![Gene Macarthur Named Keyncder^ Ef GOE Alonvmim](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
trrV' :’Mv. MONDAY, JUNE 9, 19B2 I a g e s i x t e e n liattrljfB tPr ^Eoftting U tralb Register Now to Donate During the Bloodmohile Visit Friday ^r#' .... jawMarnuaithod.. X long loat— the jtiedclared XmW TBiltini Wlin!r^>Wp»Br*iu^^, I f ’oimdty ^fiicial art, inveatment caaOng mvolves of Greater Hartford will hold and M m . George E. -Wllaon of B . S. Candiflate I AbbutTow n the uae o f caramlc forma, lined with 'M- their final meetln* of the year to­ Drive B,. Silver Lane Homea, won wax. which are heated before the Avenge Daily Net Press Run Th* Waather night at 8 o’clock at the Courant flrat 'prtae, a'gold heart locket, at Rotary Speaker metal la poured into them. ?THE CANDY Far tlM We*a Endlag rarocMt of U. ■. W*afb*r Bawan Auditorium In Hartford. Member the cloalng recital by the puplla June 7, 1*84 • I M ri. W «n er LojefcVl of 473 0 «k Before Joining the Harvard ffroupe Include the Center Thea- of the Gertrude Gardner ’Tyler w ith T A e M not, her daughter, Edith. « » d 8. E. Bohn, aaaiatant to the pres­ Foundry Ctompany 10 yeara ago, Master^s Touch plana and Community Playera of. Dancing achool. Beverly D18I- Mr. imd Mrt, Louie Orlowekl of Bohn waa gaaoclated with Bohn FalrJonlgM sad Wedawaqr. Manchftater and the — Coventry- A ioac, .daughter..of..Mr. and Mrs. ident of.. Ute ,Harvard Foundry M A D E A N D 1 0 , OUt »ire*t, left yeeterday for Aluminum and Bronze Gompahy, Mtaiimnm tanigkt 88^ . E Playera. Joseph R. DeSlihone of 402 Oak | Company, CThicago, 111., will be the rajfo, where they plan to at- In Detroit. Bohn a\iperviiea Har- S O L D A T Member of the Aadit d the, commencement exercleee atreet, won aecond prise, a gold | guest speaker at the Rotary Club .charm bracelet !The. recital , waa, yard’s .braaa, steel and m ajpieft'"" MUNSON’S Bureau of OIrenInHan* 7 ' hf M vrth T. toj»*Kt on Wedneeday ■ ’The Red Croaa- Nuraea^ Aide? meeting at 6:30 p. m. tomorrow-at Manche»lerr -A City of Village Charm foundries In Chicagd, and Ita In­ - C A N D Y KI TCIfrEtl lit th * Loyola Dental iSchool. Oorpa pf"|p|tkncheater will hold Ita' held Friday evening at the 'Ver- the Country .Olub. annual picnic tomorrow at 8 p. m. plenck achool. Bohn, who haa been in the foun­ vestment casting foundry In West- 1 i f NEW BQLTON ROAD-^ROimB 8 and 44A at the home of Mra. Irene Bren­ dry biiaineaa for 23 yeark will wood. 111. N E W s t o r e HOURS: »:S0 A. 81. to 8 P. M. WEEKDAYS (CU**lfled AdvsrtUIng on Page IX) MANCHESTER, CONN.. TUESDAY, JUNE 10. 1952 (FOURTEEN PAGES) PRICE FIVE dENi^ I K meetinr of the Permanent SU ND AY 18:00 A, 8f. to 8:00 P. M. VOL. LXXI, NO. 2J4 ■Memortal Day committee will be nan of Mt. Nebo.plaee. The mem- Mancheater Lodge, No. 73, A.F. apeak on the fabrication of Invest­ Harvard Foundry furnishes cast­ hera are reminded to bring allver- ings for Pratt and Whitney. A •: aield toitlfht at 8 o’clock In the and A.M.. will meet tomorrow eve­ ment castings, a method of cast­ <Munleipal Building. Offlcera for ware and cupa. ning at 7:30 In the Masonic Tem­ ing W'hich makes It possible to short movie will follow tho talk. ; 0 ^ •the year w W be i r e « r t and^ CT^ ple. Following - the business sea,, ■<aat amalV. -tntricate item#- which Rev. Percy- F. and _Mra. Smith alon the Fellowcraft degree will - “ •••am J. Shlelda requeaU cannot be cast In the ordinary -wHt— attend— the - iferred jvlth Senior Warden IUM..A1: :tirahttm~L::'Q i ^ d to IS In Grace Methodlat Church. work. A social hour with refreah'- Hanlaburg. Pa., the aecond larg- menta will follow. ! Leon C. Bradley of thla town eat conference in Xlethodlam. Yea- JUST IN TIME GOODBYE TO IR0NIN6I *waa one of the Judgea at the drum terday they attended the com­ Art puplla of Mra. C. Henry. Ol- Srorpa meet In New Britain Ratur- mencement of Dlcklnaon College. aon of 88 Lakewood circle anuth FOR THE Giy* Dad Your iday. ’The content waa aponsored Carllale. Pa., from which Mr. are holding the aechnd annual ex, k y Boy^Rcout ’Troop t Trumpet flmith graduated. He waa or­ hibitlon at the home of their PICNIC SEASON a a Bland of New Britain. dained a Methodlat mlnlater In teacher. Much Intereat In the plc- Wormast 1948. after graduating from Boa- turea haa been Indicated by thf iipuert JK,_'Aurek.............. THE ORIGINAL ton Unlveralty.Rchool of. .’Theology. mimber of Telatlvea-and frienda-of ■ Gene MacArthur Named Keyncder^ e f GOE Alon vmiM He hna been aaaoclate mlnlater to the puplla who have attended. A — MODERNIZED " ^ Robert F. Turek of 35 Flower Rev. Fred