DAI BOSATSU ROKU ~ A newly organized Rinzai Zen Koan system for Western students (Not Final) Compiled by: Muishitsu Eido Sotai Roshi Dai Bosatsu Zenda Kongo-ji Livingston Manor, New York I t I_ 'I 0 A I B 0 S A T S U R 0 K U DAI BOSATSU ZENOO KONGO-JI NEW YORK Muishitsu Eido Sotai Roshi I INTRODUCTION DAI BOSATSU ROKU Again and again I say that there is only one koan. In the Rinzai Zen tradition, Joshu's "Mu" is considered that one koan. However, one koan has many aspects. Hakuin Zenji divided these aspects into five categories. Genuine insight is no other than the realization of zero­ ness of our being--that is sunyata [Hosshin--Dharmakaya, Category I]. One of the aspects of sunyata is to see the dynamic activity of Dharma [Kikan--Dynamism, Category II]. Still another aspect of sunyata is to appreciate the dialog through verbal expression [Gonsen--Verbal Expression, Catego~y III]. The other aspects of sunyata are so near, hence, easy to miss; consequently, difficult to pass [ Nanto--Diff icul t to Pass, Category IV]. The last categ-ory is Kojo--Endless Integration [Category V], which includes Goi, The Five Ranks and The Ten Precepts. Here I have selected about 100 koans but did not categorize them. I am planning to add about 10 more koans from The Transmission of the Lamp in the near future. Also, it is my intention to ask the students to present Jakugo, or "capping phrases," for selected koans. At any rate, I am convinced if these are thoroughly digested and looked into with genuine insight, one by one, we can cultivate the perspectives of our vistas. Thus, insight and ordinary life will be, and must be, intermingled. Introduction Dai Bosatsu Roku Page Two Also, as you see, I added Miscellaneous Koans, both East and West (p.2- p.6). I present this to you as an incomplete, experimental compilation. It is not particularly secret but just to avoid its misuse by a person who either does not have deep understanding in koan practice or does not have enough training with his or her teacher, do not make any photo copies or spread around. I only made ten copies for the monks and nuns ordained by me. It is my sincere wish that by the beginning of the 21st Century the final Dai Bosatsu Roku will be compiled for Rinzai Zen practice in the West. Muishitsu Eido Sotai Roshi May, 1990 1 JOSIJU'S MU Main Subject: A monk asked Joshu, "Has a dog Buddha Nature?" Joshu answered, "Mu." [Gateless Gate, Case 1] Before Miscellaneous Koans I 2 MISCELLANEOUS KOANS l. What is the root of Mu? ~ [What is the ultimate source of Mu?] 2. What is the sound of one hand? 3. What will happen when the hand is cut in two? 4. Stop the distant temple gong. 5. What is the color of the rain and where does wind come from? 6. The Diamond Sutra says, "All Buddhas, Bodhisattvas and Patriarchs are from this sutra." What is this sutra? 7. The Diamond Sutra says, "All &re created equal. There is no high, there is no low." Why then is Mount McKinley high and Mount Dai Bosatsu low? 8 . The Diamond Sutra says, "Past mind is ungraspable, present mind is ungraspable, future mind is ungraspable." With which mind do you practice Mu? 9. The Diamond sutra says, "All composite things are like a dream, a fantasy, a bubble and a shadow, are like a dew drop and a flash of lightning, they are thus to be regarded." Observe this verse. 10. Climb out from the deep well with no ladder or rope to assist you. 11. A monk asked, "What is Tao?" The master replied, "An en­ lightened man falls into the well." 12. How old is Manjusri Bodhisattva? ' 3 MISCELLANEOUS KOANS FROM WESTERN SOURCES 13. Little flower--but if I c~~ld understand what you are, root and all, and all in all, I should know what God and man is. Who is he? --ALFRED LORD TENNYSON 14. I know that without me God cannot live for an instant: if I perish he must needs give up the ·ghost. How does he do it? --JOHANNES SCHEFFLER 15. The eye with which I see God is the very eye with which God sees me. What is the size of the eye? --MEISTER ECKHART • 16. Thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. How has it been done? --THE LORD'S PRAYER 17. When God created the heavens, the earth, and creatures, he did not work; he had nothing to do; he made no effort. Why then do we say that God created the heaven and the earth? --MEISTER ECKHART 18. Everywhere (in the Psalms) is the exhortation to praise the Lord, and God demands praise from