Ail Um Nuwi of WE DO KED BAKU Mild Surrounding Towns Told Fearlessly and Without Bins. OUR PAET Issued Weakly, Entered as Second-Class Matter at tlies Post- zcrfpttoa Price: On» Year 51 VOLUME LVI, NO. 38. office at Bed Bank, N. J.. under the Act of March 3, 187S. RED BANK, N. J., WEDNESDAY, MARCH 14, 1934. Months SI.00. oiiigle Cory PAGES 1 TO .10 WILI, ADDRESS UNION MKKTING gion Noted Authoress to Speak Before latters TR0CLAMAT1ON. .9 United Church Groups Here. Si March 32, 1931. Book lovers and those who care to. I heartily endorse the "IUmo~ He Will Give Up His Post as listen to .an address by a person of Their Right to Continue Serving Snow Removal Work Discussed vlzo Jled Bunk and Vicinity Bertram H. Borden Donates Tro- Red Bank Veterans Plan a Fes- note and' personality will be privil- Oatnpaifpi" sponsorftd liy tho Lively Meeting of g Supervising Principal of tive Green Saturday Night at eged to hear Grace Livingston Hill, as Couocilmen Shown in Let- at the Meeting of the Town- Clvamber of Comerco anil Ioc;il phy to Horticultural Group— Republican Cfeb Last Wednes- Schools of IV3i(i(!letov/n Town- the Molly Pitcher Hotel—Not- the noted authoress, at tho First ter Sent by L>. Frederick Bur- ship Committee Thursday Af- Civic clul>s and ay&oeiatioiiH. Two New Members Elected day Night About Prosecutor. Pieubytcriaii church of Red Bank nett to Maurice Schwartz. Tlilfi should result tn In- Donation to Salvation Array. ship July 1. able Guests Expected- Wednesday night, April 18. ternoon—Poultry Losses. crfeased employment of skilled Jonas Tumen. The speaker will he in this locality F. Howard Lloyd lias turned In bin Preparations are being completed At a meeting of the mayol* and Criticism of the manner in which labor, renewed business activi- Oliver Macintosh of Red Bank and The meeting of the Red B«rOe roalgntitlon un supervising principal for the eighth annual St. Patrick's for three days, April 17 at the meet- council of Red Bank several .weel^s enow removal work was done in ties, increase in property valm\s, Krnr:;l Gardella of Kew Brunswick Ing of the Monmouth County Chris- Younir Men's Republican club In tho of tho flchonln of Middletown town- ball of ShrewBbuy,post of the Amer- ago an altercation took place be- Middletown township was made by and neater, mom attraotive were elected members of the Mon- club rooms last Wednesday opening ship to become cffectlvo July 1. The ican legion of .JJofl Bank to bo held tian Endeavor society at Freehold, tween Councilman J. Albert Van- Luther Walling, Jr., and Everett Lu- busincMS places and homes. mouth County Horticultural society Red Bank on the' 18th and at Belmar was enlivened by a dlscuanion of tho resignation was unanlmoualy accept- Saturday' night "lit tho Molly Pitcher Scholck and Maurice Schwartz rela- lter at the meeting of tho township All of tho above are very de- last Thursday night at Red Men's situation that has resulted from Ae- ed at a meeting of the board of ed- hotel. Tho attendance will be lim- on the 19th. tive to Mr. VanSchoick's right to committee Thursday afternoon. Mr. sirable for-,the--welfare of tho hall at Rumson. Mr. Gardella is semblyman Thcron. McCampteU's ucation Thursday night. John H. ited to 300 persons and tho ealo of Tho pastors of the Protestant hold his position. Earlier during the Walling and Mr. Luker found fault community and I hope the pro- one of the leading dahlia experts In charges In tho assembly against Hlllyor wna the only member of the tickets already made Indicates a ca- churches of Red Bank have agreed meeting Mr. VanScholck .had stated because a number of men who were gram of renovation will liavo the F.tato. Prosecutor Jonas Tumen. A number board not present pacity turn out. Tlcltetti may be to cancel their • Wednesday night that he did not believe that Chris- jobless were not employed at snow tho loyal support of every citi- Tho. iioointy unanimously voted to of the members felt that tho club, Mr. Lloyd WUB ut the meeting and bought nt tho post room on Broad meeting on that dute In order to hold tian Berge had the right to fill the shoveling-. They also found fault be- zen who can possibly contribute dnnntc 410 to the. Salvation Army for and in fact tho party Itself, could not 1)0 made h|y usual monthly report. street or at tho door on tho night of a union meeting at the Presbyterian office of a councilman becauBe Mr. causo snow plows and other appar- to its success in any manner. Itllef work. dodge tho,if sue that had been cre- church to hear