Aquaculture Research, 2007, 38, 1714^1720 doi:10.1111/j.1365-2109.2007.01840.x Growth and condition index of mussel Mytilus galloprovincialis in experimental integrated aquaculture Melita Peharda1, Ivan %upan2, Lav Bavc›evicŁ3, Anamarija FrankicŁ4 & Tin Klanjsflc›ek5 1Institute of Oceanography and Fisheries, Síetalisfl te Ivana Mesfl trovicŁ a, Split, Croatia 2Convento Albamaris, Augusta Síenoe, Biograd, Croatia 3Croatian Agriculture Extension Institute, Ivana Ma&uranicŁ a, Zadar, Croatia 4University of Massachusetts Boston, EEOS Department, Boston, MA, USA 5Ru:er Bosfl kovicŁ Institute, Bijenic› ka, Zagreb, Croatia Correspondence: M Peharda, Institute of Oceanography and Fisheries, Síetalis› te Ivana Mes› trovicŁ a 63, 21000 Split, Croatia. E-mail: [email protected] Abstract Introduction Integrating mussel and ¢n¢sh aquaculture has been Simultaneous culture of several species in the same recognized as a way to increase pro¢ts and decrease water body with the objective of optimizing the use environmental impacts of ¢n¢sh aquaculture, but of space and nutrients is termed integrated aquacul- not enough is known about the e¡ects of ¢n¢sh aqua- ture, polyculture or co-culture. Integrated aquacul- culture on mussel growth. Here we present a pilot ture is traditionally used in the fresh-water pond study aimed at determining how distance from ¢n- aquaculture (Marcel 1990; Landau 1992). Recently, ¢sh aquaculture a¡ects mussel growth. To this end, potential for integration of marine ¢sh and bivalve we measured growth and condition index of mussel aquaculture is being assessed (Jones & Iwama 1991; (Mytilus galloprovincialis) at three di¡erent distances Taylor, Jamieson & Carefoot 1992; Stirling & Okumus (0, 60 and 700 m) from ¢n¢sh aquaculture in the 1995; Mazzola, Favaloro & SaraØ1999; Mazzola & SaraØ eastern Adriatic Sea. There was a statistically signi- 2001; Cheshuk, Purser & Quintana 2003; Gao, Shin, ¢cant di¡erence in growth of tagged mussels with Lin, Chen & Cheung 2006; Martinez-Cordova & Mar- respect to site. Average measured lengths of mussels tinez-Porchas 2006). at sites 1, 2 and 3 after the 10 months of the experi- Croatia’s aquaculture production in 2005 was ment were 57.60, 62.73 and 58.66 mm. Mussels grew 6425 t of marine ¢sh and 2600 t of bivalves (Jahutka, fastest from March to May, and slowest from July to Misfl ura & SuicŁ 2006). Only a small fraction of this September, regardless of their position. Condition production is from integrated aquaculture. The stra- index showed spatial and temporal variations tegic goal of the Republic of Croatia is to reach an an- with higher values during fall and winter ( 23), nual production of 10000 t of ¢sh and 20 000 t of and lower values during spring and summer bivalves from aquaculture operations in this decade ( 20). Our results show that production cycle in (KatavicŁ ,Bo&anicŁ , CetinicŁ , Dujmusfl icŁ , FilicŁ ,Kuc› icŁ ,Vo- areas traditionally considered suboptimal for aqua- dopija & Vrgoc› 2002). Meeting this goal requires culture can be equivalent to the cycle in areas either expanding areas devoted to aquaculture or a traditionally considered optimal for mussel aquacul- shift towards integrated aquaculture. ture if mussel aquaculture is integrated with ¢n¢sh Expanding aquaculture operations in coastal aquaculture. waters is restricted due to con£icts with other human activities in the coastal zone. Large aquaculture op- Keywords: integrated aquaculture, polyculture, erations reduce the area available for other activities, mussel, Adriatic Sea while in£ux of organic matter into the water column r 2007 The Authors 1714 Journal Compilation r 2007 Blackwell Publishing Ltd Aquaculture Research, 2007, 38, 1714^1720 Mytilus galloprovincialis in integrated aquaculture M Peharda et al. (eutrophication) resulting from ¢sh farming can have producing an additional 80^90 tons of ¢sh. During unacceptable adverse impacts on the oligotrophic the experiment, ¢sh were fed with extracted pellets community of the Adriatic Sea. Hence, integrated produced by BioMar or Aller. Temperature was mea- aquaculture has been suggested as a preferred option sured once a week, while mussels were sampled (Frankic & Hershner 2003). around 15th of the month. M. galloprovincialis from In a bivalve and ¢sh-integrated aquaculture, ¢sh fouling communities found at the ¢sh aquaculture aquaculture provides organic matter for bivalves to structures was used to set up the experiment. feed on (Chan1993; Stickney & McVey 2002). Bivalves For growth experiment, shell lengths (N 5 297) remove the organic matter from the water, thus redu- were measured with vernier calipers to the nearest cing the environmental impact of ¢sh aquaculture 0.1mm and shells were individually marked with (Naylor, Goldburg, Primavera, Kautsky, Beveridge, mollusc tags (HALL PRINT, Victor Harbour, South Clay, Folke, Lubchenco, Mooney & Troell 2000). Such Australia, Australia) in November 2005. The mean a con¢guration increases