June 5 / Administration of George Bush, 1991 Remarks Following Discussions With Prime Minister Anerood Jugnauth of Mauritius June 5, 1991 The President. Mr. Prime Minister, it is grams alone cannot unlock your nation’s tre- an honor for us, our whole team, all of mendous potential for growth, so we must us, to welcome you to the White House build ties between our private sectors. And on this, your first official visit to Wash- I am pleased that this September the Agen- ington. I understand you have with you cy for International Development and some of your business community, and I OPIC, our Overseas Private Investment look forward to greeting them when this Corporation, plan an investment mission to little ceremony is over. Mauritius to develop promising opportuni- Your visit comes at a time of tremendous ties for American industry. change for my country and yours and for Under the terms of the Lome Conven- all the world. We’ve seen a new faith in tion, Mauritius does enjoy access to Euro- freedom sweep the globe. It’s taking hold pean markets, to the Middle East and Asia, on every continent. and of course, to the continent of Africa. This new discovery of free enterprise and Geography has made Mauritius a gateway free government across Africa vindicates the to growth. There is every reason that Mauri- path that Mauritius has followed since the tius, the ‘‘star of the Indian Ocean,’’ can very first days of its independence. On the turn its potential to prosperity in the years island of Mauritius, democracy has deep ahead. roots. Pluralism flourishes in a free and In addition to the issues of increased open multiparty system. And the free mar- trade and investment, I reviewed with ket is widely recognized as the engine of Prime Minister Jugnauth world affairs of growth and development. urgent concern, in particular our common Mr. Prime Minister, under your leader- security concerns in the Indian Ocean. I ship Mauritius has experienced almost a stressed the tremendous value to Mauritius, decade of unprecedented economic growth. to its neighboring nations, to the inter- The challenge for Mauritius now is to diver- national community as a whole, of the sify its economy, to ease the exclusive de- American military presence in the region pendence on the export of one product, as demonstrated so clearly in Operation and I’m pleased that we had a chance to Desert Storm. We talked about the Middle talk about that today. The key is creating East. We talked about the continent of Afri- a pro-investment climate, and here Mauri- ca. And from our view, sir, this was a far- tius has made a strong beginning with its reaching and very constructive dialog that Export Processing Zone. Gross earnings we had here today. generated by this zone, this EPZ, now sur- Our two peoples are separated by thou- pass earnings from Mauritius’ traditionally sands of miles, but we are linked across dominant sugar industry. The EPZ is re- that vast distance by a common faith in sponsible almost singlehandedly for slashing freedom and, by that faith, to a common unemployment, providing the people of future as friends. Mauritius with new opportunity and new So, once again, sir, it has been my real hope. pleasure to welcome you and your able as- Mr. Prime Minister, let me repeat here sistants, your teammates here, to the White what I said in our meetings today. The House and to Washington. May God bless United States applauds the course you have you all. And thanks for coming our way. chosen. We stand ready to help. We will The Prime Minister. Mr. President, I very tailor our assistance programs to meet Mau- deeply appreciated the opportunity given ritius’ new needs, to help your nation de- to me today to discuss with you matters of velop new markets and industries. But we importance to our two countries and perti- know that government-to-government pro- nent issues of mutual interest to the United 610 VerDate May 04 2004 13:18 Jul 13, 2004 Jkt 019194 PO 00000 Frm 00622 Fmt 1240 Sfmt 1240 D:\91PAP1\91PAP1.011 APPS10 PsN: 91PAP1 Administration of George Bush, 1991 / June 5 States and Mauritius, two countries which dent, we reviewed the situation in the Per- share very many common ideals of freedom, sian Gulf, and we are happy to note that democracy, respect for human rights, peace, a permanent peaceful settlement is in the justice, and equality. offing. I congratulate the allied nations On this historic occasion, it gives me the under your able leadership in their efforts greatest pleasure on behalf of the Govern- to demonstrate that aggression shall not be ment and people of Mauritius, and in my allowed to succeed. own name, to convey to the wonderful peo- In the new world order that is developing, ple of the United