Newcombe House & Kensington Church Street Townscape, Heritage and Visual Impact Assessment September 2017 Miller Hare Limited Mappin House 4 Winsley Street London W1W 8HF +44 20 7691 1000 [email protected] 45 Notting Hill Gate, London W11 3LQ Townscape, Heritage and Visual Impact Assessment September 2017 Contents 1 Introduction 5 2 Legislation and Planning Policy Context 6 3 Assessment Methodology and Significance Criteria 14 4 Baseline Conditions 18 5 Assessment of Likely Environmental Effects 22 6 Visual Assessment 27 Millerhare’s technical notes on the Views 28 The Views 30 View Sequence 1: Views 1-5 East along Bayswater and Notting Hill Gate 36 1 | view 1(38) | Kensington Church Street – South of Dukes Lane 36 2 | view 2(1) | Kensington Church Street – South of Gloucester Walk | Spring 38 3 | view 3(2) | Kensington Church Street – South of Campden Street 40 4 | view 4(L4) | Kensington Church Street – Opposite Edge Street 42 5 | view 5(L2) | Kensington Church Street – Junction with Kensington Mall 44 View Sequence 2: views 6-9 North along Kensington Church Street 46 6 | view 6(15.1) | Holland Park Avenue – West of Ladbroke Terrace | Winter 46 7 | view 7(16) | Notting Hill Gate – Opposite junction with Campden Hill Road | Spring 48 8 | view 8(L9) | Notting Hill Gate – Outside Jamie Oliver Restaurant 50 9 | view 9(L6) | Notting Hill Gate – Corner with Pembridge Road 52 View Sequence 3: Views 10-13 West along Notting Hill Gate 54 Client 10 | view 10(30) | Bayswater Road – Junction with Kensington Palace Gardens 54 Notting Hill Gate KCS Ltd 11 | view 11(31) | Bayswater Road – Junction with Ossington Street 56 Architect 11n | view 11n(32) | Bayswater Road – Junction with Ossington Street 58 Urban Sense Consultant Architects Ltd 12 | view 12(29) | Notting Hill Gate – by junction with Linden Gardens 60 Planning Consultant 13 | view 13(L3) | Notting Hill Gate – Looking south along Kensington Church Street 62 Quod View Sequence 4: Views 14-17 South east along Kensington Park Road 64 Townscape Consultant 14 | view 14(21) | Westbourne Grove – Junction with Ladbroke Gardens | Winter 64 Tavernor Consultancy 15 | view 15(K) | Outside toilets at Westbourne Grove and Denbigh Road 66 Visualisation 16 | view 16(20) | Kensington Park Road – Opposite junction with Ladbroke Square | Winter 68 Millerhare 2544_8480 | 5 September 2017 11:36 PM Contents (continued) 17 | view 17(19.1) | Kensington Park Road – by Kensington Temple | Winter 70 17n | view 17n(19.1) | Kensington Park Road – by Kensington Temple | Night 72 View Sequence 5: Views 18-29 West and South West 74 18 | view 18(9) | Uxbridge Street – by Farm Place 74 19 | view 19(G) | Outside 25 Campden Hill Square | Winter 76 20 | view 20(12.1) | Campden Hill Square – South | Winter 78 21 | view 21(C) | Outside the back of Youth Hostel in Holland Park 80 22 | view 22(D) | Outside 50 Bedford Gardens | Spring 82 23 | view 23(F) | At junction of Wycombe Square and Aubury Walk 84 23n | view 23n(F) | At junction of Wycombe Square and Aubury Walk | Night 86 24 | view 24(L7) | Kensington Place – Junction with Hillgate Place 88 25 | view 25(6) | Hillgate Place – by Hillgate Street 90 26 | view 26(E) | Outside 16 Kensington Place 92 27 | view 27(L8) | Kensington Place – Junction with Jameson Street 94 28 | view 28(L5) | Hillgate Place – Outside no.1 96 28n | view 28n(L5) | Hillgate Place – Outside no.1 | Night 98 29 | view 29(L1) | Kensington Place – Looking north along Newcombe Street 100 View Sequence 6: Views 30-32: South west from Ladbroke Estate 102 30 | view 30(L) | Outside 1 St John’s Gardens 102 31 | view 31(18) | Ladbroke Road – Junction with Horbury Mews 104 32 | view 32(I) | Outside 25 Ladbroke Road on opposite site of the road | Winter 106 32n | view 32n(I) | Outside 25 Ladbroke Road on opposite site of the road | Night 108 Views Sequence 7: Views 33-38 South from Pembridge Estate 110 33 | view 33(N) | Pembridge Place, at junction with Pembridge Villas | Winter 110 34 | view 34(M) | At junction of Dawson Place and Pembridge Place | Winter 112 35 | view 35(24) | Pembridge Villas – Junction with Chepstow Crescent 114 36 | view 36(25) | Pembridge Square – Outside no.30 116 37 | view 37(27.1) | Linden Gardens – West side | Winter 118 38 | view 38(26) | Pembridge Gardens – Outside no.6 120 38n | view 38n(26) | Pembridge Gardens – Outside no.6 | Night 122 38a | Pembridge Gardens – From Vincent House 124 View Sequence 8: Views 39-42a/b/c and 43-44 West/north west from Kensington Gardens 126 39 | view 39(32) | Kensington Gardens – Lancaster Gate entrance | Spring 126 40 | view 40(35.1) | Kensington Gardens – East of Round Pond | Winter 128 41 | view 41(33.1e) | Kensington Gardens – West of Round Pond | Summer 130 42a | view 42a(33.1f) | Kensington Gardens – Broadwalk looking across Kensington Palace | Summer 132 42b | view 42b(33.1c) | Kensington Gardens – Broadwalk looking across Kensington Palace | Summer 134 42c | view 42c(33.1) | Kensington Gardens – Broadwalk looking across Kensington Palace | Winter 136 2 45 Notting Hill