[(('ad The Post Save Time Money For News S hop III Newark You Know THE NE K POST Fir I -=1'01;. XLI , Number 34 The Newark PORt, Newark, Dece mber 6, 1951 PRICE FIVJ<; CENT~ l Santa Claus Due To Arrive In Stinking Decision On 1.0.0.F. Visitor I City Council Ta~es City Attacks Parking ProbleJ11 Nel,vark On Saturday Dec. 8th Garbage Pl'Oble~ 1 Action On IZOJCI~g By Reading Netv Ordinances ' Forced On CouncIl New Areas n Ity ., - I Choit'£' Of Childrcn 'Viii Make His H Cll dqlHlI'lc l' New Ordinance Would Make Final Enaclment Of New Hcgula lions H ('sll"icling (n Near Fut ure Garbage Cans In Truiler Locatcd At City Hall Fot· Areas Recently Added Pm'king On ·W. Dclnw:u'C', AlIIs td, J {'III, Will Have 1'0 Be Put Two-Week Visit RS Zone W. Main Ouc Next Mel'ling On Curbs ®~------------------ -------------------------® Joll y Old Saint Nick will make his IM t . t j D l If City Council heard at Tuesday N k' k ' bl . annu al apearance in the City of New- 0 OrL ,~ S 0 e all are re City Council was forced to make night's meeting the first reading of an Nplf)(lrk ['ost O/Jice Will Bp I rOl' I ~~~~ h~ ~~c:I~~o~r:n~n:~r::~mpco:~ ark on S a tu ~' day afternoon, December Told oj New Motor Vehic.le what most of them consider to be ordinance classifying those areas Open On SUI/day, Dec. 16 tive action at Tuesday night's meeting & at approximately 1:30 p.m. lles/Jollsibility Law Facts a stinking decision at Tuesday night's brought into the city limits under the To Hal/(lie Christnws Mail of City Council in City Hall. Two new di~~o: t~ / h:o I:~~:~n;:n~~e~t:sergi::~ I. Been driving a bit too fast, 01' tak- m~~tit~l~ neal' future it will be neces- ~e;e;otn:;tension of the city limits as In anticipation of the pre-Christmas ~~' ~i:~~n~er~t \~i%~, ~~l:d r:g~~~'~n;op~~~~ up thc idea of the sleigh and r e in- l l~g chances with traffic signs and sary for the residents of Newark to This action was taken as a result of rush on mailing facilities, Postmaster ing on W Main Street, and the other deers and will arrive in town atop a IS Ignals-or maybe even driving with- place theil' garbage cans on the curbs such recommendation of the newly F Allyn Cooeh, Jr., has announced affecting those streets adjacent to the big red flre engine which he has bor- out an op~:ator's li,cense? If you have, in front of the house if it is to be created Planning Commission. In a that the Newark Post Otrlce WIll be University of Delaware. rowed .'rom the Aetna Hose, Hook and ,~ke ~ illendly tIp from the State picked up by the garbage collector. letter from Harry C. Boden, chairman open for the convenience of the public Mayor Wallace Johnson opened the Ladder Company. ommlsslone: o'f :vrotor Vehicles and All of this was brollght about when I of the Commlsson, Mr. Boden expressed on Sunday, December 16, between the meeting by announcing that he had 'rhis year Santa will make his local get on the rIght SIde of the laW-fast. the firm, J . S. Rowles and Sons. who the commission's opinion that "unless hOllrs of 1:30 p.m. and 5 p.m. North Pole headqllarters in a modern- When t?e .new Motor Vehicle Safety had been awarded the garbage collee- action is taken immediately to zone In his statement MI'. Cooeh states ~~~~l ~~e ~~~i~;'I~~~~y wi~~~lt~~7:ra~n!r~v~i~ house type trailer which will be located ResponsIbilIty Law becomes effective tion contract for the year, appeared ' th~ areas recently annexed to the city. th ~t par.cel post as well as letters and representatives of 'the Stlllent Com- in front of City Hall at the cornel' of J~nuary I, YOll will be required to fur- before Council and announced that the commission will be greatly hand i- calds WIll be acce.pted, and the parcel mittee on Parking, and had been as- Main and Academy Streets. He will n.ls? pr~of of future financial respon- lin less this was done the firm wOllld cdapped in Platnning . for the future dPousrtl'nagndthesstaemhPouwrslndOWS will be open sured by these students that it City occupy his new quarters at approxi- slbIl~ty If yo~ ar~ convicted of serious be forced to terminate its collection. eve l opment 0 the cIty." . C '1 Id f " mately 2 p.m. on Saturday, but fori