Spanish Railway Foundation The institution [www.ffe.es] The Spanish Railway Foundation is an institution belonging to the state public sector. It has three sites, two in Madrid (the Fernán Núñez Palace and the Madrid Railway Museum) and another one in Vilanova i la Geltrú (the Catalonia Railway Museum), and its Board of Trustees inclu- des the most important companies in the public railway sector. Its main objectives are: conservation of the historical and cultural railway heritage; promotion of the knowledge and use of the railway by the society; research and specialised training on the railway; and dissemination of the current issues and cultural aspects related to the railway through periodic publications and other means. To fulfil these objectives, the Foundation carries out a wide range of activities. The Foundation is in charge of the preservation and public exhibition of the railway museum collections through its two museums and preserves and enriches the funds of the Railway History Archive and its Railway Library and Newspaper Library, making them accessible to the general public through its Researchers Room located in the Madrid museum. Dancing Hall* of Fernán Núñez Palace, Prestige passenger coach (Madrid Railway Museum), Engine Shed (Catalonia Railway Museum) and Elizabethan Hall* of Fernán Núñez Palace Madrid Railway Museum [www.museodelferrocarril.org] Located in the former station of Delicias, an archi- tectural gem from 1880, the Madrid Railway Museum exhibits a valuable collection of steam, electric and diesel locomotives as well as passenger coaches and dynamic scale models. The Museum organises historic-tourist trains like the Strawberry Train, which links Madrid with Aranjuez and has become a classic in Madrid tourism; the Christmas Train, where the children are the stars; or the Nobleman Train (Tren del Hidalgo), which travels to Alcázar de San Juan. In the Delicias station there are excellent venues to host events of different nature. The Central Hall and the several rooms (Arganzuela, Mansarda, Audio visual Hall) are the ideal setting for presentations, press conferences, work meetings, film locations, photographic sessions, conventions, conferences, concerts or exhibitions. In addition to this, Charter trains, made up of vintage vehicles, constitute an exclusive location for events and celebrations. Catalonia Railway Museum [www.museudelferrocarril.org] Located in the original facilities of Vilanova i la Geltrú steam locomotive depot (on the south coast of Barcelona), the Catalonia Railway Museum is a railway building halfway between the nineteenth century and beginning of the twentieth century. More than fifty vehicles of all types are put on display, particularly a superb selection of steam locomotives and the first Talgo train that entered service in Spain. Added to the magnifi- cent railway collection is the appeal of the surroundings, which represent a unique and ideal setting in Europe to hold events: the steam locomotive Engine Shed, the Espacio Siglo XXI Hall, the Gantry-Crane Hall or the interior of its trains are all singular places to hold events as well as business, social and cultural meetings. Protection of Historical Railway Heritage In addition to the railway heritage conservation work, the Foundation performs the task of structuring and stimulating all the actions related to the enhancement of the historical railway heritage, especially those outsi- de the own museums. The Foundation provides L. M. Ruiz support to the rail social fabric in order to protect its assets, via the recovery of parts and rolling stock, the support for the creation of small local museums and the management of the Commission for the Enhancement of the Historical Railway Heritage. Historical Research [www.museodelferrocarril.org/investigacion] To fulfil its mission of promoting knowledge of railways, the Railway History Programme carries out specific projects, holds conferences and orga- COLECCIÓN de HISTORIA FERROVIARIA COLECCIÓN de HISTORIA FERROVIARIA 8 l a nises workshops and seminars in the field of n o Organizaciones obreras y represión en el ferrocarril: una perspectiva internacional recoge i c un conjunto de relevantes aportaciones al estudio de la historia del movimiento obrero en el a n mundo del ferrocarril, al análisis de conflictos laborales y políticos y de su repercusión en este r e sector de actividad, así como al papel desarrollado por sus principales actores: Estado, directivos, t n i empresas ferroviarias y sindicatos. a v Organizaciones obreras y represión en el i t railway history research. It also develops and c Esta obra colectiva es fruto de los trabajos presentados dentro de una de las sesiones e p específicas del V Congreso de Historia Ferroviaria, celebrado en Palma de Mallorca en octubre