Gate, London W11 3LQ Townscape, Heritage and Visual Impact Assessment September 2017 Contents (continued) 43 | view 43(36.1) | Kensington Palace Gardens | Winter 138 43n | view 43n(36.1) | Kensington Palace Gardens | Night 140 44 | view 44(B) | Outside 56 Palace Gardens Terrace 142 View Sequence 9: Views A1-A5: West from Westminster 144 A1 | view A1(A1) | Hallfield Estate, entrance to Exeter House 144 A2 | view A2(A2) | Talbot Road, looking south along Moorhouse Road 146 A3 | view A3(A3) | Talbot Road, looking south along Courtnell Street 148 A4 | view A4(A4) | Talbot Road, looking south along Sutherland Place 150 A5 | view A5(35) | Kensington Gardens – East of Round Pond 152 Townscape and Conservation Area Assessment 154 Overall Conclusion regarding the visual impact of the Proposed Development on relevant Conservation Areas, Listed Buildings and Registered Parks and Gardens 156 7 Mitigation and Residual Effects 158 8 Summary and Conclusions 160 References 161 Appendices 162 A1 View Locations 162 A2 Details of schemes 172 A3 Accurate Visual Representations 174 A4 Methodology for the production of Accurate Visual Representations 176 September 2017 Townscape, Heritage and Visual Impact Assessment 45 Notting Hill Gate, London W11 3LQ 3 4 45 Notting Hill Gate, London W11 3LQ Townscape, Heritage and Visual Impact Assessment September 2017 1 Introduction 1.1 This Townscape, Heritage and Visual Impact Assessment of evidence. An additional methodology section has been (TVIA) has been prepared by the Tavernor Consultancy Limited included in the THVIA, which wasn’t included in the proof, on behalf of Notting Hill Gate KCS Limited (‘the Applicant’) and the text restructured to ensure that the THVIA is appro- in relation to proposals designed by Urban Sense Consultant priately robust within the context of a planning application: Architects (USCA). Accurate Visual Representations (AVRs) Donald Insall Associates (DIA) had provided the townscape prepared by Millerhare London are included within this and heritage assessment for the previous planning applica- document, and their methodology is set out at Appendix A. tion of 30 November 2015. 1.2 It relates to a new planning application for Newcombe House, 1.5 DIAs’ role in the original application was to assess the impact 43-45 Notting Hill Gate, 39-41 Notting Hill Gate and 161-237 of the Proposed Development on the heritage assets which (odd) Kensington Church Street, London (hereafter referred surround the site, including a number of conservation areas to as the Application Site’), for the: and listed buildings. DIA’s original Report, Historic Buildings and Conservation Areas Assessment, has been updated for Demolition of the existing buildings and redevelop- the revised planning application 2017, to reflect changes to ment to provide office, residential, and retail uses, and policy and minor changes to the scheme. It omits the analysis a flexible surgery/office use, across six buildings (ranging DIA provided regarding the impact on the wider townscape from ground plus two storeys to ground plus 17 storeys), and views within it as this is provided in the current THVIA by together with landscaping to provide a new public the Tavernor Consultancy. The Tavernor Consultancy THVIA square, ancillary parking and associated works. should be read in conjunction with DIA’s Historic Buildings and Conservation Areas Assessment (2017) to which the 1.3 This planning application follows a previous application for THVIA cross-refers. the Application Site [Ref PP/15/07602], dated 30 November 2015, which was refused by notice dated 29 April 2016, and a subsequent appeal made by the Applicant, refused on 12 June 2017 [Appeal Decision: APP/K5600/W/16/3149585]. The refusal specifically relates to the loss of 20 bedsit units used to house rough sleepers. The Inspector’s conclusions on the character and appearance, and design of the Proposed Development were wholly positive, and that the relevant planning policies would be satisfied. The current planning application now incorporates the additional social housing units (see Quod’s planning statement and the architects’ DAS) without having any material effect on the design and appearance of the Proposed Development, and none of the views of the Proposed Development assessed in this THVIA have been changed by Millerhare, since they were reviewed by the Inspector at the Inquiry in February this year. 1.4 This Volume provides a summary of relevant planning policy and a description of the methods used in the assessment. This is followed by a description of the relevant baseline conditions of the Site, and the surrounding area, and an assessment of the likely significant effects of the Proposed Development on the surrounding townscape character, the settings of designated above ground built heritage assets and on stra- tegic and local views, during the demolition and construction works and once the Proposed Development is completed and operational.
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