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STATISTICAL PO(ET BOOK OF eOA 1987-88 DIRECTORATE OF PLANNING, SITISnCS & EVALUAnON GOVERNMENT C60A NIEPA C D0503 With the Compliments of^ G.V. KAMAT Director Illnd Flo o r, Junta Annexe. Directorate of Planning, Swami' Vivekanand Road, Statistics and Evaluation, Pcanaoi-Goa. Government of 6oa 1 f ■:'.'uhj. of Educationdi it .1 ;■ ■ ■: . Animistration I Mari.NcwDelhi-UO®li V 7) - < i: o f GOA lfRRPA<gB "’StatistUcal PoKk^t Boolk'' is « r^guUar pubUcation o f th(e DJirectonvte off PUatmiing^ S1tati9tic9 antil Cvatuati«n, the cuvretnt ism e Ibeinig Uhe tw«nty>-/(rst in the acn«s and the fUrat fo r (Joa wWchi attaimed SUateftood on May 30, 1987. It ipresents im a coimpact form meful ancio-economic informatiom ther-ehy attemiptirug to fkilfiU the ever increasing demand ffor faclts and figture* about thm changes which are taking pUace in tihe ecrmomy. Adltniniistrattv9ly, Goa #ias been (diviided intto ftwo diatricts 'vtz., Niorth and Sk>uth G«a. Whereiwer possible <data have beten fgivwi <ttstrict~wise attso. TThe Poaket Boiok its far 1S87-88, however, information regardiing SecreHariws, Joitnt Seciretwiea, Undar Secretaries and HetadSi o f DegMrt.memts, >is ats ora date. lit is hioped tOmt ihUs (tublicatton will serve as a useful reft'erence book of bxisic stotisttics to all those seeking such information. The Diirecttorate ackTiowledges with fgratitude the co-opeirati(on extendted by various dovmmment Departmemts and the .Semi-G-oveimmient and private agencies in makUng I■vatlabiie tthe reqtuisite dkita- Siug^stitons to/wards improwemient in quality amd coverage cof the rutmre releases^ are al'ways welcome. JN A6RAWAL Director TEL. No. 4935 Panaji-<ioca. Dated; 29tth March, I989> SYMBOLS The folkw lnf syabols and abbreviations have been used tlhroii^MMt tke Po ciiet Book N. A. : Not available. N. A. S .: Not available separately. N. R. : Not reported. - f Nil or negligflile. (P ); Provisional. (R )R evised (F) ; F in a l, GOVERNOR Dr. Gopal Singh COUNCIL OF MINISTERS Phone Numbers L Shrl Pralapsingh Raqjt Rane - Chief Minister, incharge 3f the following departments ; i) Educaton, Art and Culture 3970 ii) Finance 4170 iii) Forests 4995 iv) Home ticluding Transport 29 v)Personiel,Administrative Reforms, (Sanquelim) Genera Administration and Vigilance vi) P. W. D. including W ater Supply vii) Town and 'Country Planning IIL S tri Shaikh Has&an Haroon - Minister fo r Law and kidustries : 6371 i) Law and Judiciary 3169 ii) Industri»s and Mines 4732 iii) Legislarive Affairs 2267 iv) Public Health CVasco) v) Revenue UL Stri Francisco Caetano Sardiqha - Minister for Agriculture : 4833 i) Agriculture 4971 ii) Animal Hqsbandry and Veterinary Services iiii) Fisheries iv)Food and Civil Supplies and Price Control v) Planning IV. Shri Karish Narayan Prabhu Zantye Minister for Social Welfare ; 4845 i) Social Welfare including Welfare of 3648 Scheduled Caste^ and Scheduled Tribes 4713 jnd other Backward Classes 24B ii) Inland Waterways (Bicholim) iiii) Weights and Measures VI PfPhone Niutnlmbers V. Dr. Luis Proto Barbosa - (Minister for Tbwisn and Urban «eve1opRient: 31)191 i) Urban Development Including Mun1ci> ( 64 palities and excluding Town Planning. ( Camsauauli m} i1) Housing including