September 17, 2014 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1439 the First Circuit in Boston, Massachusetts. tracting thousands of visitors to wineries, all of our courageous veterans receive ade- From 1991 to 1992, he was the Chief of Staff greenhouses, and seasonal pumpkin picking. quate disability compensation. for the Resident Commissioner of Puerto Rico, Consisting of over 600 farms spanning f Jaime Fuster, in Washington, D.C. Bhatia is 35,000 acres, Suffolk County farms form the also the former Executive Director of the Puer- pillar of the East End economy and contribute TRIBUTE TO MR. BRENDAN to Rico Federal Affairs Administration in millions of dollars to the Long Island and New BERNARD FRANCIS MCKAY Washington D.C. As the Executive Director, York state economies, supporting local jobs he officially represented the Governor of Puer- and igniting economic growth across the re- HON. ZOE LOFGREN to Rico on important issues affecting the Com- gion. This success is sustainable with the help OF CALIFORNIA monwealth. of the Suffolk County Soil and Water Con- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Bhatia was elected as an official Senate servation District and can help further propel Wednesday, September 17, 2014 candidate in the Popular Democratic Party Long Island’s continuing economic recovery. (Partido Popular Democra´tico or PPD) primary Mr. Speaker, helping local farmers secure Ms. LOFGREN. Mr. Speaker, it is with a on March 9, 2008. At the 2008 general elec- federal aid and educating them about building very heavy heart that I share this obituary of tions, Bhatia won one of only five Senate green infrastructure are just some of the many an outstanding young American, Mr. Brendan seats obtained by his party. critically important functions of the Suffolk Bernard Francis McKay. At the 2012 primaries, Bhatia won the most County Soil and Water Conservation District, Brendan, 30, passed away Monday, Sep- votes, securing his spot for the general elec- which remains dedicated to the success of tember 8, 2014, in Rome, Italy, following a tions. He then won the most votes of all the Long Island farmers and small businesses, tragic accident. PPD candidates to the Senate. After the win, and why it is an honor to offer my congratula- An AmeriCorps volunteer, artist, multi-instru- Bhatia was elected by his colleagues as the tions on the occasion of its fiftieth anniversary. mentalist, snowboarder, world traveler, coun- fifteenth President of the Senate of Puerto f selor, historian, Ph.D. candidate, and Rico. Seanchai in the Irish storytelling tradition, VETERANS’ COMPENSATION COST- In 2013, Bhatia served as Co-Chair of the Brendan was born June 30, 1984 in Summit, OF-LIVING ADJUSTMENT ACT OF Eastern Regional Conference of the Council of New Jersey, the second of Bernard and Mazy 2014 State Governments (CSG–ERC). Later that McKay’s four children. He grew up in Alexan- dria and McLean, Virginia, where he grad- year, he was elected as President of the Na- SPEECH OF tional Hispanic Caucus of State Legislators uated from McLean High School in 2002. (NHCSL), becoming the first Senate President HON. SHEILA JACKSON LEE Brendan began undergraduate studies at to hold the title. Bhatia is also a board mem- OF TEXAS Virginia Commonwealth University, later at- ber of several organizations, including the IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES tended Western Connecticut State University Council of State Governments (CSG) and the Tuesday, September 16, 2014 and John Cabot University in Rome, and in National Association of Latino Elected Officials 2012 graduated magna cum laude from Ms. JACKSON LEE. Mr. Speaker, I rise in Rhode Island College with a Bachelor’s in His- (NALEO). strong support of S. 2258, the Veterans’ Com- I am honored to recognize Senator Eduardo tory. Most recently, Brendan completed his pensation Cost-of-Living Adjustment Act of Master’s degree in International Relations at Bhatia, during Hispanic Heritage Month, for his 2014. leadership and commitment to serving the St. John’s University in Rome, Italy in June Mr. Speaker, it is an undeniable truth that 2014. Puerto Rican and Hispanic-American commu- our military veterans deserve our deepest nities. Throughout his teens and early twenties, gratitude for the courage and valor they dem- Brendan struggled with addiction issues. With f onstrated while defending the United States of the support of loved ones, he participated in 50TH ANNIVERSARY OF THE SUF- America. therapeutic and rehabilitation programs in FOLK COUNTY SOIL AND WATER One way the nation can express its deepest Utah, New York, Pennsylvania, Florida, and CONSERVATION DISTRICT appreciation for our service men and women Kansas. In 2008, Brendan emerged from this is by assisting disabled veterans with com- period secure in his recovery, and with a re- HON. TIMOTHY H. BISHOP pensation and financial support. newed passion for education, adventure, and The VA estimated that it will provide com- experience which would come to define the OF NEW