The Undergraduat. Publication of ~rinitp <!!olltgt / VOL. XVII HARTFORD, CONN., TUESD,AY, NOVEMBER 2, 1920 No.6 FIFTEEN GAMES FOR FIRST MUSICAL CLUB BASKETBALL TEAM. Two . Games This Week. CONCERT NEXT W,EEK. Harvard, Princeton, West Point and Clubs to Appear in Windsor~William Brown Appear on Tentative Davis to Coach Organizations. Schedule. FOOTBALL TEAM TO PLAY N.Y. U. TODAY-SPRINGFIELD COLLEGE The musical clubs got underway HERE SATURDAY-MASSACHUSETTS TEAM HAS WON last Tuesday when a rally was held ONLY ONE GAME. in Alumni Hall. About fifty 'men Dec. 10-C. A. C. at Hartford. •. A+ + !f. •. .b. + • turned out. G. L. Boo,th, '23, pre­ Dec. 18-Middlebury at Hartf<>rd. .. .. .. .. .. .. ....... ..... sided, and the rally first took on a Jan. 14-Hamilton at Hartford. Probable Lineup: business aspect, by the elec.tion of Jan. 21-Brown at Providence. Trinity N.Y. U . Jan. 29-Princeton at Hartford. leaders for the Glee and Mandolin Nordlund r LE Adams Feb. 4-Stevens at Hartford. clubs. E. J. Cullum, '23, o.f Concord, Wallen Feb. 11-Boston College at Hartford. LT Caddell : Wright N. H., was elected to the former of­ Feb. 19-Albany Law School at Al- LG Kerrigan • Kelly Brin, .• fice and E. B. Anderson, '23, of New bany. c Feb. 21-Hamilton at Clinton. • Richman RG Edgar : Britain, to the laJtter. • Johnson (Capt.) Feb. 22-U. S. 'M.A. at West Point. RT Pitt • The first concert of the season, to : Tansill o~· Rose RE Feb. 25-Harvard at Hartford, Bates· • be held in Windsor on Nov.ember 10, Mar. 3-Wesleyan at Hartford. : Murphy QB Bourginon : • Sinclair RHB Shefry : was announced, and then ,W. B. Davis, Mar. 12-C. A. C. at Storrs. director of the choir at the Berkeley Mar. 18-(Pending) at Hartford. Bolles LHB Weinheimer • Mar. 19-Worcester Tech at Worces- .• Kennedy FB Ryan .: · Divinity School at Middletown, 'Wiho ter. has been secured as .the director of .. .. ... .. .. ...... the M.usical Clubs here, was introduc­ I Trinity meets New York University Coming so closely after theN. Y. U. ed. Under his direction, several col­ Fifteen games, including Harvard, in New York in their annual Election game today, the contest with lege songs were sung. The result Princeton and Brown, the first two in Day battle this afternoon. Last year, Springfield Y. M. C. A. College will was good, aoo Mr. Davh adv<>cated Hartford, are on the tentative basket­ for the first time in history, N. Y. U. be a particularly hard .test for the beginning wor~ with the men in col­ ball schedule prepared by Tenison W. registered a victory in the. series. For tealfl. S.pringfield has a h!Javy, ex­ lege who . were members of the club L. Newsom, '22, manager of the 'varsi­ this reason, in addition to the natural perienced outfit that pl~ys 'harsJ. foot­ last year or in preV'ious years, and to ty five. Nine of the games are to be rivalry •between the teams, the battle ball from the kick-off to the final chOose the other members by individ­ played in Hartford and the other six should rank well in comparioon with whistle. The 10 to 0 score of their ual tryouts at the regular rehearsals out of town. As the schedule now the finish fight between Harding and game with Boston College, conquerers of the club. The old men are: Brill, stands there will be a three-day trip Cox (with Harding money giving big of Yale, gives an idea of their caliber. Booth, T. S. Bradley, S. H. Cullum, over Washington's Birthday, during odds). Although the Democratic Year af.ter year Springfield turns out E. J. Cullum, Franchere, Herzer, which the team will meet AlbaTIJY' Law rooster will have little· cause for gleE) teams that hold Yale and Harvard to Pressey, Puels and Reddish. To these School, Hamilton, and the Military when the shades of evening steal three touchdowns. This season Bow­ are added th~ men in the choir. Be­ Academy team '"at Wes•t Point. Har­ across the Hog River at five p. m. doin was defeated 21 to 0. Two sides this, the large number of other vard is taking up basketball as a ma­ men in college who can. plaY' or sing, jor sport this year for the first time, (Standard Time), Coach Lamberton weeks later Trinity and Bowdoin but with its large number of men to and the Trinity squad are quietly con­ played an even game so far as gro~nd lends a very hopeful aspect to the draw from, will undoubtedly put out fident that a certain well-known ban­ gaining goes. outlook of .the clubs. About twenty-five men for the Glee a good team. One oif the best games tam rooster will make enough noise Excepting for injuries