Official Publication of the National Collegiate Athletic Association April 22,1992, Volume 29 Number 17 Certification matters top Council business Development of a mandatory certification program for Division I athletics programs moved ahead as a result of actions by the NCAA Council in its spring meeting April 13-14 in Kansas City, Missouri. In an extended discussion of the work thus far on the certification plan, the Council: l Approved a recommendation that the Special Committee on Cer- tification be expanded, as reported elsewhere on this page of The NCAA News. l Agreed that the special com- mittee should continue to consult with all appropriate entities in de- velopment of the plan, including the NCAA Presidents Commission, the Knight Foundation Commission on Intercollegiate Athletics, the Com- mittee on Review and Planning, the Committee on Women’s Athletics, the Minority Opportunities and Interests Committee, and Division II interests. l Agreed that the special com- mittee should continue to strive to make the program as “lean” and simple as possible. l Asked the special committee to consider requiring as part of the certification process a statement by an institution’s governing board assertine that the board has nlaced Tne NCAA Council /mused on the proposed Division I mandatory ceMication program, gender equity, legislative procedures, and See Certification mutters, p;?ge I.5 enforcement and inftzwtfons during its Aptil13- 14 meeting in Kansas Ci@, Missoun~ Howlett, Whalen named cochairs of NCAA gender-equity task force A I S-member task force has been appointed to study the gender- The Sports Sciences Newsletter, which last appeared in 1990, equity issues within the NCAA. reappears as a quarterly editorial supplement to The NCAA News, The concept of the task force was beginning in this week’s issue. announced March 11 when the re- The newsletter, which begins after page IO, was produced as an sults of the NCAA’s gender-equity independent publication by the NCAA four times from 1989 to 1990, survey were revealed. In forming when production was put on hold due to distribution and funding the group, NCAA Executive Direc- concerns. tor Richard D. Schultz said it was Funding for the newsletter now comes from a donation to the important to assemble a diverse NCAA Foundation from Abbott Laboratories. committee “that would include peo- ple within the membership who represent divergent groups -from excellent athletics administrators to No immediate changes strong women’s rights advocates.” The members of the committee include Judith E. N. Albino, presi- in revenue distribution dent, University of Colorado; Joe The Special Advisory Committee- aspect 01 the plan. Dean, director of athletics, Louisi- to Review Recommendatrons Re- For 1992, the revenuedistribution ana State University; Elizabeth L. garding Distribution of Revenues plan will allocate $75,425,000 from Fahey-Albright, Student-Athlete has advised the NCAA Executive the NCAA’s television contract with Advisory Committee, formerly at Phyllis L. Howlett James J. Whalen Committee that no changes should CBS to the Division 1 membership. Pennsylvania State University: Vi- be made at this time in the broad- Although correspondence from vian L. Fuller, associate director of commissioner, Pacific- IO Confer- commissioner, Big Ten Conference; based component of the rcvenue- the membership has indicated sup- athletics, Indiana University of Penn- ence. Jeffrey H. Orleans, executive direc- distribution plan. port for most components of the sylvania; Milton A. Gordon, presi- Also, Carla Hay, faculty athletics tar, the Ivy Group; Richard A. However, the committee will con- plan, some institutions have cx- dent, California State University, representative, Marquette Univer- Rosenthal, director of athletics, Uni- tinue to seek more refined factors or pressed concerns that the broad- Fullerton, and Thomas C. Hansen, sity; Phyllis L. Hewlett, assistant See Howktt , Whalen. page IS formulas on which to base that Set* No immediate. pogc’ 1.5 Committee on certification expands to 12 members In the News The NCAA Special Committee The special committee previously uments involved with further defm- State tlniversity, Sacramento; Eli- on Certification has been expanded contained seven individuals, two of ing the program. zabeth East, Cornell IJniversity, and Legfahlgve As&Tim I . 2 to I2 members to accommodate the whom were from nonDivision I The new members of the commit- William B. DcLauder, Delaware cmment...- ..___..__._.._.....4 workload involved with developing institutions. The committee recom tee are James E. Dclany, Big Ten State University. C#ampfimshipSpnevlews. 5 the proposed institutional certilica- mended replacement of those posi- Conference; Christopher Iiill, Uni- The Council also approved the Basketball notes , . 6 tion program. tions “IO permit a much-needed versity of Utah; William M. Sang- retention of five consultants by the Pos&mduate The NCAA Council approved broader representation 01 Division stcr, Georgia Institute of commtttee. Those individuals (and schokmhlp . I.. 14 the change in the committee at its I interests” The five additional ap- Technology; Charlotte West, South- the groups or interests they rcprc- NCAA Record . 