COME EARLY, STAY LATE. NO WAIT. The swankiest spot in downtown Allentown. Now you can get VIP ENTRY to all PPL Center events, games & concerts through The Dime at the Renaissance® Allentown Hotel. 12 NORTH SEVENTH ST / ALLENTOWN / THEDIMEALLENTOWN.COM VOL. 4 ISSUE 11 SPRING 2018 TABLE OF CONTENTS CONTRIBUTOR’S BIOS EDITOR’S NOTE 3 Lenora Dannelke is an independent journalist who I HAVE TWO DADS 6 covers food, travel or anything fun. She lives in Old Allentown and loves a good Bloody Mary. She is owned by a 12-year-old rescued KAY HARING 8 boxer named Scoobie Look for her most Saturday afternoons at the TRANSGENDER HISTORY IN ARMED FORCES 11 Allentown Farmer’s Market. REHOBOTH GUEST HOUSE 12 TO THE CROSS & BACK 13 2OLYHU5HLOO\LVWKH'HYHORSPHQW0DQDJHUIRU%UDGEXU\6XO OLYDQ/*%7&RPPXQLW\&HQWHU7KH\DUHDOVRDZULWHU7DXUXVFDWORY WORKING WHILE TRANS 17 HUDQGVRFLDOMXVWLFHDGYRFDWH KEITH HARING 21 BIANCA DEL RIO 25 BACH CHOIR TURNS 120 26 Fernando Alcántar is a former denominational leader NEW HOPE LODGE 28 for the Foursquare Church in Mexico, the United Methodist Church LISA LAMPANELLI 30 in the United States, and globetrotting missionary leader for Azusa 3DFL¿F8QLYHUVLW\+HLVQRZDJD\DWKHLVWDFWLYLVWDQGDXWKRURIµTo BEYOND THE BINARY 31 the Cross and Back: An Immigrant’s Journey from Faith to Reason¶ DJ TRACY YOUNG 32 ZZZJRVSHORIUHDVRQFRP CARSON K. & KRISTINE W. 34 When Gary Gaugler, Jr isn’t saving the world at his office LGBT NIGHT @ THE SANDS 36 job, he enjoys writing his book series and playing video games. His LADY BUNNY 37 passions include cats, shenanigans, and weekend cocktails (though perhaps not in that order). He resides in Allentown with his BRANDON STANSELL 38 husband, Steve. MARGARITAS! 40 MICHAEL LUCAS 42 Corinne Goodwin serves as the Webmaster and social coordinator for Lehigh Valley Transgender Renaissance, a support COMMUNITY/WOMEN’S CENTER UPDATE 44 group for transgender individuals that serves the Lehigh Valley and surrounding counties. After serving in executive capacities for Fortune 50 companies she started her own consulting firm in 2010. SNEAK PEEK!EEK! If you see her out and about be sure to say hello! Brad Scott is a local vinyl dj with night’s all over the valley. This is his first time writing for the journal with his interview of Tracy Young. Liz Bradbury is the Director of the Training Institute of the Bradbury-Sullivan LGBT Community Center and has been an activist since she ran an LGBT committee in grad school in 1979. She’s written over 400 published articles on LGBT issues, and is the national award winning author of the lesbian detective novels: The Maggie Gale Mysteries. Beth Goudy and Carol Stevens were religiously married in 2007 and legally married in 2009 in Beth’s home state 34 25 38 of Iowa. They love movies, cooking and being spiritual nerds. Beth pastors Metropolitan Community Church of the Lehigh Valley. Carol is an OBGYN nurse at St. Luke’s University Health Network and is a certified Faith Community Nurse. Contact us at [email protected], or Jason Leonhard is a senior at Muhlenberg College double- Gaugler-Libby, LLC majoring in music composition and media & communications. In his PO Box 421 free time, he plays piano, performs