7 i ■■ ■; ' V m ,U tt F.’id-tODeeS^ A M E ^ 13A PTI 5 T ... F o P £ f £~/v ■ ' - "I. •" v- / ■ s g e / f ^v , ~ ■ • ■- s_______ i Vol. LXII. July, 1882. n No. 7. t*There » a gold-mine in India; but it seems almost as deep as <he centre of the earth, io will venture to explore it? " — Andrew Fuller. *< < win go down; but remember that you must hold the ropes."— W illiam Carey . jm ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ II ITT Contents. PAGE SIXTY-EIGHTH ANNIVERSARY OF THE R E C A P IT U L A T E )N .....................................,. 278 AMERICAN BAPTIS1 M ISS. UNION . 169 GENERAL ST/ TISTICAL TABLES .... 280 SIXTY-EIGHTH ANNUAL MEETING OF REPORT OF THE TREASURER . s8i T H E BOARD ....................................... 192 OFFICERS O' THE MISSDNARY UNION . 291 SIXTY-EIGHTH ANNUAL REPORT . .199 Home Department.......................................... 199 PREACHERS AT TRIENNIAL AND AN­ Foreign Department'— Asiatic Missions (Bur­ NUAL MEETINGS .....................................392 mah, Assam, Telugus, Chinese, Japanese), HONORARY M EM BE^^©*,—L 1£ E OF Africa, European Missions (French, German, Sweden, Spain, Greece) . ........................212 TH- YALE Diviry SCHOOL gasttfw: Ptt&ltefrefc for tje American 3Sapttet JSigsstffnarti iHnion, y Crrmnnt STtmplt. l* » n » ( POSTAGE PRKPAID) S ONE DOLLAR AND T kN CENTS PKR ANNUM IN ABTAXCK. [Entered at the Toit-Offlo* ftt Boiton u Mooad-cUn oattar.] % FRANKUN fRESS: RAND, AVERY fc CO., BOSTON. a* ,/VB.C NEW BOOKS. ■>y. FOR THE YOUNG. BREAKER BOY OF LANDSFORD. B E A U T I F U L L A D D E R ; or. The Two Students. i6mo, pp. 288. Price $1.25. i6rao, pp. 348. Price $1.50. 15y Rev. E dw in McMinn. liy Rev. bYDNEY D y e r , P h.D. E V A N G E L W I S E M A N ; or. The Mother's Question. L I T T L E A M Y ’ S W O R K ; or, The Higher Law. i2ino, pp. 507. Price $1.50. i6mo, pp. 408. Price $£.50. By Sa l u e R o c h e st e r F o rd. B y Mrs. M. E. B r a d l e y . ON THE BORDER-LAND, i6mo, pp. 288. Price $1.25. P IC N IC S A N D P A R T I E S ; or, Aunt Sallie’s Experiences. i6mo, pp. 224. Price $1.00. RUTH STUYVESANT; or,The Golden Harvest. By K a t e N e e l y H il l . i6mo, pp. 271. Price $1.25. liy E s t e l l e T h om so n . O L D B R IS T O L : A Story of the Early English Baptists. S E T H T R E A D W E L L : A Great Struggle. i6mo, pp. 351. Price $1.50. i8mo, pp. 215. Price 75 cents. By L. M. N. By Miss L. B a t e s . M A U D E A N D M E R R Y ; or, Coals of Fire. SHELTERED STRANGER. i6mo, pp. 220. Price $1.00. i6mo, pp. 352. fVice $1.50. B y Mrs. M. E. B r a d l e y . By H elen P ea rso n E a r n a r d . M O N T A L T O ; or, The VaudoisMartyrs of Calabria. T U R N TO T H E R IG H T ; or, Tom’s Career. i6mo, pp. 256. P ice $1.00. i8mo, pp. 230. Price 75 cents. By Miss L. B a t e s . By Mrs. R . M. W ilb u r . KEZZIE’S CORNER. S H O W Y O U R C O L O R S ; or, A Story of Boston Life. i6mo, pp. 287. Piice $1.25. i6mo, pp. 209. T5rice$t.oo. 15> Miss May F. M cKean. B y J u stin D . F u lt o n , _D.p. DENOMINATIONAL AND STANDARD. R E S T R IC T IO N O F T H E LO AD 'S S U P P E R : What T W E N T Y -S I X Y E A R S IN B U R M A H . Records o it is Not, and What it Is. ((ieman.) the Life and Work of J o sei-h G. B in n e y , D.D. i8mo, pp. 50. Pries 8 cents. i2mo, pp. 384. Price $1.25. By H enry T. C o lb y . B y Mrs. J . G. B in n e y DISTINCTIVE BAPTIST PRINCIPLES. THE LIFE OF WILLIAM COLGATE. i2mo, pp. 238. Prue$i.25. 121110, pp. 274. Price $1.25. By J. M. Pendleton, D.D. By W. W. E v e r t s , D.D TIME OF CHRIST'S SECOND ADVENT. AMERICAN EDITION OF THE REVISED NEW i8mo, pp. 68. fnce 8 cents. T E S T A M E N T . Long Primer. 