Teach NA Eng. Lit. #1591 fm 8/25/06 8:03 AM Page i Teaching with The Norton Anthology of English Literature EIGHTH EDITION A Guide for Instructors Teach NA Eng. Lit. #1591 fm 8/25/06 8:03 AM Page ii THE EDITORS Stephen Greenblatt COGAN UNIVERSITY PROFESSOR OF THE HUMANITIES, HARVARD UNIVERSITY Carol T. Christ PROFESSOR EMERITUS OF ENGLISH, UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, BERKELEY PRESIDENT, SMITH COLLEGE Alfred David PROFESSOR OF ENGLISH EMERITUS, INDIANA UNIVERSITY Barbara K. Lewalski WILLIAM R. KENAN PROFESSOR OF ENGLISH AND OF HISTORY AND LITERATURE, HARVARD UNIVERSITY Lawrence Lipking PROFESSOR OF ENGLISH AND CHESTER D. TRIPP PROFESSOR OF HUMANITIES, NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY George M. Logan JAMES CAPPON PROFESSOR OF ENGLISH, QUEEN’S UNIVERSITY Deidre Shauna Lynch ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR OF ENGLISH, INDIANA UNIVERSITY Katharine Eisaman Maus JAMES BRANCH CABELL PROFESSOR OF ENGLISH, UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA James Noggle ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR OF ENGLISH AND WHITEHEAD ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR OF CRITICAL THOUGHT, WELLESLEY COLLEGE Jahan Ramazani EDGAR F. SHANNON PROFESSOR OF ENGLISH, UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA Catherine Robson ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR OF ENGLISH AND CHANCELLOR’S FELLOW, UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, DAVIS James Simpson PROFESSOR OF ENGLISH AND AMERICAN LITERATURE, HARVARD UNIVERSITY Jon Stallworthy PROFESSOR OF ENGLISH LITERATURE, OXFORD UNIVERSITY Jack Stillinger CENTER FOR ADVANCED STUDY PROFESSOR OF ENGLISH, UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS Teach NA Eng. Lit. #1591 fm 8/25/06 8:03 AM Page iii Teaching with The Norton Anthology of English Literature EIGHTH EDITION A Guide for Instructors Sondra Archimedes UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, SANTA CRUZ Elizabeth Fowler UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA Laura Runge UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH FLORIDA Philip Schwyzer EXETER UNIVERSITY B W. W. NORTON & COMPANY New York • London Teach NA Eng. Lit. #1591 fm 8/25/06 8:03 AM Page iv Copyright © 2006, 2000, 1993, 1988 by W. W. Norton & Company, Inc. All rights reserved. Printed in the United States of America. ISBN 10: 0-393-92708-3 ISBN 13: 978-0-393-92708-5 W. W. Norton & Company, Inc., 500 Fifth Avenue, New York, NY 10110-0017 www.wwnorton.com W. W. Norton & Company Ltd., Castle House, 75/76 Wells Street, London W1T 3QT Teach NA Eng. Lit. #1591 fm 8/25/06 8:03 AM Page v Contents General Editor’s Preface xxi Chapter 1 Getting Started 1 Constructing Your Syllabus 1 Primary Considerations 1 Pacing the Course 3 Organizing the Readings 5 Teaching Clusters, Norton Topics Online, and In-Text Topics 7 Chapter 2 Syllabi for Courses Using NAEL 9 survey courses The Middle Ages through the Early Modern Period 10 Sixteenth-Century English Literature 16 Early Seventeenth-Century English Literature 17 Restoration and Eighteenth-Century English Literature 18 The Romantic Era 19 Nineteenth- and Twentieth-Century British Literature 20 Survey of English Literature, Beginnings to Present 23 thematic courses The Restoration and the Eighteenth Century: Politics of the Individual 24 The Romantic Era: Innocence and the Child; Sin and the Outcast 25 Women and