Ursinus College Digital Commons @ Ursinus College Ursinus College Grizzly Newspaper Newspapers 3-2-1999 The Grizzly, March 2, 1999 Joanna Doyle Ursinus College Erny Hoke Ursinus College Richard Barrett Ursinus College Kurt Miller Ursinus College Kate Buchert Ursinus College See next page for additional authors Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.ursinus.edu/grizzlynews Part of the Cultural History Commons, Higher Education Commons, Liberal Studies Commons, Social History Commons, and the United States History Commons Click here to let us know how access to this document benefits ou.y Recommended Citation Doyle, Joanna; Hoke, Erny; Barrett, Richard; Miller, Kurt; Buchert, Kate; Roberts, Ryan; Fryer, Judith E.; Gerchak, Andrew; Cocca, Chris; Pope, Joe; Walker, Dave; Bailey, Brandon; Nemphos, Lou; Church, Jeff; and Inglot, Kim, "The Grizzly, March 2, 1999" (1999). Ursinus College Grizzly Newspaper. 436. https://digitalcommons.ursinus.edu/grizzlynews/436 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the Newspapers at Digital Commons @ Ursinus College. It has been accepted for inclusion in Ursinus College Grizzly Newspaper by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons @ Ursinus College. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Authors Joanna Doyle, Erny Hoke, Richard Barrett, Kurt Miller, Kate Buchert, Ryan Roberts, Judith E. Fryer, Andrew Gerchak, Chris Cocca, Joe Pope, Dave Walker, Brandon Bailey, Lou Nemphos, Jeff Church, and Kim Inglot This book is available at Digital Commons @ Ursinus College: https://digitalcommons.ursinus.edu/grizzlynews/436 It's wneV\. !:jOIA':re Sctje ctt Iwme thctt !:jou wish !:jou were hctviV\.g ctV\. ctaveV\.ture. WheV\. !:jou're hctviV\.g ctV\. ctaveV\.ture, !:jou wish THE GRIZZLY !:jou were sctje ctt home. -ThomtoV\. wilcter Volume XXII Number 1ZL March 2, 1999 - The Student Newspaper of Ursinus College Vaccination for Meningitis a Success Greg Quatrini, the event's su­ Kurt Miller pervisor, said that the event was Special to The Grizzly a great success. "Very good turnout, 1 don't have any exact On Wednesday, February numbers, but I'd say about 25% 26 you could have gone down of the student population was to Wismer Center, gotten a vaccinated. " cheese-steak at Zack' s, eaten You might ask yourself why it in the Lower-Lounge, and the school suddenly sponsored then have gotten dead Menin­ such a campus wide drive for gitis spiracles injected into immunizations for meningitis your bloodstream for $75. when they haven't done so in the This is because Ursinus Col­ past. The answer is because the lege sponsored an immuniza­ disease has been spreading around tion campaign last Wednes­ campuses across the East Coast. day to try and halt the slowly Georgia Tech had two cases di­ . , spreading and sometimes agnosed on their campus this deadly disease ofMeningitis. (Continued on Page 2) Kyle Goldwater being vaccinated for meningitis. Staff Photo Hoke Dr. England to Speak Some of the on Social Crowds Cast of Richard Barrett already taken place, but Dr. CLOUD 9 Special to The Grizzly England explams that it is in poses after middle school where kids Everyone remembers middle first learn to differentiate their school and how students fell into between social groups. "The performance certain groups just by the way middle school students start on Thursday they looked, acted, or dressed. to form these groups as a night. This is one ofthe themes that will way to find psychological be discussed by Dr, Eileen En- support other than their par­ gland,associateprofessorofpsy- ents, and also it helps them chology, in her lecture entitled to learn to form social cat­ Staff Photo By "Middle School Students and egories." Sue Fialkowski Their Social Crowds: The Im- One might think that put­ portance ofNerds, Populars, and ting people into social cat­ Druggies", on March 4, in Olin egories is just the same as Auditorium at 4: 15 p.m. stereotyping them. Dr. En- High school is the place where gland, however, says, "it only most of the social grouping has (Continued on Page 3) NEWS OPINIONS FEATURES A&E SPORTS Scenes from USGA And you thought the Fighting The Week's Wrestling Nationals Make-a-Wish Cartoon Network only the Flu New Releases at College Benefit showed Scooby Doo ... Page 3 Page 10 of New Jersey Page 2 Page 6 Page II Page 2 The Grizzly NEWS March 2, 1999 Middle States Presents Findings Kate Buchert have caused some stress for Staff Writer the faculty, and Sullivan Ursinus entered the final phase added that "there is a sense ofthe Middle States Association that implementation was oftheCommission ofHigher Edu- without consultation." More cation reaccredidation process communication is needed be­ this past week as a team of vis i- tween the faculty and staff. tors from regional colleges and Despitethat,Sullivanpointed universitiesmetwithmembersof out that the faculty is com­ the Ursinus community. The mittedand supportive ofstu­ team, who was present on cam- dent achievement. There was pus from Sunday, February 21, also a