:s--' rsf5 ?'spr'''''kg."(,s ,- - ri&n V . &&V A - "J- jS.- .ftrvV r - 4Mv.W?i ?. ' &-- AVi H- - ??? Part I. PartL i Pages i to 8. THE HONOLULU REPUBLICAN. VOLUME II, NO. 311 HOXOLTJEU, HI Ti, SUXDAX, JTJ5E 9, 1901 PBICE HTE (JESTS raised the tune polat that ncewfi to says Araackie Brothers have made a prompta seeaca la wafek he dcew C&B1NH BUECTS have been'Taised by TJsited State 15 pefat redoctle fa rained sagar, pariseBe aetweea. capital aad laeer; - twesKy-lv- e fUEfflUITPiin Senators. This tm that while- the mil rasi briagiag the price Sowe to SA ceats leiSUDUID, e today aad years aaa present aatloeal admlaistratioa might a posatL The report that the Wool- - He paid a alga, eampllment to Mr. feel broad by the terms of the later-vie- w rsom Spice Company had redaced. the Lamhert aad the maaaaerx of the BHe IT CHUtS aa embodied in the apeeaiix. price of K& package coffee a half ceat 0 W railway. Mr. Lambert rsepoaded ia II 111 KB future administrations or coagreeees a pousd was oScially denied. The IDK a maaaer that pleased the excarakw.-let- s M would not be bound. The reply of the Wcolsoa people aad'the Arhackles re- very mack. After the speech:mak-in- g conservatives was that acceptance cently agreed npos a. uniform rate aad a visit was made to Greea. Lake was only a means of preparing the both companies are still quotiag their aad. Warm Springs, where a pieasaat Must Accept the Piatt way for the negotiation of a treaty Latest Battle Shown products at tea ceats a poa&d net. Pleasant Diversion Is time was had. The traia arrived back The Home Kulers Join with the United States which would la Hilo aboet 5:30 ia. the afternoon. Amendment s ensure defining the relations of Cuba Boer War is Not IAN MCLAREN'S VIEWS. Arranged Between There were .present Mr. aad. Mrs. W. Forces With the oa a permanent basis. This argu- H. Lambert, J. McTaggart aad fami- Stands. ment secured the majority. Yet Over. Preaeyterian Confession Could be Im- Meetings. ly, P. JSegter aad family, Mr. Gid-'dia- gs Kepubiicans. it The prospective withdrawal of the proved by infusion of Love. aad family. Frank Bergerrea Americas troops Is set looked oa here aad. wife. Mr. and Mrs. J. Spencer LONDON. L. The Rev. Joha Nap-thal- y, as likely to' hecome a series aeeetloa. Jane aad graaaeaagater. Mrs. A. J. temperate Watson (Iaa McLaren) who last year G. H. Browa aad wife, the P01KTS Radical Cubans are qafte ASUILT English Presby-teria-a HHXE XAILWAY EMftJTES IYE1 ITEMS THREE MUTISFIfTIIY opin- HTDK3IEI IT ilEi was Moderator of the IF Misses Howard. D. Wttaoa. wife KAMft muim on that subject The prevaiMag Synod, was asked by a repre- E. ion Is that the presence ef the troops and sob. Geo. Williams. O. Aides, C. sentative of the Associated Press for Kopf, O. Jeppsoa, W. Feaa, Sam Ka-ln-a, will not be questioned until the final his opinion of the American decision COALING STA- steps in the formation of a Cuban PROBABLE THAT DIXON'S HEAVY MARRIAGE 'OF JUDGE LITTLES D. Jardlae, P. Kaelemakule, A. DR. RUSSEL FAILED IN FILING THEY RELATE TO to revise the confession. He writes: Cheetham, M:. Sonsa, M. Rice, government are completed. The con- "Many on this side of the Atlantic P. J. TIONS, SANITATION AND servative political elements and com- LOSS WAS DUE TO A DAUGHTER TO DR. J. G. Okea, D. Hemrof, J. J. Combs, A. CONTEMPT CHARGES AGAINST are glad to know that their Presby- Pacheco and family. The Hawaiian mercial influences, which were pre- brethren in the United States INTERVENTION. paring to participate In the formation SURPRISE. terian HOLLAND. Quintette Club accompanied the party PRESIDENT KAIUE. propose to revise the confession. It aad furnished music throughout the of a government deprecate the oaa uT Is an Intellectual wonder, but would now, while na-ea- sy day. effects of a hitch but, improved by a-- In size prospect, they fall be reduction Evangelical Association. Message of Rejection Sent ta General at the have Prophecy of British Officer as to and an infusion of love." Queen Liliuokalani's Visit An En- The Morning Spent in Wrangling Mr. Car- confide ce In the Washington authori Hilo gives a cordial welcome to the . Wood Makes Position of American ties and are not alarmed. Final Battle Ground Recalled Italian Queen's First Child. gagement Announced Hilo Rail- - Hawaiian, Evangelical Association, ter and Dr. Russet Have aLlvely The municipal campaign has closed says Government Very Plain News Mayors Botha Said to Be Asking Krueger ROME. June 1. Queen Helena was road Progress Petition to Retain the Hawaii Herald. It was with Tilt White and Kalue Will Not and today (Saturday) the snd a great deal of hesitation aad mis- Aldermen will be elected throughout accouched of a daughter