Public Defender's Office Defends Its Work SEP STORY Cloudy, Mild Cloudy, mild today. CloUdy and FINAL somewhat colder tonight. Cloudy, mild tomorrow. * (See details page 2) ? EDITION Honmouth County's Uome Newspaper tor 92, Years VOL. 93 NO. 144 ' RED BANK, N. J., MONDAY, JANUARY 25,1971 18 PAGES TEN CENTS at. _t . .. Welfare Plan Savings Not Known for State By DAVID M. GOLDBERG couraged by the proposal but from that estimate would be The task force also recom- and cities. TRENTON (AP) - The ad- he questions whether states reflected in Cahill's budget mended, as Cahill had predict- Cahill called the proposal a ministration of Gov. William like New Jersey would benefit message to the legislature ed, that payments to welfare step in the right direction but T. Cahill says itia too early to enough. next month. recipients bej made in one he recalled that he had said tell how much can be saved Cahill, concerned about bal- The major savings would be lump sum, with rent included. $10 billion in new federal mon- by implementing a task force ancing the state budget for generated by eliminating a In the past, rent has been ey is needed. Cahill said Nix- recommendation for revamp- the fiscal year starting on program instituted almost two paid separately and state offi- on's plan provides only $5 bil- ing New Jersey's welfare pro- July 1, has been searching for years ago to provide welfare cials have been concerned lion in new money for the gram. ways to hold the line on state payments for persons in low- that landlords raise rents in- states. Estimates of the savings spending. : income jobs. The idea when discriminately for welfare re- "It is not enough but it is that can be realized range A special task force on wel- the program was initiated was cipients because they know five times.more than we were from $25 to $40 million, and a fare recommended nine major to stimulate persons on wel- the state will pay. getting before," the governor spokesman for Cahill said yes- changes" in the current pro- fare to find employment. The governor's top advisers commented. terday that "the governor grarh but the report did not Some financial observers are still reluctant to talk Regarding the President's may have something to say contain estimates of savings. question, whether the task about whether Cahill's budget proposals for welfare reform, about Tthe report in the middle ' The governor had called for force's recommendations message will call for new ex- Cahill recalled he said three of the week." the study three months ago would work while the state cise taxes. months ago that the state Meanwhile, the state's fin- after expressing shock at ris- has a high unemployment ra- Some drew hope during the couldn't handle the welfare ancial experts are awaiting a' ing welfare costs which he es- tio. Six per cent of the work weekend from President Nix- problem by itself any longer. more detailed report on Presi- timated might run $100 million force is unemployed, largely on's proposal for $16 billion in He said he thought the wel- dent Nixon's revenue sharing more in the coming fiscal because of the sluggish econo- revenue sharing between the fare program today "must be proposal. Cahill says he is en- year. Any savings produced my. federal government and states reworked and restructured." Cambodia Aid Seen Peaked By CARL P. LEUBSDORF bodia "contrary to the intent man Cooper, R-Ky., and "We're just putting our big that these military actions in WASHINGTON (AP) - and spirit" of the congression- Frank Church, D-Idaho—bars toe over the threshold. Before Cambodia would not be under- LONG ISLAND DERAILMENT - Workers enter crumpled car of Long Island Rail- United States involvement in al restrictions. U.S. combat ground troops we know it, the whole foot and taken." road train that derailed near Brentwood last night to search for trapped Cambodia has ' "reached the Although a closed meeting and military advisers from leg are over the threshold..." Sen. George McGovern, the passengers. About 40 persons were injured after the train derailed, uprooting borderline and maybe stepped of the Foreign Relations Com- Cambodia. Eyewitness reports Muskie, the undeclared only announced Democratic yards of track. A railroad spokesman said a switchbox appeared to have been over" the limitations imposed mittee was called today, some and photographs last weelfin- front-runner for his party's candidate for the presidential pried open and that federal authorities were asked to investigate. by Congress, says Sen. George senators, Mansfield among dicated U.S. helicopter crew- nomination to the presidency, nomination, said Nixon's (AP Wirephoto) D. Aiken. them, want the panel to hold men have set foot on Cambo- also is being