, ' ,1 Vears of Feuding Between City, Coralville Near End 4 01 New. Analysis soon and should pose no real ob­ Most of the disputed area, would necessarily have to reach maintalned that the lack 01 the the most part leaned toward aI. part of its campus located In a By JOANNE WALTON stacle, which included the Oakdale com­ a r 0 u n d Coralville', northern board's ignature voided the pe­ tillation with Coralville. The tax diCfetellt cit)'. On November 11 and 12 Iowa Th ••,reem.nt Clils for I.nd plex, was owned by the Univer­ shoulder like an amorous sweet· tition, and, in September, started rate was considerably leu, (and I... efht1 .. .....we t h • City and Coralville informally lOuth of the south rl,ht-of-way sity, which maintained a sewage heart, or create a lanky penin­ a move to acquire the same .tolemo", a lolflt _",I".. tract. still is today, by about six miIlI) and separately approved an an· line of the Rock Island r.,lIroad disposal plant to meet its own sula along the Rock lsland rail­ and they foraaw extensive crowtb .Of 1OIected, _,....... of ,... nexation pact that's the nearest tr.ck. - with the exc.ptlon of needs. road tracks and northward. Beside. Oakd.le, tho Ire. council .,..",1Mn ooch from included tho HoIid.y Inn by both communities that would thing to a peace treaty the two Coralvill.', propo ..d ..wa,. However, the plant was old, Coralville felt any such action .1.. one day put them "in" low. City 1_0 City and Coralvillo. Tho communities h&ve ever had. pl.nt sit. - to be open to an· and the complex was growing would inhibit her own growth, complex .nII • site which WOf 1_. City repAIOnt.tiv" .... beln, I...... Iy considered for • anyw.y, much like University Hopefully, when the document is nexation by low. Clty_ L.nd and placing greater demands on and when, in the course of re­ Heights. 11ft Ity "","tl", tho ......x .. drawn and signed, It will signal north of "" lin. is open to existing facilities. Iowa City had searching a not her municipal Coralvi/Ie ..w.,. pt.nt, tlon pnlCHCli"" Ito rnclndotl the end of bitter rivalry that, Cor.lvlll •. Th. city limits lin. the only other sewage plant avail· problem, her attorneys dis· Coralville sewage was at the The University, on the other anll _ "buffer 1Me" d,own be· until recently, has split the cities ..p.r.tln, .a.tern Coralvill. able, so the University petitioned covered an irregularity in Iowa time being processed by Iowa hand, w. n'L bothered by tues. yond whldl ...1ttMr c:ity wevld for years. from w.. t.rn Iowa City will b. to be annexed. City's annexation proceedings, City, but plans for expanding that It was concerned in&tead with: __11 wIttwMIt tho .thor'. ,.,. Coralville has already signed the oth.r boundlry, Th. prospects of .dd.d O.k· Coralville pounced and charged city's system called for Coral­ e Future eJlpanslOll, hich It "'i"len. dal. r.nnu. to help defr.y s.n­ ville to kick in several thousand the pact. Iowa City has agreed The pact applies to both volun· that Iowa City's annexation was didn't want tied up by city boun­ The plan feU throucb. and 10 to sign - but has put off the ac­ tary and involuntary annexation itation cosh WIS quite .ccep. invalid. dollars. daries OD t.he west. did the joint committee. This, plus a recent hike in the tual putting pen to paper until for the next 10 years. tabl. to lowl City. The city As legal "owner" of the land, • The possibility of heavy in· _I some objections by the county In 1964, a tract of land stretch· held .n election .nd the O.k· the State Board of Regents - rates, had caused Coralville to In April, 19615, raJdeots of both not the University or its repre­ investigate the possibilities of dustry moving in 011 its IOIIthem Iowa City and COralville ap­ f Board of Supervisors and reser­ ing from north of Oakdale to d.1e re,lon was annexed. fringes jf Coralville ,ot the land. south of Highway 6 was added to Municipal annexations, how­ sentative - was required sign building a plant of her own. The proved broad aMention propo I vations by the county Board of to tried Health are cleared up. Iowa City's holdings. Thus began ever, require that the land to be the annexation pelition. The problem was that the plant ile (Coral ville officials unsuc· als whose areu overlappfd eacb TheSe slight roadblocks to fin­ the now notorious "shoestring an­ added directly adjoin the incor­ board had not signed the petition lay inside the area to be an· ce Fully to re ure the Univer· olber. alization of