Housing Board Hi) Co-operation iv) Power v) Protocol vi)' Tourism vii) Science, Technology and Environment VL Shri Valkunth 6ovind Dessai - Hinlster for Labour and Eap lo yaien t t 42 277 i) Labour.and Employment 200)037 ii) Panchayati R{^j and Community Development ( Manrgao) iii) Provedoria and Public Assistance iv) frrigation vn. Shri Francisco Monte O’ Cruz - Minister of State for Sports : 48(803 i) Spwrts & Youth Affairs (Independent charge' .219,922 11) Industries and Mines (Mairgaao) 111) Panchayati Raj & Community Development VHL Shri Subhash Shlrodkar - Minister of State 44483 for Agriculture : 1) Information (Independent charge) 449 ii) Forests (Sirodda) ill) Agriculture and Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Services Iv) Co-operation v) Town and Country Planning The Departments which are not Included in this list shall continue to be under the Chief Minister. VII 60 A VIDHAN SABHA Speaker SM Dayanand Ganesh Narvekar Phone Nos. Office: 5492 (Panajf) 4050 2591 ( M apusa) Res: 5494 Pana^Ji) 4050 Panaji) 2791 Mapusi) 2591 M apusa) Deputy Speaker Shrl Shanbhu B. Bandekar Office: 3932 (Panaii Res: 3985 (Pane^jl) Sr. Nameofthe Name of the elected member Phone No. Asseibly party affiliation and their ’ numbers Consttuency residential address (Res.) 1 2 _________________ 3_______________________ 4 BARIEZ 1. Calahgu:e Shri Malik Shrikant Keshav 6244 (M.G.P.) (Pani^) 401, Alto Pilerne, Bardez-Goa. 2. Mapusa Shri Diucar C handrashekar 2558 Shivram (M.G.P.) (Mapusa) 264-A, Shivram Niwas, Feira Alta, Mapusa, Bardez-Goa. 3. Sioliln'i Shri Naik Ashok Tukaram 2659 (M.G.P.) 2239 -H. No. 979, Tarchi Bhat, (Mapusa) Siolim, Bardez-Goa. VIII GOA VIDHAN SABHA(Contd.) Sr. Name of the Name of the elected membeij Phoneie No. Assembly party affiliation and their iNumberers Constituency residential address (Res.).) 1 2 3 4 4. Tivim Shri Narvekar Dayanand Ganesh 5494 4 (I.N.C.) 4050 0 H. No. 127, Du1er,Mapusa, Bardez,, (Pan^i(Panegi ) Goa. 279 1 259] 1 (Mapusa 0 BICHOLIM 5. Bicholim Shri Prabhu Zantye Harish 4713 3 Narayan (I.N.C.) 3648 3 Bicholim-Goa. (Panajji) ) 248 i (Bichblim)i) 6. Pale Shri Verenkar Chandrakant Vishwanath (I.N.C.) Sunder Peth, Sanquelim-Goa. CANACONA 7. Canacona Shn Gaonkar Vassu Paik (I.N.C.) Ziltawadi, Gaondongrem, Canacona-Goa. HORMUGAO 8. Cortalim Or. Barbosa Luis Proto 64 (I.N.C.) (Cansaulinm) H. No. 156, Cansaulim-Go'a. 9. Dabolim Shri D'Souza Simon Peter 3366' (I.N.C.) (Vasco)) Lotus Apartments, Francisco Luis Gomes Road, Vasco da Gama, Goa IX GOA VIDHAN SABHA (Contd. Sr. Namjofthe Name of the elected member Phone No. Ass»mbly party affiliation and their Numbers ConSituency residential address (Res.) 1 2 3 ______________4 10. Hormjgao Shri Shaikh Hassan Haroon 3169 (I.N.C.) 4732 H.No. 178, Or. Francisco Luis (Pan^^ji) Gomes Road, Vasco-da-Gama^ 2267 Goa. (Vasco) PERNEN 11. Mandiem Shri KhalapRamakant Dattaram 2708 (M.G.P.) (Mapusa) 188-A Feira Alta, Mapusa, Bardez-Goa. 12. Pernen Shri Bandekar Shambhu Bhau 3985 (I.N.C.) H.No. 418,Muddavadi,Saligao, Bardez-Goa. FONDA 13. Marcam Shri GaunkarBabuso Sanvlo 7460 (M.G.P.) (Porvorim) Wadi Talaulim, Post Durthat Ponda-Goa. 14. Ponda Shri Naik RaviSitaram, (M.G.P.) 108 i Sadar, Ponda, Goa. (Ponda) 15. Siroda Shri Shirodkar Subhash Ankush (I.N.C.) H. No. 