recommended by "failure to pull us out of the But the Vermont Republi-' public hearings on whether dian soil, but White House and the Democratic Steering Com- Vietnam quicksand promptly can, senior GOP member of Nixon has gone beyond limits Pentagon officials denied they mittee to be named to the and decisively is not an act of the Senate Foreign Affairs put on his action in Southeast were advisers. Foreign Relations Committee. strength, but rather reveals a Committee, was outstripped in Asia last year—the Cooper- Criticism of American ac- 'Disregard' Cited lack of the strength needed to his assessment by senate Church Amendment. tion in Cambodia spread over The administration course, face up to the enormity of our Job Defense Offered Democratic / Leader Mike Rule Is Denied • the weekend. In Sacramento, he said, "displays a disregard error and the seriousness of Mansfield, who declared the The amendment-named for Calif., Sen. Edmund S. Mus- not only for the voice of Con- our predicament." American air support in Cam- sponsoring Sens.. John. Sher- kic, D-Maine, said: gress in foreign affairs, but McGovern and Muskie both also for the administration's spoke at the California Demo- own words early last summer cratic Convention. By Public Defender$ By BOB DUB1LL "I can only speculate," he There are. more than 100 NEWARK (AP)-The Pub- said. "We're efficient. That's lawyers noiV 'and:8S investiga- Peace Pact Pursuit lic Defender's Office finds it- not what a lot of people _/ant tors. Salaries have been up- self in. the ourious position of to hear. A lot of people think graded to $l?,0W for those defending itself for doing its that poor people ought to be in hired fresh from law school, job. jail." and $15,500 for those with two Affirmed by Israel "It is permitted to overem- VanNess remembers the years' experience. The trend phasize service to indigents days when he was on the pros- is to full time work in the JERUSALEM (AP) - Is- and Israel be explored fur- and, in some cases, to provide ecution side, fa the U.S. Attor- Public Defenders' office rath- rael yesterday renewed its ther. more than adequate legal rep- ney's office. er than having to "moonlight" pledge to pursue a peace* set- , One such point mentioned resentation," said the Gover- "I sometimes wondered in civil cases. For the first tlement in the U.N. Middle here is "nlie indication from nor's management Commis- whether justice was "being time, applications for jobs are East negotiations but ex- both sides to end the state of sion, a" blue ribbon panel o( served, whether lawyers ap- being received from schools pressed dissatisfaction over belligerency. businessmen. pointed by the courts to repre- such as Harvard and Yale. Arab responses to the talks. Jordan Unrest Stays Lawyers in and out of state sent the poor in criminal mat- The blue ribbon commission ters were doing all they Foreign Minister Abba Jordan's internal disputes government found the com- took the Public Defender to could," he said. "The Public Eban told the Israeli Cabinet mission's comments on the task for "becoming involved continued. Defender's Office has given that Egypt and Jordan were Public Defender puzzling. in programs dealing with re- King Hussein's government poor people a better break. ignoring the essentials in Is- Something Wrong? habilitation of offenders and in Jordan accused leaders of It's not all it should be bm it's "Is there something wrong with causes and prevention of rael's peace proposals. the Palestinian guerrilla a helluva lot better than it with emphasizing service to crime, thus duplicating the ef- A communique issued after movement of trying to set the was." forts of other departments." the poor?" one lawyer won- the meeting said Eban and stage for the creation of a The Public Defender is ask- VanNess wonders how the Premier Golda Meir were au- separate Palestinian state as ders. "Isn't that the very rea- son for the Public Defender's ing the legislature to provide commission arrived at this thorized by the Cabinet to part of a peace settlement in S7.8 million for the next fiscal existence?" conclusion. He said the Public draft a reply to Arab propos- the Middle East. year so that the backlog of Defender's Office hasn't spent als presented last week to A government statement, Another lawyer takes issue cases doesn't exceed eight a dime on rehabilitation even Gunnar V. Jarring, the U.N. broadcast by Amman radio, with the commission's asser- months. though the statute permits it. ' mediator conducting the nego- charged that guerrilla leaders tion that "more than adequate tiations in New York. have embarked upon this legal representation" is prov- ided in some cases.
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