GBGB Vacancy: Greyhound Retirement Scheme Coordinator Practitioner Director Vacancy: Trainer the Star Sports, ARC & LPS Greyhound Derby 2020 Entry Form Enclosed

GBGB Vacancy: Greyhound Retirement Scheme Coordinator Practitioner Director Vacancy: Trainer the Star Sports, ARC & LPS Greyhound Derby 2020 Entry Form Enclosed

Vol 12 / No 3 14 February 2020 Fortnightly by Subscription calendar GBGB Vacancy: Greyhound Retirement Scheme Coordinator Practitioner Director Vacancy: Trainer The Star Sports, ARC & LPS Greyhound Derby 2020 Entry Form enclosed Let the Derby dreams begin! PRICELESS BLAKE (T3) pictured above winning the Star Sports, ARC & LPS Greyhound Derby 2019 for Bryan and Kathleen Murphy and trainer Paul Hennessy. Photo: Steve Nash Entry form and full details for 2020’s renewal at Nottingham Stadium enclosed within. FOR ALL THE LATEST NEWS - WWW.GBGB.ORG.UK -VSSV^.).)VU;^P[[LY'NYL`OV\UKIVHYK'NINIZ[HɈHUK0UZ[HNYHTHUK-HJLIVVR CATEGORY ONE FINALS Date Distance Track Event Sat 15th Feb 500m Brighton & Hove Coral Winter Derby Sat 22nd Feb 714m Crayford Ladbrokes Golden Jacket Sun 1st March 480mH Central Park 2020 Cearnsport Springbok Fri 13th March 400m Romford Coral Golden Sprint 6DWVW0DUFK P 6KHIÀHOG 5DFLQJ3RVW*UH\KRXQG796WHHO&LW\&XS Sat 21st March 480m Puppies Monmore Ladbrokes Puppy Derby 2020 Sat 4th April 695m Brighton & Hove Coral Regency 6DWWK0D\ P 1RWWLQJKDP 7KH6WDU6SRUWV$5& /36*UH\KRXQG'HUE\ )XUWKHUFRPSHWLWLRQVWREHFRQÀUPHG$ERYHGDWHVPD\EHVXEMHFWWRFKDQJH GBGB INJURY RECOVERY SCHEME 7KLVLVDQRWLFHWRUHPLQGDOOWUDLQHUVDQGRZQHUVWKDW*%*%KDVDQLQMXU\UHFRYHU\ VFKHPH ,56 LQSODFHWRSURYLGHILQDQFLDODVVLVWDQFHWRDOORZQHUVDQGWUDLQHUV ZKRVHJUH\KRXQGKDVVXVWDLQHGDFDUHHUHQGLQJRUWKRSDHGLFLQMXU\DWD*%*% licensed racecourse. )XQGLQJZLOOEHSURYLGHGWRZDUGVFRUUHFWLYHYHWHULQDU\WUHDWPHQWIRURUWKRSDHGLF ERQH LQMXULHVVRWKDWZKHUHYHUSRVVLEOHJUH\KRXQGVFDQJRRQWRHQMR\DIXOO DQGDFWLYHOLIHLQUHWLUHPHQW$JUDQWRIWRZDUGVWKHYHWHULQDU\FRVWVXSWRD PD[LPXPRI SHUJUH\KRXQGZLOOEHSD\DEOHWRWKHDSSOLFDQWXSRQFRPSOHWLRQ of an IRS application form and the production of a fully paid veterinary invoice. 7RDSSO\IRU,56IXQGLQJSOHDVHIROORZWKHOLQNLQWKH:HOIDUHVHFWLRQRQWKH*%*% ZHEVLWHFRQWDFWWKH*%*%:HOIDUH'HSDUWPHQWRQ RSWLRQ RU VSHDNWR\RXUVWDGLXPZHOIDUHRIILFHU Published by the Greyhound Board of Great Britain Limited at *HQHVLV+RXVH *RGOLPDQ6WUHHW /RQGRQ(&9%' 7HOHSKRQH020 7822 0900 Fax 020 7822 0901 ZZZJEJERUJXN Disclaimer for advertising in the GBGB Calendar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ÀFHDVDQHZVSDSHU 1RUHSURGXFWLRQLQSDUWRUZKROHZLWKRXWWKHH[SUHVVSHUPLVVLRQRIWKHSXEOLVKHU 7KH*UH\KRXQG%RDUGRI*UHDW%ULWDLQGRQRWJXDUDQWHHWKHDFFXUDF\RIWKHLQIRUPDWLRQFRQWDLQHGLQWKLVFDOHQGDUDQGXQGHUWDNHQRUHVSRQVLELOLW\IRUHUURUVRURPLVVLRQVRUWKHLU consequences. GREYHOUND RETIREMENT SCHEME COORDINATOR VACANCY (HOME & LONDON BASED) Part Time – 4 days per week Salary c.£42,500 per annum plus Company Car 2XU*UH\KRXQG&RPPLWPHQWVWDWHVWKDW¶HYHU\GRJOHDYLQJUDFLQJHQMR\VD ORQJDQGKDSS\UHWLUHPHQW·7RKHOSDFKLHYHWKLVWKH*%*%KDVFUHDWHGDQHZ role of Retirement Scheme Coordinator. 