Sexuality in Nineteenth-Century British Literature 26 Twentieth-Century Literature in English: From the British Empire to Postcolonialism 28 v Teach NA Eng. Lit. #1591 fm 8/25/06 8:03 AM Page vi vi Contents Chapter 3 Using Technology in the Classroom 30 Electronic Communications: An Overview 30 Online Discussion Groups and Chat Rooms 31 Electronic Texts 31 Web Site Development 32 PowerPoint Presentations 32 Plagiarism 32 Library and Internet Research 33 The Digital Library 33 The Internet 33 Evaluating Web Sources 34 Getting Students Started 34 Norton Literature Online 35 Norton Topics Online 35 The Norton Resource Library 36 Writing about Literature 36 Norton Poets Online 36 The Norton History Web Site 36 Chapter 4 Teaching with Norton’s Online Media Resources 38 Norton Topics Online 41 Norton Online Archive 43 The Norton Resource Library 43 A Sample Syllabus 44 Chapter 5 The Middle Ages (to ca. 1485) 59 Introducing the Period 59 Pagan and Christian 60 The Legend of Arthur 61 Medieval Sexuality 61 Literature and the Medieval Church 62 “And pilgrims were they alle” 63 Christ’s Humanity 64 The Cult of the Virgin and Affective Piety 65 Women, the Religious Life, Antifeminism 66 Romance and Religion 67 The Social Spectrum of Medieval Literature 67 Notes on Medieval Genres 69 Old English Epic 69 Romance 70 Allegory 71 Satire 73 Lyric 74 Drama 76 Teach NA Eng. Lit. #1591 fm 8/25/06 8:03 AM Page vii Contents vii Authors and Selections Bede 77 Caedmon’s Hymn 77 The Dream of the Rood 77 Beowulf 78 Judith 80 King Alfred 81 Preface to the Pastoral Care 81 The Wanderer and The Wife’s Lament 82 The Anglo-Saxon Chronicle 82 Thomas of Britain and Marie de France 83 Lanval 83 Ancrene Riwle (Rule for Anchoresses) 84 Sir Gawain and the Green Knight 84 Geoffrey Chaucer 89 The Canterbury Tales 89 The General Prologue 90 The Miller’s Tale 92 The Wife of Bath’s Prologue 94 The Wife of Bath’s Tale 95 The Pardoner’s Tale 97 The Nun’s Priest’s Tale 99 The Parson’s Introduction and Chaucer’s Retraction 100 Troilus’s Song 102 Teaching Chaucer in Middle English 102 John Gower 105 The Tale of Philomena and Tereus 105 William Langland 107 The Vision of Piers Plowman 107 Middle English Incarnation and Crucifixion Lyrics 110 Julian of Norwich 111 Margery Kempe 112 The York Play of the Crucifixion 114 Mystery Plays 115 The Wakefield Second Shepherds’ Play 115 Sir Thomas Malory 117 Morte Darthur 117 Robert Henryson 119 The Cock and the Fox 119 Everyman 121 The Middle Ages: Texts in the Norton Online Archive by Authors Not in NAEL 123 Teach NA Eng. Lit. #1591 fm 8/25/06 8:03 AM Page viii viii Contents Chapter 6 The Sixteenth Century (1485–1603) 124 Introducing the Period 124 Teaching Clusters 125 Reformation and Conflicts of Faith 125 Identity, Performance, and Disguise 126 Love and Subjectivity 126 New Worlds 127 The Representation of Power 127 Authors and Works John Skelton 127 The Tunning of Elinour Rumming 128 Sir Thomas More 129 Utopia 129 Sir Thomas Wyatt 132 They flee from me 133 The Lover Showeth How He Is forsaken 133 Faith in Conflict 136 The English Bible 136 Anne Askew 136 Book of Homilies 137 Roger Ascham 139 The Schoolmaster 139 Henry Howard, Earl of Surrey 141 Love, that doth reign and live within my thought 141 Sir Thomas Hoby 142 Castiglione’s The Courtier 142 Women in Power 144 Mary Tudor 144 Lady Jane Grey 145 Mary, Queen of Scots 146 Elizabeth I 147 Sir Arthur Golding 150 Ovid’s Metamorphoses 150 Edmund Spenser 151 The