r^rr.-j 7'"7,T"7T "^.Ti '.' V VOLUME XXIV. CONCORDIA COLLEGE, MOORHEAD, MINN., NOVEMBER 18, 1932 Number 5 Choir Personnel DRAMA WILL BE PRODUCED UNDER Funeral Service College Founder Cobbers Attend Is Announced by DIRECTION OF MRS. NORMA G. OSTBY Is Held for Rev. Annual Lutheran Director Monson Instructor in Expression J. M. 0. Ness Student Meeting Alpha Epsilon Sigma, Leader Names 42 Students Directs Presentation I College Founder Honored Lambda Delta Sigma of Ibsen Drama 'Realizing My Religion' Is To Sing in Musical Give Public Program At Moorhead and Theme of St. Cloud Organization HOLDS TWO DEGREES Perley Conference Alpha Kpsilon Sigma and Lamb- 15 SOPRANOS LISTED da Delta Sigma Literary societies Coach Anticipates Pleasure BROWN GIVES SERMON CONCORDIA SENDS 5 will present the first of the series In Giving 'Pillars Several New Members To of public programs tomorrow even- Students • Attend Church Rev. Fredrik Schiotz Will ing In the college chapel. These of Society' Here in Body for Be Used on Tours programs are given annually by Serve as Regional This Year brother and sister literary societies "Pillars of Society" will bo pro- Final Rites on the campus. duced as an all-college play under Advisor Forty-two students nave been selec- Athenian and Alpha Zeta Phi so- the direction of Mrs. Norraa Gooden Memorial services for the late Rev. ted by Prof. Herman W. Monson to cieties will give their program Ostby early in December. J. r.:. O. NeH8 were hold Wednesday. BY GRACE BLOMQUIST sing in the Concordia college choir November 26, Delta Rho and Nu Mrs. Norma Gooden Ostby, drama- November 9, at Trinity Lutheran "Realizing My Religion" was the tbla year, according to a special an- Sigma Rho December 3, and Mon- fc coach and instructor tn expression Church, Moorhead. The Rev. Fred- The Rov. J. M. O. Ness, founder of convention theme at the annual con- nouncement made to the Concordian damin and Alpha Kappa Chi Dec- at Concordia college, is a graduate rlk Schiotz conducted the liturgical Concordia College, was buried at Per- ference of the north central region of this -week. Of this number 15 are sop- ember 10. of Drake University, Des Moines, service and President J. N. Brown de- ley November 9. He had served as the Lutheran Students' Association ranos, 9 altos, 7 tenors, and 11 basses. Open house programs will be Iowa. She received her bachelor of livered the sermon. president and president emeritus of which was held at St. Cloud on Fri- Concordtu's governing board for a per- The personnel is as follows: given by the various societies af- arts degree from this Institution in Dr. Brown selected I Cor. 15:58 for day, Saturday, and Sunday, Novem- First soprano: Ingeborg Akre, ter Christmas vacation, at which 1921. During her year as a student iod of 41 years. College students and ber 11, 12, 13. his text: "Therefore, my beloved faculty attended funeral services at Clarkfleld; Lydia Buslee, Starkweath- time two will be presented on at the university, Mrs. Ostby was a brethren, be ye steadfast, Immovable, A banquet at the Breen hotel -open- er, N. D.; Hannah Berg, Horace* N. of four consecutive Saturdays. Red Cross and welfare worker among Trinity Lutheran church, Moorhead, ed the conference on Friday evening. always abounding in the word of the in a body. D.; Eunice Lunde, Cooperstown, N. the soldiers encamped at Port Dodge. Lord, forasmuch as ye know that your Olaf Helland of Augsburg Seminary, D.; Kathryn Melberg, Moorhead: 01- Receives Interpretation Degree labor is not In vnln in the Lord". This president of tho conference, acted as ga Nilsen, Grand Forks. N. D.; Esth- After teaching In Oklahoma and passage from the apostle Paul Is a toastmuster. The Rev. Lloyal Tallak- er Onstod, Ada; and Doris Simmons, Iowa for a number of years, Mrs. perfect scripture upon the life of the son led tn devotion, and greetings Oakes, N. D., Christmas Seals Ostby enrolled in the Emerson col- Rev. Mr. Ness. Lyric Soprano wore brought by Mrs. Garvey, dean Second soprano: Olive Qllbertson, of women at St. Cloud state teachers' lege at Boston, from which she re- Stoevef Dosland Speak Binford, N. D.: Cornelia Gjesdal, Ed- ceived her degree of bachelor of Ht- college and Mr. Cochrane, dean of more, N. D.; Bretel Gosslee, Moor- Will Be Sold to The Rt. Rev. David Stoevo, presi- Will Appear on men at the college. Speeches were rary Interpretation in 1927. While dent Of the North Dakota district, head; Florence Jeglum, Fairdale, N. at Emerson college, Mrs. Ostby given by Mr. O. J. Je'rdc and the Rev. D.; Avis Lasseaon, Northwood, N. D.; spoke on behalf of the church and Roy K. Olson. After the banquet a studied under such artists as Joseph read the resolutions from the Board Lyceum Series Eunice Plann, Fargo; and Pearl Cobber Students