US0081603 06B1 (12) United States Patent (10) Patent No.: US 8,160,306 B1 Neustel (45) Date of Patent: Apr. 17, 2012 (54) PATENT ANALYZING SYSTEM 6,002,798 A * 12/1999 Palmer et al. ................. 382, 176 6,014,663 A * 1/2000 Rivette et al. ...... TO7/690 (76) Inventor: Michael S. Neustel, Fargo, ND (US) 95. f : 358 Stet al. .....................40 's - - : 155 i? ra...' (*) Notice: Subject to any disclaimer, the term of this 7.68: R ck 1338. its tal 29, patent is extended or adjusted under 35 7,941,468 B2 * 5/2011 Zellner et al. .. 707,932 U.S.C. 154(b) by 987 days. 2005/0210.009 A1* 9, 2005 Tran .................................. 707/3 OTHER PUBLICATIONS (21) Appl. No.: 12/132,674 United States Patent and Trademark Office, Patent Full-Text and (22) Filed: Jun. 4, 2008 Full-PageImage Database, <available at http://www.uspto.gov/patft. index.html Jun. 3, 2008>, 1 page. Related U.S. Application Data Patentcafe, Advanced Technology Patent Search, Patent Analytics and Intellectual Property Management Solutions,<available at http:// (60) Provisional application No. 60/942,361, filed on Jun. www.patentcafe.com/ Jun. 3, 2008>, 1 page. 6, 2007. Neustel Software, Inc., PatentHunter, <available at http://www. (51) Int. Cl patenthunter.com/, Jun. 3, 2008>, 1 page. nt. C. G06K 9/00 (2006.01) * cited by examiner G09G 5/00 (2006.01) Primary Examiner — Vikkram Bali (52) U.S. Cl. ........ r 382/113: 345/556; 345/658 Assistant Examiner — Nancy Bitar (58) Field of Classification Search .................. 382/112, (74) Attorney, Agent, or Firm — Michael S. Neustel 382/113; 715/224,522. 523,507; 705/310; 707/748,749,730; 358/505; 34.5/649, 658, (57) ABSTRACT 34.5/659 A patent analyzing system for efficiently reviewing and ana See application file for complete search history. lyzing a patent document (e.g. patent application, published patent document or patent). The patent analyzing system (56) References Cited includes identifying the element names within a patent docu ment and modifying patent drawing sheets to include element U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS names and figure descriptions. 5,144,679 A * 9, 1992 Kakumoto et al. 382,113 5,754,840 A 5, 1998 Rivette et al. 20 Claims, 25 Drawing Sheets Patent Website 30 Global Computer NetWork Patent Website (e.g. Intrernet) 12 30 Download Computer Text Analyzer 20 Preceding Words Non-Element Database Words Database U.S. Patent Apr. 17, 2012 Sheet 1 of 25 US 8,160,306 B1 I"5)IH U.S. Patent Apr. 17, 2012 Sheet 2 of 25 US 8,160,306 B1 Input Patent Document Number Download Text/Inage Data Identify Element Names Generate Index of Elements Generate Listing of Elements to Analyze END FIG. 2 U.S. Patent Apr. 17, 2012 Sheet 3 of 25 US 8,160,306 B1 Display Text of Patent Search Term Element Entered? Selected? Search Text of Patent Document for Element/Term Highlight Element/Term Display Only the Sentence(s) That Display Only Sentence(s) Contain The Element/Term Selected? Display Only the Display Only Paragraph(s) Paragraph(s) That Contain The Selected? Element/Term FIG. 3a U.S. Patent Apr. 17, 2012 Sheet 4 of 25 US 8,160,306 B1 Provide Patent Text of Patent Document Search for Nurnber within Patent Text Identify First Word To Left of Number Identified Not an Element First Word a Name - Do Not "Non-Element Add to Index of Word"? Elements Element Name = Maximum Number Yes Maximum Words of Words Left of to Left of Number the Number Identified? Identify Next Word To Left of Prior Identified Word Element Name = Add Element Narne Identified Next Words Between to Index of Elements Word a "Preceding Number and and Element Name Word"? "Preceding Word" Listing FIG. 3b U.S. Patent Apr. 17, 2012 Sheet 5 of 25 US 8,160,306 B1 l Identify Element Name for Number More Than NO Proceed to Next Element Name for Element Name Number? Select Only the Plural or Singular Only Difference Yes Element Name Plural vs. Singular Based on Form SP Preferences Do the Different No Keep All Variations Element Names Have of Element Names Any Similar for Number Words? Display Pop-Up With All Proceed to Next Variations and Request User to Element Name Select a Desired Element Name FIG. 3C U.S. Patent Apr. 17, 2012 Sheet 6 of 25 US 8,160,306 B1 START Identify Element Name for Number More Than 1. NO Proceed to Next Element Name for Element Name Number? Select Only the Only Difference Yes Plural or Singular Element Name Plural vs. Singular Forms? Based on Preferences DO the Different NO Keep All Variations Element Names Have of Element Names Any Similar for Number Words? Use the Element Name for the Number that is the Longest or Shortest Based On Preferences FIG. 3d U.S. Patent