R. Edgar aince October. total of 68 oil paintings and 30 Wishas atreet la a candidate for the de- ~ CHARCOAL WILLIAMS epecimena of Tole. (painting on TH E CO AL OF A 100 C8K.S 1 V Mancheater -Chapter. World tinware) are on dtaplay. Mra. Ol- gi-ee of bachelor of science In Federallata. will hold Ita apnual lon. haa atudied with aeveral out­ chemical engineering at the com­ With Th« “ Angels froi|i Hell” Subdue Koje POW s mencement exercises to be held meeting tonight at 8 o’clock at standing artUta and la at p/eaent Charcoal Briquatc French Set Jury Finds OIL SERVICE the YMCA. North Main atreet. glvtng murh of her tlnie to por­ at Worcester Polytechnic Institute Taft’s Men Rules Against Election of offlcera will take place' trait painting. There wll!_ he op­ on Saturday, June 14. Governor CoeUi.t Glftl 841 BROAD ST. !at thla time. H. Donald Wllaon. portunity for othera Intereatad to John D. LocHIe will be the com­ '20 Lb. Rags $1.75 regional director of UWF. will ex- view the plcturea at the Olabn mencement speaker and will re­ T o Discuss Prevail on Fee Taker, FUEL AND I plain the new regional aetup. home thla evening. < ceive the degree of doctor of WE ALSO HAVE science. which Inchidea all the New Eng­ REGULAR CHARCOAL RANGE OIL land atatea. Somanhli, Manchester High Taft-Hartley School-year hook, waa dietrlhiiled- The-Army and- Navy Club Aux- _ (NOT BRIQUETS) _ Arm s Voice Fofe Pals Guilty .............................................. ...................... ......... ..... i t ir it An Important meeting of Mlan- to atudenia leet Thiiraday. It con- iliary will ho|d ita annual outing IN 49e BAGS ' lonomoh Tribe. International Or­ at the Red Barn In Andover on talne photographa of the graduat­ Chicago, June 10--(ST— ^ Waahin.ton. June lO—uff’i OIL HEATING der of Red Men, will be held In ing "atudenia and rlaaa plcturea, Wednesday, June 18. Members TAKE CLIQUOT CLUB Paris, June 10— (A*) — ’Tinker Hall at 8 o’clock tonight. plua all extra-curricular actlvltlea. are urged to get in touch - with France’s national assembly Gen. Douglas MacArthur to- federal grand jury today Washington, June lQ-r(/P)— President Truman aeked Gdii- E9UIFMENT Officers for the coming t*nr will StudenU. will have.. their year Mrs. .Hajfry Borreimn of South COLD DRINKS OH hears today ■ just -what -it .ia. -day- waa named keynoter for-indicted Charlca £ . Shav.er on. grcaa today for power to seize and operate the struck atad: . be nominated. Committees will books with them every day this .Main atreet or Mrs. John Gleh- YOUR FICNIC . charge.s of accepting $3,100 industry. Before a hastily assembled joint session of th* ney of Bigelow etreet by, Satur- OPEN-W^VE costing this nation to shore the Republican national con- i make reports and the schedule for week to secure autographs from Senate ,*n(l House,. Tm m in .itaid the. choice Jay , betwe«n.f^^^ , E f t i m i i t M Q j i .. I acfl'ritlea ■ for ■ the next elx''months aentora -who ■ graduate ■ PTlday. - -> .day.------............ REMEMBER CLIQUOT ■ up it*, defenses. ..The. .J.ong-dS". .vention xipening-here July 7. in ieea .to. push „caaea before layed military budget of 82.- The choice of MacArthur was government agencies while ei-al arlzur* and iwe of th* T a ft-* ' ........... ■ ■ ’ C A L L i will he outlined. Several mattera COMES IN FULL HartHy acj. A Taft-Hartiry In­ of vital Importance will he brought 300,000.000 i.s being brought made on s ' voice vote in a closed he was counsel for the Senate QUART BOHLES meeting of the conyentloi)’e^ 46- junction against the strtk# of 680,- hciwe Jhe^ • “ ?*_*. .^ * * before the-deputies by min­ Small— Business subc4>mmit- ■ 000 Vnlted-Bteat Workers,-he-tald-.- attendance la expectedT Your" Chdice Of Following member arrangements committee. isters w’ho-still are in thedaiik tee. ’ Is by fsr th* wpr*t of th* |wo *p- Postmaster Flavors— Willism Mylander, Republican about the exact amount of aid publicity director, told reporter.- winding up an investigation pi-oscn**.’’ which started last February, the Bunding on th* ip**ker’i dias he understood MacArthur had they can count on from the grand jury also indicated three In th* Houa* chamber, ' Truman 2 Rota. 39c agreed to accept. The committee Plan Upset ■ United States. associates of Shaver. ’They were told the Senators and Represen­ BY REID tepNTfiNTS) The overall French budget, aft- decided to spilt the keynoter post sccusfd of siding the allegedly tatives that th* Bupram* Con.rl ••SINCE 1807 sway from that of temporary r r s B E E N OF rOl'RRE” STRAWBERRY.
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