The Swedish Transport Administration Annual Report 2012 1 Contents 2 Contents Director-General’s report 4 Brief facts about the Swedish Transport Administration6 Transport developments 8 Goods transport 9 Passenger transport 10 Results 12 Transport policy goals and delivery qualities 14 Summary of the year’s developments 15 Punctuality 16 Capacity 19 Robustness 20 Usability 21 Safety 23 Environment and health 24 The Swedish Transport Administration’s activities 30 Planning in the transport system 34 More efficient use of the transport system 41 Maintenance 48 Traffic management, traffic information and other operations56 Rebuilding and new constructions 58 Payment of grants, support and co-financing 74 Contracted work 77 Cross-business area work 79 Internal governance and supervision 82 Productivity and efficiency development 84 The Swedish Transport Administration’s role as client 86 Measures to increase productivity 86 Measurement of productivity 86 Productivity development within operations and maintenance 87 Internal efficiency 88 Employees 90 Personnel structure 91 Competence supply, measures taken 91 Organisational change 92 Work environment 92 Analysis of the supply of expertise in relation to operational93 goals Financial report 94 Income and expenditure account 96 Balance sheet 97 Appropriation account including presentation of authorisation 98 Financial terms 99 Analysis of financing 100 Summary of key figures 101 Notes 102 Signing of the annual report 108 Auditor’s report 109 Board of Directors 110 Management group 111 Regarding the annual report: Certain figures are followed by additional figures in parentheses. Unless otherwise stated, the figures stated refer to the previous year. 3 Director-General’s report Director-General’s report It is my belief that, up until now, there private users and the business commu- has been overconfidence in the idea that nity alike. the transport system’s capacity defi- Traffic safety developments have, ciencies can be solved by simply building over the course of 2012, been positive in more capacity. Instead, there are many relation to road traffic. In terms of rail smaller measures we can take which traffic, no rail passengers lost their lives make it possible to use or even increase over the course of the year; however, the our existing capacity in an effective and number of deaths occurring on or adja- sustainable manner. This applies, not cent to the track is still too high. least, to the customer-oriented control Developments within road traffic sa- instruments that we can employ. In the fety are very positive and there is much commission’s assessment, we have stated to suggest that the number of road traffic clearly that a robust and sustainable fatalities will be amongst the lowest transport system is built on good main- recorded in recent years. The decreasing tenance. Consequently, maintenance number of fatalities can be partially measures are highlighted as being of the explained by the fact that the increase Over the course of 2012, the ca- highest priority for the Swedish Trans- in traffic has slowed somewhat, and pacity of Sweden’s infrastructure port Administration. partially as a result of ongoing measures It gives me great pleasure to report to improve traffic safety, such as the -ex was discussed intensively by poli- that today there is, for the most part, tension of 2+1 roads and automatic speed ticians and in the media. Much of a consensus of opinion amongst those controls with cameras (ARSC). In 2012 involved in the debate, and others, that we also began to overhaul the staged the focus on this issue is as a re- the Capacity Commission’s description traffic safety goals for 2020. sult of the commission, the Swe- of the current state of the infrastructure, Since the formation of the Swedish dish Transport Administration its analysis of the problems, and also, Transport Administration, we have had to a large extent, the measures that the the opportunity to combine the best received from the government, to Commission proposes. from two different areas. Together with analyse the capacity of Sweden’s other stakeholders, we have begun to Results 2012 apply the same methodology that we transport system and its future The Capacity Commission’s forecast use in our road traffic safety work, to needs. suggest that demand for transport will the rail sector. The goal of this traffic continue to increase over the next five safety work is to halve the number of rail years. The major cities continue to grow, fatalities. The Capacity Commission and as they do, the requirement for both Despite increasing rail passenger In the commission’s assessment, we note passenger and goods transport increase, traffic, punctuality has developed posi- that, in order to solve current and future in a system that is already under im- tively throughout 2012. For passenger capacity deficiencies, more is needed mense strain. Private car and heavy trains, punctuality (arrival within 15 than just new infrastructure. The road, good vehicle traffic on