1144, Bhatwada, Siroda, 49 Goa. (Siroda) QUE»EM 16. Quepen Shri Dessai Vaikunth Govind 20037 (I.N.C.) (Margao) Ravanfond, Margao, Salcete, Goa. eOA VIOHAN SABHA (Contd.) Sr. Name of the Name of the elected member^ Phaone No. Assembly party affiliation and their N'umhbers Constituency residential address (Rees.) 1 2 3 44 SATARl 17. SataH Shri Rane Pratapsing Raoji 41170 (I.N.C.) 49995 Sanquelim-Goa. (Ptanj^nji) 229 (Saniqueelim) SANGUEN 18.. Rivona Shn Velip Prakash Shankar (M.G.P.) Adnem, Balli, Cuncolim, 204442 Goa. (IHarrgao) 19. Sanguem Shri Naik Pandu Vassu (I.N.C.) H.No. 16, Bazarwada,Sanguem, Goa. SALCETE 20. Benaulim Shri D'Cruz Francisco Monte 2W 22 Piedade. (I.N.C.) { M argjao) 33, Amonte, New Market, Margao-Goa. 21. Cuncolim Shri Fernandes Manu (I.N.C.) 205563 H. No.64, Betui, Salcete^ Goa. ( M argjao) 22. Curtorim Shri Sardinha Francisco 49)71 Caetano (I.N.C.) (Panjtiji) Ungirim, Curtorim, Salcete, Goa. 23. Margao Shri Bhembre Uday Laximikant 216»61 (Independent) ( M argjao) Gosalia Building, Margao, Goa. XI GOA VIOHAN SABHA (Concld.) Sr. Nane of tie Name of the elected membei^ Phone No. Assembly party affiliation and their Numbers Constituercy residential address (Res.) 1 2 3 4 24. Wavelim Shri Faleiro Luizinho (Goa 21779 Congress) (Margao) •LUCHEL* Caminho de Monte, Borda, Margao, Goa. TBUADI 25. C^umbarjua Dr. Jhalmi Kashinath Govind (M.G.P.) Chiraulwada, Marce>a, Goa 26. P;anj(ji Shri Gonsalves JoSo Baptista 3950 (I.N.C.) (PanAji) Ma1a,Fontainhas, Panaji-Goa. 27. Scanta-Cru2 Shri Branco Francisco Afonso 4036 (Independent) 5277 I H. No. 299-199, St. Inez, Pan^- (St. Inez) I Goa. 28. Saanto-Andre Dr. Cuncolienkar Shripad Lax man 3150 (I.N.C.) (Panaji) Boca de Vaca, Panetji-Goa. Besidis^the Central Government has nominated to the Goa Assembly three women representatives:- 29. Smt. Phyllis Y. Virginia 2503 D'Souza Faria. (I.N.C.) (Mapusa) Morod, Feira Alta, Mapusa-Goa. 30. Smt. Sulochana Katkar, (I.N.C.) 165 Sandora, ponda-Goa. (Ponda) 31. Smt. Sangeeta Gopal Parab (I.N.C.) C/o Mr. Gopal Parab, Near Town ______ Hall, Pernem.____________________ I.N.C. Indian National Congress M.G.P.. Miharasht-awadi Gomantak Party. XII PARLIAMENTARY CONSTITUENCIES W. NSme o t the Name of the elected/nominated Phone No. Parliamentary member, party affiliation andt ' numbers Constituency their residential address ( (Res.) 1 2 3 4 1. Mormugao Shri Eduardo M. Faleiro-INC i) Goa address H. No. 626. Raia, 2 20800 Salcete - Goa (MMargao) ii) Delhi address 6, Janpath, New Delhi - 110 O il OR North Block Gate No.2 30D15220 R; No. 165, New Delhi-110 OIL.(NNew Delhi; 2. Paneoi Shri Shantaram L. Naik-INC i) Goa address ? 22222 Comba, Margao-Goa (fMargao) ii) Delhi address 213, Vithalbai Patel House Rafi Marg, :381474 New Delhi - 110 OOU Ne^w Delhi) 3. (Nominated) Shri Purushottam Kakodkar -INC D Goa address Maganlal Sadan, Swami Vivekanand Road, Panaji - 403 001. 11) Delhi address J, Mahadev Road, 3384900 New Delhi - 110 001. tNe<w Delhi) 4. (Elected) Shri John Fernandes-IN C DGoa address Near St. Peter Chapel, 5^36 Caranzalem, Tiswadi-Goa 4482 (Panaoi) Ii) Delhi address 8, South Avenue, New Delhi - 110 001. 4461 XIII SEOETARIES TO THE GOVERNMENT ^Sr. Marne Designation Telephone No.
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