concern over the lack through Wednesday, February ofrecreational facilities and 24, held two meetings to discuss fmancial planning. All in MSA's assessment of Ursinus. all, the team was "inspired On Tuesday, February 23, the by what Ursinus has done so faculty and administration had far." The Ursinus Student Government Association (USGA) recently held a community the opportunity to meet with the In addition to Daniel service project, Baket Bingo, in which they raised money for the Make-A-Wish Visiting Team. On Wednesday, Sullivan, the team was com­ Foundation. Participants played 20 games of bingo for Longenberger baskets. February 24, the entire campus posed of: Susan M. Staff Photos By Emy Hoke was invited to a meeting held in Donovan, vice president for Pfahler Auditorium. Daniel F. student development and Sullivan, president of St. dean of students at Loyola Lawrence University, gave a brief College; Ellen F. Falduto, debriefing which will go into the chief infonnation and plan­ MSA's final report on Ursinus. ning officer at Hartwick Sullivan remarked that there is College; Lucie Lapovsky, an "electricity and detennined vice president for finance at focus" at Ursinus and that this is Goucher College; Murray J. a college that "helps students Levith, professor ofEnglish transfonn themselves." at Skidmore College; Ken- He observed that there is "a neth L. Schick, professor of campaign to foster student physics at Union College; achievement with the faculty as and Michael B. Poliakoff, coach-mentors." Some of the deputy secretary for post sec­ challenges facing Ursinus are ondaryandhighereducahon, based on the fact that the "pace of Pennsylvania Department of change is rapid." These changes Education. r--;~~~~~~~Meningitis Vaccination A Success The G rizzl y (Continued from Page 1) school year; Boston University During the 80's the military was There were some students had one, as did Lehigh. Menin­ having similar problems with the who complained of slight ERNY HOKE JOANNA DOYLE spread of meningitis and insti­ discomfort though. "I didn't Editors-in-Chie! gitishasa 13% mortality rate and MELISSA FORBES 50% ofthe people who contact it tuted a similar campaign that was feel right all day." Said Jo­ Managing Editor will have pennanent neurologi­ very successful in reducing the sephDernarco, ''My arm was DR. LYNNE EDWARDS FacultyAdvisor cal and physical damage that number of infections. a little sore and I felt out ofit. MELISSA FORBES STEPHANIE PALMER ranges from deafness to amputa­ Those vaccinated on Wednes­ But I'm on other medication Business Managers tion ofextremities. day were held for fifteen minutes too right now so that might ANDY GERCHAK News Editor In 1997 the American College to see if they had an adverse be the reason." STEPHANIE DUNCAN, JENN FYKE Features Editors Health Associationrecommended reaction to the shot, and then After all was said and done, CHRIS COCCA Opinions Editor released to resume life as nonnal. the students who participated JEFF CHURCH, LOU NEMPHOS Arts & Entertainment Editors vaccinations be made available KIMINGLOT Sports Editors to students because Meningitis Ursinus student Coleman Barry may have been left a little remarked: light in the pocket and sore in Editorial Policy thrives in college living condi­ tions. These conditions include "It didn't hurt more than any the arm, but were given some All letters and articles submitted to The Grizzly must be signed by the author. In the interest of content integrity,anonymous articles will not be published. cluster living, binge drinking, other shot, and my ann wasn't peace ofmind in retmn. Opinions that appear in articles are those ofthose authors. and not necessarily utensil sharing, physical inti­ sore at all. Tetanus shots area lot those ofthe student body or ad ministration. The Grizzlyreserves the right to worse." edit any submission for grarmnatical.legal. and/or spatial purposes. macy, and passive smoking. March 2, 1999 FEATURES The' Grizz~y Page 3 Dr. Englan~ to Speak on Social Crowds (Continued from Page 1) bad, ' then it could get that person crowds. "It's the belief that the becomes a stereotype ifit's into trouble." majority of druggies smoke, misused." She believes that SophomoreDrewOwenstook whereas most athletes don't the making of these social notice of this when he was in smoke, and the smart kids defi­ categories are in fact a good school. "I was an athlete and a nitelydon't." She went on to say thing, and that they are, "a good student," Owens said, "and that, "These categories are all positive sign of decision having the variety of social based on varyingdegrees.because, making." When middle crowds gave me the options of for example, although it's be­ school kids look at social choosing which ones fit me best. lieved that most athletes don't crowds, they either say, I I saw that the bad crowd didn't smoke or do drugs, there are some do want to be like them, or agree with me or my goals as a who do." Idon'twantto be like them.
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