Gerald Muca, GJMB, 2019 2:6 Review Article GJMB (2019) 2:6 Global Journal of Molecular Biology (ISSN:2637-5141) The role of Zi2 during neural tube and neural crest development Gerald Muca* Department of Morfofunctional Modules, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Agricultural University of Tirana, Koder Kamez, 2021 Tirana-Albania ABSTRACT The transcription factor Zic2 is member of Zic family, at early *Correspondence to Author: stages it has been involved in several processes during embry- Gerald Muca onic development and later on in morphogenesis and organo- genesis. An important role has been attributed to Zic2 during the Department of Morfofunctional development of the neural system. It has been involved in neural Modules, Faculty of Veterinary tube and neural crest formation. Both process structures will Medicine, Agricultural University form the central and peripheral neural system. Mutation of Zic2 of Tirana Koder Kamez, 2021 Tira- provokes holoprosencephaly in humans and in mouse also spina bifida. To date, there is not well elaborated the specific mech- na-Albania anisms under which Zic2 affect neural tube formation and the differences may exist between mouse and human phenotype. Almost the same ambiguity is for the specific role of Zic2 during neural crest development. Here is given are resumed latest stud- How to cite this article: ies and are given new insight about the role of Zic2 in these two Gerald Muca.The role of Zi2 during processes and its new target genes. neural tube and neural crest devel- opment. Global Journal of Molecu- Keywords: lar Biology, 2019, 2:6 Zic2; neural tube; neural crest; cell proliferation; development eSciPub LLC, Houston, TX USA. Website: http://escipub.com/ GJMB: http://escipub.com/global-journal-of-molecular-biology 1 Gerald Muca, GJMB, 2019 2:6 Overview of Zic gene family and Zic2. 14 (Grinberg and Millen, 2005), in chicken on chromosome 4 and zebrafish on chromosome 2 Zic is family of genes is composed of five (Houtmeyers et al., 2013; McMahon and members in Xenopus, chicken, and mammals, Merzdorf, 2010). The production of Zic2 gene is whereas in zebrafish are seven members a protein of five Cys2His2 zinc-finger domains (Houtmeyers et al., 2013). All Zic family composed by 533 amino acids (Ali et al., 2012; members are vertebrate homologues of the Aruga et al., 1996), (figure 1). Zic2 is expressed Drosophila Odd-paired (opa) gene (Aruga et al., early during development starting from early 1996; Furushima et al., 2000). For the first time gastrulation, in the node and later on the dorsal this family of genes was identified as a group of part of the neural tube and paraxial mesoderm. genes encoding zinc finger proteins expressed During the organogenesis it is expressed in the in adult cerebellum. brain, spinal cord, visual system and distal part Zic2 gene is composed of a three exons of the limb. (Elms et al., 2004; Nagai et al., structure and it is located in human on 1997). chromosome 13, in the mouse on chromosome Figure 1. Gene structure of Zic2. White boxes represent untranslated region. Orange degraded boxes represent 5'•> 3'coging region. Filled coloured boxes represent zinc finger domains. The role of Zic2 during neural tube formation. Neural tube if formed during neurulation holoprosencephaly (HPE) and spina bifida process. The neurulation begins when the (Copp and Greene, 2013; Zohn and Sarkar, neural plate starts bending and it terminates with 2008). The frequency and severity of these the fusion of the neural fold where the neural pathologies have attracted the focus of tube forms. The bending process is leaded by developmental biologists and clinicians on two principal hinge point; medial hinge point unveiling the pathological mechanisms and (MHP) and dorsolateral hinge point (DLHP) preventing. (Copp et al., 2003). This process if followed by One of the genes associated with NTDs is Zic2. neural tube dorosventral patterning where cells In humans mutation of Zic2 provokes HPE inside the tube differentiate in specific neural (Brown et al., 1998), whereas in mouse except subtypes cells which follow a strict pattern along of HPE it provokes spina bifida (Nagai et al., the anteroposterior and dorsoventral axis 2000). To date, there are no clear mechanisms (Briscoe et al., 2000; Lee et al., 1998). In some that explanation how the lack of Zic2 leads to cases, the formation of the neural tube does not these NTDs. The main questions that are not develop properly as a consequence the neural well elaborated are; Is Zic2 involved in cell tube does not close, that lead to pathologies differentiation or cell proliferation during neural known as neural tube defects (NTDs). They are tube development?; Is Zic2 involved in frequent congenital malformation in vertebrates. neurulation through bending process or These defects are distributed on the anterior or dorsovental cell pattering, or both of them?; posterior part of the