8vo. Price, clo^O By A lvah H ovey, D.D. boards, red edges, $1.00; Morocco grained leather, ^ill edges, $1.75: full Turkey Morocco, $3.25. A T T E N D A N C E A T C H U R C H : The Duty and the Edited by H enijy G. W e s t o n , D .D J Privilege. i8mo, pp. 32, Price 5 cents. “ Of all the revisions, this is the best; and, if any one wan 1 By tev. Professor A. E. W a f f l e s . a revised New Testament, this is the book.’’ — Bibticnl Re i corder. ALL IN THE NAME OF JESUS. FACTS AND FANCIES IN MODERN SCIENCE. i8ino, pp. 36. Price 5 cenls. Pp. 240. Price $1.15. 1 By Rev. J . W . W il l m a r t h .By J . W. D a w s o n , LL.D., F.R.S T H E H O L Y S U P P E R : In History and Scripture. Six Lectures delivered before the Crozer Theological Semi , i8rao, pp. 50. Price 8 cents. nary, on the Samuel A. Crozer Lecture Fund. 121110, with By A lvah H o vey , D.D. illustrations. DUTY OF BAPTISTS "O TEACH THEIR DIS­ MANUAL OF SYSTEMATIC THEOLOGY ANE TINCTIVE VIEWS. CHRISTIAN ETHICS. 8vo,pp-437- Price $2.50. iSmo, pp. 36. Price 5 cents. By A lvah H o vey , JJ.D., LL.D. j By J o h n A. B roadus, D.D. This work was designed by the author primarily for the use o’ students under his own instruction, but is equally as well adapted T H E C H R IS T IA N E X P E R IE N C E : An Inquiry into for any who may wish, like the noble Bereans, to search “ the its Character and its Coiutnts. Scriptures daily, whether those things were so.” It is specially i6mo, pp. 220. Price 90 cents. fitted to aid those who wish 10 study for themselves the Word By D. W. F a u n c e , D.D. of God. They can scarcely fail to learn how such study should "P R E A C H IN G : Its Ideal anj Inner I.ife. be conducted, and to have fixed in nund a Scriptural view of x2mo, pp. 264, Price $1.25. Christian theology and morals. The Index to Scripture Refer­ By T hom as A r m it a c e , D.D. ences fills twelve pages, each with three columns closely printed. BAPTIST PRINCIPLE IN ITS APPLICATION ALONG THE LINES AT THE FRONT: A General} TO BAPTISM AND THE LORD’S SUPPER. Survey of Baptist Home and Foreign Missions. With} i2ino, pp. 252. Price $1.25. Maps and Illustrations. i2mo, pp. 312. Piice $1.50. I By W il u a m C lea v er W il k in so n , D.D. By W i l l i a m I'*. B.-\i.nbkidge. COMMENTARY ON THE GOSPEL OF MARK. The author of this work recently spent two years in a tow 8vo, pp. 295. Price $2.00. round the world, visiting mission-stauons in general, and the) By W. N. C l a r k e , D.D. stations of Baptists in particular. In this work he embodies! a general view of Baptist mtssion-work at home and abroad, F O R E IG N M IS S IO N A R Y M A N U A L : Statistical, Sy­ embodying the results of study and personal observation. U‘ noptical, and Biographical. is a work that will awaken the deep interest of those who de-* i6mo, pp. 20j. Price $ t.00. sire to know by what agencies and to what extent the Baptists | ____ By F k a n k S. D o bbin s. are carrying out the Lord's Great Commission. ADDRESS AMERICAN BAPTIST PUBLICATION SOCIETY, 1420 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia; 4 Beacon Street, Boston; 151 W abash Avenue, Chicago; 9 Murray Street, New York; 1109 Olive Street, Saint Louis. THE BAPTIST MISSIONARY MAGAZINE. Vol. LXII. — JULY, 1882. N o . 7. SIXTY-EIGHTH ANNIVERSARY OF THE AMERICAN BAPTIST MISSIONARY UN IO N . , N e w Y o r k , N.Y., May 30, 1S82. T h e American Baptist Missionary Union assembled in the First Baptist Church at ten o’clock a .m . ; the President of the Union, Rev. George Dana Boardman, D.D., of Penn­ sylvania, in the chair. The audience united in singing the three hundred and first hymn in “ The Service of Song,” — “ All hail the power of Jesus’ name.” The President then read a selection of Scripture, beginning at the eleventh verse of the second chapter of Paul’s Letter to the Ephesians.
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