THE ORDO KALENDAR 2016-2017 FOR THE DIVINE OFFICE YEAR ONE AND HOLY EUCHARIST YEAR A USING RCL READINGS INTRODUCTION This Ordo Kalendar represents the normative liturgical use of the Order of Julian of Norwich. It follows the calendar and rubrics of The Book of Common Prayer with some enrichments, both in the selection of readings and in commemorations. The Ordo Kalendar text contains one block for each day of the year. The shaded column on the left shows the day and date and various symbols and secondary instructions for the day, such as whether it is a fasting day in the Order or not. For more information on the symbols used in this calendar to rank feasts, and to specify holy days of obligations and other celebrations, please see page v of this introduction. The main column, in the middle of each block, gives information about the celebration of the Daily Eucharist. The column on the right gives information for the Daily Office Day Holy Eucharist Observation Office Observation Month and Date Mass (Liturgical Color) Collect page Office (Liturgical Color) Collect page Festal Rank Gloria or Kyrie? First Reading First Morning Prayer Reading Fasting Nicene Creed? Gradual Psalm First Morning Prayer Canticle or Abstinence ? Mass Preface Epistle Reading Second Morning Prayer Reading MP/EP Psalms Holy Gospel Evening Prayer Reading for 31st Day? Extra information about the Mass, such as Litanies and Transfers. Special information for Vigils of Feasts • The second Canticle at Morning Prayer is always Canticle #16: The Song of Zechariah (Benedictus Dominus Deus). • The evening Canticle is always the Magnificat. • All Holy Women, Holy Men page references in this Ordo are to the 2010 edition. Commemorations and readings are modified in part from that book to reflect the usage of this Order. All readings for commemorations are from the NRSV. Sunday readings also follow the Revised Common Lectionary. • This Ordo Kalendar assumes the use of Rite II for both Offices and Eucharist. It also assumes (and encourages) the use of the in-course daily selections from the Psalter at Office (following the divisions provided within the Prayer Book Psalter itself, rather than the individual Psalm selections from the lectionary). • On the 19th day of each month it is the Order’s custom to read the Psalms appointed for Morning Prayer at Evensong and vice versa to avoid repetition of the Invitatory Canticle in Psalm 95. • When a month has 31 days, the Prayer Book lectionary Psalms for Day 31 are given in the Ordo for use on that day. ________________________________________________________________ © 2016 The Order of Julian of Norwich i • We follow the recommendations of contemporary liturgical scholars in avoiding Eucharistic commemoration of saints’ days during the season of Lent (except for feasts of Apostles, St. Joseph, and the Annunciation), and we provide weekday Propers for the entire Lenten season. In the selections of commemorations which are not part of the Prayer Book calendar or in Holy Women, Holy Men, we include these: a. Famous founders or patrons of Religious Orders: Scholastica of Nursia, Norbert of Prémontré, Gilbert of Sempringham b. Famous mystics or spiritual leaders: Francis de Sales, Arthur Michael Ramsey, Bonaventure, John Vianney, Thérèse of Lisieux, Birgitta of Sweden, Elizabeth of the Trinity c. Saints famous in the traditions of the Church in Britain: Thomas More, Swithun, Our Lady of Walsingham d. Venerable traditional feasts: Conception of the Blessed Virgin, Our Lady of Sorrows, Corpus Christi, Sacred Heart, Beheading of John Baptist e. Some contemporary saints and martyrs: Dorothy Day, Titus Brandsma, Maria Gabriella Sagheddu, Edith Stein f. Certain saints related to Saint Julian or who appear in her writing: John of Beverly g. Those whose relics are held in our monastery: Ignatius, Benedict, Scholastica, Thérèse of Lisieux, Teresa of Avila, Cecilia, Maria Gabriella Sagheddu h. The memorial of the founding of the Order of Julian of Norwich. At Votive Masses for the Blessed Virgin Mary, commemorated on Saturdays throughout the year (if the Kalendar allows), and also at other festivals of Our Lady, the Order of Julian uses the following Preface of its own composition, adapted from Roman use. Others may wish to use the Saint #1 Preface (page 380 in the Prayer Book), if an alternate Preface is not already given in the Ordo: It is right, and a good and joyful thing, always and everywhere to give thanks to you, Father Almighty, Creator of heaven and earth, and that on this commemoration of the Blessed Virgin Mary, we should praise, bless, and extol your wonders, for by the mighty power of the Holy Spirit, she conceived the only-begotten Son, and in her virgin motherhood, brought