B. Glefford, Henry L. Southwlck, mixer was given by the St. Cloud Strand, Boyd. of Trustees of Concordia college. At- group for the delegates in the Boclal Agnes K. Black, and William H. torney C. G. DoBland, president of the Nine Alton Are Named Campaign To Be Conducted Henry. room at the college. Stunts and songs Concordia college corporation, gave Margery Maxwell To Give furnished entertainment. First alto: Sibyl Dahl, Cottonwood; At Concordia After When attending Emerson college, the resolutions of the corporation and Concert Here on Olive Halvorson, Hennlng; Leona Mrs. Ostby was an instructor in a board of directors. He also read a ftlble Study Opens Session Larson, Dorset; Johanna Lutnoes. Thanksgiving settlement house founded In the home letter of condolence from the Rev. J. December 2 MIHS Edna Monsbn of St. Cloud op- Enderlin, N. D.; and Janet Mllsten, ened the Saturday session with a Bi- of Margaret Fuller, an author, at A. AflHgaard. President Brown road 1 BelOeld, N. D. Christmas seals will be placed on Cambridge. She also had chargo resolutions from the faculty and from Margery Maxwell, lyric soprano, ble study on "Victory in Christ '. Second alto: Louise Espenson, Fra- sale throughout Minnesota on of a dramatic organization In a school the student body of Concordia college. will appear here December 2 in the The Rev. B. E. Bergeaon of Min- zee; Martha Jordahl. Fertile; Alice Thanksgiving day. This year the given to the city by the daughter of second number of the Concordia col- neapolis developed tho convention Narum, Fargo; and Ruth Westrum. Christmas seal campaign against Louis Agassis, scientist. This is Pallbearers were tho Rov. C. B. lege lyceum course for 1032-33. Miss theme under three subdivisions. In Glendlve, Mont. tuberculosis must be carried on more around the corner from the old North Runsvold, Olyndon; the Rev. O. H. Maxwell was born in South Dakota the division "Experiencing the Value First tenor: Martin Aurthun, Lig- fervently than ever. Any undue re- church in which lanterns were hung Bradlund, Nlelsville; tho Rev. K. O. and trained in America. At an early Rnfshol, Churches Ferry. N. D.; the of My Religion" the Rev. Mr. Bergeson nite, N. D.; Maurice Felde, Barnes- trenchment in health work is bound a signal to Paul Revere. age she came to Chicago where her stressed the meaning of Christ to us ville; Alrin Langseth, Manfred. N. D.; to be paid for in dollars ant! cents Holds Position at Forgo Rev. M. O. Haben, Shellev; the Rev. exceptional talent is said to havo at- J. J. Jacobflon, Hendrum; and the personally. He dellned religion, gen- and Magne Syverud, Mandan, N. D. as well UB In Impairment of public tracted attention. Miss Maxwell -was erally speaking, as a relation to a Second Tenors, Basses Listed health generally. Mrs. Ostby was for several yearn Rev. E. O. Stenson, Hulstad. Honor- Immediately engaged by the Chicago director of public speaking, drama- •iry pallbearers were members of the superior being. Christianity Is rellg- Second tenor: Harvey Johnson, Tuberculosis thrives when theic 1B opera company, followed by summer Irn built of Christ. Its valuo is that tics, and extra curricular activities at bonrd of directors of Concordia Col- engagements by tho Rovlnia opera Hawley; Edfield Odegard, New Rock- hunger, worry, and poverty. It is Central high school. Fargo. Among lege and a few Intimate friends from It is a life in. with, and for Christ. ford, N. D.; and Engebret Thormoda- never unemployed. Conditions now company. Her success in opera and Ho discussed also the ways of estim- some of the Interesting plays she the congregations served by the late concert has been known since by • gaord, Chaaeley, N. D. threaten the great gains made against produced were "A Kiss for Cinderel- Rev. J. M. O. Ness. ating the Christian religion, He effect First bass: Earl Berg, Moorhead; this dread disease. A decreased in- almost everyone in the musical on society and the hindrances to it. la", "The Tailor Made Man", and fields. Joseph Hylland. Dwight, N. D.; Omar come endangers the Red Cross pro- "Brewster'a Millions''. Choir, Quartet Give Numbers Three Questions Asked gram for checking the enemy. Magelasen. Walker; Arthur Solberg, In 1931 Mrs. Oatby became a mem- "Den Store Hvlde Flok" by Bror- Miss Maxwell comes with high and "ExpresBlng My Religion in Church Winger; and Lawrence Wermager, Decrease fn tuberculosis mortality ber of the staff of the Concordia con- son-Grieg was sung by Joseph Hyl- favorable recommendations. With a and Daily Life" was the Rev. Mr. Ber- Gary. In Minnesota shows an Improvement servatory of music in Fargo. This land and the Concordia college choir true lyric soprano voice, Miss Max- goson'a second topic.
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