Now reaching 8,000 APRIL 2019 homes and businesses Issue 45 Ibstock • Market Bosworth • Ellistown • Heather • Swepstone • Newton Burgoland • Donington-Le-Heath Battram • Nailstone • Ravenstone • Snarestone • Hugglescote • Bagworth • Normanton-Le-Heath . Do you know this local landmark? See page 3 for details and how to win a prize! . The Voice’s ‘Wedding Feature’ Strange creature spotted in the woods! The Alpaca Park Farm at Snarestone The search for Heavenly Body part 2 Plus all our regular features & lots more! TELEVISION • HOME AUDIO • KITCHEN APPLIANCES • FIRES • COOKERS • LIGHTING Halls of Ibstock Ltd. 10-16 High St, Ibstock LE67 6LG Email: [email protected] Great Prices • Expert Knowledge • Super Service • Professional Installation The Community Voice.... delivering more than a magazine! F A BCO INTERIORS f loor i n g | beds | fur n itu re | ligh tin g | h ome fur n ish i n g s WELCOME ... to the latest edition of Community Voice! SILVAN ENTERPRISES LTD James Hayles HND. RRM Fully insured and NPTC qualified Front Cover Quiz: Spot The Local Landmark... Tree Surgery, Spraying Specialist How many of you can spot the landmark from our surrounding area featured & Ground Maintenance on this month’s issue front cover? If you think you know the answer please send including Mowing, Fencing, Hedgecutting, Turfing etc. your entry to The Community Voice, c/o 57 High Street, Ibstock, or email us at: LOGS SPLIT & DELIVERED £120 Large Load [email protected] 01530 610507 (home) • 07970 950129 (mobile) Email: [email protected] The winner (drawn first out of the hat of all correct entries) will receive a £10 One4All voucher. Good Luck! WHERE’S IBBIE? G ABRIELLE H A Y W OOD Last month’s quiz answer... and winner! Ibbie ‘spotters’ were busy again last month! He was spotted by many, Ibs tock & surroun ding areas Ib stock • Elli stown Battra • He m • R ather avens • Swe tone • pston Hugg e • Ne lescot wton e • Ba Burgo gwor land th • P • Don acking ingto ton • n-Le-H Snares eath Many of you correctly identified our mystery local hiding behind the advert for tone FABC O I N TERIORS is p roud t o be wo rking in partn ership wit h famous Bri t i s h m a nufactu rers landmark as the bridge carrying the A447 from ‘Spotless’ on page 27. The first s u c h a s Duresta, Somnus, D avid Hun t Ligh ting and A m t i c o t o showcase some o f their best Ravenstone to Ibstock. The site, near to Kelham correct answer drawn out of the Bri t i s h Designs and cra ftsm a n s hip . Ele g a n t ly St ylis h D u resta f u r nit u re i s m a d e by awa r d Bridge, Ibstock, is a section of the old railway ‘Community Voice hat’ was sent in by Kaitlyn Newman, who will receive a line route, which ran between Hugglescote and win ning u p holst e rers using q u a lit y m a t eri a l s wit h a passion fo r a q u a lit y nis h. O u r l a t est £10 GIFT VOUCHER! D avid Hun t Lig h ting c ollection i s h a ndma d e t o o r d e r in t h e C o t swolds a nd will e nha n c e t h e Heather. It closed in 1931 to passengers and to parcel traffic in 1951. Goods continued to pass But where is he this month? If you spot him, a m b i e n c e o f your home. M a ny speci a list nis h es a re ava ilabl e t o c re a t e beau t i f u l ligh t ing wit h send us your details, and which advert he is hiding through until 1954, when the line was closed. y o u in m i nd. To c omple t e the look , our A m t i c o c ollecti o n s o e r unr i va lle d oor ing s olut ions fo r your behind, using the contact details listed below ▼ Please note, we have recently been informed, that home wit h a g re a t choic e, o ering practi calit y a nd d u rabilit y, t oge t h e r wit h e l e g a n c e a nd c h aract e r. Fabc o this is not a public right of way. I n t eriors o ers you e verything fo r your home , so you can add style , expression and individua lit y wit h ease! This month’s prize has been won by Jamie CONTACT THE COMMUNITY VOICE Millward and our picture shows the prize draw Post: 57 High Street, Ibstock, Leics LE67 6LH being performed by Sue Stanyard of Lakeside Wills Tel: 01530 267344 To c elebr a t e 80 y e ars o f pur e E nglis h L u x u r y , w e ha v e s pecial in-st o r e pr omo tions on