
University of Missouri, St. Louis IRL @ UMSL Current (1980s) Student Newspapers 2-5-1987 Current, February 05, 1987 University of Missouri-St. Louis Follow this and additional works at: https://irl.umsl.edu/current1980s Recommended Citation University of Missouri-St. Louis, "Current, February 05, 1987" (1987). Current (1980s). 210. https://irl.umsl.edu/current1980s/210 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Student Newspapers at IRL @ UMSL. It has been accepted for inclusion in Current (1980s) by an authorized administrator of IRL @ UMSL. For more information, please contact [email protected]. '-Ca m pus Looks For Piece Of State Funding Pie ' ~Partners hip Nitpicking Is Budget Requests PROJECT ADVA."lCE University' The 1987-88 campus ufMissouri ,'" Program Is budget request Includes funds rl1 hispro~ram address(' s the goal Part o.r The for Partnerships for Progress of the lillIl'l'r.;lty of ,1\lssouri·St. St.Louis and three targeted programs. In all, $2.75 million Is being sought Louis to enhancl' science, technolo).,'y Pushed For for these programs. A descrlJ>' and management programs Ill': Budget Battle tlon of each program and fund­ OHlER lARGETED PROGR,\,\IS , ~by Steven L. Brawley • conducting a pl:lIliling anLi needs Ing requests are as follows. The by Steven L. Braw ley editor only program approved for fund­ assessnH'nt program to gauge the editor Ing by the Governor, thus far, Is are:!'s nerd for l1el\' academic Valuc Added Assessment Model I JEFFERSON CITY - The bilttle the "value added assessment pmgraOls mode!." Thl' l' nil l' r ~ lt l of '\ \i " lJuri ·St. Ll)ui s JEFFERSON CITY The I\' ,~ver the University's 1987-88 • ('nhancing existing sci entific alld Ilill ul'l'l' lop a "I aILl I' audl'd' ;tw 'ss· legislators in the state capital I budget request is on, and an intense technologic:d rrogr:mls in chemistry, lIll'nt Ill echan ism to lll e:CSlI l'(' acq uired jokingly referred to last week' s I lobbying effort for Chancellor Bar- computl'r science , inform3tilHl/ . knf) wledge, crilical thinking skills hearings on the University of Mis­ I nett's " Partnerships for Progress" communication s(' rl'icl' , optics Partnerships for Progress anu tlw rl'i:lti f) n~hi p of acad l' mic souri budget requests as " nitpicking ~ .;rogram is being waged, :Llld rhysics, swtii(' s to wf)rk, CO llllllllllitl acti l' ili e ~ sessions." ! " The program, developed by Bar- PROjllCT COMPUTE • developing nell programs and alld Pl' I'SOIl :ti ;1Il " Eilil iii Itk However, this turns out to be an nett, is the centerpiece of UMSL's curricu la, especially in lh l' field s accurate appraisal of the slow and budget request package. of hio!tchnoltlgy, ll'il'c, )mmUllicuillils. $129,634 tedious process of requesting However, despite the fact the pro- his four·pan program Ilill heneot and roi1otics, money to provide higher education " ~ram has the backing of the Coor­ TSt. LOllb area high sch onl students • instituting applied rl' se:lrch Improving Writing SkilL~ to the state. dinating Board of Higher Education (l'specially gifted swdrnb from proil'cLS IW(\\'l'l'n local unil'l'r.;ilil'S UM President C, Peter Magrath and many state legislators, the econf)micalh disadl'ant:lged hack· :Intl area hU sinl' ss and indll,\\lY Thl' lnin'l's ill of l \i ssllllrl·St. LOlli s and the four campus chancellors Governor has recommended the grounds ), ciL'nwntar"l' and secondary plans lD improl l' I\\'() (' sisting IIr ili ng were all in attendance for the budget , .",,program receive no state funds, school tearher:; and aumilllstrawrs, $741,092 progr:lllls - lhl'.luni llr Lt'11'1 Com lllu ' analysis before the House Educa­ Budget hearings were held in the and strl'llgthcn joi nt dforb inl'(lll'ing llicatioll S Skills program :U )( llhl' tion and Transportation Appropria­ state capital last week; UM Presi­ Harris,SloWl' State College and till' Indl'rgraciu,l!t, Cl'rt ific al l' in \Iril i n~ tion Committee, t dent C. Peter Magrath and the four Iniler.; i[1 of .\\issouri·St. Louis, PROJECT SllCCEED prograll i. TIl(' .Il1n l< )r pr o~ r tl ill CO il · Magrath answered questions ~ campus chancellors answered Proiect Competl' incluc\rs: ('('Ill raIl'S (III ll'ch'licaL hu sin ess allt! regarding the UM's Hospitals and questions concerning ~egislators • a hridgc pmgr:ulI that Ilill :L\si, t hl' third e1l'lill'nt Dr l');posito l\ IIT iling, Ihl' Cenira l< ' in Clinics and the standing of the Jour­ the University's overall request for 11Uhlic allil paf()(hial sl'wmlall T'· Parllll'r:;hips for Progrl'ss" Ilill I\ 'rilillg Progr:lnl in cl ude,s an in lern· nalism program at UM-Columbia. a 13 percent increase in funding. scho ilis that lack thl' facilities lIl'l'dl'd help Illel't till' ('co nomic dl'Il'lllpmellt ­ ship :LS 11l' 1I :\.