traffIC law vlOlatlOns. That means $11,- It seems as though the eolectors have "The Commission believes." said ;nt~ou~h there al'e no defl.nite pla~s ac~~;nCI r e~~~din ;e t~:"~!::~I;gaI;;;,o~~:Z: half an 110ur prior to this time will 000 \~ orth of proof! You will not be been on the receiving end of too much Mr. Boden, "that considerations of at t~IS . t~me , Mr .. Co?ch saId that. If on streets adjacent to universit rop- tour the stJ'eets of Newark to wave pC:;'?';tted t.o own or operate a motor abuse 1rom the housewives of the city Norman C. WaIbel fairness re.quire that aU of these new the SltU~tIO~ req~"r es It, the Post OffIce el·ty for a period of two we~s~ the his greetin gs to the children. No defi- ve IC e untIl you do so. during the past few· weeks regarding I afirea~ b~, gIven the same zoning classi- :e~ 2~ ehvel mall on Sunday, Decem- stUdents would see that conditions nile route has been decided on and such matters as dirtying clothes, mess- Noman C. Waibel of Centerville. cation. would improve. Santa will attempt to see all of his IGrad . 6 H ing up lawns, and infrequent collec- Del., who was I'ecently elected grand "We reeogn'ize that such action will The students admitted that a number young friends before settling down in e omeroom tion. I master of the Grand Lodge of Odd Fel- cboemtmeml'SPSloOrnarYanduntthile ScUCohuntcil.ml ehaavs thane Post 0 f f ice S fa f f of those parking in these areas were his headq~arters.. In Ch.· t D • .In the absence of any other party lows, will pay an official visit \0 New- e , not cooperating with university offl- Sa nta WIll remall1 111 Newark through I IS mas I ama willing to undertake the garbage col- arks' Oriental Lodge No. 12 on Thurs- opportunity to carefully study the en- Looking For' Usual cia Is. city officials. or residents of the Saturday, December 22, and will wel- lec tion. City Council is in the position day, Dec. 13. tire matter in the light of long range al'ea in solving the parking problem, comc visitors to his headquarters be- Presented In HI''''h School that if garbage is to 'be collected at all , Accompanied by his staff Mr Waibel interests of the city. Bi,2: Christmas RIIS]I but promised that meetings were sched- tween the hours of 3 and 5 p.m. in the ... it w ill have to be done by the present will review the work of ihe I'oc I 0 _ "We are fully aware of the problems L.J ul ed to be held to discllss the matter afternoon and 6 and 9 p.m. in the eve- Auditorium Today collector. Mr. Rowles assured Council ganization throughout the past a ye:r that will be involved in the future with all stUdents. nings during the week and between ~hat collections would be regular, and and present his program for the com- in rezoning some parts of these areas Public Urged Again To Mail If the student representatives had in lane! 5 p.m. in the afternoon An operetta "Christmas and the 111 accordance with any regulations im- ing year. to other classifications which later Chrismas Parcels And mind delaying Council's action on put- and 6 to 9 p.m. on Saturdays. Four Freedoms," by Otis M. Carring- posed by the city. A performance bond Th d y . ht' . t ' ' 11 I b study indicates that they should have. ting into effect an ordinance regulat- Gifts of candy and small toys will t '11 b t d ' N . would be put into effect to assure th urs a. nIg s mee 1';'2 WI a so e We feel, however, that the hazards in- Cards Early ing parking on streets adjacent to the Of 'be distributed to the children of New- dIn HIgh proper handling of the matter. He I e t the °tental volved are far less than those inher- university. they failed. S~~O~I aU~it~r:senrlUm ~ et~:I~ o~ca~I~~ L~~ge'S ark by their favorite and Santa will by the memb f o:a ~.m. also announced that he would be able anh~u~ 'U ": ~a\ :.;~ y and Inner ent in either zoning the areas now Postmaster F. Allyn Cooch, Jr., said Spurred on by many letters from Hild 1 have his own mailbox at his headquar- shall's sixth =~:d~ ho~~room.a ar- to r ed~ce the cost to the city for such I:er~c ar: urS:~ :0 be ~:~~I mem- on a basis of ex~edlency or waiting to today.
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