Audi'cv L- Mfl^tdock* State Capitol, Hartford Entered at Southincrton Post Office SOUTHINGTON. CONN., a.s secoiul fl;i5:s mail. Vol. XLVl. No. .14. .\ufi. 21. li»19 This Soldiers’ Memorial ,nr\n TPn ni?rif\/i Has All the Wars On It T D U ’L L D O Hartfbrds Shopping Center Southington Mei iorial Even Carries Nam es of Those mjXHJDVtJ From Town VVho Fought in Revolution—To B E T T E R a t Be Dedicated A ugust 30th AN APPEALING GROUP OF NEW FALL HATS SHOWN AT OUR MILLINERY DEPARTMENT SURELY IT WAS AN INSPIRATION WHEN FASHION SUGGESTED THESE STUNNING HATS FOR THE FALL. ^'^STI^ BECOmNG ARE THESE HATS MADE OF PANNE VELVET IN SOLID COLORS, W aterbury, Conn. Plush, Lvons, Also two tonned effects, such as Navy and Grey, Brown, Beaver, and Black. Ostrich once more has come into its own and ogives a verv chic touch to these new Girls and Misses Hat.=^. See also oui di.^plav of Smart Turbans, Roll Brim, . Sailors and Larpfe Droopinjr Brims. Take Com plete Horne selections fro mthis Grand Showing of Fall Hats at ^Moderate Prices. W E O FFER A TR EM EN D O U S STOC K OF U P-TO -TH E-M INUTE F u r n i s h e r s STYLES IN EVERY FASHIONABLE FUR TERMS TO SUIT --- HAVE YOU TAKEN ADVANTAGE OF OUR :VIIDSU:\IMER FUR SALE? YOU SURELY WILL PROFIT WITH THE SAVLNGS FROM 10 per cent. TO 35 per cent. ON EVERY PIECE OF FUR. There was no such tremen­ dous increase last year or previous years when furs were high. It was never so important to buy furs in August as this year. Our customeis know that every order goes forward without dela>. They ve leanied to depend on our enormous stock and we never disappoint. This refers to snappy styles and big values. All purchases will he held in our cold storage vault free of charge until November 1st. We will hold your purchase on payment ol U up to Novem­ 0 . C MOECKEL ber first, Due Noveml)er first if requested. HUDSON SEAL COAT, Dyed Muskrat, beaver collar and cuffs, or skunk or squii’rel collar and cuffs, 36 in. long. November price $145.00 August Sale Price $392.00. AUTOMOBILE PAINTING AND I MUSKRAT COAT, 30 in., plain sealite or raccoon collar and cuffs. Novem­ ber price $279.50. August Sale Price $202.50. REPAIRING STOLE OF SEALINE, 72 in. long, with belt. November price $07.50. August Sale Price is $52.50. a HIS if- the tiniqur soKIiers’ memorial monument which will be unveiled in Southington ou AuKUst 30th, one of the three days of the home-com­ RACCOON COAT, 30 in., with ))order. November price $215. August Sale T ing and ^pldiers’ welcome celebration the town Is planning for August Price $187.50. 29thi30th and 31>t. High Grade W ork a Specialty Because fts Tjronze fah ets will record the names of the Southington sol­ diers of all wars, from th< Revolutionary to and including the World War 45 in. RACCOON COAT with border. November price $325.00. August Just closed, it will prohabl.' be the only one of Its kind in the United States. Sale Price $255.00. The Great War names,, tot; ling 425, will occupy two of the three by four foot bronze tablets, while the r -mes of soldiers of all the other wars will be dls- tnbyted over t’-ie tv^^o r iablet?.. The Largest Garage Devoted Exclusively to Auto Painting NUTRIA COAT, 30 in., sport model. November price $245.00. August The monument, which Is to be of bronze and Maine granii'e surmounted in'the State Sale Price $195.00. by an 87-foot steel flag pole, is to be the gift to the village of the Peck, Stow & Wilcox Company, the principal manufacturer in Southington, as a bit of observance of the fact that this summer marks the 1 0 0 th anniversary of the founding of the business by Seth Peck. The monument will cost in the neigh­ borhood of $10,000. The Peck, Stow & Wilcox Company, in fact, is financing practically all of the three-day celebration, which includes a big community picnic at Lake Compounce, an historical pageant, speech-making by famous Estim ates Gladly Given Painting Office Hours: 1 el 116-5 public men, etc. Papering 9 a. m. to 9 p. m. The monument Is being cut by Thomas F. Jackson & Co., of Waterbury. Sundays and Holidays, 9-12. Th« bronze tablets are coming from the ataller of Paul E. Cabaret & Co., New Hardwood Dr. J. E. Conger York City. Telephone Connection WEST CHESHIRE, CONN Finishing De . i . R ee b Dentist GOVERNMENT FOOD STUFFS. CO-OPERATIVE STORE TO BE OPENED SOON. Deetist The local post office is in receipt of instructions regarding the sale of var­ The movement