the annexation pact nexation battle" that was to siz­ porated city doing the anne¥ing. until after the annexation action nexed. sity on this acorel. The cue 10 Jobaaoo Coun- are eXP\!Cted to be taken care of zle for more than three years. To get at Oakdale, Iowa City had gone through. Coralville Families living In the area for: • The inconvenience of bavln, Sao TRIATY, '''' • ail Iowan Council Delays Serving thti University of Iowa and the People of Iowa City Annexation Pact Established in 1868 10 cents a copy Associated Press Leased Wire and Wirephoto Iowa City, Iowa 52240-Wednesday, Dec:ember 18, 1968 Iy MARK ROHNIR between the COUD(y aDd CoralvWe. "nit The City Council deferred formal Ilgn­ county 11 aakln{ Iowa CIty to delay len­ ing of an Jowa City·Coralville annexation ine the annexatim pact while Coralvillt pact Tuesday night although both ciU is urein, early rauticatlon In order that Nixon Seen Eying have already approved aereemeni, it may eet Injunctions lifted ODd comply Iowa City's action will make it difficult with the UnIversity's Feb. 1 deadline or impossible fDr Coralville to comply with With Cevncll",.n Clemont L. (TI",) the terms of a contract It. has with the Ir.ndt cOltin, tho IInIy dlnontint veto, Treaty Approval University. the cotInC II ••....-cI to ...fe, form.1 11,n­ Coralville has agreed tD treat sewage "" of tho pact at Ie ••t until DIe ••• NEW YORK IA'I - President-elect Nixon from tile University's Oakdale complex If the aMcxatJon agreement is 1 , visited the United Nations Tuesday, pledg· but the agreement stipulates that Coral· It will draw lin" beyond which ch eM\­ ed his administration "to do everything ville have let a contracl for: construction mwUty would aer nol to aMCX land un· that we can to strengthen this organiza­ of the treatmoot plant by Feb. 1. Ul 1978. The .U ment Is the result of lion" - and left one diplomat with a However, before tM contr.ct can 1M over three years' n l:otI OIlS betw 1 hint that he may soon advocate U. S. ratio I.t, injunction. filed by low. City and the two cIt( . fication of lhe treaty to conlrol the spread John.on County th.t b.r Coralv lIIe from In other busineu Tuesday nl,ht, th of nuclear weapons, constructln, Its pl.nt must be liftocl, ounciJ referred to City Man , r Frank That indication came from William C, And tho ann.x.tlon pact must be .I,neel Smiley a letter siped by 19 membera 01 Foster, chief U.S, disarmament negotiator, bofor. tho Inlunctlon. can be ...",oved. a Univ nity troup, AlIOCialed Womt'n aIter a conversation with Nixon, The Pres· Coralville was enjoined {rom construct· Students (AWS), requeatinl: lmproved ident·elect said during the campaign that ing its plant while assurances were lOught litr 1J~e in the area of the women', Senate approval of lhe lrealy should be that outflow from the plant would not be re Idence halls. The letter caUed lor li(ht· delayed because of the Soviet invasion of dangerous to 10\"a City'S wa supply or ing lmprovemen on North C1Jnton Street. Czechoslovakia. He has not publicly alter· to fanners living dowOlitream {rom the on portion of capitol, lad on, Washlng­ ed that stand. plant. ton and Colle e la, in the alley be. But Foster said Nix 0 n told him that Johnson County is still looklni for as­ Ide Kate Dawn House and In the area while the time mayor may not be righ t surances to the farmers. When Jowa City n ar E Hall and the I05fc Buildin,. for ratification now, it is shortly going to agree<! Dec. 3 to sign th agreement at In a parate letter, Jerritt C. Ludwl,. be ripe. its formal meeting Tuesd~~ ' , County ALly. direclor ot th Univcr Ity'a om of Nixon spent a little more than 25 min­ Robert W. Jans n asked that lormal rat· Plan nine and Development, urlled t bat utes at a reception for U.N. delegates and ificatlon be delayed until the county could the city ilvt' special ott ntlon to the im- staH members, give further study to th qu lion. provements u In th AW letter. miley said the city', proiJ'8m of re­ Nixon earlier named Herbert Stein, a Mayor Loren Hick rson r ported Tues' day night that the di pute had not be n pi cine incand ent lamp' with mercury Washington scholar and economist, to be a arc light at intel"lection wa nearly member of the Council of Economic Ad­ Brazilian Troops Stand Guard Near Rio resolved in a meetinll between Coralville officials and the County lloard of Health complete, Wh n lhl nera! I1l:hting pro­ visers.
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