Shepheardes Calendar 151 The Faerie Queene 152 Sir Walter Ralegh 158 The Lie 158 The discovery of . Guiana 159 The Wider World 160 Hariot’s Report on Virginia, 1585 160 John Lyly 163 Euphues: The Anatomy of Wit 163 Sir Philip Sidney 164 The Countess of Pembroke’s Arcadia 164 Astrophil and Stella 164 Teach NA Eng. Lit. #1591 fm 8/25/06 8:03 AM Page ix Contents ix Fulke Greville, Lord Brooke 167 Caelica 167 Mary (Sidney) Herbert, Countess of Pembroke 167 Psalms 52 and 139 167 Samuel Daniel 169 Delia 169 Michael Drayton 170 Ode. To the Virginian Voyage 170 Christopher Marlowe 171 Hero and Leander 171 The Passionate Shepherd to his Love 172 Doctor Faustus 172 William Shakespeare 175 Sonnets 175 The Plays 178 Twelfth Night 178 King Lear 180 Thomas Campion 184 Thomas Nashe 185 A Litany in Time of Plague 185 Richard Barnfield 186 Cynthia 186 The Sixteenth Century: Texts in the Norton Online Archive by Authors Not in NAEL 187 Chapter 7 The Early Seventeenth Century (1603–1660) 189 Introducing the Period 189 Teaching Clusters 192 Debate, Dissent, and Revolution 192 Faith, Devotion, and Doubt 192 The Material World 192 Writing Women 193 Style 193 Authors and Works John Donne 193 Songs and Sonnets 193 Satire 3 196 Holy Sonnets 197 Meditation 17 198 Izaak Walton 200 The Life of Dr. John Donne 200 Aemelia Lanyer 201 Salve Deus Rex Judaeorum 201 The Description of Cookham 201 Teach NA Eng. Lit. #1591 fm 8/25/06 8:03 AM Page x x Contents Ben Jonson 203 The Masque of Blackness 203 Volpone 204 To Penhurst 206 Mary Wroth 208 The Countess of Montgomery’s Urania 208 Pamphilia to Amphilanthus 209 John Webster 210 The Duchess of Malfi 210 Elizabeth Cary 213 The Tragedy of Mariam 213 The Gender Wars 214 Joseph Swetnam 214 Rachel Speght 214 Forms of Inquiry 216 Francis Bacon 216 Robert Burton 217 Sir Thomas Browne 218 Thomas Hobbes 219 George Herbert 221 Affliction (1) 222 Jordan (1) and (2) 222 Henry Vaughn 224 The World 224 Richard Crashaw 225 The Flaming Heart 226 Robert Herrick 227 Corinna’s Going a’Maying 227 The Hock Cart 228 The Bad Season Makes the Poet Sad 228 Thomas Carew 229 A Rapture 229 Sir John Suckling 231 A Ballad upon a Wedding 231 Richard Lovelace 232 Edmund Waller 233 Abraham Cowley 234 Katherine Philips 235 Upon the Double Murder of King Charles 235 Andrew Marvell 236 The Mower Poems 236 Upon Appleton House 237 An Horatian Ode 238 Crisis of Authority 240 Reporting the News 240 Political Writing 240 Writing the Self 241 Teach NA Eng. Lit. #1591 fm 8/25/06 8:03 AM Page xi Contents xi Thomas Traherne 243 Wonder 243 Margaret Cavendish 244 The Blazing World 244 John Milton 246 Il Penseroso 246 Lycidas 247 The Reason of Church Government Urged Against Prelaty 248 Areopagitica 248 Paradise Lost 250 The Early Seventeenth Century: Texts in the Norton Online Archive by Authors Not in NAEL 256 Chapter 8 The Restoration and the Eighteenth Century (1660–1785) 258 Introducing the Period 258 Teaching Clusters 260 The Public Sphere and Civil Society 260 Authorship and Literacy 261 Explorations in Science and Nature 261 Politics of the Individual 262 Authors and Works John Dryden 263 Absalom and Achitophel 263 Mac Flecknoe 265 An Essay on Dramatic Poesy and Other Criticism 268 Samuel Pepys 270 The Diary 270 John Bunyan 272 The Pilgrim’s Progress 272 John Locke 275 The Epistle to the Reader from An Essay Concerning Human Understanding 275 Isaac Newton 277 A Letter of Mr.
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