this talented »p»<-iker Berge was a dealer in Jiquor, He atus owned by Charles Hesse of Bel- ated. It yaii contended that aurft a Ho mado no comment on his resig- the bull. Charles K. English, Plans lor (he 39th annual /lower nation, which wan in Iho form of n Elaborate St. Patrick decorations and writer. said he did not see how Mr. Berge ford were hired, show were discussed and everything course could only result in loss of letter. He will have completed 38 will ho used and each guest will re- could conscientiously pass on appli- Thomas B. Day, the township su- Mayor. points to a bit'fe'er and bettor exhibit prestige and loss of vote3 for the years ol service in tho 'schoola on ceive a St. Patrick souvenir favor. cations to sell llyuor wheu he hlmoclf pervloor of roads, Bald the criticism than ever before! Bertram II. Bor. Rrpiihliran party in thia county. It June 30 and this will entitle him to There will be a special arrangement dealt in alcoholic beverages. was not justified, He said tho job den has donated a silver trophy injwas pointed out that Tumen hloiselt receive a pension. lie stated In hlrs of tables and old-fashioned Irish mu- Mr. Schwartz, who was a specta- was not big enough to provide em- memory of Mrs. Bnrden. Tiiis prize |should demand that tho charges in letter that he wa;< presenting his res- sic by Rocky's Syncopators. Samuel tor ut the meeting, then questioned ployment for everyone out of work will be contested for annually. Henry the assembly bo brought up and that ignation at this time in order to al- Spingarn, state commander of the tho right of Mr. VanScholck to servo and that no discrlmlniation had been F. Mitchell & Company of Phila- he be thus given an opportunity to low tho board ample lime to select American legion, and his staff will as a councilman. He said that In shown in picking men for the job. delphia have donated a gold mcdnl. defend himself. hlo succcHsor. be present. Mr. Spingarn will make Group of Young People to be view of the fact that Mr. VanSchoick Be said that Mr. Hesse's out/It had The exhibition committee for fl.V, ! Those who took this above view- After the letter wan rend Rev. Er- an addresis which will be broadcast was in the employ of the state alco- been hired because Mr. Hesse had point included Elmer Hesae, Rolston Received by Red Bank Luther- holic commission as an investigator in William Macintosh, Percy Hicks, nest W. Mandevillo made a motion from Station WJBI. A special floor ans at Palm Sunday Service— more complete equipment and more Alfred Crl«ith.=, Charles Rice, Harry Waterbury, J. O. Tuller, Frank Price that it be received mid filed. The show will be given. Col. and Mra. it seemed to him that Mr. Van- experience in removing snow than Work Being Done Nights as Well A. Kcttel, IJ. B. Jones, Joseph G. P. and Edgar Bray, The opposition was motion wafi seconded by Oliver Wil- George C. Cochcu of Fort Hancock, Other Special Services. Schoick was even more ineligible to anyone else in the township. Mr. as Days on Big Alteration Kennedy, Frank T. EdinRton, Mat- led by George Bray, Charles E. Hen- llama and defeated by a vote of 6 to with a miliary staff, and Col. and serve thaii Mr. Berge. Mr. Van- Hesse's son was at the meeting and thew Curran, Michael Connors, Wil- drickson, Jr., and Dr. Allan Ran- 3. The votes for tho motion were Mrs. Arthur 8. Cowan of Fort Mon- A clays of young people will be con- Scholck retorted that if there was he enid that Mr. Walling and Mr. Contract at Otto L. Domme- firmed in Holy Trinity Evangelical liam H. Waite, Percy H. Radford, dall, -who presided. The latter plead- cast by Ilcv. Mr. Mundovllle, Mr. mouth, with a military staff, are ex- any law prohibiting him from serv- Luker were mistaken in a number rich's Residence at Rumson. Owen Rolf, P. J. Mulvlhill, William ed with members of the 6lub to "go "Williams and Albert F. Lindenstruth. pected to be present. United States- Lutheran church of Red Bank at the ing as^ a councilman he would imme- of statements which they made about service on Palm Sunday morning. Lyons, Anthony Schumann, Charle3 slowly." Mr. Bray said tho Republi- Those, voting against the motion Senator W. Warren Earbour and diately resign from thio ofilce. the wozl: not being done efficiently. Two gantfs of mm, one working" Byrnes and James Kennedy. cans were not more successful be- were James C. Hcndrlckaon, Joseph Congressman William H. Sutphln The catechetical preparation for com- Mr.
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