biomass production while initial length of mussels used in growth experiment decreasing eutrophication of the water column was 39.4 Æ 1.8 mm and they were six to eight (Brooks, Mahnken & Nash 2002). months old. Marked shells were divided into three Mussel Mytilus galloprovincialis Lamarch 1819 is a samples, placed in square-shaped plastic baskets natural choice for a bivalve species in integrated (35 Â 55 cm) commonly used in the Adriatic for oy- aquaculture in the Adriatic Sea because it is native ster aquaculture and suspended at 2.5 m depth at to the region, fast growing and commercially viable. three di¡erent sites. Site 1 was immediately neigh- Mussel seed is collected in wild by ropes and after bouring ¢sh cages, site 2 was 60 m away from the about 6 months mussels are transferred to nylon cages and site 3 was 700 m away from the cages. mesh nets hanging from lines. Production cycle is be- After 2 months, mussels were removed from the tween year and a half and two years (Hrs-Brenko & water, their lengths were measured and they were FilicŁ 1973; BenovicŁ 1997; Jasprica, CaricŁ , Bolotin & Ru- suspended again in the water column. This proce- denjak-Lukenda1997). dure was repeated every 2 months on the same mus- Previous studies have demonstrated that in£uence sels. A total of 33 (11%) mussels were found empty of ¢sh cages is localized (Magill,Thetmeyer & Cromey during the experiment and manyof them had preda- 2006; MatijevicŁ ,Kusfl pilicŁ &BaricŁ 2006) and it is the tion marks on their shells, which we presume were question, especially in oligotrophic environment, at made by sea bream. Majority of them died before which distance from ¢sh cages mussel culture needs March 2006. In addition, tags have been missing to be placed and what quantities of mussels can be from 86 mussels (29%) and these disappeared in dif- supported by the ¢sh farm. Here we present the pilot ferent phases of the experiment. Because of poach- study dealing with determining the viability of bi- ing, mussels were not recovered from site 2 in valve and the ¢sh integrated aquaculture and opti- November 2006. Only mussels that survived the mal placement of mussels relative to ¢sh cages. We whole experiment were used in the analysis, that is analysed spatial and temporal di¡erences in M. gallo- 77 mussels at site1,55 at site 2 and 44 at site 3. provincialis shell growth and condition index, and For condition index analyses, mussels were kept in discuss implications of our ¢ndings for integrated nylon mesh nets (22 mm opening) at the above-de- aquaculture and future experiments aimed at under- scribed sites.The base population used for measuring standing the optimal placement of mussel relative to condition index was about 700 animals at each site. ¢sh cages. Each month 30 mussels were removed from each site and frozen for later laboratory analysis. Condition in- dex was determined as the ratio between cooked meat weight and the sum of cooked meat weight and Material and methods shell weight according to Davenport and Chen (1987). The pilot study was carried out from August 2005 to Before the analysis data were tested for homogene- November 2006 on an aquaculture farm of sea bass ity of variance, growth increments were analysed Dicentrarchus labrax (Linnaeus, 1758) and sea bream using repeated measures ANOVA on animals that sur- Sparus aurata (Linnaeus, 1758) located on the south vived the experiment. With respect to condition in- side of Pasfl man island, middle Adriatic Sea (Fig. 1). dex, one-way analysis of variance was applied for This farm produces about 90^100tons of ¢sh an- data analysis when variances were homogeneous, nually. There are also two smaller nearby farms while non-parametric Kruskal^Wallis test was used r 2007 The Authors Journal Compilation r 2007 Blackwell Publishing Ltd, Aquaculture Research, 38, 1714^1720 1715 Mytilus galloprovincialis in integrated aquaculture M Peharda et al. Aquaculture Research, 2007, 38, 1714 ^ 1720 Figure 1 Map of the studyarea: (a) Adriatic Sea, (b) area around Pasfl man island, (c) Location of ¢sh farm and sampling sites. for analysis of data that did not have homogenous growth was observed for mussels placed 60 m away variances. Tukey and Mann^Whitney tests were ap- from the ¢sh cages at site 2 (x 5 23.46 Æ 4.25 mm/2 plied for post hoc comparison respectively.Length-at- months, N 5 55), while mussels placed at ¢sh cages age data were analysed using the FiSAT II statistical (x 518.26 Æ 4.59 mm/2 months, N 5 78) and those package (v.1.2.2.) and the asymptotic length (La)and placed at site 3 placed 700 m away from the ¢sh cages the curvature parameter (k) parameters of the Berta- (x 519.24 Æ 5.21 mm/2 months, N 5 54) grew À k(t À t0) lan¡y growth equation Lt 5 L1 (1^e ) were slower. Average measured lengths of mussels at sites determined separately for each study site (Gayanilo, 1, 2 and 3 after the 10 months of experiment were Sparre & Pauly 2005).
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