stand-up comedy, and naps. Stockertown, PA 18083 [email protected] like us on FB and visit our website: www.thegayjournal.net The opinions and views expressed by our contributors are not necessarily that of The Gay Journal, Gaugler-Libby, LLC or our advertisers. ON THE COVER: Brandon Stansell photographed by the RIKER BROTHERS 2 Welcome to the Spring Issue My longtime collaborator and our designer Dan Mare is taking a break starting with this issue. He is a new daddy(not that kind of daddy) and has some increased responsibility at his job. We wish him the best with everything and I thank him from the bottom of my heart for his talent, energy and dedication to making each issue “the best yet”. In his place I thought about doing the layout on an etch-a-sketch, but I kept dropping it and erasing the whole effing thing. Instead I Stephen Libby Editor-in-Chief was referred to student and extremely talented designer, Jason Leonhard. Please help me welcome Jason and wish him well in his new position (*snicker*). This issue is packed with so much fabulous awesomeness from our contributors. The aforementioned fab awe includes interviews with celebrities like home-grown Carson Kressley and his new performance partner Kristine W., the f*cking foul-mouthed Lisa Lampanelli, Liz Bradbury talks with Kay Haring, DJ Brad Scott Smith talks with DJ Tracey Young, two of your favorite drag performers Lady Bunny & Bianca del Rio, adult entertainer and documentarian Michael Lucas and 1RUWKDPSWRQ6W(DVWRQ3$ PHUFDQWLOHKRPHFRP:HG6DW6XQ truly one of the sweetest guys I’ve ever interviewed country and cover boy Brandon Stansill. It f.a. doesn’t stop there. For the price of admission 9LVLWRXUVHFRQGORFDWLRQDW you also get much great reading on Trans People in the Workplace, The WKH(DVWRQ3XEOLF0DUNHW Bach Choir’s 120th Anniversary, Beyond The Binary, the Art of Keith 1RUWKDPSWRQ6W Haring (check out our special tear off back cover), recipes for Margaritas (yum!), vacation destinations Rehoboth Guest House and New Hope Lodge, Allentown Women’s Center Update, Mark & Nate’s adoption, Liz & Carol’s In Community, History of Trans in the Armed Services, The Sands LGBT Night and Fernando discusses going To the Cross & Back. A HUGE shout out of appreciation to all our fantastic advertisers. Your ongoing support is greatly appreciated. We literally couldn’t do it with out you. Readers, please contact me and let me know what you liked. If there is something you didn’t care for I will refer you to Lisa Lampanelli. Good 4TH ANNUAL GALA luck with that! Seriously, we love feedback. Cheers, Stephen Libby, Editor-in-Chief A Black & White Ball Summer ‘18 Ad Rates: BENEFITTING THE LGBT BUSINESS COUNCIL SCHOLARSHIP FUND All prices listed are per insertion. FRIDAY 6-11PM Inside Front Cover $750 JUNE 15 $100 SINGLE 2018 $190 COUPLE Full page $500 Half Page $350 + plus BEAR CREEK MOUNTAIN RESORT Quarter Page $200 your print ad will also COCKTAILSaa DINNERaa DANCINGaa SILENT & LIVE AUCTION appear on our new website Business Card $150 thegayjournal.net Inside Back Cover $750 Back Cover $1000 RSVP: [email protected] 3 NovusACS Plus! Woods-Ad-8-5x11-MECH.pdf 1 1/18/18 11:07 AM C M Y CM MY CY CMY K I Have Two Dads Mark, Nate, & Benn Stephen Libby: A little background: How long had you been together? Careers? What made you decide to have a child? And why adoption? 