fl 113 a | B « _ °\ + H U ~ ~ 1 % ! M e * . 2v. FOR SCRAPS, PHOTOS, NEWSPAPER CUTTINGS, ETC. /?«/. 5 209 P A. THE STAR JOHANNESBURG WEDNESDAY NOVEMBER 6 1968 APARTHEID IDEALS CANNOT ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ BE REALIZED: BLI NT WARNING By Our Political Correspondent TN A SPEECH critical of the progress being made with the application of apartheid, one of Afrikanerdom’s leading sociologists has told his fellow- Afrikaners bluntly: “ Forget about the ideals and the maximum targets of apartheid— these will never be reached. In a speech to junior and the Bantu areas as the English­ senior members of the Rappor- man and foreigner played in tryerskorps at Kempton Park last relation to Afrikaner develop­ LINK night Prof. N. J. Rhoodie, of the ment,” he asked. University of Pretoria, came out If the homelands’ development in full support for a tempo was analysed, one could AFRICAN “ volkskongres ” that would take only come to the conclusion that a hard, realistic look at apart­ it would have to be considerably heid. speeded up and expanded if the He said the congress should proposed economic magnetism AREAS TO take the iniative in providing that would draw Africans to the South Africa with a blueprint of reserves was ever to be the minimum objectives. The created. STATES’ maximum targets would never be But, in stead of progress, there reached but South Africa had to were massive arrears. By Our Political Correspondent know where it stood in relation Has the time come to tell South to minimum targets. Statistics about the job needs for the Bantustans told a single, African Swazis, Tswanas, and “ In this way we will at least clear story: “ Even in relation to South Sothos living on or close know where we stand,” he told to the borders of Swaziland. Bot­ his audience. the minimum demands made by the supporters of apartheid for swana and Lesotho, that their UNHAPPY the successful application of ethnic-national future lies in j policy, there will have to be a these countries? Professor Rhoodie. v made, it lauiuaxradical interventionvenuuii nif theremere 15Is to clear that he was unhappy about be any chance, within the next 30 This question was asked last j “ 1 development of th e : or 50 years, of the establishment night by Professor N. J. Rhoodie, I of the Department of Sociology , th® key t0 the : of a White South Africa in which successful application of apart-, the Whites will have of the University of Pretoria, in a majority an address to junior and senior ..ah ,. , „ in their homeland.” All our pretty plans for the Rapportryers of Kempton Park. elimination of Bantu labour will Strongly supporting a peoples’ ' work out to a round nil if such a congress on the progress o f ! process is not synchronized with Multiple pile-up apartheid, Professor Rhoodie said | the creation of substitute employ­ the congress could examine the j ment in the homelands.” future of those African areas in He called for a greater of 50 vehicles South Africa which, on the sur­ “White” role in the development LONDON, Tuesday.— Britain’s face, could never develop into of the homelands and pointed out viable fatherlands but which that English domination of South first real wintry weather brought traffic chaos to parts of the could be joined to ethnically- Africa’s economy in the early related neighbouring states. years had stimulated the Afri­ country today. kaner into economic activity — More than 50 cars and trucks He named as examples the the Afrikaner learned well and were in a multiple pile-up when South Sotho fragments near he made use of the growth points dense fog clamped down on a Lesotho which could easily be and opportunities created by the j major Midlands road between joined to that country, the num­ English businessmen and indus- Derby and Nottingham, ber of Tswana spots near Bot­ trialists. Police said visibility was down swana and the Swazi spot north of Swaziland which could be “ Can we not arrange matters to 10 yards in places and des­ in such a way today that the cribed conditions as chaotic. One attached to Swaziland and Bot­ Whites1 knowledge and economic I person died and a woman was swana respectively. power can play the same role in seriously injured in other fog Professor Rhoodie said that relation to the development o f ! pile-ups.— Sapa-Reuter. the Government and the Nationa­ list Party always claimed that | the African areas of South Africa had never been the Whites’ property and that they were being held in trust for the i Africans. And both the Government and : the party had said that South ' Africa should bring together those who belonged together. Because of this, no White man could complain that White South Africa was giving its ground to Black States. If the ethnic spots he referred j to refused to be joined geo-1 politically to their related African states, South Africa could provide the international |p community with irrefutable evi­ dence that would dramatically ^ give the lie to their accusations of oppression. 