States of America our it augurs well for the future that inter- warmest greetings, our very best wishes, national cooperation is given paramount im- and the expression of our admiration and portance in allowing consultations and dia- friendship. To you, Mr. President, I convey log to promote peace, as demonstrated in our highest respect as the inspiring leader recent United Nations concerted action in of the free world. Our talks were conducted in a friendly the Gulf crisis. It is in this spirit that prob- atmosphere as naturally as leaves come to lems, whether in the Horn of Africa, South- the tree. This is but normal. Although Mau- ern Africa, the Middle East, or elsewhere, ritius is on the other side of the world in can be successfully resolved. the middle of the Indian Ocean, we do Mr. President, we Mauritians are, how- share so many common ties. We Mauritians ever, very much concerned about recent enjoy, as do the Americans, democratic tra- events in South Africa. Such events—name- ditions, a free press, an independent judici- ly, continued violence and postponed agen- ary, and a free market system. das—unfortunately raise doubts about the In the 23 years of our independence, future of the negotiations process. We ap- Mauritius has conducted regular and free peal for the immediate cessation of hos- elections in a multiparty parliamentary sys- tilities. We feel that Mr. Mandela and Mr. tem. Mauritius, like the United States of Buthelezi should aim at bringing unity America, is a melting pot of many races among the black communities. A united and religions. Our people, too, worked hard leadership would bring about a dismantle- and transformed a bare country from a land ment of apartheid sooner. President de of opportunity to what the international Klerk, Mr. Mandela, and Mr. Buthelezi community now calls an economic miracle have a tryst with destiny to build a united, nation. democratic, nonracial South Africa. A lot of the success comes from our dedi- I share, Mr. President, your vision of this cation to educating our people. We there- new world order. I trust this can serve as fore applaud, Mr. President, your efforts a guide for the Indian Ocean region also. as the education President. We have one As a small, vulnerable country, we want of the highest literacy rates in the world. to ensure peace in the area. That is why And we continue to provide for better ac- we support the move for the Indian Ocean cess to higher education and specialized training free of cost to our students. At to be a zone of peace and also the establish- the same time, we are trying to develop ment of a nuclear free zone in the region. a society that will not, in its material search, The process of demilitarization embarked become oblivious of human values. upon by you, Mr. President, and President This again reminds us, Mr. President, of Gorbachev should be encouraged to its log- your own ideals so eloquently expressed ical conclusion. It is obvious, therefore, that during your Inaugural Address when you the Chagos Archipelago should be returned said that—I quote—‘‘America’s success to Mauritius, its rightful owner. would be measured by the need not to be We also had much to talk about inter- more driven to succeed than anyone around national trade in general, and Mauritius us, but to celebrate the quieter, deeper suc- trade in particular, the key to our continued cesses that are not made of gold and silk, economic development and long-term pros- but of better hearts and inner souls.’’ perity. I am confident that our two largest In our consultations with you, Mr. Presi- exports, sugar and textiles, will continue to 611 VerDate May 04 2004 11:12 Jul 13, 2004 Jkt 019194 PO 00000 Frm 00623 Fmt 1240 Sfmt 1240 D:\91PAP1\91PAP1.011 APPS10 PsN: 91PAP1 June 5 / Administration of George Bush, 1991 obtain reasonable and sustained access into context, an economically stronger and more the U.S. market. We are ready, willing, and prosperous Mauritius would become an on- prepared to continue to supply the highest going example to prove that the democratic quality products to the United States of way of life is the best way of life. Mr. Presi- America. Mauritius looks forward to suc- dent, I rely on you to help Mauritius to cessful diversification programs while at- achieve this. tracting foreign investments in new areas, Before closing my remarks, I should like for example, medium and high technology, to express my unflinching support to you, manufacturing, tourism, banking, shipping, Mr. President, in your ceaseless and dedi- and computer technology. cated efforts to safeguard world peace and I’m reminded of Napoleon Bonaparte’s promote democracy everywhere.
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