neural tube. Depending on Which is the difference regarding NTDs between the location and severity, they take specific mouse and human? names. The more communes are GJMB: http://escipub.com/global-journal-of-molecular-biology 2 Gerald Muca, GJMB, 2019 2:6 The role of Zic2 in cell differentiation and neural tube during, we hypothesise there should proliferation during neural tube development. be a differences in cell cycle or proliferation in During later stages of embryonic development one of these cell populations. More plausible is the function of Zic2, especially in post mitotic that neural progenitors proliferate more and cells in the spinal cord and visual system is well compensate the reduction in proliferation of established (Escalante et al., 2013; Herrera et neural crest progenitors. This in global view al., 2003). However, the function at early stages could not give changes in cell proliferation if we of neural development where cells are still in a do not differentiate the proliferation rate of each progenitor stage is ambiguous. It is not clear how group of cells. This is why we think is necessary Zic2 participates in these cells differentiation or a detailed study of the cell cycle. With Ph3 we proliferation. get a snapshot of cells in G2 and M phase but we cannot see how are proliferating different In Xenopus, Zic2 overexpression induced group of cells. In the study of (Nagai et al., 2000) neurogenesis but prohibited cells to differentiate was mentioned that there is no difference in in mature neurons (Brewster et al., 1998). In BrdU expression. However, is necessary a mouse, during cerebellum formation, it was seen detailed study with each cell population of the that Zic2 promote granular progenitor cells and dorsal part of the neural tube. Double staining for at the same time help their survivance (Aruga et BrdU with markers as it is Hairy1 for roof plate al., 2002). In general the results obtained until cells (Nitzan et al., 2016) and Foxd3 for neural now conclude that Zic2 is expressed from neural crest cell (Thomas and Erickson, 2009) will progenitors that are not specified in any neural clarify what is the proliferation rate of these cell type. This is sustained from results in other group of cells. cell population. It has been demonstrated that Zic2 is expressed from paraxial mesoderm Mechanisms related to Zic2 during the progenitor cells (Inoue et al., 2007). Similar to development of the neural tube. somite cells is the case of cancer cells where From the two hinging point MHP and DLHP was seen that Zic2 is expressed from cancer involved in neurulation , the DLHP has been cells (Lu et al., 2017), which do not use to have demonstrated to be crucial for closing and a clear differentiation. sealing of the neural tube (Copp et al., 2003; During the neural tube formation, the apical part Ybot-Gonzalez et al., 2002). It is DLHP where is a pool of neural crest and neural cell Zic2 has been involved; it affects Bmp2 ku/ku progenitors (Helms and Johnson, 2003; antagonists; neuralin and noggin. In Zic2 Kalcheim, 2018). The expression of Zic2 on the mutant embryos the noggin and neuralin dorsal part of the neural tube (Nagai et al., expression were reduced (Ybot-Gonzalez et al., 1997), from neural crest cells (Elms et al., 2003) 2007), Figure 2. However, remain to be explored and at the same time from neural progenitors which are the relation of Zic2 with other (Escalante et al., 2013) lead to thinking that Zic2 members of Bpm family. it could affect the cell proliferation of each To a proper DLHP formation are required population. In a Zic2 full mutat (kumba:ku) and cytoskeletal elements including actin-myosin Zic2 hypomorphic (kd) mutant mouse was seen network. These cytoskeletal elements are a reduction in neural crest production and a important for neural fold junction and retardation in the roof plate formation . These consequently the neural tube closure. In changes were produced without affecting cell zebrafish has been fund that Zic2a controls F- proliferation (Ph3) and cell death (Elms et al., actin and myosin-II distribution during 2003; Nagai et al., 2000). development of the cranial part of the neural If there is retardation in one both of the cell tube (Nyholm et al., 2009). Similar results have Ku/Ku population which populate apical part of the been found in Zic2 mutant in the caudal part GJMB: http://escipub.com/global-journal-of-molecular-biology 3 Gerald Muca, GJMB, 2019 2:6 of the neural tube where was seen a reduction However, lately was discovered that Tigf1 of F-actin expression in a region which operates also independently of Nodal signalling. correspond with spina bifida (Galea et al., 2017), It was seen that Tgif1 controls Gli3 expression Figure 2. These results give the bending which is an effector of Shh signalling (Taniguchi impairment mechanism, which partially explains et al., 2017).
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