for the establish­ Concientious W ork at a New Office: 252 Main Street Ernest A. Hobson Room 15. New Britain, Ct. ious articles of foodstuffs which are ment of a co-operative store, mem- tion of which was made in these col­ PLANTSVILLE, • : CONN. Moderate Fee. Telephone 1751 to be sold by the government. The 5 Center St., Southington umns last week, has now reached the Telephone. sale of these articles is to be taken point where those in charge have care of by the postoffices throughout rented the Johnson building on Center BICYCLES the country and an allotment assigned street now occupied by Bailey’s Pool Limousines and Some Class to each first, second and third cla.ss room. Open Cars for g ! office. That is, each of the above and = ^ to those new The movement, which started a- Hire. classed offices may order up to a cer­ mong the local Italian people, is being I Livery always Genual taiaoe tain amount of goods from the gov­ encouraged by others and it is under­ at your service. Ralston ernment. All orders must be placed stood that stock subscribed, at $50 a SPORTING GOODS I Call 42 Thos. M. Rich. Southington with the postma-sters and may be done share, will amount to about $9,000. Brown at the local office any time during the The merchandise will consist of a Ailing Rubber Co. IF YOU ARE IN TROUBLE PHONE 42. English Bals on the Longwood last, working hours of the office. A price general line of goods. with imitation list is available there and also a list of the articles which may be bought. BLAKESLEE EMPLOYES New Britain M e r i d e n CENTRAL GARAGE The orders may be placed any time OUT ON STRIKE after the 18th until the amount of W I N G stuff assigned the town is used up. About two hundred employes of the VULCANIZING TIRES AND TUBES Following is the allotment which the I Blakeslee Forging Co. at Plantsville town may order: 1 lb. cans of beans, went out on strike Monday afternoon I Your size of Tires and Tubes are always on hand. 1.002; 2 lb. cans, 12; 3 lb. cans, 1,752; following a refusal by the company I string beans, 2 lb. cans, 246; corned to grant demands for a 30 per cent I Your Size of STORAGE BATTERIES are also on hand. TIP beef, 1 lb. cans, 1,579; 2 lb. cans, 1,8% increase in wages and a nine hour 6 lb. cans, 204; cherries, 2^2 lb. cans, day. The strike committee also ask­ We will call for your tires which are to Price? fl less than niaifeet 84; corn, 2 lb. cans, 2,268; roast beef, ed for recognition of the union, to be vulcanized and batteries to be bought early—only 1 lb. cans, 924; 2 lb. cans, 912; beans, which 95 per cent of the employes are issue, 1,700 lbs; flour issue, 1,152 lbs; charged. said to belong. ■ $ 1 1 . 5 0 ! peas, 2 lb. cans, 2,844; rice, 200 lbs; When the demands of the union I pepper 1-4 lb. cans, 96; soap, toilet, were first presented seveial weeks a- WE INSPECT YOUR BATTERIES AND MOTORS cakes, 300; soup, vegetable, cans, uint, go the company gave notice that it FREE OF CHARGE. 144; pineapple, .small cans, 186; tom­ would deal with any .'^tiike as it dealt atoes, 10 lb, cans, 156; bacon, 12 lb, with one seven years ago. At that cans, 156; bacon, 12 lb. cans, 607. time stiike-breakei's were imported, CENTRAL GARAGE Any of these ai ticles may be order­ boarded and piotected at the factory T. M. RICH, Proprietor. Main St., Southington, Conn. ed from the local postmaster to whom although the strikers conducted the the money for the soods will be given; strike in an orderly manner. The MERIDEN to the pj'ice of the goods must be add­ men now feel that it will be impossible 84-86 South Main Street ed the necessary amount to pay the to import strike-bicakers with labor Closed Wednesday Afternoon parcel post charges fi-om New Yoik conditions as they aie now. Your Nearest Place and Your Best STUDENTS and Evening. to this town, which will be five cents The Blakeslee Forj^inj? Co. has been Just one year a^o this month ,the CONNECTICUT BUSINESS foi- the first pound and -rtHd!' ceM’for bijsy on a contract foi- the New I)e- COLLEGE of Hartford opened this Now Britain branch. Increas­ Place to buy clothes for men and boys each succeeding pound up to 125 lbs, partuic company and it is hoped that ing business has for the second time in twelve months compelled us V I S I T T H E which is the limit of any package a satis facto ly atrieement will soon be to enlarge our quarters.
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