de s ferrocarril: una perspectiva internacional r 2009, e incluye una veintena de artículos que estudian casos concretos de Argentina, Bélgica, e Miguel Muñoz Rubio (Editor) p Christian Chevandier, Albert Churella, Dudley Clark, Francisco de los Cobos, Brasil, Estados Unidos, España, Francia, Italia, Portugal y Reino Unido en un período temporal a Gustavo Nicolás Contreras, Diane Drummond, Jairo Fernández, Paul van Heesvelde, amplio, que abarca desde los inicios del ferrocarril en la primera mitad del siglo XIX hasta finales n u Stefano Maggi, Tomás Martínez, Miguel Muñoz, Juan José Olaizola, : del siglo XX. l i Silvana Alejandra Palermo, Ernesto Petrucci, Antonio Plaza, Francisco Polo, publishes several publications focused on the study r r Georges Ribeill, Luis Santa Marina, Ana Paula Vieira da Silva y Marco Henrique Zambello a c o r r Lourdes Orozco (Traductora) e f l e n e an analysis of the railway history reality, such as n ó i s e r Miguel Muñoz (Editor) Rubio p e r y s a the Railway History Collection and the Railway r e r b o s e Rodolfo Ramos Melero n o i c a z History Archive Notebooks. i n a g r O La liberalización y nueva regulación del ferrocarril en España y el resto de la Unión Europea R&D&i [www.investigacion-ffe.es] There are two fields of action in this department: the own Research and Railway Studies Area, with a strong track record, renowned prestige and scientific quality, which works from four research groups: “energy and emissions”, “economy and operation”, “geography and rail traffics” and “transport sociology”; and the Scienti- fic Cooperation and Sectorial Promotion Area, develo- ped through the Spanish Railway Technological Platform (financed by the Ministry of Economy and Competitive- ness) and the International Innovation Unit, which encourages the participation of R&D&i agents in national and European programmes and improve their competiti- veness, leadership and internationalisation. Training [www.formacion-ffe.es] The Foundation contributes to the transmission of transport knowledge through the development of face-to-face, mixed and e-learning training activities, adapting the different methodologies to the needs of transport professionals. These activities are organised by the Curso General de Transportes Terrestres (Land Transport General Course), post-graduate studies of 30 ECTS to obtain the Experto Universitario en Transporte Terrestre (Land Transport University Expert) certificate, and managed by the Railway Training Area, which offers short face-to-face and online courses and has a wide range of courses available, with teachers who are experts in each of the subjects. The Campus Ferroviario ADIF-FFE also manages this type of activities. Culture [www.ffe.es/cultura] The Foundation is in charge of promoting cultural activities related to the railway. It carries out various initiatives, among which are the Caminos de Hierro photographic contest, a source of inspiration and creativity for all train and photography lovers, and the Premios del Tren Antonio Machado, a literature contest for poetry and short stories whose judges have been personalities as important as the Nobel prize-winner Camilo José Cela. The Foundation Choir, a world-class choir with an extensive repertoi- re, is an unrivalled final touch for any event or celebration. Vías Verdes (Greenways) [www.viasverdes.com] The institution coordinates and implements the Greenways Spanish programme since 1993, advising administrations and entities on the ecotourist reuse of disused railway lines. It disseminates and promotes the use of Greenways through its website, the Vive la Vía television series, guides, brochures and RRSS as well as organising citizen campaigns, technical work- shops and conferences, contests and awards. It also carries out projects, studies and plans and participates in European projects holding the position of General Secretary of the European Greenways Association. Vía Libre [www.vialibre-ffe.com] Released in printed and digital version, Vía Libre is a techni- cal magazine of an informative nature that is aimed at both the professional rail sector and railway enthusiasts. Geared to the dissemination of railway-related information, its aim is to add prestige and disseminate all aspects related to this mode of transport, with information that is produced accor- ding to criteria of technical rigour, informative language, documented texts and a positive stance. Published without interruption since 1964, the Vía Libre collection has become an essential reference to consult in order to understand the railway history in Spain. Friends of the Foundation and Protective Companies All those who wish to support the activities developed by the Foundation and would like
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