men. ~ are we to praise the Lord? --C.S. LEWIS 19. He that findeth his life shall lose it, and he that loseth his life for my sake shall find it. Find your life! --NEW TESTAMENT 20. Some Pharisees asked Jesus when the Kingdom of God would come. His answer was, "The Kingdom of God does not come in s uch a way as to be seen. No one will s a y, 'Look, here i t is!' or, 'There it is!' because the Kingdom of God is within you. 11 --LUKE 17 4 KOAN PAIRS FROM WEST AND EAST 21. A fool sees not the same tree that a wise man sees. --WILLIAM BLAKE 22. Followers of the Way, as to Buddha-Dharma no effort is necessary. You have only to be ordinary with nothing to do--defecating, urinating, putting on clothes, eating food and lying down when tired.~ Fools laugh at me, but The wise man understands. --RINZAI * * * * * 23. If the doors of perception were cleansed everything would appear as it is, infinite. --WILLIAM BLAKE 24. Ganto said, "If you want to know the last word, I'll tell you simply--This! This!" --BLUE ROCK COLLECTION, CASE ~1 25. Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth. --NEW TESTAMENT 26. If a man seeks Buddha, he'll lose Buddha; if he seeks the Way, he'll lose the Way; if he seeks the patriarchs, he'll lose the patriarchs. --RINZAI * * * * * 27. Blessed be he who will snatch up a Babylonian baby and beat its brains out against the pavement. --PSALMS 28. Whatever you encounter, slay it at once: on meeting a buddha slay the buddha; on meeting a patriarch slay the patriarch; on meeting the arhat slay the arhat; on meeting your parents slay your parents; on meeting your kinsman slay your kinsman; and you attain emancipation. --RINZAI 5 29. Great things are done when men and mountains meet; This is not done by jostling in the street. --WILLIAM BLAKE 30. A monk asked Master Ummon, "Where do all the buddhas and patriarchs come from?" Ummon replied, "Eastern Mountain walks on water." --UMMON * * * * * 31. Then Pilate said to Jesus, "Do you not hear how many things they witness against you?" And Jesus gave him no answer, not even one word. --NEW TESTAMENT 32. A monk once asked Master Fuketsu; "Both speaking and silence are concerned with oneness or manyness. How can we be free and nontransgressing?" Fuketsu said: "How fondly I remember Konan in March! The partridges are calling, and the flowers are fragrant." --GATELESS GATE, CASE 24 * * *' * * 33. Therefore I say unto you, be not anxious for your life, what you shall eat, or what you shall drink; nor yet for your body, what you shall put on. Is not the life more than the food, and the body more than the raiment? ... Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow; they toil not, neither do they spin; yet I say unto you, that even Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these. --NEW TESTAMENT 34. Seizei said to Sozan, "I am utterly destitute. Will you give me support?" Sozan called out, "Seizei!" Seizei responded, "Yes, sir!" Sozan said, "You have finished three cups of the finest wine in China, and still you say you have not yet moistened your lips!" --GATELESS GATE, CASE 10 * * * * * 35. And the fire and the rose are one. --T.S. ELIOT 36. The master swordsman Is like the lotus blooming in the fire --TOZAN 6 37. My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me? --PSALMS 38. Master Kyogen said, "It is like a man up a tree who hangs from a branch by his mouth; his hands cannot grasp a bough, his feet cannot touch the tree. Another man comes under the tree and asks him the meaning of Bodhidharrna's corning from the West. If he does not answer, he does not meet the ques­ tioner's need. If he answers, he will lose his life. At such a time, how should h~ answer? --GATELESS GATE, CASE 5 * * * * * 39. ESTRAGON: Let's go. VLADIMIR: We can't. ESTRAGON: Why not? VLADIMIR: We're waiting for Godot. --SAMUEL BECKETT 40. A monk asked Koyo Seijo, "Daitsu Chisho Buddha sat in zazen for ten kalpas and could not attain buddhahood. He did not become a buddha. How could this be?" --GATELESS GATE, CASE 9 7 THE WESTERN BARBARIAN WITH NO BEARD A Main Subject: Wakuan said, "Why has the Western Barbarian no beard?" (Gateless Gate, Case 4) 8 KYOGEN'S "MAN UP IN A TREE" Main Subject: Kyogen Osho said, "It is like a man up in a tree hanging from a branch with his mouth; his hands grasp no bough, his feet rest on no limb.
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