THE WESTFIELD LEADER The Leading And Moat Widely Circulated Weekly Newspaper In Union County Kntered a» Second (Jlas* Mutter Published YEAR—No. 4 Pout Otnc«, Wwtflaia. N. J, WESTFIELD, NEW JERSEY, THURSDAY, OCTpBER 3, 1957 Ev«ry Thundar 32 Page*—10 Cent* Football Forms tcil Aspirants To Be Returned Complete Plans For OpenUnited Fund Opens First Application forms for Little League football which were distributed in the Home Tour Wednesday ir Views schools to the fifth, sixth 'and seventh graders are to The Mountainside Garden Club Campaign Drive Today be returned at the Elm Street' of Westfield has completed plans Boosters Offer School auditorium Saturday for its open home and garden between 9 and 10 a.m. to- tour, "All in the Golden After- Buttons On Broad St. \ anges gether with a registration noon," to be held Wednesday Saturday Morning Float Dramatizing fee. from 2-5 and 7-9 p.m. Theatre Series The committee has asked, The horticulture "exhibit at the In a move to gain broader par- Inl that any football equipment recently renovated bandstand in ticipation in its activities by the Tickets Available $224,814 Goal 4 •which is not presently being Mindowaskin Park is open to people of Westfield, the School used be donated for use by everyone to exhibit specimens and Boosters Association will offer Appears In Town Wards the league. Anyone having to visit. The schedule is available membership buttons downtown First In Program such equipment may call at the main desk of the library Saturday morning preceding the j&t for Town Coun- Set For Oct. 26 Westftcld's first United Fund JBeveloped in each Frank Ketcham, AD 2-4618 and advance entries may be made high school football game at Rah- and Charles Frankcnbach Jr., by phoning Mrs. A. J. Saradaki way. ' campaign, to raise $224,814 for Bards in town the at AD 2-2440. A successful sale of Junior The- fourteen agencies, opened today. lien Voters has ar- AD 2-4700 who will pick up According to Wynant T. Wil- the equipment. The Wateunk Room in the li- day, chairman of the membership atre tickets was held last week, ac- Symbolic of the new "baby(" it | meeting for each cording to Mrs. Wijitou-op C. made its first appearance as part Jpposing candidates The first practice session brary will also have exhibits. Four committee, this will give an op- will be held Saturday, Oct. gardens landscaped by local clu'03 portunity for membership to many Smith, chairman of Junior The- of a float dramatizing the fund <it pr meetings will he atre programs for the Weatfield the railroad station this morning. homes and resi- 12 at the Roosevelt Junior with artistic arrangements that citizens who want to help the High School football ftold have been used in these plantings Council of PTA. The two groups It will appear there again this eve- ard are urged to scholarship program and school ning and throughout the business between 8:30 and 10:30 a.m. will be a focal point. Mr. Skelly sports activities sponsored by th'. of plays are brought to Westfield and question the will have a booth demonstrating for students of the local public section during the day. Later ap- organization, but who do not regu pearances are scheduled through- the propagation of roses and an larly attend high school football elementary schools; Series No. t Suchomel, voters consisting of three plays ' for out the town. > an for the West- orchid d.isplay. There will abo be games. Junior Women To bird, conservation, and lltterbug Members of the Booster Asso- grades one, two nnd three; and Se- This marks the beginning of in charge of all displays. There will be a collection ries No. 2 consisting of three plays solicitation by some 2,000 volun- , as well as a meet- ciation executive committee and of sales items for anyone who at- girl student boosters from West- for grades four, five and six. toers In behalf of the United.v;; |bly and Freeholder Hear Mrs. Dwyer tends the show, Fund, which replaces Westfield's • mied for late Oc- GEORGE M, HART field High and Roosevelt Junior There are still a few tickets REV. CHESTER JUMP The many local flower arrang- High will be stationed at Broad available for Series No. 2, They former United Campaign. -' Congresswomun ers have been planning for a and Elm street, offering regular will be available in schools Oct. ». General campaign chairman Rex he meetings is for D. Rogers, 1401 Wychwood road, to speak 10 min- variety of artistic arrangements membership and student booster Mrs. Smith said that the plays Garden Consultant Speaks Tuesday in the three homes that will be buttons. offered aro of particular interest, Congolese Native expressed his confidence that the , ! which he considers open. These are the homes of MIR. $224,814 goal would be'met wheti ' ance to the town nnd expressed the wish that as "The Battle of the Budget in the E. M. Staub at 125 Wychwood many children as possible avail he spoke to volunteer workers at steps he thinks 85th Congress", will be the subject road, Mrs. R. W. Richardson at an instruction meeting held Tue«-: ;; ken o solve town To Discuss Roses themselves of the opportunity ot To Be Guest of a talk to be given by Consrress- 549 Tremont avenue, and Mra. Jewish Holidays seeing them. day night at the YMCA. •, ' " just which phase of woman Florence ,P. Dwyer Tues- P. O. Peterson at 301 Hillside The first presentation In Series "The United Fund is an exprca-/> work most interests Club To Hold day evening before the Junior Wo- avenue. The latter home will have Rev. Chester Jump , slon of the will of our people. It ' leting will then be man's Club* of Westfield at the the two men's classes. To Be Observed No. 2 (Oct. 20) Is "Dame Wiffgln'a Dilemma", and the Westfield per- Will Be Interpreter came Into being because moie > questions from the Meeting Woman's Clubhouse. The'junior show will be held In than 97 per cent of those partici- Mrs. Dwyer, a first term mem- formance H a pro-Broadway book- the barn of Mra. T. R. Jones at Yom Kippur To Ing, since it will open in Town Colon Kapini, who is believed pating in a mall referendum last ; the third and ber of the 85th Congress, served 560 Tremont avenue. The seven spring said that they wanted » are both set for George M. Hart, garden con- Hall, N. Y., nnd play for six nights to bo the first native from the Bol- sultant and lecturer, will present for seven years in the New Jersey classes, following thrpugh on the Begin Tomorrow Unite-,! Fund. The work of th« i p.m. ^ State Legislature. She was a dele- after its performance here. This gian Congo to visit the United campaign will be shared by more the subject! "Roses For The Home "Alice in Wonderland" theme, i» a traditional English panto- States, will be guest of honor at ; I ward meeting will 1 gate to the White House Confer- are filled by many local children. Yom Kippur (the Day of Atone- than 2,000 volunteers: And the ' [the home of Mrs. Garden" at the guest meeting of mime, popular over the British the World Communion service to the Garden Club of WestfieM ence on Education in 1956. She is A few tickets are still available ment) and SukoB (the Feast of be held in the First Baptist Church agencies which make up the [wld, 909 Boulevard, known in Union County for the Booths) will be observed during Commonwealth, but unknown in United Fund need thin financial : Tuesday at 2 p.m. at the home of by contacting cli»b members or this form to American children, Sunday at 10 a.m., according to v i«l C. Shaw serving unique program which she estab- by phoning Mia. C. F. Denncy at the coming week by Jews through' Support to help people. More than i«rs. Fred P. Dueai- Mrs. H. L. Mdnier, 534 Tremont The second presentation, Feb. 1, an announcement by the Rov. El- 13,000 Westfield cltiien* w«ii». avenue. lished on citizen participation in AD 2-2781. out the world, with services to be bert E. Gates Jr., pastor of the i chairman for the state government through a Legis- held locally at Temple Emanu-El. brings the Knickerty Knockerty church, who has made arrange- served directly by these agencies t ildttcs are Incum- Mr. Hart is associated with Star Players of the Pittsburgh (Pa.) last year, and «very home in Wett- Roses of the Conrad-Pyle Co. of lative Open House held at her Yom Kippur, the holiest day of ment* for the visit. Mr, Kapini IM, BUden; Republi- home every Tuesday while the Leg- the Jewish year, begins tomorrow Miniature Theatre, back to Weifb- will be accompanied by the Rev, flcld has felt the effect of t,h« good npponent, S. Bonsall West Grove, Pa. He will discuss field. Their play this year i work they are doing, Because this '•"';. rose varieties, rose culture, and tht islature was In session. She is con- Special Program evening and continues through the Chester Jump, executive secre- int. tinuing this program as a member following day. It is a day of fast- "Young Mike Fink," and tells a tary of the Belgian Congo mis- is truly a campaign of our people, \fbhtr, 645 Shadow- use of roses. story from the youth of the man by our people and for our people,; j Born in A'rdmore, Pa., he at- of Congress through her distylc' ing and «elf-se.arching for the pur- sion, who will serve a» Interpreter.
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