April 2b, 1996 Vol 89 Issue 16 Features: Senior Shows Index Inside Arts/Features. &-7 Comics .11 Editorial News . 3-5,8-10 Sports 12 Fiat The Student Newspaper of Alfred University Y^orld Blaze Destroys Main St. Apartments LOCAL Steve Peterson, AU professor of Second village fire of year forces Alfred University students to relocate political science, has been selected as one of 5,500 Community Hero BY JONATHAN BAUM Torchbearers for the 1996 Atlanta Olympics. Peterson will carry the A combustible material left near a torch in the Rochester area for up space heater is the suspected cause to one kilometer. • A federal grand of a firewhic h destroyed much of a juiy continues to investigate an house at 31 S. Main St. on ASC freshman for having bomb Thursday, April 11, said Nancy making materials in his dorm Furlong, chief of the Village of room, including nitroglycerin, det- Alfred's fire department. No one onators, grenade casings and one- was injured in the blaze. and-a-half pounds of gun powder. Furlong said the fire company arrived on the scene around 3 p.m. NATIONAL The upper-front of the building was The Utah state government has already engulfed in flames. passed legislation banning ail high Furlong said the fire had probably school gay organizations from reached the attic before that point, meeting. The state chapter of the causing smoke to escape the house ACLU plans to challenge the legis- and allowing the fire to be easily lation in court. • Attorney F. Lee visible to passersby. Bailey reached a repayment agree- Furlong said the building has ment and was released from prison since been condemned and that the after spending 44 days in custody upper floor and roof were almost for failing to turn over millions of totally destroyed. dollars in stocks formerly belong- "For all intents and purposes, ing to a drug trafficking client. • it's a total loss," said Furlong. Lyle and Erik Menendez were sen- Furlong said nothing was sal- tenced to life imprisonment with- vageable from the upper apart- out parole for killing their parents ment, but almost everything sur- in 1989. vived in the lower apartment with only water and smoke damage. INTERNATIONAL PHOTO BY JESS COPE Secretary of State Warren SEE FIRE, PAGE 3 Burning down: Alfred firefighters work to control the blaze of the 31S. Main Street fire. Christopher is meeting with Syrian President Hafez al-Assad and Israeli Prime Minister Shimon Low grades keep students on-campus Peres in an attempt to create a cease-fire in southern Lebanon and BY MICHELLE PANCOE already fulfilled the four semester how my housing would make a studying." She also said she does northern Israel. • Russian residency requirement, said difference." not feel she will get higher grades President Boris Yeltsin led leaders If you thought you could move off Smith. Alley said, "The reason for a lot because she will be living on cam- of other industrial nations in campus after four semesters, you Rachel Alley, a sophomore of people's poor grades is living in pus. announcing a ban on nuclear test- may have thought wrong. ceramic engineer, said "I'm upset a residence hall or suite." She Smith said she thinks other- ing and measures to prevent Three days before housing that the University can force you also said students should be able wise. "If help is right there, smuggling of nuclear materials. sign-ups, over 80 sophomores and to live on campus due to poor to live wherever they feel would you're much more likely to take juniors received letters telling grades." be best for themselves. advantage of it and benefit from them they would be required to Many students seem upset Jon Tollerup, a junior ceramic it," she said. ERSONALITIES live on campus next semester, with the new policy. "I don't think engineer, said he lived in the Ford Smith also said, "We tend to said Sue Smith, director of resi- it's going to make it any easier for Street apartments, and he thinks lose touch with students when dence life. people to get the grades they an off-campus apartment would they move off campus." P [University administrators] want be much quieter and better for Effective immediately, anyone Many students were taken by MIKE who was on academic probation them to get," said sophomore Eve studying. surprise when they received their HULING at the end of the fall semester will Pogoda. Pogoda said she was upset by letter. "The thing that bothers me AND be required to live on campus the Andy George, a sophomore "the assumption that living on most is that I didn't know about MEGAN following year,, even if they have physics major, said, "I don't see campus is more conducive to SINESIOU SEE HOUSING, PAGE 3 Sleep is finally an option for juniors Mike Huling and Megan Sinesiou Station Manager selection