18th Meeting of the European Venous Forum 29 June - 1 July, 2017 Porto, Portugal Alfaˆ��n����������ega Porto �ongre������ss� �������enter, Porto, Portugal SCIENTIFIC PROGRAMME AND BOOK OF ABSTRACTS EDIZIONI MINERVA MEDIca Under the auspices of: International Union of Angiology Union Internationale �e Phlébologie – International Union of Phlebology Senior Corporate Members The European Venou� Forum i� extremely grateful to the following companie� for their continue� generou� �upport Senior Corporate Members BSN me�ical Me�tronic SERVIER SIGVARIS Management AG Corporate Members Kreussler Pharma Pierre Fabre © 2017 – EDIZIONI MINERVA MEDICA S.p.A. – �or�o Bramante 83/85 – 10126 Torino Web �ite: www.minervame�ica.it / e-mail: minervame�ica@minervame�ica.it All right� re�erve�. No part of thi� publication may be repro�uce�, �tore� in retrieval �y�tem, or tran�mitte� in any form or by any mean�. CONTENTS Welcome me��age …………………………………………………………………………………………………………… IV �ommittee� ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… V Foun�er Member� …………………………………………………………………………………………………………… IX �ongre�� Information …………………………………………………………………………………………………… XIII Scientific Programme Information …………………………………………………………………………… XVI Scientific Programme ………………………………………………………………………………………………… XVII Thursday 29 June 2017 …………………………………………………………………………………………… XVII Fri�ay 30 June 2017 ………………………………………………………………………………………………… XIX Satur�ay 1 July 2017 ……………………………………………………………………………………………… XXII Electronic Presentations ………………………………………………………………………………………… XXV Industry Sponsored Symposia ………………………………………………………………………………… XXXI Exhibition Companies …………………………………………………………………………………………… XXXII Exhibition Plan …………………………………………………………………………………………………… XXXIII Book of Abstracts ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 1 Author Index ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 107 IV WELCOME MESSAGE Welcome to EVF Porto 2017! The European Venou� Forum Annual Meeting 2017 i� hel� in the city of Porto between June 29th an� July 1�t. The venue will be the Alfân�ega �ongress �entre that wa� recently vote� Europe’� Be�t Meeting� �onference �entre �uring the Bu�iness De�tination� Travel Awards in 2014 an� 2015. The scientific programme will provide participants with a three-day conference on the most up to date infor- mation about new �evelopment� in clinical practice an� relevant re�earch. Important up�ate� an� re-evalu- ation� of the late�t technologie� an� technique�, �iagno�tic mo�alitie�, an� �ata from clinical trial� will be pre�ente� an� �i�cusse�. The panel of expert international �peaker� will pre�ent thi� cutting-e�ge information a� well a� being avail- able for your comment� an� querie�. The target au�ience will be mo�tly Va�cular Surgeon� an� Re�i�ent� but al�o Angiology Speciali�t�, Phlebo- logi�t�, Interventional Ra�iologi�t�, Va�cular Me�icine Speciali�t�, Nur�e�, Technician� an� all other� inter- e�te� in the management of venou� �i�ea�e. As always your participation will be crucial! The EVF is your Society and we need the scientific input of all member�. The centerpiece of our �aily �ession� will be the peer-reviewe� pre�entation� �electe� from the be�t of the �ubmitte� ab�tract�. We welcome you to