0DUN 1DWH:H¶YHEHHQWRJHWKHUDOPRVW\HDUV,QWURGXFHGWKURXJK\RX6WHYH0DUN LVDODZ\HUDQG1DWHLVDPDQDJHURIFDVHPDQDJHPHQW VRFLDOZRUN DW/9+1%RWKRI XVDOZD\VNQHZWKDWZHZDQWHGDFKLOG:HGLVFXVVHGLWHDUO\RQLQRXUUHODWLRQVKLSDQG LWZDVRQHRIWKHWKLQJVWKDWGUHZXVWRJHWKHU:HZRXOGKDYHGRQHLW\HDUVDJREXWWKH WLPLQJZDVQHYHUULJKWEHWZHHQHGXFDWLRQVFDUHHUVMREFKDQJHVDQGWKHOLNH7KHQRQH GD\ZHPXWXDOO\GHFLGHGWKDWWKH³WLPLQJ´ZRXOGQHYHUUHDOO\EHSHUIHFWDQGDVVRRQDV ZHGLGWKLQJVIHOOLQWRSODFHZLWK%HQQHWWDOPRVWLPPHGLDWHO\$GRSWLRQMXVWPDGH VHQVHIRUXV«WKHUHDUHVRPDQ\FKLOGUHQZKRQHHGKRPHV1DWHVDZWKLV¿UVWKDQG ZKHQKHZRUNHGDW/HKLJK&RXQW\&KLOGUHQDQG<RXWKSULRUWRKLVFXUUHQWMRE:H WDONHGDERXWVXUURJDF\EXWUXOHGLWRXWHDUO\RQ Dad’s night out SL: Had you previously decided that you wanted to adopt a minority child? How did your family and friends react? 0 1:HKDGQRUDFHRUVH[UHVWULFWLRQVZKHQZHHQWHUHGWKHSURFHVVHYHU\RQHQHHGVORYHDQGDIDPLO\0\SDUHQWV KDGSDVVHGE\WKHWLPHZHDGRSWHGRXUVRQEXWWKHUHVWRIP\IDPLO\DQG1DWH¶VZHUHH[WUHPHO\VXSSRUWLYHDVZHUH RXUIULHQGV(YHU\RQHVWLOOLV³,WWDNHVDYLOODJH´ 6/:KDWKDYHWKHEHQH¿WVDQGFKDOOHQJHVEHHQVRIDU":KDWGR\RXH[SHFWWKHEHQH¿WVDQGFKDOOHQJHVWREH moving forward? 0 17KHUHLVQRZD\WRGHVFULEHWKHIHHOLQJRIKDYLQJDFKLOGWKHERQGIRUPHGDQGWKHWUXO\XQFRQGLWLRQDOORYH *HWWLQJ%HQQWRVOHHSZDVDJUHDWFKDOOHQJH+HZDVRQDWKUHHKRXUVOHHSZDNHF\FOHIRUDERXWWKH¿UVW\HDUV1RZ KHZLOOVOHHSEXWZKHQKHLVQRWKHLVLQFRQVWDQWPRWLRQ%HQQLVDJUHDWQHJRWLDWRUDQGQRWJLYLQJLQWRHYHU\WKLQJ KDVEHHQDFKDOOHQJHHVSHFLDOO\IRU0DUN,QWKHIXWXUH,VHHWKHELJJHVWFKDOOHQJHEHLQJUDLVLQJDFKLOGLQDQDJH GRPLQDWHGE\VRFLDOPHGLDDQGLQVWDQWJUDWL¿FDWLRQ(YHU\JHQHUDWLRQKDVLWVFKDOOHQJHV,WKLQNWKDWWKLVZLOOEH%HQQ¶V JHQHUDWLRQ¶V SL: What are your thoughts about adopting another child? 0 1:H¶YHGLVFXVVHGLWDQGKDYHQHYHUUXOHGLWRXWEXWZHDUHQRWDFWLYHO\SXUVXLQJVXFK:HIHHOWKDWJLYHQRXU FDUHHUVDQGEXV\OLYHVZH¶UHGRLQJRNVRIDUEXWUHDOL]LQJRXUOLPLWDWLRQVLVVRPHWKLQJZHWU\WRNHHSLQRXUPLQGV:H KDYHQRGRXEWWKDW%HQQZDVPHDQWIRUXVDQGWKDWZHJRWKLPZKHQZHGLGDQGKRZZHGLGSXUSRVHIXOO\DQGWKDWLI WKHUHLVDQRWKHUFKLOGPHDQWIRUXVLWZLOOKDSSHQ SL: You have a 3-generation household. Not a question, just a reminder. 0 1<HV,QZHFRPELQHGKRXVHKROGVZLWK1DWH¶VPRWKHU%HQQ¶V³0LQQLH´1DWHDQG,ZHUHERWKFORVHWRRXU JUDQGPRWKHUVDQGLW¶VJUHDWWRKDYHWKDWFORVHERQGEHWZHHQ%HQQDQGKLVDVZHOO QuestionsQuestions fofor Benn SL: What is your earliest memory of your dads? %HQQ7KH\ZHUHDOZD\VWKHUH,UHDOO\UHPHPEHUEHLQJDW'LVQH\ZLWKWKHP>When he was 18 months old] SL: What food do each of your dad’s make best? %HQQ'DGG\>Mark] OLNHVVSDJKHWWL,GRWRR'DGD>Nate]OLNHVPHDWORDI,GRQ¶W With Nana Marion SL: What is your favorite thing to do with Dad Mark? %HQQ6KRS«WR\V«QRWVKRHV SL: And with Dad Nate? %HQQ*RWRWKHSOD\JURXQG SL: What has been your favorite vacation with your dads? %HQQ'LVQH\ SL: Why? %HQQ,W¶V'LVQH\«'XK 6/:KRLV\RXUIDYRULWH¿FWLRQDOFKDUDFWHU":K\" %HQQ$QQDIURPFrozen6KH¶VEUDYHDQGIXQQ\ 6 I take great PRIDE in helping EVERYONE find a place to call HOME Robert V. Ritter SRS, ABR, CMRS, SFR, Executive’s Club Realtor® / Assistant Manager o: 610-395-4500 WWHHHAATT’ST’’S’S HOHOT ININ BBABANANDSD
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