16 April 13-14 meeting in Kansas City, pointments were made to aid the ern Illinois University at Carbon- sent) are Gene E. Hooks, Wake meny ____._....._._______.._.....20 Missouri. committee in preparing scvcral dot- dale; I,ee A. McElroy, California See Committee on. puge 1.5 2 THE NCAA NEWSlApdl22,1992 News Fact Committee seeks study of JC transfers File To obtain a better picture of why sible explanations include economic Altogether, research data ~111be lum that would aid student-athletes student-athletes choose to enter two- reasons, ineligibility at NCAA used by the committee in addressing in meeting the satisfactory-progress year rather than four-year institu- member institutions under the As- issues involving academic require- requirements enacted in 1992 A total of 135 presidents and tions, the NCAA Two-Year College sociation’s qualifying standards, or ments for trdmfer student-athletes. NCAA Convention Proposal No. chancellors of NCAA member m- Relations Committee has asked the lack of interest in attending a four- One such issue is the possible 21. That legislation requires a stu- stitutions have served on the 44 national office staff to study a group year institution. establishment of a core curriculum dent-athlete to complete at least 25 member NCAA Presidents Com- of two-year college transfers. The study would be conducted in for two-year college transfers, which pcrccnt 01 course requirements in a mission in its eight years of cxist- The committee, meeting April 8- cooperation with the National Jun the committee also discussed during degree program by the beginning of ence. Twenty-one of them have 9 in Kansas City, Missouri, re- ior College Athletic Association its meeting. Recently, the National the third year of collegiate enroll- served as Commission officers. quested that the NCAA’s director of and the Community College League Association of Academic Advisors ment, 50 percent by the beginning rcscarch conduct a study in which of California, which will be asked to for Athletics requested that both 01 the fourth year and 75 percent by 100 randomly selected two-year col- assist in obtaining academic data the Two-Year College Relations the beginning of the lifth year. lege transfers are followed from for the transfer student-athletes. Committee and the NCAA Acade- The committee prefers a recom- their initial enrollment in a two- Committee members decided to mic Requircmcnts Committee re- mended core curriculum at this Bush praises year college through the completion seek the information after reviewing view the issue. time because a required listing could of their collegiate education. academic-research data pertaining The Two-Year College Relations prompt legal action in cases where a Duke, Stanford The committee hopes to learn the to two-year college transfers that Committee decided to pursue es- transfer student does not meet the primary reasons why student-ath- already has been compiled by the tablishment of a recommended, Association’s transfer requirements Hailing both as top-notch schools letes attend two-year colleges. Pos- NCAA research staff. rather than required, core curricu- despite completing the core courses. that “nlav within the rules.” Prcsii dent Bush welcomed the NCAA IXvision I champion men’s and women’s basketball teams from Duke University and Stanford Uni- In other adons at its April 8-9 meeting in Kunsas City, Missouri. transcript, provided that the amount of the funds is then deducted from versity, respectively, to the White the NCAA 7ivo- Year Collegr Relations Committrr: institutional financial aid awarded to the student-athlete. House. l Recommended that the NCAA Academic Requirements Committee In addition, a violation of eligibility rules prompted the committee to reconsider its decision that a ‘junior college diploma” is equivalent to ask the Recruiting Committee for legislation that would classify Bush saluted Duke and Stanford the associate of arts degree required of a two-year college transfer. regularly scheduled two-year college scrimmages as exempted from for producing scholarathletes who Representatives of the two-year college organizations represented on counting as a season of competition. Under current regulations, a excel on the court and in the class- the Two-Year College Relations Committee believe the junior college student-athlete who participates in such a scrimmage in the fall semester room, according to United Press diploma is not equivalent, even though the curriculum in which the would not be permitted to compete for a member institution that spring. International. diploma is earned may be academic in nature, rather than vocational or OReviewed implementation of 1992 Convention Proposal No. 42 Flanked hy team members at an technical. permitting hardship waivers for Division I student-athletes for injury or April I5 Rose Garden ceremony, In addition, the committee asked to be consulted on similar issues in illness occurring during enrollment at a two-year college.
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