REGISTER ESTATE OF FAYETTA LUCY LOW- Esquire and William P. Opeil, Jr., ERY a/k/a Fayetta L. Lowery, late Esquire, 843 Exeter Ave., West of Nescopeck (died April 22, 2018), Pittston, PA 18643 Bradley W. Lowery, Administrator; Alicia C. Marinos, Esquire, Mari- ESTATE OF LEONARD BROWSKI, nos, McDonald & Knecht, LLP, late of Dallas (died July 29, 2019), 106 W. Front St., Berwick, PA James Florentz, Executor; Sean 18603 M. McNealis, Esquire, 5929 Main Rd., Hunlock Creek, PA 18621 ESTATE OF DONALD WILLIAM PE- TERS, late of Freeland (died ESTATE OF RICKY D. BURT a/k/a January 21, 2019), Carol Wysocky Rick D. Burt a/k/a Rick Burt, late and Richard D. Peters, Adminis- of Salem Twp. (died October 1, trators D.B.N.; Saporito, Falcone 2019), Christy M. Vought, Execu- & Watt, 490 North Main St., trix; Nicholas D. Lutz, Esquire, Pittston, PA 18640 Law Offices of Lutz and Petty, LLC, 120 W. Front St., Berwick, PA ESTATE OF MICHAEL ROMAN, late of Edwardsville (died October 19, 18603 2019), Albert Richard Morgan, Jr., Executor; Alexander B. Russin, ESTATE OF ILA G. CHAPIN a/k/a Ila Esquire, Fellerman & Ciarimboli, G. Searfoss Chapin a/k/a Ila 183 Market St., Kingston, PA Geraldine Searfoss Chapin a/k/a 18704 Ila Searfoss Chapin, late of Shick- shinny (died July 22, 2019), ESTATE OF JOHN L. SEMANCHIK, JoAnn Karschner, Janet Fester late of Butler Twp. (died June 13, and Mary L. Lynch, Executrices; 2019), John E. Semanchik, Ex- David C. James, Esquire, Hard- ecutor; Peter J. Fagan, Esquire, ing, Turowski & James, LLP, 38 P.O. Box 904, Conyngham, PA West Third St., Bloomsburg, PA 18219 17815 ESTATE OF DOROTHY J. TELLER, ESTATE OF ALBERT C. FOSKO late of Wilkes-Barre (died August a/k/a Albert Carl Fosko, late of 25, 2019), Pamela Rubenstein, Lehman Twp. (died October 18, Executrix; John A. Bednarz, Jr., 2019), Karen D. Thompson, Ex- Esquire, 15 Public Sq., Suite 405, ecutrix; Patrick J. Aregood, Es- Wilkes-Barre, PA 18701 quire, 1218 South Main St., SECOND PUBLICATION Wilkes-Barre, PA 18706 ESTATE OF JACQUELINE D. ARUS- ESTATE OF KEVIN KARL KISHEL, CAVAGE, late of Pittston (died late of Laflin (died September 22, January 23, 2019), Kenneth Holtz, II, Executor; Kari E. Panza, 2019), Michelle I. Guarneri, Es- Esquire, R.J. Marzella & Associ- quire, 49 South Main St., Suite ates, 3513 North Front St., Har- 400, Pittston, PA 18640, Execu- risburg, PA 17110 trix ESTATE OF ROSEMARY T. ASH ESTATE OF MARK T. KOLANOWSKI, a/k/a ROSEMARY ASH, late of late of Kingston (died September Exeter (died September 13, 2019), 27, 2019), Leon T. Kolanowski, Brian Ash, 1064 Old Exeter Ave., Administrator; Carl N. Frank, Exeter, PA and Harold Ash, 11 Esquire, Farrell & Frank, 8 W. Layton St., Exeter, PA, Co- Market St., Suite 1110, Wilkes- Administrators; Laura C. Dennis, Barre, PA 18701-1801 20 THE LUZERNE LEGAL REGISTER ESTATE OF WILLIAM KRAH, JR., late ESTATE OF EDMUND D. BASISTA of Duryea (died October 8, 2019), a/k/a Edmund Basista, late of William Krah, III, Executor; Chris- Hazleton (died November 8, 2017), topher P. Arnone, Esquire, 103 John Greybosh, Jr., Administra- Stonefield Dr., Jefferson Twp., PA tor; Charles A. DeCosmo, Esquire, 18436 Skokoski & DeCosmo, P.C., 165 Susquehanna Blvd., West Hazle- ESTATE OF ALICE B. MATEY a/k/a ton, PA 18202 Alice Matey, late of Nanticoke (died December 30, 2018), John ESTATE OF STEPHANIE A. DELESE, Barno, 215 Center St., Nanticoke, late of Freeland (died July 11, PA, Executor; Laura C. Dennis, 2019), Ronald J. Delese, Admin- Esquire and William P. Opeil, Jr., istrator; C. Stephen Gurdin, Jr., Esquire, 843 Exeter Ave., West Esquire, 67-69 Public Square, Pittston, PA 18643 Suite 501, Wilkes-Barre, PA 18701-2512 ESTATE OF ANNA P. NORCROSS, late of Kingston (died August 5, ESTATE OF JOSEPHINE DELLE- 2017), Barbara A. Norcross, 14 CAVE, late of Wilkes-Barre (died Hemlock Dr., Blackwood, NJ August 13, 2019), Grazia Reedy, 08012-3127, Executrix Administratrix; Michael J. Kizis, Esquire, 61 N. Washington St., ESTATE OF FATHER ALBERT E. Wilkes-Barre, PA 18701 OLDFIELD, late of Wilkes-Barre (died August 22, 2019), Father ESTATE OF LOIS J.
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