Porto and hope that you will enjoy the final scientific programme. Armando Mansilha EVF Pre�i�ent an� Local �hairman V COMMITTEES CONGRESS PRESIDENT Prof Arman�o Man�ilha, Pre�i�ent, European Venou� Forum SCIENTIFIC COMMITTEE / LOCAL ORGANISING COMMITTEE Niel� Baekgaar� (Denmark) An�rew Bra�bury (UK) Athana�io� Giannouka� (Greece) Arman�o Man�ilha (Portugal) Michel Perrin (France) An�rew Nicolai�e� (�ypru�) Pavel Pore�o� (Slovenia) EVF EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE President: Professor Arman�o Man�ilha (Portugal) President Elect (1st): Professor Athana�io� Giannouka� (Greece) President Elect (2nd): Dr Dominik Heim (Switzerlan�) Secretary: Professor Athana�io� Giannouka� (Greece) Treasurer: Dr Marianne Van�en�riessche (Belgium) Assistant Treasurer: Dr Oscar Maleti (Italy) Chairman of the Board: Professor An�rew Nicolai�e� (�ypru�) IMMEDIATE PAST PRESIDENT Professor An�rew Bra�bury (UK) HONORARY MEMBERS Professor Eliete Bou�kela (Brazil) Professor Mark Malouf (Au�tralia) Professor Joe �aprini (USA) Professor Robert McLafferty (USA) Professor Anthony �omerota (USA) Professor Peter Neglen (�ypru�) Professor Bo Eklöf (Swe�en) Mr Kypro� Nichola� (UK) Professor Jawe� Faree� (USA) Professor Se�ha�ri Raju (USA) Professor Peter Gloviczki (USA) Professor Norman Rich (USA) Professor Roger Greenhalgh (UK) Professor Michel Samama (France) Dr John Hobb� (UK) Dr William San�mann (Germany) Professor Russel Hull (�ana�a) Professor Yuri Stokyo (Russia) Professor Lowell Kabnick (USA) Professor An�re van Rij (New Zealan�) Professor Robert Ki�tner (USA) Dr Thomas Wakefield (USA) Professor Dino� Lazari�e� (Greece) Dr Zivan Mak�imovic (Serbia) Professor Fe�or Lurie (USA) VI DATE FOR YOUR DIARY! 8th EVF HOW - Hands-on Work�hop on Venou� Di�ea�e Krakow, Polan�, 26-28 October 2017 www.evfvip.com 19th meeting of the European Venou� Forum Athen�, Greece, 28-30 June, 2018 un�er the Pre�i�ency of Professor Athana�io� Giannouka� ANNUAL MEETINGS/PAST PRESIDENTS Inaugural Meeting, 29 June – 1 July 2000 Lyon, France Michel Perrin 2n� Meeting, 13-14 September 2001 Rome, Italy �lau�io Allegra 3r� Meeting, 14-16 June 2002 Berlin, Germany Ulrich Schultz-Ehrenburg 4th Meeting, 27-29 June 2003 Li�bon, Portugal Jo�e Fernan�e� e Fernan�e� 5th Meeting, 25-27 June 2004 War�aw, Polan� Arka�iu�z Jawien 6th Meeting, 24-26 June 2005 �rete, Greece A�terio� Kat�amouri� 7th Meeting, 29 June-1 July 2006 Lon�on, UK Alun Davie� 8th Meeting, 29 June-1 July 2007 Istanbul, Turkey Mehmet Kurtoglu 9th Meeting, 26-28 June 2008 Barcelona, Spain Marc �airol� 10th Meeting, 5-7 June 2009 �openhagen, Denmark Neil� Baekgaar� 11th Meeting, 24-26 June 2010 Antwerp, Belgium Marianne DeMae�eneer 12th Meeting, 30 June-3 July 2011 Ljubljana, Slovenia Pavel Pore�o� 13th Meeting, 28-30 June 2012 Florence, Italy Giovanni Mo�ti 14th Meeting, 27-30 June 2013 Belgra�e, Serbia Dragan Milic 15th Meeting, 26-28 June 2014 Pari�, France Jean-Luc Gillet 16th Meeting, 2-4 July 2015 St Peter�burg, Russia Evgeny Shay�akov 17th Meeting, 7-9 July 2016 Lon�on, UK An�rew Bra�bury EUROPEAN VENOUS FOUNDATION The European Venou� Foun�ation, a UK regi�tere� charity (number 1100372) ha� been e�tabli�he� to pro- mote re�earch into the cau�e�, effect�, treatment