all DUR E S TA fu rnitu r e . (see her advert on page 27). Email: [email protected] www.ourcommunityvoice.co.uk Let’s see how well you do with our next landmark! YOUR LOCAL ELLISTOWN TESTING STATION • Class MOTs from £25.00 • Motorbike, car, van & motorhome MOTs six days a week • All minor and major servicing and repairs for all makes and models • Diagnostics, Cambelts, Exhausts, Tyres and tracking all on site Tel: 01530 262743 option 3 Email: [email protected] Claim your discounted MOT by bringing the voucher with you! £5.00 off. Leading the way in Commercial repairs Anderson Commercials Ltd, competing in the British Den ts R oad , N o ttin g h am R oad R e tail P ark, A shb y -De-L a-Z ouch . LE65 1JS www.andersoncommercials.com and European Truck Racing Championships. 0 1 530 564 864 fabc olt d.c o .uk O pen 7 da y s ( closed Ban k H olida y s ) the voice page 2 page 3 the voice Spring into action with our top mobility tips As the weather improves now is the perfect time to think about getting more active. The colder months can leave us all feeling a little sluggish, but there are some simple things we can do to get more motivated and mobile! Try something new We can often get bored of the same exercise routine. Why not try a new activity such as joining a walking club like the Ramblers? Swimming is a low impact activity Telephone • 01530 560 960 • www.candorstairlifts.co.uk which will still burns calories and leaves you feeling refreshed. Get active in your home Investing in an affordable exercise machine is an easy Easter Egg Hunt way to keep active on a daily basis. Exercise bikes and balls are simple and practical, or you could opt for a fitness DVD to suit your ability. with Candor Namaste! Yoga and Pilates don’t just offer relaxation, but help with How many Easter Eggs can you find balance and co-ordination too. There are local classes hidden in our Special Spring Offer? available including a Wednesday morning session at The Palace Community Centre in Ibstock. Post your answer on the Candor Care Facebook If you’re struggling with your mobility and would like more help and advice, including stairlift options for your home, get in touch with us and visit our website. page to be in with a Call 01530 560960 or go to www.candorstairlifts.co.uk. chance to win a giant We can offer a free stairlift assessment in the comfort of your own home. chocolate Easter Egg. Trust local BHTA approved Candor Stairlifts to help you regain independence with a bespoke STRUGGLING FOR STORAGE stairlift designed for YOU. SPACE IN YOUR HOME? Highly competitive instant quotes Install a loft ladder and start utilising what could potentially be the largest room in the your home... FREE home assessment in the 01530 261387 - 07515526959 - 07961576020 comfort of your own home Stairlift removal service and STARTER PACKAGE DEAL LOFT STORAGE SOLUTIONS refurbished stairlift options available Fast and • 2 Section Aluminium Loft Ladder At Loft Storage Solutions we respect our customers, that’s Book a complimentary appointment at why our friendly, local,family run business listens to our hassle-free • Pendant Light & Switch clients needs without pushy sales techniques and gimmicks. our stairlift assessment centre in Coalville Stairlift We cut the jargon and explain clearly and precisely what 50sqft Moisture Resistant Flooring removal service • can be achieved and always work with customers in a professional & respectful manner. Don’t let your mobility slow you down… available FROM ONLY 01530 560 960 • Loft Ladders • Loft Staircases • Loft Hatches • Loft Boarding Get in touch for a FREE quotation and • Roof Windows • Top-Up Insulation • Rafter Insulation assessment today on 01530 560 960 £280 • Lighting & Sockets • Complete Storage Rooms all in which includes FREE Scotlands Industrial Estate • London Road • Coalville • Leicestershire LE67 3JJ. fitting in less than a day! For information on our latest package deals visit us at... [email protected] • www.candorstairlifts.co.uk From ladder installations to a complete www.LeicesterLoftStorage.com We are delighted to have recently loft transformation including..
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