at 9 o'clock Causes Uneasiness in Havana. to Sue for Peace. this morntag. Both mother and infant Road Supervisor1 Personal. giving oa the part of some of the off- Play in Independent Backyard. the Island. , The chief featare ot the icials the desire of the churches Havana campaign has been the great are doing welL The Princess will be that named Tolanda Mirgherlta. to hold the annual meeting in Hilo was reception given to Montoro and other acquiesced in. The success ot this old Autonomist leaders at a meeting Amidst the general congratulations WASHINGTON; May 31. The Cabi- NEW YORK, May 31. A cable to there is general disappointment at Hilo, June innovation is alreauy assured. Mr. The complexion ot tho Senate ot tna Democratic party. was 90-to- meeting today decided the of the Union It A new n Desha worked unceasingly to pre- Territory of Hawaii has recently un- net that Na- the Tribune from London says: Gen- the infant's sex, though the King Is locomotive has oeen has actio,' of the Cuban Constitutional larger tfran the rallies of either ordered by the Hilo R. R, Co. pare for the comfort ot the large num- dergone a radical change. No longer tionals Republicans. Montoro s eral Kitchener's account of the battle understood to have expressed conten- Convention, in accepting the Piatt or Vladfontein to arouse through- ber of Hawaiian guests, and Mr. Cru do the Independent members la the fame was the magnet which drew the at serves tment Salutes are being fired Miss Katie Cooper of Honolulu is amendment with many reservations, public Interest once more in the Boer out Italy. the guest of Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Auer-- zan has found ready response to his upper house predominate. was not "substantial" compliance with crowd, but Cuban politicians all admit requests for the entertainment of the President S. E. Kalue and Senator significance his welcome, war. Two facts stand out: first the bach. the American terms in the meaning of the of lie nature of the Boer assault white ministers and delegates, while William White ot Maul have deserted troops spoke for Carlos Garcia, candidate determined POPULATION The visiting members of the Evan- Hlio Portuguese, principles. law. 'and that the American upon an intrenched position fifty DEKSITY OF gelical alliance will an the Japanese and their party aad its Tho cannot be withdrawn until the Cubans for Mayor, but his speech went beyond take excursion Chinese Christians have provided for dynamic eruptions of a Cecil Brown, and announced an ag- miles from Johannesburg; and sec- to Puna on Saturday. take Mme more satisfactory action. local Issues ond, the heavy losses suffered by both, the care of visitors of those national- the buffoonery o' a Carter, the tear- Secretary Root will send these facts gressive policy of recognizing Cnba's IS SHOWN BY CENSUS Queen Liliuokalanl is the, guest of ities. ful pleading ot an AchI or the1 glad United States. sides. This has been the first real Mr. Mrs. Baker. to Havana. relation to the engagement which has been fought and J. T. She will The session of the Association will hand efforts of a Crabbo or Baldwin, only place where the municipal participate in con- (Thursday)-mornin- g The three main points In which the The for many months, and it is decisive the Hailt church begin this in Haill evidently proved to be too powerful action of the Cuban Constitutional contest has become serious is in San- cert. .Church at 9 o'clock, and tne entire day for the disgruntled Independent to tiago. Word been received that proof that the Boers when led by a RHODE ISLAND HEADS LIST OF Convention is regarded as unsatisfac has cool and wary General like Delarey, The line of the Hilo railway will be will be devoted to the Interests of Sab withstand. tory coaling various ofilciala were resigning and changed the 15 1-- 4 mile-roa-d so bath Schools and Sabbath School work. Throughout yesterday's proceedings relate. It is said, to co can still offer strenuous resistance THICKLY SETTLED at sanitation and intervention. The that the other parties would not army. as to touch at Mountain View instead The mass meeting in the evening will the Republican ranks wero reinforced to pollB because the Nationals, un- to the British The details of Cuban Convention took from the coal- - the the battle may indicate that General STATES. of the Higgins place. be of special interest by the addition of two votes upon all leadership of Correoso. a Rad- - inc stations paragraph of the Piatt der the Dixon's force was surprised and the A petition requesting" the Road Friday will be Christian Endeavor questions which presented themselves.
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