7KLVUROHZLOOSURYLGHDFULWLFDOOLQNEHWZHHQWKHJUH\KRXQGLQGXVWU\DQG IRUHYHUKRPHVIRUUHWLULQJJUH\KRXQGV7KHUROHZLOODOVREHUHVSRQVLEOHIRU administering the Greyhound Retirement Bond Scheme through the payments LQIURPRZQHUVDQGWKH*%*%VLGHRIIXQGLQJIRUWKHVFKHPHSURYLGLQJ financial updates to the Main Board and Business Committee. $VDEUDQGQHZUROHPDQDJLQJDQHZVFKHPHWKHVXFFHVVIXOFDQGLGDWHKDV WKHSRWHQWLDOWRKDYHDVLJQLILFDQWLPSDFWRQWKHZD\UHWLUHGJUH\KRXQGVDUH UHKRPHG7KH&RRUGLQDWRUZLOOEHUHTXLUHGWRVHWXSDQGGHYHORSDQHWZRUN of GBGB approved homing partners across Great Britain. 7KHUROHZRXOGVXLWDVHOIPRWLYDWHGKLJKO\RUJDQLVHGDQGPHWKRGLFDOLQGLYLGXDO ZKRLVDEOHWRIRUJHVWURQJUHODWLRQVKLSVZLWKWUDLQHUVDQGRZQHUVDVZHOODV DQLPDOZHOIDUHFKDULWLHVDQGWKHUHIRUHWKHVXLWDEOHFDQGLGDWHZLOOSRVVHVV H[FHOOHQWFRPPXQLFDWLRQDQGQHWZRUNLQJVNLOOV 7KHUROHZLOOUHTXLUHDKLJKGHJUHHRIILQDQFLDODFXPHQDQGWKHUHIRUHD professional financial qualification is essential. 7KLVSRVLWLRQZLOOEHVSOLWEHWZHHQKRPHDQGRIILFHEDVHGWLPHLQ/RQGRQ ,I\RXKDYHDJHQXLQHSDVVLRQIRUJUH\KRXQGVDUHFRPPLWWHGWRSURPRWLQJWKH FDUHDQGZHOIDUHRIUDFLQJJUH\KRXQGVDQGILWWKHFULWHULDDERYHWKHQSOHDVH HPDLODFRS\RI\RXU&9DORQJZLWKDFRYHUOHWWHUGHWDLOLQJKRZ\RXPHHWWKH UHTXLUHPHQWVWR=Rs%URZQ+[email protected]. &ORVLQJ'DWHFriday 28th February 2020 GBGB is an equal opportunities employer CALENDAR 1 PRACTIONER DIRECTORS 7KH*%*%LVVHHNLQJWRILOODQXSFRPLQJ3UDFWLWLRQHU'LUHFWRU 7UDLQHU YDFDQF\IRULWV0DLQ Board. $Q\*%*%5HJLVWHUHG3URIHVVLRQDO7UDLQHULVLQYLWHGWRVWDWHLQZULWLQJDQGLQGHWDLOZK\KH she should be considered for the position of trainer representative on the Board. Nominations VKRXOGEHDFFRPSDQLHGE\WKHQDPHVDQGVLJQDWXUHVRIWZRIHOORZWUDLQHUVDVSURSRVHUDQG seconder. PROCESS Nominations should be emailed to [email protected] 7KH1RPLQDWLRQV&RPPLWWHH GBGB Genesis House 17 Godliman Street London (&9%' 7KHFORVLQJGDWHIRUQRPLQDWLRQVLVFriday 6th March 2020. 7KH*%*%1RPLQDWLRQV&RPPLWWHHZLOOUHYLHZHDFKDSSOLFDWLRQKDYLQJUHJDUGIRUVXFKIDFWRUV LQFOXGLQJEXWQRWOLPLWHGWRWKHQRPLQDWHGSHUVRQ·VKRQHVW\LQWHJULW\UHSXWDWLRQFRPSHWHQFH DQGFDSDELOLW\DVZHOODVZKHWKHUWKHLUDSSRLQWPHQWZRXOGIDFLOLWDWHWKHHIIHFWLYHIXQFWLRQLQJRI the Main Board and the delivery of good corporate responsibility. Nominees must be prepared to IRVWHUFRQVWUXFWLYHUHODWLRQVZLWKIHOORZGLUHFWRUVPHPEHUVRI*%*%FRPPLWWHHVDQGQRPLQDWHG UHSUHVHQWDWLYHJURXSVDQGEHSUHSDUHGWRDFFHSWDQGZRUNZLWKLQWKHSULQFLSOHRIFROOHFWLYH responsibility. 7KH*%*%1RPLQDWLRQV&RPPLWWHHZLOOVHOHFWDVKRUWOLVWIURPWKHQRPLQDWLRQVIROORZLQJZKLFK DQHOHFWLRQXQGHUWKHDXVSLFHVRI*%*%·VLQGHSHQGHQWDXGLWRUVZLOOWDNHSODFH,WLVDQWLFLSDWHG WKDWWKHVXFFHVVIXOFDQGLGDWHZLOOWDNHWKHLUSODFHDV3UDFWLWLRQHU'LUHFWRUDWWKH*%*%0DLQ %RDUGPHHWLQJRQ7KXUVGD\VW0D\ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- &DOHQGDUQRWLFH WK)HEUXDU\ 1RPLQDWLRQGHDGOLQH WK0DUFK 9RWLQJFDUGVWREHVHQW WK0DUFK 9RWLQJ'HDGOLQH WK$SULO (OHFWLRQFRXQW UG$SULO %DUQHV5RIIH %RDUGPHHWLQJ VW0D\ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2 VOL 12 NO 3 14 FEBRUARY 2020 IMPORTANT NOTICES Complaints 7KH*UH\KRXQG%RDUGRI*UHDW%ULWDLQZLOOUHFHLYHFRPSODLQWVLQFRQÀGHQFHIURPDQ\RQHFRQFHUQHGDERXWDSRVVLEOHEUHDFKRIWKH5XOHVRI5DFLQJ Send emails to [email protected]*%*%RIÀFHRQ020 7822 0900$OWHUQDWLYHO\ZULWHWR 7KH*UH\KRXQG%RDUGRI*UHDW%ULWDLQ/WG *HQHVLV+RXVH *RGOLPDQ6WUHHW /RQGRQ(&9%' The Disciplinary Committee wish to advise those appearing before them as “the affected person” that the Disciplinary Committee has the discretion to take account of any previous breaches of the rule(s) of racing which they consider are relevant to a case being heard before them irrespective of the date of commission of the breach. DISCIPLINARY COMMITTEE INQUIRIES accompanying the independent vet, The Committee heard that with the Dr Smith. All areas of the kennels were generous assistance of other kennel The Disciplinary Committee of the inspected and all the greyhounds, owners and their staff, all the retired GBGB were in attendance at a meeting racing and retired, were examined. greyhounds had been removed to held on 28 January 2020:- Dr Smith’s comprehensive report properly managed kennels where detailed an appalling state of affairs they had received all necessary Mr H Starte (in the chair) treatments and care. For five Dr M Campbell at the kennels. There was inadequate light and poor ventilation. There was a greyhounds, euthanasia had been the Mr M Harrod most humane course. Happily, all the Welfare of greyhounds - strong odour and ammonia fumes that 1 caused irritation to the eyes and nose. other greyhounds removed from Mr Professional Trainer Whitehouse’s kennels had now been Mr K Whitehouse Bedding areas were dirty and wet, with insufficient bedding to allow the dogs re-homed. Professional Trainer Mr Kevin any comfort. These poor conditions The Committee was in no doubt that by Whitehouse was found in breach of were obviously of longstanding. Dr his treatment of the retired dogs at his rules 2, 152 (i) and (ii) and 174 (xi) of Smith found the kennel blocks did not kennels, Mr Whitehouse was in serious the GBGB Rules of Racing. provide suitable or adequate housing breach of Rule 2, which required him to Mr Whitehouse did not attend. He for the dogs. The number of dogs to be have full regard to greyhound welfare had written to the Committee stating cared for, the number of staff available and comply with the provisions of the he would not attend as he had and the condition of the retired dogs Animal Welfare Act 2006 to ensure relinquished his trainer’s licence in all indicated that the dogs were given that the needs recognised by that Act October 2019. Senior Stipendiary inadequate time outside their kennels were met. There had been a wholesale Steward Mr Paul Illingworth was in either for exercise or to display normal failure to provide his retired greyhounds attendance. behaviours. with a suitable environment, a failure to provide them with a suitable diet, a The Committee received in evidence Dr Smith found the racing dogs were in better overall condition than the retired failure to satisfy their need to exhibit

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