The BEACHCOMBER Page 16 HIGH TIDES Mardi Gras Returns No Federal Aid Seen In Mosquito h.iltl* HAMPTON HARBOR DIRECT FROM OVEN t o YOU! Daylight Saving T im e * Thursday 6:16 a.m. 8.1 The annual highlight of the Representing the seacoast LARGE ASST. OF OONUT5 Dr. Richard O. Hayes, Public Aug. 23 6:45 p.m. 8.8 summer season at Hampton area at the Concord meeting Haney-Plain-Jolly-Cinnamon & Crul|«„ Health service entomologist, Friday 7:26 a.m. 7.7 Beach, Mardi Gras week, will yesterday were Thomas Allen, BIRTHDAY CAKES MADE TO OROER told state and area officials at Aug. 24 7:51 p.m. 8.7 commence Saturday morning, Rye, a member of the Southeast a meeting in Concord last week CHEESE - CORN & OATMEAL BREADS Saturday 8:32 a.m. 7.6 August 18, at 10:30 a.m. with Mosquito Control project; State he was doubtful a federal grant Aug. 25 8:53 p.m. 8.7 an antique automobile exhibi­ Rep. Elizabeth Greene, Rye. and Visit our Bakery Section. We have the g;g could be obtained to battle mos­ Sunday 9:32 a.m. 7.6 tion on the boulevard in front Governor’s Councilor Andiew get' Assortment Ever, and everything j, quitos in the seacoast area. At Aug. 26 9:48 p.m. 8.7 of the Casino. Jarvis, Portsmouth. Baked on the Premises. the same time, he said he didn't Monday 10:25 a.m. 7.7 Throughout the week until feel it would be absolutely nec­ Aug. 27 10:38 p.m. 8.8 the grand climax, the Corona­ Others present included James essary. He felt the best plan .!. Barry! state health and wel­ Tueesday 11:11 a.m. -7.9 tion Ball on Friday evening, 11 Lb. Avg. would be to have the State Leg­ Aug. 28 11:21 p.m. August 24, a complete program fare commissioner, who set up Ready To Eat 8.8 islature put up matching funds Wednesday 11:51 a.m. 8.0 of events has been arranged the meeting; Dr. Mary M. At- Turkeys Stuffed & Gravy with area towns. Aug. 29 12:00 m 8.8 by the Hampton Beach Village chinson, acting director o f the VOL. XXXV, NO. 9 Hampton Beach Advocate WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 22, 1962 Thursday Precinct Commissioners, Hotel Dr. Hayes felt a meeting with State Public Health Service; FREE William Healy, director of the 7 Lb. Avg. Aug. 30 12;27 p.m. 8.1 Association members and the Cape Cod and South Shore of­ Stuffed & Gravy Bureau of Sanitary Engineer­ Hampton Beach Chamber of ficials in Massachusetts would Chickens Ready To Eof Commerce. be highly beneficial because ing; and Gilman Crowell, chief A run down of the special these areas recently had a mos­ of the Bureau of Food and 3»/,-4 Lb. A vg. events as arranged includes the quito problem serious enough to Chemistry. Ready To Ear following: hurt the area economy until Chickens Stuffed & Grovy August 18 — Antique auto­ control projects were instituted. Coronation Ball Highlight mobile exhibition beginning at A fter hiring consultants, the 10:30 a.m.; annual parade of Cape Cod - South Shore people Murray’s floats at 3 p.m. started a program of ditching, COTTON CANDY August 19 — Barber shop diking and flooding which was Gum & Life Savers CASINO MARKET INC. quartets from the bandstand at apparently effective. 2 p.m. (NEXT TO PLAYLAND) Featuring S■ S. Pierce Company’s Groceries August 20 — Baby contest The meeting, if held, probably Of Mardi Gras George R. Murray Park In Front of Market While You Shop Festivities won't take place until after at 3 p.m.; talent show, 7 p.m.; Ocean Blvd. near “ C " Street The climax of the summer beach season will be get acquainted dance at the Labor Day. Casino Ballroom. 8:30 p.m. held Friday evening, August 24, at the Hampton August 21 — Bathing suit Beach Casino Ballroom when* Miss Hampton Beach, day. Anyone not in a bathing suit between 2 and 3 p.m. will of 1963, Jonnye McLeod of Hampton, will officially* ho arrested, put in jail and receive her crown. % fined 50c. All in fun. Fashion B O U J t i K t show from bandstand at 7 p.m. Over the past years, the ball has become more The affair will be directed by and more colorful and spectaculor. Close to 100 girls, Terry Heinze, model and charm BILLIARDS many of whom have competed in the two recent beach expert. b ic y c l e s August 22 — Stiir vaudeville beauty pageants, will enjoy an evening of dancing. act at 2 p.m.; parade o f horri­ All the