YORK pensation to over 4 million beneficiaries in FY IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES rest of his life. 2014. From 2008–2010, Brendan served with Among the veterans estimated to receive Wednesday, September 17, 2014 AmeriCorps as a volunteer with Big Brothers, such compensation are: Mr. BISHOP of New York. Mr. Speaker, I Big Sisters in Worland, Wyoming. Within a 136,897 World War II veterans rise today to recognize the 50th Anniversary of 140,169 Korean War veterans matter of months he was promoted to Vice the Suffolk County Soil and Water Conserva- 1,327,348 Vietnam-era veterans President of Development, going on to raise tion District. Since 1964, the Suffolk County 1,546,030 Gulf War-era veterans hundreds of thousands of dollars on behalf of Soil and Water Conservation District has ac- 695,574 veterans who served during peace- at-risk youth, before leaving to accept a posi- tively developed and implemented specialized time tion as an AmeriCorps Program Manager in projects and educational programs to improve, Close to half of the nearly 2 million veterans Rhode Island. Before leaving Wyoming he protect, and preserve Suffolk County’s most of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan have or was urged by locals in Worland to stay and treasured natural resources. will seek compensation for service-related inju- run for mayor. He was flattered and seriously Suffolk County’s thriving agriculture has ries, including post-traumatic stress disorder considered it. been assisted by the conservation efforts of (PTSD). Brendan is remembered fondly by his loved the Suffolk County Soil and Water Conserva- We must be certain that disability com- ones in the U.S. and around the world for his tion District in partnership with the local com- pensation provides adequate assistance to legendary sense of humor, a classic Irish sto- munities and landowners, the U.S. Department veterans, and this bill does so by increasing ryteller vividly sharing his many adventures. of Agriculture, the Long Island Farm Bureau, the amounts paid by the same cost-of-living He ran with the bulls in Pamplona, Spain. He the Cornell Cooperative Extension and Re- adjustment that will be payable to Social Se- rode a hot air balloon through the Atlas Moun- search Lab, the New York State Soil and curity recipients. tains of Morocco. He skied across the Swiss- Water Conservation Committee, the New York Mr. Speaker, not only does S. 2258 benefit French border in the Alps, not entirely on pur- State Department of Agriculture and Markets, our injured veterans, it also helps the families pose. Completing an Asian journey that in- the New York State Department of Environ- of these injured service members by providing cluded Malaysia, Cambodia and Nepal, he re- mental Conservation, and the New York Asso- increased compensation for dependents and turned to Rome over the Himalayas and Mt. ciation of Conservation Districts. surviving spouses. Everest. He crisscrossed the United States by As a result of this collaboration, Suffolk By passing S. 2258, countless veterans and car, camped in the badlands of North Dakota, County leads the rest of our great state in their families would have financial stress alle- and lived on a mountain in Southern Cali- market value of crop production, including sod, viated thanks to increased rates of veterans’ fornia. During academic travel to North Korea grapes, nursery stock, aquaculture, and spe- disability compensation. he became one of only a small number of cialty crops. The County can also be proud of Mr. Speaker, I strongly urge all members to Americans to have seen the demilitarized flourishing agricultural tourism, known for at- support the passage of S. 2258 to ensure that zone from the north side. VerDate Sep 11 2014 07:05 Sep 18, 2014 Jkt 039060 PO 00000 Frm 00013 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A17SE8.032 E17SEPT1 emcdonald on DSK67QTVN1PROD with REMARKS E1440 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks September 17, 2014 Brendan was also intellectually brilliant. He ing him from shrapnel and knocking him un- cedures affecting voting rights are fair and ap- was an enthusiastic reader, with particular in- conscious. propriate. Every election, ELVP members terest in philosophy, history, physics, and Because of the critical need for doctors, Mr. monitor voting precincts and help make sure comparative religion. His collection of unusual Nagler was revived, his wounds were ‘‘stitched each citizen can fully and fairly exercise his or tattoos included the Fibonacci sequence on up,’’ as he puts it, and he was sent on with his her right to vote, regardless of political pref- his arm. His creativity and humor led to unique fellow medics to continue saving other sol- erences. inventions; on one occasion, Brendan created diers’ lives. Unfortunately, any records of his Jill Turner—Program Manager, Intel Com- what he called a ‘‘Scrabbanjelo,’’ a playable wounds apparently do not exist.
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