an� management of venou� �i�ea�e an� to �upport the work of the European Venous Forum. Further details can be found from the EVF Office. TRUSTEES An�rew Nicolai�e� Michel Perrin Arka�iu�z Jawien Marianne Van�en�riessche Kypro� Nichola� Anne Taft CONTACT Anne Taft, MSc Dawn Bon�, MA European Venou� Forum PO Box 172, Greenfor�, Middx, UB6 9ZN (UK) Tel/Fax: +44 (0)20 8575 7044 E.mail: a�min@europeanvenou�forum.org exhibition@europeanvenou�forum.org IX FOUNDER MEMBERS Mohamma� Abu-Baker (Romania) Norbert Fring� (Germany) Ingri� Achhammer (France) Jury Fritz�che (Switzerlan�) Obiekezie Agu (UK) Alessan�ro Frullini (Italy) Efthimio� Alamano� (Greece) Jo�e Antonio Pereira Albino (Portugal) Diego Garce� (France) Joao Albuquerque R �a�tro (Portugal) �lau�e Gar�e (France) �lau�io Allegra (Italy) Michael Georgiev (Italy) Zacharia� An�roulaki� (Greece) George Geroulako� (UK) Jecu Avram (Romania) Joao Paulo Azeve�o Lope� �o� Santo� (Portugal) Athana�io� Giannouka� (Greece) Enrique Ginzburg (USA) Paul Bachoo (UK) Teimuraz Gogola�ze (Georgia) Giovani Ban�iera (Italy) Sue Goldsborough (UK ) Arie Bass (Israel) Joerg Dieter Gruss (Germany) Pietro Bavera (Italy) Jean-Jerome Guex (France) Gianni Belcaro (Italy) �leu�a Ema Belczak (Brazil) Epaminon�a� Helmi� (Greece) Jean-Patrick Benigni (France) Tet�uya Hirano (Japan) Antony Bertran� (Belgium) Mo Howla�er (UK) Imre Bihari (Hungary) Piero Bona�eo (Italy) �hri�to� Ioannou (Greece) �arlo� Bone (Spain) E�mon�o Ippolito (Italy) An�rew Bra�bury (UK) Takehi�a Iwai (Japan) Stephen Brook� (UK) Mark Iwanicki (USA) George� Buchheim (Switzerlan�) Maria Iwanicki (USA) �lare Butler (UK) George� Jantet (France) Juan �abrera (Spain) Arka�iu�z Jawien (Polan�) Alberto �aggiati (Italy) Mae�o Lebrun Jor�i (Spain) Marc �airol� (Spain) �lau�e Juhan (France) Jo�eph �aprini (USA) Eric Janin (France) Pe�ro �a�tell� (Spain) Mariella �atalano (Italy) Alexan�ro� Kafetzaki� (Greece) Attilio �avezzi (Italy) Marina Kafeza (Greece) Timothy �heatle (UK ) Michael Kai�er (Germany) Philip �oleri�ge-Smith (UK) Stavro� Kakko� (UK) �arlo� �o�ta �e Almei�a (Portugal) Evi Kalo�iki (UK) An�rew �ourt (UK) Yuk-Man Kan (UK) Deni� �reton (France) Dimitri� Kar�oula� (Greece) Svatopluk Ka�par (�zech Republic) Mario� Da�kalopoulo� (Greece) A�terio� Kat�amouri� (Greece) Stella Da�kalopoulou (Greece) Kon�tan�ino� Kat�eni� (Greece) Alun Davie� (UK) Holger Kie�ewetter (Germany) Marianne De Mae�eneer (Belgium) Shaukat Khan (UK) Howar� E Denbo (USA) Monica Kjaer (Denmark) Bogu�law Kompf (Polan�) Nichola� Fassia�i� (UK) Theo�oro� Ko�ta� (Greece) Jo�e Fernan�e� e Fernan�e� (Portugal) Kurt Kroeger (Germany) Philip Lag Francoi� (Belgium) Panteli� Kyprianou (�ypru�) X Peter Laba� (Slovak Republic) Bozina Ra�evic (Montenegro) Nico� Labropoulo� (USA) Albert-A�rien Ramelet (Switzerlan�) Zaza Lazara�hvili (Georgia) Stefano Ricci (Italy) Javier Leal-Mone�ero (Spain) Vaughan Ruckley (UK) �hri�tian Lebar� (France) Zbigniew Rybak (Polan�) Bb Lee (Korea) Marc Lefebvre-Vilar�ebo (France) Sergey Sapelkin (Russia) Rho�a Mackenzie (UK) Gerhar� Sattler (Germany) �a�tor Ma�uro-Maytin (Venezula) Michel Scha�eck (France) Grzegorz Ma�ycki (Polan�) Sanja Schuller-Petrovic
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