forth for us the Light Eternal, even Jesus Christ our Lord. Therefore we praise you, joining our voices with Angels and Archangels and with all the company of heaven, who for ever sing this hymn to proclaim the glory of your Name... ii ADDITIONAL COLLECTS [DECEMBER 8] CONCEPTION OF THE BLESSED VIRGIN MARY O God, who in the foreknowledge of your Son’s most precious death, consecrated for Him a dwelling place by the sinlessness of the Blessed Virgin Mary, mercifully grant that she who was preserved from all stain of sin may evermore pray for us, until we attain unto you in purity of heart, through the same Jesus Christ who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, now and for ever. Amen. [DECEMBER 30] OJN FOUNDING DAY Almighty God, all times are in your hand, and all occasions serve your will: Accept our prayers of thanksgiving and hope which we offer here today and in all days to come, that our community may ever continue in your mercy and grace and never falter in our gratitude to you; through Jesus Christ, our only Mediator and Advocate. Amen. SEASONAL BLESSING FOR OJN FOUNDING DAY May God, who has led us into paths of stillness and prayer, lead us still, and keep us in his ways. Amen. May God, whose Son has loved us and given himself for us, love us still, and keep us in his peace. Amen. May God, whose Spirit has lighted our way and filled our hearts with joy, illumine us still, and strengthen us for the years to come. Amen. And the blessing of God Almighty, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, be upon you and remain with you for ever. Amen. [APRIL 22] BLESSED MARIA GABRIELLA SAGHEDDU Father in heaven, you inspired Maria Gabriella generously to offer her life for the unity of those who profess the Name of your Son Jesus Christ; grant that by her intercession and witness we too may be inspired to commit to that unity which the Spirit gives, through Jesus Christ our Lord, the shepherd of all, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever. Amen. [OJN Original] [APRIL 23] BLESSED ARTHUR MICHAEL RAMSEY Heavenly Father, you placed your servant Arthur Michael Ramsey in the chair of Augustine as the one-hundredth Archbishop of Canterbury: Give us grace and wisdom that like him we may know the Church to be your Kingdom, the Sacraments to manifest your Presence, and the Gospels to speak your Word; we ask it in the name of our Redeemer, Jesus Christ, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit now and for ever. Amen. [OJN Original] [MOVEABLE FEAST] SACRED HEART OF JESUS Falling on the Friday after Corpus Christi, or 12 days after Trinity Sunday. Most gentle Lord Jesus, who opened your side to reveal the endlessness of love in your heart as the very image of God’s love and our true dwelling place; teach us so to contemplate you that we may become like you and love you as truly and fully as you have loved us; who with the Father and the Holy Spirit live and reign one God, for ever and ever. Amen. iii [JUNE 27] BLESSED JOSEPH FREDERICK IGNATIUS HUNT Heavenly Father, we remember gratefully before you today your true and faithful servant Joseph Frederick Ignatius Hunt; as he lived a life of erudition with humility, of scholarship with sensitivity, and of wisdom with devotion, grant us the grace to value for ourselves a like gentleness and charity above all earthly attainment; through our Lord of Love, Jesus Christ, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen. [OJN Original] [JULY 28] BLESSED TITUS BRANDSMA God our Father, source of life and freedom, through your Holy Spirit you gave the Carmelite Titus Brandsma the courage to speak the truth and to affirm human dignity even in the midst of suffering and degrading persecution; grant us that same Spirit of witness, that with boldness we too may defy the powers of darkness in our world, and bear the light of your gospel both in our living and in our dying to those who do not know your love, through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever. Amen. [AUGUST 9] SAINT EDITH STEIN Almighty and everlasting God, who kindled the flame of your love in the heart of your holy martyr Edith Stein: Grant to us, your humble servants, a like faith and power of love, that we who rejoice in her triumph may profit by her example; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen. [SEPTEMBER 15] OUR LADY OF SORROWS O God, who willed that in the passion of your Son a sword of grief should pierce the soul of the Blessed Virgin Mary his mother: Mercifully grant that your Church, having shared with her in his passion, may be made worthy to share in the joys of his resurrection; who lives and reigns for ever and ever.
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