the national minutes of timetable schedule) reached rail, sea and air transport of today must road network diminished somewhat 97 per cent, and for goods traffic, the fi- all function at an optimal level, if we are in 2012, compared to 2011. The volume gure was just over 83 per cent. This is an to cope with future increases in traffic. of passenger rail traffic, measured in improvement, both in terms of passenger A robust and effective transport system train kilometres, increased by just over and goods traffic punctuality. This is a lays the long-lasting foundations which 2 per cent over in 2012, compared with pleasing development that shows that we are required in order justify investment 2011. However, goods traffic by rail has are on the right track. But there is still in new capacity. The capacity investiga- diminished substantially, primarily as a great deal of work to be done. Many tion has adopted the, so called, four step a result of the current recession. The travellers and still unhappy with the principle which implies that an attempt number of air travellers has increased information provided when traffic is dis- should first be made to affect the need noticeably during 2012, for both do- rupted - this was evident, not least, when for transport; following this, the second mestic and international flights. Traffic the snow came in December. Punctuality step is to optimise the current system; developments and the strains on the is critical to the rail system’s delivery ca- the third is reconstruction of the exis- transport system mean that the Swedish pacity and an extremely important issue ting infrastructure; only at the fourth Transport Administration has, in the for travellers and transport purchasers. and final step does new construction short term, found it difficult to maintain The Swedish Transport Administra- enter the equation. the levels of accessibility demanded by tion has been working strenuously to 4 Director-General’s report improve punctuality following the hard cate that emissions of greenhouse gases the infrastructure has the capacity and winters of two and three years ago. We will not continue to decrease unless new robustness that was intended when it have achieved our goals through more measures and means of control are intro- was built. efficient and extensive maintenance. Our duced. At the same time, emission levels In the autumn, the Government pre- new traffic management organisation is need to be greatly reduced. The Swedish sented a new infrastructure bill which also a major and important change. We Transport Administration’s own efforts included proposals regarding the direc- now take a collective approach to traffic, have led to a reduction in emissions that tion and frameworks for infrastructure together with the industry itself, in or- amounts to just over 170,000 tonnes. The policy for 2014-2015. The introduction der to prevent disruptions and to handle majority of this reduction is the result of of a new infrastructure bill is an im- them more efficiently. This, in turn, investments in the railway, in addition portant event for the Swedish Transport leads to improved punctuality. to step 1 and step 2 measures within the Administration. It states the direction transport system. Over the course of the that the Riksdag and the Government Efficiency work year, the Swedish Transport Adminis- want us to adopt in the development of The Riksdag and the Swedish Govern- tration has also started to make common the transport system, and, accordingly, it ment have allocated extra funding and environmental demands of contractors affects our work for a long time to come. raised the cash limits that can be gran- in its procurement work. On the whole, It is evident that the Capacity Commis- ted to the Swedish Transport Adminis- environmental developments are slowly sion has left a clear impression on the tration. In addition to this, we are relea- moving in the right direction, but new Infrastructure Bill, and on the ensuing sing significant sums of our own money technical and administrative solutions, political debate. This is further recogni- within our ongoing efficiency work; this such as high capacity transport, the bus tion that the Commission’s assessment is used for an increased level of invest- rapid transit system (BRT) and the use of constitutes an important common ment in operations and maintenance. information systems, will be required if evidence base. The economic framework The importance of our own ef- we are to reach our goals. established by the Riksdag for the plan- ficiency work cannot, therefore, be ning period, SEK 522 billion, provides stressed enough. In 2011 we took the Additional capacity increased development opportunities for first, simple steps in our work to improve I have, over the course of the year, been the transport system. efficiency - the challenges that remain involved with and initiated a number Following the directional decision, are considerably more demanding.
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