\ a S('lIIH'Il\'(' of ,si\ The University Research Park at The Coordinating Board of Higher 10 offer gifted tl igh scht x)1 illnior:; rei:i!ed workforlt, and res(,arch l1 ('n ls COli N'S Ikll1 :1 ll d fllr hOlh program s Weldon Springs was also discussed, " rJEducation is recommending a 12 and seni D" ilHt'n sin ' and ( h a ll('n ~ in ~ of S!. Louis and l\issDuri, Program (o nSi,\ ll' lll h l' ICl'I'ti \ ' pJl\' :11:li lahl t' , State Representative Chris Kelly percent increase for the 1987 -88 UM instrun ioll lhnlsLs include : : Ultlltilltl i ll~ I\ill all oll addi ng I: IC II !t1 questioned the cohesiveness of the budget, while the Governor' s III nll '('t 1\1\' dl' lIl:uld • in·smice trai ning for hi~h schllol park and said it could lead to scat­ recommendation stands at nearly a • lhl' fl' ·tra iu in g of l' mployel's to tr ach l'r.; hel p local fi rm s maintain lhdr $1':;0,000 tered resources and duplicate , : ~ percent increase. compl'l itil'l' l'llgl' programs. During a hearing before the • t' nh anl'l'flil' lit Ilf l'l'rtainlnil'c'"ill' of .I!is\ouri·Sl. Louis :Iclcil'mi c Other legislators, such as Neil House Education and Transporta- , • l' lpal l,sion of the l'nil l'fsill 01 prllgrlnl S ti )r hllllrt' leach er.; and Sluden t()nelnpmC'nl Malloey, advocated the progran: Hon Appropriation Committee on '\iissouri·S !. Louis" Cellier for ,urfl ll rt for thl' " Part· nLs a,\ hr:;1 and s aid it would premptive to think Jan. 28, Magrath said the University .\ltlroPlllil: Ul Stud ies Teach(' r.; " prllgr:lm \ l'll ,rll' '[',lr, il ip; ;t Ilt! il'11 1I1\,IIIP', :IS it would take away jobs from the r -~ully supports the CBHE's • :I program III iel l'litirl' rl'sl'arch 11'1' 11 ;1\ impIII \'[ 'ti StUtl l'lli "'!yi lt",, UM-Colum bia campus. • educat ional cnll ahoral io n Ililh recommendations. illi tial ill's, art'as O(wllpt' r:lti llll ;tlld in c l tlti i ll ~ .'Irt'uglil('Ill' tI (;Irl'('r Though the budget hearings apply Ibrris ·Stoll (' St:l!l' Co llc'gl' , a' "Our success as a state is directly ;t1l'1ll11'> or w llalmr:lliOII ht'tll't'I'1I lil l' CIl uII Sl'ill lg pfIlgr:JIlI S, st uilt 'lll r(,lTlIi l· to the UM' s Budget at large, inner­ aUlhori leci hI Ihl' .\Ii ssou ri Ll'gis Lt tllre related to the success of our l'lIi \'(' r:;itl' of \ \i >Sll llri ·S I 1.1I 11L\ :Ult! Ill t'll l. :l lld 1:1 1' 11 1I ;lrtl Ulg :l til i' l' rli t'llt in I<) :o;b campus rivalry was evident. , tc0lleges and universities, and suc­ lllLt! illti ll Strl SI,II' IlI ' Il il l hI' ilh llllll t'tI Th e issue of dormitories for the cess at the University of Missouri $864,684 $561,895 $268 ,633 st. Louis campus was brought up depends directly on the state's during the hear ing. investment." Magrath said, A legislator asked Magrath if he He said the request should not be students for college, enhancement In the brochure, Barnett outlined skills, and a student development million, which required the campus had a choice of a foreign sports car, , ~ooked upon as an expenditure, but of science and technology programs her initiative. initiative are all proposed for the to raise private funds to support a tr ip, or dorms for UMS L, which he as an investment. available to area citizens, and "The University of Miss ouri-St. UMSL campus. the project. would prefer. Legislators on the panel sugges­ collaborative efforts with area busi­ Louis, through Partnerships for Out of the three, the Governor is Last fall, t he McDonnell Douglas Jokingly he s aid he would like an ted he should carry that message to ness and industry. Progress, has drawn the blueprint of recommending only the value added Foundation donated a $500.000 Amer ican made car, but s aid that 'both the Governor and tli e General In January, Monsanto became the the future, Your support can make it assessment program be funded, chall enge grant to the campus for this is not a new subject for UMSL. Assembly as a wh01e. first corporate sponsor of the initia­ a reality." Also included in the UM request is the library expansion.
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