1 0 RAM) DAILY MAIL. Wednesday, December 18, 1968. - ’f f r W ; • 1 A year of frustration for ty on Johannesburg’s northern IT’S BEEN a frustrating, border. Local officials claimed the even an alarming year for decision was against all town- Johannesburg. The city is planning principles and would facing the biggest growth booming city lead to duplication of essential a services. tempo in its history, yet the This area was to have been year has shown that its an integral part of the city’s destiny is increasingly being By CHRIS DAY —— --------- Municipal Reporter forward planning programme. controlled from Pretoria. It was part of Johannesburg in system remains Johannesburg’s all hut name, officials claimed. Johannesburg’s administra­ epitomises the plight of all the Government’s request have The decision has meant that caused a dangerous backlog on biggest problem. tors, trying to control this Transvaal municipalities under the city’s forward planning growth by planning for the the restrictive measures of the essential services and this is Earlier this year, city coun­ branch, which spent much of future, found themselves under Local Government Ordinance.” snowballing all the time. cillors were shocked to learn the year working on a compu­ the yoke of no fewer than 92 • Mr. Pieter Roos, chairman that the Government had with­ terised master plan to predict, “This year we reduced capi­ drawn further road subsidies provisions of the Local Govern­ of the Management Committee: control and cater for the needs ■.'.1 <- “ Unless we are allowed to tal expenditure by R1.5m. and leaving the city to find an ment Ordinance requiring applied for the bare minimum of the city until the 1980s, will spend more, there could be a extra R18m to foot the R63m now have to revise the whole Provincial approval for local of R25m. This is hardly enough motorway bill. schemes. breakdown of essential ser­ situation. vices.” to meet the city’s natural “ But this is not the whole To meet the demands of the growth. road problem,” says Mr. Ober­ Stormy meetings immediate future, Johannes­ Help needed “ Our essential services are holzer. “ Suburban roads have burg will have to spend RIOOm These clashes with the Prov­ • Mr. J. F. Oberholzer, overstrained and we still have to be expanded and main­ on capital works in the next to meet the heavy demands tained.” ince led to a year of stormy M.P.C. and chairman of the city council meetings lasting three years, yet the Govern­ from huge projects like the The number of vehicles in ment has demanded that R7m Planning and Technical Com­ Carlton Centre, the Trust Bank, long into the night. mittee: “Johannesburg’s 90,000 Johanesburg is increasing by Nationalist councillors, with be cut off this year’s “bread- the Standard Bank and the about 15,000 a year. and-butter” budget after the ratepayers can no longer foot a view to the next elections in the backbreaking bill for essen­ new Teachers’ Training Col­ "This figure makes it plain council had voluntarily lopped lege. 1972 when they hope to gain off R15m in June. tial services. We desperately that unless we can keep pace control of the city, fought as a need financial assistance.” “Come hell or high water we with essential road develop­ team for the first time in years. This is the situation as seen This is the fifth successive are going to have to complete ment, we will run into chaos,” They adopted fillibuster tactics by leading Johannesburg City year that the Johannesburg massive sewerage programmes he claimed. with each councillor speaking Councillors: City Council has been asked to by 1971, but I don’t know Town planning under Provin­ for the maximum 30 minutes • Mr. Alf Widman, M.P.C. cut capital works spending in where we will get the money.” cial control is becoming some­ allowed. Mr. |. F. OBERHOLZER and leader of the United Party the fight against inflation. Apart from sewage disposal thing of a nightmare for Jo­ Of the debates, Mr. Widman “we desperately need assistance” in the council: “Johannesburg Mr. Roos says: “These cuts at works, an adequate road hannesburg’s forward planners. says: “ It became obvious that This year, an increasing the Nationalist councillors number of town planning deci­ were pushing the party line all the way. They put their party’s sions taken by the City Council policies before the interests of have been vetoed by the Ad­ Johannesburg.” ministrator. In the debates, the National­ Mr. Oberholzer says: “The ists came out strongly in favour crisis stage has been reached.
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