Apr. 17, 2012 Sheet 7 of 25 US 8,160,306 B1 Identify Element Name for Number More Than 1 Proceed to Next Element Name for Element Name Number? Keep Only the Only Difference Yes Plural or Singular Plural vs. Singular Element Name Forms? Based on Preferences No Identify First Word to Left of Number for Each of the Number's Elements Identified Keep All Variations First Word Same of Element Names for all Element for Number Names? Identify Next Word to Left of Prior Identified Word for Each of the Number's Element Names Identified Keep All Wariations First Word Same of Element Names for all Element for Number Names? FIG. 3e U.S. Patent Apr. 17, 2012 Sheet 8 of 25 US 8,160,306 B1 Identify Element Name for Number More Than 1 NO Proceed to Next Element Name for Element Name Number? Select Only the Only Difference Yes Plural or Singular Plural vs. Singular Element Name Forms? Based on Preferences DO the Different NO Keep All Wariations Element Names Have of Element Names Any Similar for Number Words? Use the Element Name Used First Or Last in the Patent DOCument Based on Preferences FIG. 3f U.S. Patent Apr. 17, 2012 Sheet 9 of 25 US 8,160,306 B1 Identify Element Name for Number More Than 1 NO Proceed to Next Element Name for Element Name Number? Select Only the Only Difference Plural or Singular Plural vs. Singular Element Name Forms? Based on Preferences DO the Different Keep All Variations Element Names Have Of Element Names Any Similar for Number Words? Use the Element Name That HaS The MOSt OCCurences. In the Patent DOCument FIG. 3g U.S. Patent Apr. 17, 2012 Sheet 10 of 25 US 8,160,306 B1 Patent.Analyzer Trial version (Project 544.4333) File Settings Tools Help 544.4333 analyze ) C stop) Prior Projects; select Existing Project v Index of Elements Specificator claims images PRINT PN IN WOR is dex.cf. Eleanerits for U.S. Patent rig. 544.4333 a. First Inductor Circuit. E. Terrirals or ArrangerTigrit AC Power Source T 148; indictor 19: ... Supply. ... 32. secondary 12: ...C. Converter X- - - - - - 52: trans 2: ACC Unit" 52; switch TranSlsior 12 E-CBridge Converter Invertar Circuit TE6; Resistorscapacitor siststrustwwww.amrmarrm-mm--erter craft r-r Simply Place Gagagg. a Storage capacitor 13: EtertantSecond Flerner -e-rea--- - Tube r -- 78, 20; Fluorescent Tube 32. 2. TFores "Capacitance e Power Transist 25: E98. power Transsler 25: starter Circuit 198;" ra-aa 28; T protection Figg w goo: A westees 30: capacitors " " " " " Secondarig" Tidy ictors Primary 3 Code Eridge - capacitor-o- s Registor so 44; CapacitorT. 6: 44: Supply Capacitor 18; 44: Charge capacitor 22: 45; Diede" T 124: f). 126;. Triet... Mw - Y - Developed in Cooperation with Neuste Law Offices, LTD Analysis of Patent NuTuber: 544.4333 Complete FIG. 4 U.S. Patent Apr. 17, 2012 Sheet 11 of 25 US 8,160,306 B1 PatentAnalyzer Trial Version (Project 544.4333) IX File Settings Tools Help 544.4333 CANalyze ) C stop ). Prior Projects: select existing Project ly Index of Elements Specification claims images Display only sentence(s) v with element(s). -Enter Text to Search A United States Patent 5,444,333 al w -- - - - --- August 22, 1995 -select Element to Analyze- Electronic ballast circuit for a fluorescent light - - 1;i? firstterminals |A Abstract 10:10: ACpower power supply source An energy efficient and cost effective electronic ballast circuit which 12: DC converter lights a frescent tube but which avoids excessive voltages or 12: AC-DC unit pulsing gf the tube, The starter clrcuit preheats the flaments for a H. ity. time sufficient to ensure quick ignition upon application of an E. appropriate voltage, then ceases the flow of current after the tube is 14; AC converter circuit lighted to avold wasting energy, 16: inductor - 18; filaments -------- "" " "r-os---mira-------...------------ R. son ament Inventors: Lau; Lake (Walnut, CA) E. en Assignee, lights Of America, Inc. (Walnut, CA) 20; fluorescent tube Appl. No.: 066564 20:22: capacitancefluorescent Eight tub Fled;- rMay 26, 1993 22: capacitor O22/24: capacitors Current U.S., Class: 315/94; 315/102; 315/106; 315/107; 24: capacitor 'sis/SIG 5 24; capacitance --- 26; starte --- Intern Class: 1-053 (139/00 26; starter circuit Field of Search; 3. 5/94, 95, 96,102,1 O3, C4,106, iO7, DIG. 28; protection fuse 5,289 30: capacitors --------- n- a 32; A.inducto Page ----- References Cited4. Referenced By H.A.42; resist or U.S. Patent Documentswwwn -----------areer 44: supply capacitor a353). Oct., 982 Knoll et al., 35/22O, E. age capacitor 4458.39 Now, 1983 LeSea 315/308. O48; inductor circuit d694224. Sep, 1987 Nakagawa et al. 315/177, R.E.
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