causes controversy now that Hot Dog Day is over. The two were co-chairs of the BY MICHELLE PANCOE station manager, said she received involved completely ignored the She said the constitution has been Hot Dog Day committee. mixed messages to an email she constitution, using the premise ignored in the past and needs to Huling is a ceramic engineer WALF executive board members sent to all DJs before the selection that it will be revised eventually." be revised. from Clarence, N.Y. and the recently announced next year's asking if Glanowski should be Dryden said, "In this case an Laura Kaplan, currently the finance chair of Student Senate. station manager amidst com- allowed to apply for the position exception was not out of line." She WALF finance director, said the He is a brother of Sigma Alpha plaints of unconstitutionality. despite his lack of executive staff also said she didn't feel two Mu, a resident assistant, and a new At a WALF general meeting experience. semesters on executive staff was SEE WALF, PAGE 3 member of the Order of Omega, a some disc jockeys publicly disput- Glanowski was allowed to apply necessary for a station manager. national Greek honor society. ed the appointment of Dan for station manager, Dryden said, Huling is also sports editor of Glanowski, a junior communica- and was chosen by the panel com- the Kanakadea and served as tion studies major, as station man- prised of the current station man- stage manager for Under Milk ager because it violated the radio ager, the station's advisor, the cur- Wood. station's constitution. rent Student Senate president After graduation, Huling said he According to the WALF consti- and the director of student activi- plans to go on to graduate school. tution, "To be eligible for the posi- ties. Sinesiou is a psychology major tion of station manager, an indi- WALF advisor Joe Gow said, "I from Olean, N.Y. and is the AOD vidual must have been a member wasn't thrilled with circumvent- wellness activity planner. She is a of the station for at least four aca- ing the constitution," sister of Theta Theta Chi and a demic semesters. (S)he must also "We were looking at what peo- member of the Student Alumni have been on the executive staff ple's ideas were. The decision was Association. Sinesiou is also vice for at least two academic semes- not made lightly," he said. president of Panhellenic Council. ters." Some DJs also were not thrilled She is also the 24th person in her Glanowski has been a DJ for with the idea of ignoring the con- family. three years but has never served stitution. Junior DJ Jeremy Sinesiou said she plans to go to on executive staff. Sedita said, "The issue is the fact PHOTO BY JESS COPE graduate school for college student Christy Dryden, a senior for- that the executive staff, the facul- WALF Is Not Dead: WALF secretary Eve Pogoda takes attendance at the April development. eign language major and current ty advisor and any other parties 17 general meeting. WALF Exec Board (left) announced next year's Exec Staff, naming Dan Glanowski (second from right) as new station manager. Features/Arts — page 2 April 24, 1996 I Fiat Lux COLUMNIST Fiat Lux Women aren't sole targets of cuts Commission task forces BY JONATHAN BAUM severe cuts being made in affirma- less money than a man in the same tive action and food stamp pro- position with the same seniority, At the first-ever Riley lecture grams. Steinberg points out that then yes, there is a problem (which attempt to move AU ahead series in women's studies, Temple 85 percent of food stamp recipients is slowly but surely being solved). University professor Ronnie are women. But to say that just because President Edward G. Coll Jr. has tion may not. Steinberg spoke about the general I agree that these programs are some women happen to work in called the recent organization of Members of the commission disadvantages women have in soci- important and often play crucial traditionally lower-paying jobs, the AU Commission on Planning have decided to not only deal with ety. roles in peoples' lives. something must be wrong with the task forces "the most profound issues currently affecting the cam- She noted differences in pay But I do not agree with pay scale isn't logical. campus project in my 30 years of pus community, such as retention scale compared to men, program Steinberg's assessment that "the Finally, Steinberg states that work in higher education." and residence hall living, but have cuts which hurt many women, and government is making a systemat- men must take family responsibili- It is obvious that Coll under- also taken a commendable proac- the roles of women and men at ic assault on programs that would ty more seriously.
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