girls, attired in evening gowns and each carry­ bles. 3 p.m.; vaudeville acts at ing a bouquet of flowers, will be introduced to the 7 p.m.: giant fireworks display at 9:30 p.m. audience. Following special entertainment, Jonnye August 23 — Sand castle McLeod. Miss Hampton Beach, will reach the higHjF- contest at 9:30 a.m.; children’s spot in her reign as Miss Hampton Beach when she parade at 2 p.m.; prize awards at 2:30 p.m.; crowning of .Ir. leads the group in the grand march. M iss Hampton Beach of 1902. Several past queens and other dignataries are 2:30 p.m.; free ice cream if expected to be on hand for the affair. Miss Sandie under 12 years of age to be given away at the playground Kay. recently returned from the Miss Universe con­ at 3:30 p.m.: vaudeville acts test held at Miami Beach, Florida, will relinquish her at 4 and 7 p.m. crown to Miss McLeod. Also present as a guest of August 24 — Coronation 3all at 8:30 p.m. from the Casino honor will be the newly crowned Miss New England, ballroom. Louise Ann Richardson. August 27 — Finals of talent show contests, 7:30 p.m., band­ Production Manager Henry Hamel, now in his stand. tenth season with the chamber of commerce, will again direct the affair. William Elliot, executive secretary £ Es£!?C R 0FT r e c r e a t io n c e n t e r Miss New England TEL. 6-3410 of the chamber will serve as master of ceremonies. HAMPTON BEACH All girls, whether or not they participated in the (Continued from Page One) gifts included Sarah Coventry OPEN YEAR 'ROUND Miss* New England or Miss Hampton Beach contests jewelry and a one hundred dol­ may register with Mr. Hamel at the chamber of com­ lar bond. merce office to take part in the affair. The runners-up were recip­ ients of smaller denomination b ic y c l in g bonds and coronets. They were BOWLING presented trophies by Jay Din- BILLIARDS een. 200 Bikes Although this contest marks With the approach of summer’s end, In Excellent Condition In the Penthouse Automatic Pinsetters beach residents and vacationers 20" - 24" - 26" Well Ventilated look forward to August 24 when the Casino Ballroom will be the Good Lanes scene o f the famous Coronation Tandems Ball. Jonnye McLeod of Hamp­ Good Pins Fluorescent ton will officially become Miss 3-Speeds Courteous Lighted Hampton Beach as 150 gorgeous girls participate in the beautiful Regulars Friendly Service ceremony. 7 Brunswick Air Cooled 1962 BABY SHOW WIN­ Equipped with Lights at Night Pocket Tables Strollers & Trikes for Tots Wall to Wall Carpeting NERS are shown follow­ EXPERT Bowl to Stay Slim' Open Weekdays & Sundays ing competition at Hamp­ Don’t Rave... BOWLING ton Beach Monday after­ WEEKDAYS b il l ia r d s noon. More than 100 b ic y c l e s 9:30 A.M. TO MIDNIGHT Call Dave! 8:00 A.M. TO MIDNIGHT babies took part with 15 winners being named in b o w l in g Emergency Road Serv. SUNDAYS b il l ia r d s three separate age cate­ b ic y c l e s LOO P.M. TO MIDNIGHT gories. — Staff Photo WA 6-5322 8:00 A.M. TO MIDNIGHT 14 "G Street r Y C T Exeter' W hY Not Try See Story Page 15 Hampton Beach 10 Columbus EXETERAvo BOWLING7* w w ,", L\ Awire N E $ ___-^Dave Saulnier - 24 HOUR SERVICE^ w N' H 7 DAYS A WEEK “BOWLING’S GRFa t Tbr your comfort ine BEACHCOMBER The BEACHCOMBER Page. I Page 2 • * - -w— A 100-ton, 65-foot-high -cast Beach-Swim Meet To Be Held August 25 b u s s e s t o a l l u. • s. YOUR HEALTH IS OUR BUSINESS Iron statue brtf'VuTcan", soul to contingent will be eomprised of J PCINTS. DIRECT he the “world's largest iron A* registered "hormocists, we are dedicated to the The annual swimming races three swimmers. To date. service of the community . to the prompt filling man", overlooks the city of will be held as part o f Mardi T.V. RENTALS SERVICE TO C A N A D A Hampton guards have copped af each medical prescription entrusted to us. Your Birmingham. Ala. Gras week activities Saturday the events for the past three J Jackie's Travel Agency need is oui command. morning at 10 a.m. in the ocean BY DAY OR WEEK from in front of the police sta­ consecutive years. Beach. N.H.,........... WA* -6-2393 *■>«, At Hampton Beach The meet is slated to get Homptc1 tion. TRY underway at precisely 10 a.m.
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