in today's Club and eight men for the M:andolin on the schedule will be ·the Princeton to drown the death cries of Democ­ game, Coach Lamberton will send the game here, which will come on, the Club will be taken to the Windsor Saturday of Junior Week. racy. same lineup against Springfield that concert on the tenth. A program to Prospects are very bright this year N. Y. U. possesses a star and a starts in New York, except that last an hour is· being ,planned. Fol­ for a winning five. Qf last year's real menace in Captain Weinheimer, Bleecker will again be in shape to lowing this will be informal dancing. Rehearsals of the club will be held team, which suffered largely from who was personally responsible for circle the ends and other)Vise cause from seven to eight on Monday, Tues­ lack of experience as a team, only the touchdown registered against Co­ much discomfiture iu Massachusetts. Van Orden and Leeke are lost. The day, Thursday and Friday nights, un- two guards, Tansill and Nordlund, lumbia, but he has nothing that should Who he will replace in the backfield 1til the first concert. Director Davis who starred consis•tently through the not be stopped by the blue and gold is a problem, for Kennedy has will be here on Monday and Friday season, will both be back in togs when warriors before he gets started. The been showing up exceptionally well nights, .and the leaders of the two clubs will take charge of .the work on the first call for practice is sounded remainder of the enemy is husky and as a line plunger, a department the other two nights. on thP middle of November. Canner scrappy, but contaius no stars . which has been rather weak hereto­ and Brill, who altertllated at center Against this combination Coach Lam­ fore. last year, will both be out as well as The blue and gold line will be con­ Brainard, Mohnkern, Ransom and berton will send a team that was siderably outweighed on Saturday, '15--Colonel Charles W. Bur.pre lhas Hoard of las-t year's team. Among lashed into an ugly mood by the Wil­ but the aggressiveness it has shown appointed the Rev. Saan.uel R. Edsall, the new men who are reputed to be liams defeat, arrd which has been recently should more than balance the Trinity, '15, the new curate at Trini­ skillful men in the court game, are showing more fight and aggressive­ lack of weight. Springfield has won ty Church, cha.plain of the FirSit In­ Sinclair, Bolles and Kennedy of the ness in the past week than at any only one game this seas·on and is out fantry, C. S. G. He takes the place football team. time .this season. The line has been after another scalp. On the other of the Rev. M!orris F. A'lling, whore­ At present the chief pr·oblem facin1g shifted again and it begins to look hand Trinity is going to return to its signed because of his duties as state the managemen,t of the team is secur- as though the proper combination had own field and expects to keep its home secretary of the Inter-:Ohurch Wloo-ld (Continued on page 3.} (Continued on page 3.) games in the "won'' column. Movement. SPRINGFIELD AT HARTFORD SATURDAY ' 2 THE TRIPOD ... Ev·en to the casual student of current history, the importance of the Far : ON THE HILL ~ ~be~ripob East and its people is now apparent. : IN OTHER YEARS. : Institutions of learning in .the United TRINITY COLLEG;E, : Ten Years Ago. : OUR STATIONERY States, however, have been slow to : Trinity eleven defeated Wes- : Hartford, Conn. recognize thi~, and Trinity is. the first • leyan for the fourth time in • SECTION Member, Eastern Intercollegiate Newapape~ college in this country to put such a : four years. : Aasociation. course in its curriculum, aLthough IN CORNER STORE : Trinity gave Colgate her fi:.J~xt :. Publiahed WeeklT throachoat the Collece T•r. Columbia University is at present dis­ • defeat in a home game for ~ Is complete in every wa.y. Writ­ cussing the advisability of doing so. • years. ing papers of all kinds. Foun­ Subacribera are urced to report promptly Five Years Ago. • anT aeriou.• irregularity in the receipt of The tain Pens of all the best makes. Tripod. All complaints and buaineaa commu­ N. Y. U. cancelled the Elec• : Ink pencils so handy to carry nieations should be addressed to Circulation : tion Day game with Trinity. with you. Manaz-er. WHO HAS THE LEMON : Bas·ketball started. Personal Xmas Cards-Let us The columna of The Tripod are at all times SQUEEZER? epen to alumni, undergraduates, and othera • One Year Ago.
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